Deep state lifer John Bolton urges GOP to "explain to the voters that Trump lost."

You people used to love the apocalypse walrus. Poor guy. He spends his life being a hard right defense hawk just to be discarded for trying to talk sense to the president and his disciples.
Never been a fan of Mr Bolton, but this time he is right. As for making it to the supreme court, I doubt it. They are not really into suffering fools, just to make them feel better.
Who's they ?
Us 70 million Trump supporters have a say.
If Sleepy Joe really thinks he won fair and square he should be happy DHS is on the case.
Never been a fan of Mr Bolton, but this time he is right. As for making it to the supreme court, I doubt it. They are not really into suffering fools, just to make them feel better.
Who's they ?
Us 70 million Trump supporters have a say.
If Sleepy Joe really thinks he won fair and square he should be happy DHS is on the case.
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They had their say. They lost fair and square. Now they will have to live with it, just like the crazed heartbroken dumb Dems back in 2016. Supremes are not into coddling the masses for coddling sake, either.
All the more reason to keep investigating the voter fraud.

This is going to the Supreme Court, no matter what the media is telling you right now.

All the more reason to stop wasting taxpayer money and get on with the nation's business, as once again our Democracy is being denigrated by your grifter in chief. 5 million votes? That is a slaughter.

Not if half of them are fraudulent, Sinbad.
Keep your shirt on.
This is going to the Supreme Court, no matter what the media is telling you right now.
SCOTUS is not the cure-all for the cancer of liberalism that infects America. We have an advanced case of malignant melanoma with complications of end-stage leukemia on the continent, and we desperately need ionizing radiation for treatment. Nuke the shit out of that stuff, to put it politely. Thread was closed on the Biden mess. It was in CDZ, but there's nothing clean to say about it.
It is clear that Hunter Biden is a total mess. He is the prototype for the loser offspring of a famous person. The human landscape is littered with these damaged people. Let the FBI do it's job analyzing the pornographic evidence. The focus must be on the money laundering and all the ties between foreign interests and The Big Guy, Daddy Joe. The circumstantial evidence even before the laptop was overwhelming. Joe Biden sold his influence by using Hunter as a proxy with the Ukrainians and the Chinese. He thought he could get away with it, because that's the way it's always worked in American politics until Donald Trump came along. If you have another explanation, let's hear it.
And now there's the matter of Dominion Voting Systems Corp and Scytl Secure Electronic Voting, S.A. with Canada, Spain, and Germany controlling and overruling elections and court cases in the United States at the City Hall level through INTERPOL at local police stations and sheriff's offices.
Never been a fan of Mr Bolton, but this time he is right. As for making it to the supreme court, I doubt it. They are not really into suffering fools, just to make them feel better.
Who's they ?
Us 70 million Trump supporters have a say.
If Sleepy Joe really thinks he won fair and square he should be happy DHS is on the case.
View attachment 416536
You all had a say on election day. For the last 4 years the losing voters have taken a verbal beating from trump, who
gave them no say. Trust me. This is America again, not just "red" against "blue". Help it happen rather than try to defuse it.
All the more reason to keep investigating the voter fraud.

This is going to the Supreme Court, no matter what the media is telling you right now.

All the more reason to stop wasting taxpayer money and get on with the nation's business, as once again our Democracy is being denigrated by your grifter in chief. 5 million votes? That is a slaughter.

Not if half of them are fraudulent, Sinbad.
Keep your shirt on.

And you believe in the fairy god-mother.

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