Deep State News - Rudy Says Prosecutions Will Happen

My guess is they will drop the investigation because people are just sick and tired of hearing about it.
Prosecutions would be good news. It would be better if they decide to charge them with treason, which is exactly what they committed. A coup is treason.
Prosecutions would be good news. It would be better if they decide to charge them with treason, which is exactly what they committed. A coup is treason.

A “coup” is defined as an armed insurrection to usurp power. “Treason” is defined as aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of a war declared by Congress.

Neither charge is applicable but only because Trump’s aid to Putin isn’t coming during a time of a declared war.
Prosecutions would be good news. It would be better if they decide to charge them with treason, which is exactly what they committed. A coup is treason.
A “coup” is defined as an armed insurrection to usurp power. “Treason” is defined as aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of a war declared by Congress.
Why are Democrats siding with our enemies?
Obammy is in deepdoodoo.
The conspirators are going to rat on him the first chance that they get.
Prosecutions would be good news. It would be better if they decide to charge them with treason, which is exactly what they committed. A coup is treason.

A “coup” is defined as an armed insurrection to usurp power. “Treason” is defined as aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of a war declared by Congress.

Neither charge is applicable but only because Trump’s aid to Putin isn’t coming during a time of a declared war.

From the dictionary:
a brilliant, sudden, and usually highly successful stroke or act. She pulled off quite a coup when she snagged the usually reclusive author for an interview.
Prosecutions would be good news. It would be better if they decide to charge them with treason, which is exactly what they committed. A coup is treason.

A “coup” is defined as an armed insurrection to usurp power. “Treason” is defined as aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of a war declared by Congress.

Neither charge is applicable but only because Trump’s aid to Putin isn’t coming during a time of a declared war.

What “aid”?
Prosecutions would be good news. It would be better if they decide to charge them with treason, which is exactly what they committed. A coup is treason.

A “coup” is defined as an armed insurrection to usurp power. “Treason” is defined as aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of a war declared by Congress.

Neither charge is applicable but only because Trump’s aid to Putin isn’t coming during a time of a declared war.

What “aid”?
Maybe he'll "have more flexibility after the election."

Pretty funny how "collusion" is an issue with these hypocrites only now.
Prosecutions would be good news. It would be better if they decide to charge them with treason, which is exactly what they committed. A coup is treason.

A “coup” is defined as an armed insurrection to usurp power. “Treason” is defined as aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of a war declared by Congress.

Neither charge is applicable but only because Trump’s aid to Putin isn’t coming during a time of a declared war.

What “aid”?

Fracturing NATO. Pulling back in Syria and letting Assad and the Russians win. Tearing up the arms limitation treaty. Failing to enforce sanctions. Tearing up the Iran Nuclear Treaty.
Time is running out for the criminals in the Deep State.

<< Rudy Giuliani weighed in on the explosive DOJ Inspector General Report on former FBI Director James Comey’s handling of the Russia probe and promised that “prosecutions will happen,” >>

Rudy Giuliani: 'Prosecutions Will Happen' Following IG Report on Comey
The only way for an arrest to happen? You have to vote for the right candidates. Pres.Trump has to take control of the House and the Senate so he can start real investigations and appoint the right people for the job. He is not going to get nothing done in this term. They knows that Pres.Trump automatically will win the 2020 election. But their main focus is controlling the House and the Senate. All of these Democrat debates are just a distraction. It is to keep everyone from focusing on the House and the Senate. So just ignore these investigation and just focus on the candidates for the House and the Senate.
Prosecutions would be good news. It would be better if they decide to charge them with treason, which is exactly what they committed. A coup is treason.

A “coup” is defined as an armed insurrection to usurp power. “Treason” is defined as aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of a war declared by Congress.

Neither charge is applicable but only because Trump’s aid to Putin isn’t coming during a time of a declared war.

What “aid”?

Fracturing NATO. Pulling back in Syria and letting Assad and the Russians win. Tearing up the arms limitation treaty. Failing to enforce sanctions. Tearing up the Iran Nuclear Treaty.

What a joke. How is NATO “fractured”? We still hold Russia at bay in Eastern block countries like Poland.

We had no business getting involved in Syria. They never attacked us, and they have always been a proxy of Iran and Russia. Did Clinton let the Russians “win” by keeping Syria back in his days? Why or how does Syria belong to us as opposed to being allied with who they want?

The arms limitation treaty was already being violated. All President Trump did was free us to start testing new technology as Russia already was.

The President is under no obligation to enforce any sanctions on Iran. Congress is overstepping trying to force the executive branch on the matter. Not that the constitution matters to idiots like you.

The Iran deal was never ratified by Congress, thus never a “treaty” for us to adhere to. Another example of the Hussein’s failed foreign policy and attempt to circumvent the constitution.
Pray to GOD Justice will prevail

It would be naive that our corrupt gov't will prosecute those who have abused their powers for far too long. Many should already be rotting in prison for their crimes, but when they own the Justice System they get away with crimes.

I have no faith that the many who should be tried will ever see a day in prison. What I do have confidence in is that these trials and indictments or possible indictments will ALL BE TIMED TO THE ELECTION CYCLE. It has drug out forever already and their is plenty of evidence to indict and prosecute many. No need to wait for it as the talking heads keep saying. They say be Patient.........justice will be served later.............then later they will go we tried...........and blah blah blah.

I have NO FAITH in our gov't anymore. They have become above the law and should all be tried for Treason.

My 2 cents worth.

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