Deep State News - Rudy Says Prosecutions Will Happen

It would be naive that our corrupt gov't will prosecute those who have abused their powers for far too long. Many should already be rotting in prison for their crimes, but when they own the Justice System they get away with crimes.

I have no faith that the many who should be tried will ever see a day in prison. What I do have confidence in is that these trials and indictments or possible indictments will ALL BE TIMED TO THE ELECTION CYCLE. It has drug out forever already and their is plenty of evidence to indict and prosecute many. No need to wait for it as the talking heads keep saying. They say be Patient.........justice will be served later.............then later they will go we tried...........and blah blah blah.

I have NO FAITH in our gov't anymore. They have become above the law and should all be tried for Treason.

My 2 cents worth.
So true. We have a lot of lawyers blowing a lot of smoke and in the end the lawyers make a fortune and their buddies in our corrupt government go scot free. This was, and still is, treason.
Prosecutions would be good news. It would be better if they decide to charge them with treason, which is exactly what they committed. A coup is treason.
A “coup” is defined as an armed insurrection to usurp power. “Treason” is defined as aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of a war declared by Congress.
Why are Democrats siding with our enemies?
Who would that be? It's Trump that's cozying up to Putin, Kim and I'm afraid of what with would happen, if he sat down with the leaders of Iran.
The only way to discourage future coups is shoot the coup leaders starting but not ending with Hillary and Obama. That isn't going to happen so most likely we will have a civil war with tens of millions dead rather than less than 10,000 D coupists.
Prosecutions would be good news. It would be better if they decide to charge them with treason, which is exactly what they committed. A coup is treason.
A “coup” is defined as an armed insurrection to usurp power. “Treason” is defined as aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of a war declared by Congress.
Why are Democrats siding with our enemies?
Who would that be? It's Trump that's cozying up to Putin, Kim and I'm afraid of what with would happen, if he sat down with the leaders of Iran.
That’s absurd. Trump has done nothing but worsen relations with Russia. Stop watching MSLSD. No doubt you STILL think Donnie colluded with Russia to steal the election.

The Left believed the Russia Hoax and now the right thinks O and his minions will go to prison. So much wasted energy.
Prosecutions would be good news. It would be better if they decide to charge them with treason, which is exactly what they committed. A coup is treason.
A “coup” is defined as an armed insurrection to usurp power. “Treason” is defined as aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of a war declared by Congress.
Why are Democrats siding with our enemies?
Who would that be? It's Trump that's cozying up to Putin, Kim and I'm afraid of what with would happen, if he sat down with the leaders of Iran.
That’s absurd. Trump has done nothing but worsen relations with Russia. Stop watching MSLSD. No doubt you STILL think Donnie colluded with Russia to steal the election. The Left believed the Russia Hoax and now the right thinks O and his minions will go to prison. So much wasted energy.
When is Rudy going to stop talking about mythical prosecutions? Also, don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say a thing about election collusion. My post was totally about what Trump has done and said since the election.
Prosecutions would be good news. It would be better if they decide to charge them with treason, which is exactly what they committed. A coup is treason.
A “coup” is defined as an armed insurrection to usurp power. “Treason” is defined as aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of a war declared by Congress.
Why are Democrats siding with our enemies?
Who would that be? It's Trump that's cozying up to Putin, Kim and I'm afraid of what with would happen, if he sat down with the leaders of Iran.
That’s absurd. Trump has done nothing but worsen relations with Russia. Stop watching MSLSD. No doubt you STILL think Donnie colluded with Russia to steal the election. The Left believed the Russia Hoax and now the right thinks O and his minions will go to prison. So much wasted energy.
When is Rudy going to stop talking about mythical prosecutions? Also, don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say a thing about election collusion. My post was totally about what Trump has done and said since the election.
What the Don has done is pushed us closer to WWIII, yet the left clings to this stupid totally unfounded belief that he is Putin’s puppet. It’s dangerous and dumb.
Prosecutions would be good news. It would be better if they decide to charge them with treason, which is exactly what they committed. A coup is treason.

A “coup” is defined as an armed insurrection to usurp power. “Treason” is defined as aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of a war declared by Congress.

Neither charge is applicable but only because Trump’s aid to Putin isn’t coming during a time of a declared war.

Not always.

In a coup, it is the military, paramilitary, or opposing political faction that deposes the current government and assumes power
When is Rudy going to stop talking about mythical prosecutions? Also, don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say a thing about election collusion. My post was totally about what Trump has done and said since the election.
Be patient, Barr will make sure justice is done.
The report from the IG says Comey broke rules but not the law.
Why would the DOJ prosecute someone they just said didn't break the law?
Indictments are coming.
<<A panel of 16 judges convened yesterday to process the information available to Attorney General Barr and their conclusion was unanimous: There is plenty of evidence to indict Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton>>
Panel of 16 Judges Agrees: Barr Has Enough to Indict Clinton and Obama

I didn't read your article. I don't read articles from obscure far right radical extremist websites.

What I did do was put your title in a search. Not even one credible news source has the story.

However fact checking sites do and it says the story is FALSE. Your article originates in May 2019. Months before the IG report was released yet you use the IG report as the reason they will be indicted in the post I replied to.

If Hillary and Obama are going to be indicted, it would have happened by now, it's been over 4 months since the indictment was supposed to happen. What does Comey and the IG report have to do with any of this? Nothing. None of it is true.

You are doing the same thing the far right radical extremists did in the 90s. They all kept saying Hillary was going to be indicted any minute. Yet the indictment never came.

You really should read the following:

Did Judges Agree AG Barr Has 'Enough to Indict Clinton and Obama'?

Once again you people have fallen for another lie about Hillary and Obama and the whole investigation into trump's crimes with russia.

If I were you, I would stop paying attention to the far right radical extremists.

They're lying to you.

Although, since you're new here and all I've seen from you is lies like this one, I'm more inclined to believe you're in russia and part of the conspiracy to get trump reelected.

I seriously don't want to believe we have such gullible and stupid people in our nation.
Barr passing on prosecuting and Trump commenting on his fairness could be a setup and spell bad news for Comey and co., where in the next phase prosecutions and indictments WILL occur.

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