DEEP STATE WATCH: The Coming Coup...

If Trump 'goes down', it won't change my life. I saw it coming. I'm fully prepared for the chaos it will cause.

And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.
Shit for brains, the military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment and vote conservative.
They don’t work for the fucking deep state, they would never go against their own citizens for a fucked up thing like the deep state....

Hey fuck head did you read this thread before popping in? You don't have a coup in this country from it's citizen's and succeed you would have to have the military. The military may be pro 2nd amendment (which by the way this thread is not about) but most would follow their Generals orders.

You come in here calling people names so you are one dumb motherfucker.
If Trump 'goes down', it won't change my life. I saw it coming. I'm fully prepared for the chaos it will cause.

And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.

Yep, it will be fun to watch them take on an Abrams Tank, F-22 Raptor, and a drone or two with their pea shooters. :)
You do realize military folk vote overwhelmingly conservative… Diip skit

And how many conservatives are "Never Trumpsters"?
It is laughable to think some group is so collectively intelligent that it could orchestrate such an elaborate, world-wide plan, yet bank everything on Hillary Clinton!

Or perhaps they were so collectively intelligent that they made sure both candidates were who they wanted them to be and they could not lose.

if that was true, there would not be all of the anti-Trump rhetoric. He burst their bubble, he is calling them out and exposing their corruption. God bless him.

Unless that is all part of the plan to get people like you to follow him so faithfully. Remember we are talking about a group of people, if you buy into it, that are smart enough and devious enough to control power throughout the world over the course of a few hundred years, or more depending on which version of the NWO you buy into.

There is also the Trump family connection to this same "group" via his grandfather and his dealings with one J.D. Rockefeller, who we are told was one of the patriarchs of the NWO/Illuminati.

And is there a better way to further globalism than to pull back into isolationism the biggest superpower on the planet? The more the US pulls back, the more that void is filled with the rest of the world, thus actually strengthening globalism. If Trump manages to crash our economy in the name of "fair trade" that would just be a plus for these evil folks.

your argument is destroyed by the current economic numbers. unemployment is at all time lows, wages are up, businesses are expanding in the USA, steel mills are reopening, coal mines are producing again, oil is being safely extracted from ANMR and offshore, black unemployment is at record lows, so is Hispanic and female unemployment, the stock market is surging, bad trade deals are being fixed, NATO members are paying their fair share for the first time ever, dialog has started with north korea, china, and Russia. Consumer confidence is at record highs.

those are just some of the reasons why the left and the establishment hate trump, he is getting the job done and fixing the mess they created, and showing up their corruption at the same time. Best president in my lifetime and I have been here since Truman.
If Trump 'goes down', it won't change my life. I saw it coming. I'm fully prepared for the chaos it will cause.

And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.
Shit for brains, the military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment and vote conservative.
They don’t work for the fucking deep state, they would never go against their own citizens for a fucked up thing like the deep state....

Hey fuck head did you read this thread before popping in? You don't have a coup in this country from it's citizen's and succeed you would have to have the military. The military may be pro 2nd amendment (which by the way this thread is not about) but most would follow their Generals orders.

You come in here calling people names so you are one dumb motherfucker.

in the event of a civil war, the military would take out the generals if they were not with the people. That's the way coups work.
If Trump 'goes down', it won't change my life. I saw it coming. I'm fully prepared for the chaos it will cause.

And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.
Shit for brains, the military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment and vote conservative.
They don’t work for the fucking deep state, they would never go against their own citizens for a fucked up thing like the deep state....

Hey fuck head did you read this thread before popping in? You don't have a coup in this country from it's citizen's and succeed you would have to have the military. The military may be pro 2nd amendment (which by the way this thread is not about) but most would follow their Generals orders.

You come in here calling people names so you are one dumb motherfucker.

in the event of a civil war, the military would take out the generals if they were not with the people. That's the way coups work.

I doubt that would happen. There is a difference between civil war and coup and I this thread started out as Coup now you all have us in a civil war. It's just a bullshit thread and neither are going to happen.
And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.
Shit for brains, the military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment and vote conservative.
They don’t work for the fucking deep state, they would never go against their own citizens for a fucked up thing like the deep state....

Hey fuck head did you read this thread before popping in? You don't have a coup in this country from it's citizen's and succeed you would have to have the military. The military may be pro 2nd amendment (which by the way this thread is not about) but most would follow their Generals orders.

You come in here calling people names so you are one dumb motherfucker.

in the event of a civil war, the military would take out the generals if they were not with the people. That's the way coups work.

I doubt that would happen. There is a difference between civil war and coup and I this thread started out as Coup now you all have us in a civil war. It's just a bullshit thread and neither are going to happen.

I agree, but its fun to talk about the "what ifs"
To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.
Shit for brains, the military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment and vote conservative.
They don’t work for the fucking deep state, they would never go against their own citizens for a fucked up thing like the deep state....

Hey fuck head did you read this thread before popping in? You don't have a coup in this country from it's citizen's and succeed you would have to have the military. The military may be pro 2nd amendment (which by the way this thread is not about) but most would follow their Generals orders.

You come in here calling people names so you are one dumb motherfucker.

in the event of a civil war, the military would take out the generals if they were not with the people. That's the way coups work.

I doubt that would happen. There is a difference between civil war and coup and I this thread started out as Coup now you all have us in a civil war. It's just a bullshit thread and neither are going to happen.

I agree, but its fun to talk about the "what ifs"

Oh, but how many on this board really believe either or? Sadly many.
If Trump 'goes down', it won't change my life. I saw it coming. I'm fully prepared for the chaos it will cause.

And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.
Shit for brains, the military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment and vote conservative.
They don’t work for the fucking deep state, they would never go against their own citizens for a fucked up thing like the deep state....

Hey fuck head did you read this thread before popping in? You don't have a coup in this country from it's citizen's and succeed you would have to have the military. The military may be pro 2nd amendment (which by the way this thread is not about) but most would follow their Generals orders.

You come in here calling people names so you are one dumb motherfucker.

in the event of a civil war, the military would take out the generals if they were not with the people. That's the way coups work.

LoL - You mean not with (at best) 20% of the people?
That's hilarious :lol:
your argument is destroyed by the current economic numbers. unemployment is at all time lows, wages are up, businesses are expanding in the USA, steel mills are reopening, coal mines are producing again, oil is being safely extracted from ANMR and offshore, black unemployment is at record lows, so is Hispanic and female unemployment, the stock market is surging, bad trade deals are being fixed, NATO members are paying their fair share for the first time ever, dialog has started with north korea, china, and Russia. Consumer confidence is at record highs.

those are just some of the reasons why the left and the establishment hate trump, he is getting the job done and fixing the mess they created, and showing up their corruption at the same time. Best president in my lifetime and I have been here since Truman.

It is not an argument as I am not the one that believes in such an organization, it is a furthering of the theory of the Deep State/NWO/Illuminati.

As for the economic numbers you mentioned, they are all heading that way already, not a one of them changed course after the election of Trump, yet Trump still wants to start a trade war, because all those things were either not good enough, or someone wanted them to come to an end.

The stock market has been stagnant/negative for the last 180 plus days since Trump imposed his first tariff. Prior to that it was indeed surging, since then it has been pathetic. A conspiracy theorist might conclude that it was done on purpose.

There has been not one new trade deal, Trump has not made a deal since he took office, all he has done is break them.

NATO members being bullied into spending more on their military than their economies can handle will actually make them weaker, not stronger. Remember it was how we brought down the USSR.

The last time consumer confidence was this high was in 2006/07. Seems it was a tad misplaced.
your argument is destroyed by the current economic numbers. unemployment is at all time lows, wages are up, businesses are expanding in the USA, steel mills are reopening, coal mines are producing again, oil is being safely extracted from ANMR and offshore, black unemployment is at record lows, so is Hispanic and female unemployment, the stock market is surging, bad trade deals are being fixed, NATO members are paying their fair share for the first time ever, dialog has started with north korea, china, and Russia. Consumer confidence is at record highs.

those are just some of the reasons why the left and the establishment hate trump, he is getting the job done and fixing the mess they created, and showing up their corruption at the same time. Best president in my lifetime and I have been here since Truman.

It is not an argument as I am not the one that believes in such an organization, it is a furthering of the theory of the Deep State/NWO/Illuminati.

As for the economic numbers you mentioned, they are all heading that way already, not a one of them changed course after the election of Trump, yet Trump still wants to start a trade war, because all those things were either not good enough, or someone wanted them to come to an end.

The stock market has been stagnant/negative for the last 180 plus days since Trump imposed his first tariff. Prior to that it was indeed surging, since then it has been pathetic. A conspiracy theorist might conclude that it was done on purpose.

There has been not one new trade deal, Trump has not made a deal since he took office, all he has done is break them.

NATO members being bullied into spending more on their military than their economies can handle will actually make them weaker, not stronger. Remember it was how we brought down the USSR.

The last time consumer confidence was this high was in 2006/07. Seems it was a tad misplaced.

geez, can you do nothing but praise the Kenyan messiah? Sorry, but he does not get credit for the economics of the last year and a half. What were his best UE numbers? do you know? do you care? During the obozo reign there were record numbers of people on welfare and getting food stamps. the liberal bastion of San Francisco is literally covered with human shit. SFO and Detroit are what liberalism creates. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Our trade deals were taking billions out of the US economy and putting those billions into China, why do you think that was good for us? What exactly is wrong with putting the USA first?
Boy, Trump sure does have the NWO folks extremely rattled. He's really disrupting their 'Order.' Are we witnessing a Coup-attempt?

The Coming Coup to Overthrow President Trump
Sedition at the Highest Levels

By Paul Roberts

The annual budget of the military/security complex is $1,000 billion. This vast sum is drawn from US taxpayers who have many unmet needs. To justify such an enormous budget a major enemy is required. The military/security complex and the media and politicians that the complex owns have designated Russia to be that enemy. The complex and its political and media agents will not permit Trump to normalize relations with Russia.

To prevent President Trump from reducing the dangerous tensions between nuclear powers that Washington has created, the military/security complex orchestrated Russiagate, a proven hoax, but believed by many due to its endless repetition. The military/security complex orchestrated the false indictments of 12 Russians. The military/security complex orchestrated the false arrest of Maria Butina, and so on and on. The military/security complex acting through the politicians and presstitutes that it owns and controls, has turned the normal everyday responsibility of the President—one acknowledged and acted upon by every previous president—to defuse tensions that could lead to nuclear war into a high crime. President Trump is accused of treason for trying to make peace!

An unaware person might think that this is silly and laugh, but as Finian Cunningham shows, President Trump has been set-up as a treasonous enemy of America. We are currently experiencing sedition at the highest levels as the military/security complex unfolds its coup against the elected president of the United States...

Read More:

The Coming Coup - LewRockwell

Here is the deep state...

Santa's Village — Google Santa Tracker

We have a shadow govt that loves war. Bury that head though and pretend its santa. Lol.

We do not have a shadow govt that loves war, we have a duly elected government that loves war.

We openly and proudly spend more on our military than the next 9 nations combined, because we love ear.

Not to mention a good portion of the population thinks we do not spend enough and need to spend even more on our military.

The current duly elected POTUS will soon have a parade just to show off how good we are at war (while getting his ego stroked).

Oh yes we do. They stay behind the scenes but do influence the govt thats in the public sphere. The last two presidents could not get enough war as they wrecked the ME. If it takes a president to drive around a tank instead of starting endless wars and deaths.... I'll take it. W and O took war in the ME to a new level.

Careful, seeking Peace now = 'Treason.' What a sad mess.
Most people realize the military follows orders.
Unarmed students shot down at Kent State verify that the military doesn't even have to be threatened in order to kill civilians.
First of all if the federal government is going to confiscate firearms they will never use the military. They will use the CIA/FBI/NSA etc.
The military which is made up of multiple branches including state controlled ones like the guard/reserve will never be used to go against their own citizens especially when the military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment and vote overwhelmingly conservative...
And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.
Shit for brains, the military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment and vote conservative.
They don’t work for the fucking deep state, they would never go against their own citizens for a fucked up thing like the deep state....

Hey fuck head did you read this thread before popping in? You don't have a coup in this country from it's citizen's and succeed you would have to have the military. The military may be pro 2nd amendment (which by the way this thread is not about) but most would follow their Generals orders.

You come in here calling people names so you are one dumb motherfucker.

in the event of a civil war, the military would take out the generals if they were not with the people. That's the way coups work.

LoL - You mean not with (at best) 20% of the people?
That's hilarious :lol:

I never said that I thought that a shooting civil war was going to occur, but the violence we have seen recently from left wing groups cannot be allowed to continue.
If Trump 'goes down', it won't change my life. I saw it coming. I'm fully prepared for the chaos it will cause.

And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.

Yep, it will be fun to watch them take on an Abrams Tank, F-22 Raptor, and a drone or two with their pea shooters. :)

Wow, so excited about the prospect of killing fellow Americans. Typical deranged Globalist. Let's pray y'all don't get back in power anytime soon.
If Trump 'goes down', it won't change my life. I saw it coming. I'm fully prepared for the chaos it will cause.

And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.

Yep, it will be fun to watch them take on an Abrams Tank, F-22 Raptor, and a drone or two with their pea shooters. :)

Wow, so excited about the prospect of killing fellow Americans. Typical deranged Globalist. Let's pray y'all don't get back in power anytime soon.

So you and Redfish seriously believe that if Dotardo goes down, you're somehow going to kill all the coup plotters and reinstall Putin's useful idiot?
geez, can you do nothing but praise the Kenyan messiah? Sorry, but he does not get credit for the economics of the last year and a half. What were his best UE numbers? do you know? do you care? During the obozo reign there were record numbers of people on welfare and getting food stamps. the liberal bastion of San Francisco is literally covered with human shit. SFO and Detroit are what liberalism creates. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

It is almost scary how well programmed you people are. Your response to everything is "OBAMA", no matter the topic. I did not mention Obama, I did not give him credit for anything and the only thing I credit him with is fucking up our healthcare system more than it already was.

Here are the unemployment numbers for the last few years, can you please highlight for me where the shift was that took place after the election. The numbers come from this site...Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


What I understand is that you are more liberal than me so I am not sure why you keep babbling on about liberals when talking to me.

Our trade deals were taking billions out of the US economy and putting those billions into China, why do you think that was good for us? What exactly is wrong with putting the USA first?

All of these things took place under the current trade deals. unemployment is at all time lows, wages are up, businesses are expanding in the USA, black unemployment is at record lows, so is Hispanic and female unemployment, the stock market is surging,

Then you want to turn around and tell me that our trade deals are bad for the US. Do you find those things to be bad or good?
If Trump 'goes down', it won't change my life. I saw it coming. I'm fully prepared for the chaos it will cause.

And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.

Yep, it will be fun to watch them take on an Abrams Tank, F-22 Raptor, and a drone or two with their pea shooters. :)

Wow, so excited about the prospect of killing fellow Americans. Typical deranged Globalist. Let's pray y'all don't get back in power anytime soon.

So you and Redfish seriously believe that if Dotardo goes down, you're somehow going to kill all the coup plotters and reinstall Putin's useful idiot?

Yeah, you sound way to eager to kill fellow Americans who hold different political views. You ain't right, kid. I recommend you lay off the Democrat Fake News for awhile. It's driving you mad. Hopefully voters will keep you nutters out of power for the foreseeable future.
your argument is destroyed by the current economic numbers. unemployment is at all time lows, wages are up, businesses are expanding in the USA, steel mills are reopening, coal mines are producing again, oil is being safely extracted from ANMR and offshore, black unemployment is at record lows, so is Hispanic and female unemployment, the stock market is surging, bad trade deals are being fixed, NATO members are paying their fair share for the first time ever, dialog has started with north korea, china, and Russia. Consumer confidence is at record highs.

those are just some of the reasons why the left and the establishment hate trump, he is getting the job done and fixing the mess they created, and showing up their corruption at the same time. Best president in my lifetime and I have been here since Truman.

It is not an argument as I am not the one that believes in such an organization, it is a furthering of the theory of the Deep State/NWO/Illuminati.

As for the economic numbers you mentioned, they are all heading that way already, not a one of them changed course after the election of Trump, yet Trump still wants to start a trade war, because all those things were either not good enough, or someone wanted them to come to an end.

The stock market has been stagnant/negative for the last 180 plus days since Trump imposed his first tariff. Prior to that it was indeed surging, since then it has been pathetic. A conspiracy theorist might conclude that it was done on purpose.

There has been not one new trade deal, Trump has not made a deal since he took office, all he has done is break them.

NATO members being bullied into spending more on their military than their economies can handle will actually make them weaker, not stronger. Remember it was how we brought down the USSR.

The last time consumer confidence was this high was in 2006/07. Seems it was a tad misplaced.

geez, can you do nothing but praise the Kenyan messiah? Sorry, but he does not get credit for the economics of the last year and a half. What were his best UE numbers? do you know? do you care? During the obozo reign there were record numbers of people on welfare and getting food stamps. the liberal bastion of San Francisco is literally covered with human shit. SFO and Detroit are what liberalism creates. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Our trade deals were taking billions out of the US economy and putting those billions into China, why do you think that was good for us? What exactly is wrong with putting the USA first?
Yup, a question needs to be answered from the left....outside of the 4+ trillion that the Fed Reserve infused into our economy, just what policies DID Obama create
to help our economic situation? The recession is common with our economy and the recovery from recessions are common with our economy.
We know what policies from Trump strengthened our economy.

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