DEEP STATE WATCH: The Coming Coup...

I never said that I thought that a shooting civil war was going to occur, but the violence we have seen recently from left wing groups cannot be allowed to continue.

I see - and what "violence" was that Trumpling? :)

the Berkley riots, the ferguson riots, the BLM riots all over the country, the Antifa riots, the pussy hat riots, the attacks on Trump administration officials, the attack on Rand Paul, the attack on McConnell, how many do you need?
I never said that I thought that a shooting civil war was going to occur, but the violence we have seen recently from left wing groups cannot be allowed to continue.

I see - and what "violence" was that Trumpling? :)

the Berkley riots, the ferguson riots, the BLM riots all over the country, the Antifa riots, the pussy hat riots, the attacks on Trump administration officials, the attack on Rand Paul, the attack on McConnell, how many do you need?

Don't forget the 'Bi-Partisan' baseball game massacre. That was a particularly gruesome Democrat-nutter attack.
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geez, can you do nothing but praise the Kenyan messiah? Sorry, but he does not get credit for the economics of the last year and a half. What were his best UE numbers? do you know? do you care? During the obozo reign there were record numbers of people on welfare and getting food stamps. the liberal bastion of San Francisco is literally covered with human shit. SFO and Detroit are what liberalism creates. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

It is almost scary how well programmed you people are. Your response to everything is "OBAMA", no matter the topic. I did not mention Obama, I did not give him credit for anything and the only thing I credit him with is fucking up our healthcare system more than it already was.

Here are the unemployment numbers for the last few years, can you please highlight for me where the shift was that took place after the election. The numbers come from this site...Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

View attachment 206385

What I understand is that you are more liberal than me so I am not sure why you keep babbling on about liberals when talking to me.

Our trade deals were taking billions out of the US economy and putting those billions into China, why do you think that was good for us? What exactly is wrong with putting the USA first?

All of these things took place under the current trade deals. unemployment is at all time lows, wages are up, businesses are expanding in the USA, black unemployment is at record lows, so is Hispanic and female unemployment, the stock market is surging,

Then you want to turn around and tell me that our trade deals are bad for the US. Do you find those things to be bad or good?

fixing the bad trade deals will make our economy even stronger. Why do you condone sending billions of US dollars to China? currently there are more open jobs than job seekers, that never happened under Obama, either Bush, or Clinton. But in your small mind you want to give Obama credit for that????????????? WTF ?
fixing the bad trade deals will make our economy even stronger. Why do you condone sending billions of US dollars to China?

Exactly what makes them "bad"? Or are you just parroting the party talking points?

Exactly how will the economy get stronger? Or are you just parroting the party talking points?

Will we have even more open positions than people to fill them? Will that make the economy stronger?

We do not send billions of dollars to China, we buy things from China. Do you get home from the grocery store and say "why did I send them all that money"?

currently there are more open jobs than job seekers, that never happened under Obama, either Bush, or Clinton. But in your small mind you want to give Obama credit for that????????????? WTF ?

Do you have a mental illness that keeps you from being able to comprehend what you read? I tell you the only thing I have ever given credit to Obama for was fucking up the healthcare system even worse and then you ask me why I give Obama credit right after I told you I did not.

So, either you have a mental deficiency or you are just a dishonest partisan hack. Please let me know which it is so that I can alter how I reply to you in the future. Thanks.
I never said that I thought that a shooting civil war was going to occur, but the violence we have seen recently from left wing groups cannot be allowed to continue.

I see - and what "violence" was that Trumpling? :)

the Berkley riots, the ferguson riots, the BLM riots all over the country, the Antifa riots, the pussy hat riots, the attacks on Trump administration officials, the attack on Rand Paul, the attack on McConnell, how many do you need?

Screaming at RW idiots does not constitute violence ... Some of this does however - Meet the Deplorables!

As for "pussy hat riots" - You mean the peaceful women's protests that brought out millions and involved no violence?
Or were you thinking about your POTUS Putin's favorite band? :)

fixing the bad trade deals will make our economy even stronger. Why do you condone sending billions of US dollars to China?

Exactly what makes them "bad"? Or are you just parroting the party talking points?

Exactly how will the economy get stronger? Or are you just parroting the party talking points?

Will we have even more open positions than people to fill them? Will that make the economy stronger?

We do not send billions of dollars to China, we buy things from China. Do you get home from the grocery store and say "why did I send them all that money"?

currently there are more open jobs than job seekers, that never happened under Obama, either Bush, or Clinton. But in your small mind you want to give Obama credit for that????????????? WTF ?

Do you have a mental illness that keeps you from being able to comprehend what you read? I tell you the only thing I have ever given credit to Obama for was fucking up the healthcare system even worse and then you ask me why I give Obama credit right after I told you I did not.

So, either you have a mental deficiency or you are just a dishonest partisan hack. Please let me know which it is so that I can alter how I reply to you in the future. Thanks.

when the trade imbalance favors china by billions of dollars, we are effectively sending our money to them. At the end of any trading year China is plus billions and we are minus billions on our sales to and purchases from them. that is what makes our china trade bad for the US economy, its not really very complicated. your verbal insults notwithstanding.

I am glad that you don't worship the Kenyan messiah. Good for you.

when there are more jobs than job seekers, the price that must be paid for labor goes up, that is good for American workers. The laws of supply and demand determine the price of all things, including human labor.

please grow up and stop the juvenile insults, you look like a fool when you resort to that.
I never said that I thought that a shooting civil war was going to occur, but the violence we have seen recently from left wing groups cannot be allowed to continue.

I see - and what "violence" was that Trumpling? :)

the Berkley riots, the ferguson riots, the BLM riots all over the country, the Antifa riots, the pussy hat riots, the attacks on Trump administration officials, the attack on Rand Paul, the attack on McConnell, how many do you need?

Screaming at RW idiots does not constitute violence ... Some of this does however - Meet the Deplorables!

As for "pussy hat riots" - You mean the peaceful women's protests that brought out millions and involved no violence?
Or were you thinking about your POTUS Putin's favorite band? :)

when have conservatives or Trump supporters blocked roads, attacked police, destroyed public and private property, or physically attacked anyone on the left? Sorry, dude, but the violence is all coming from you leftists-------------because that's all you have left, everything else has failed.
when have conservatives or Trump supporters blocked roads, attacked police, destroyed public and private property, or physically attacked anyone on the left? Sorry, dude, but the violence is all coming from you leftists-------------because that's all you have left, everything else has failed.

Please remove the blinders Trumpling


Boy, Trump sure does have the NWO folks extremely rattled. He's really disrupting their 'Order.' Are we witnessing a Coup-attempt?

The Coming Coup to Overthrow President Trump
Sedition at the Highest Levels

By Paul Roberts

The annual budget of the military/security complex is $1,000 billion. This vast sum is drawn from US taxpayers who have many unmet needs. To justify such an enormous budget a major enemy is required. The military/security complex and the media and politicians that the complex owns have designated Russia to be that enemy. The complex and its political and media agents will not permit Trump to normalize relations with Russia.

To prevent President Trump from reducing the dangerous tensions between nuclear powers that Washington has created, the military/security complex orchestrated Russiagate, a proven hoax, but believed by many due to its endless repetition. The military/security complex orchestrated the false indictments of 12 Russians. The military/security complex orchestrated the false arrest of Maria Butina, and so on and on. The military/security complex acting through the politicians and presstitutes that it owns and controls, has turned the normal everyday responsibility of the President—one acknowledged and acted upon by every previous president—to defuse tensions that could lead to nuclear war into a high crime. President Trump is accused of treason for trying to make peace!

An unaware person might think that this is silly and laugh, but as Finian Cunningham shows, President Trump has been set-up as a treasonous enemy of America. We are currently experiencing sedition at the highest levels as the military/security complex unfolds its coup against the elected president of the United States...

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The Coming Coup - LewRockwell
Stand Firm with Christian President Donald T. Trump and reject the militarism of Montenegro!
Boy, Trump sure does have the NWO folks extremely rattled. He's really disrupting their 'Order.' Are we witnessing a Coup-attempt?

The Coming Coup to Overthrow President Trump
Sedition at the Highest Levels

By Paul Roberts

The annual budget of the military/security complex is $1,000 billion. This vast sum is drawn from US taxpayers who have many unmet needs. To justify such an enormous budget a major enemy is required. The military/security complex and the media and politicians that the complex owns have designated Russia to be that enemy. The complex and its political and media agents will not permit Trump to normalize relations with Russia.

To prevent President Trump from reducing the dangerous tensions between nuclear powers that Washington has created, the military/security complex orchestrated Russiagate, a proven hoax, but believed by many due to its endless repetition. The military/security complex orchestrated the false indictments of 12 Russians. The military/security complex orchestrated the false arrest of Maria Butina, and so on and on. The military/security complex acting through the politicians and presstitutes that it owns and controls, has turned the normal everyday responsibility of the President—one acknowledged and acted upon by every previous president—to defuse tensions that could lead to nuclear war into a high crime. President Trump is accused of treason for trying to make peace!

An unaware person might think that this is silly and laugh, but as Finian Cunningham shows, President Trump has been set-up as a treasonous enemy of America. We are currently experiencing sedition at the highest levels as the military/security complex unfolds its coup against the elected president of the United States...

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The Coming Coup - LewRockwell
This is a sure sign you criminals know you are about to go down.

You're already preparing excuses.

LMAO Well go ahead and hold your breath till it happens. Dummy.
Boy, Trump sure does have the NWO folks extremely rattled. He's really disrupting their 'Order.' Are we witnessing a Coup-attempt?

The Coming Coup to Overthrow President Trump
Sedition at the Highest Levels

By Paul Roberts

The annual budget of the military/security complex is $1,000 billion. This vast sum is drawn from US taxpayers who have many unmet needs. To justify such an enormous budget a major enemy is required. The military/security complex and the media and politicians that the complex owns have designated Russia to be that enemy. The complex and its political and media agents will not permit Trump to normalize relations with Russia.

To prevent President Trump from reducing the dangerous tensions between nuclear powers that Washington has created, the military/security complex orchestrated Russiagate, a proven hoax, but believed by many due to its endless repetition. The military/security complex orchestrated the false indictments of 12 Russians. The military/security complex orchestrated the false arrest of Maria Butina, and so on and on. The military/security complex acting through the politicians and presstitutes that it owns and controls, has turned the normal everyday responsibility of the President—one acknowledged and acted upon by every previous president—to defuse tensions that could lead to nuclear war into a high crime. President Trump is accused of treason for trying to make peace!

An unaware person might think that this is silly and laugh, but as Finian Cunningham shows, President Trump has been set-up as a treasonous enemy of America. We are currently experiencing sedition at the highest levels as the military/security complex unfolds its coup against the elected president of the United States...

Read More:

The Coming Coup - LewRockwell
This is a sure sign you criminals know you are about to go down.

You're already preparing excuses.

LMAO Well go ahead and hold your breath till it happens. Dummy.
Lol, breath-holdikg is the tactic of spoiled children, I'll leave it to you tRumpkins.

fixing the bad trade deals will make our economy even stronger. Why do you condone sending billions of US dollars to China?

Exactly what makes them "bad"? Or are you just parroting the party talking points?

Exactly how will the economy get stronger? Or are you just parroting the party talking points?

Will we have even more open positions than people to fill them? Will that make the economy stronger?

We do not send billions of dollars to China, we buy things from China. Do you get home from the grocery store and say "why did I send them all that money"?

currently there are more open jobs than job seekers, that never happened under Obama, either Bush, or Clinton. But in your small mind you want to give Obama credit for that????????????? WTF ?

Do you have a mental illness that keeps you from being able to comprehend what you read? I tell you the only thing I have ever given credit to Obama for was fucking up the healthcare system even worse and then you ask me why I give Obama credit right after I told you I did not.

So, either you have a mental deficiency or you are just a dishonest partisan hack. Please let me know which it is so that I can alter how I reply to you in the future. Thanks.

when the trade imbalance favors china by billions of dollars, we are effectively sending our money to them. At the end of any trading year China is plus billions and we are minus billions on our sales to and purchases from them. that is what makes our china trade bad for the US economy, its not really very complicated. your verbal insults notwithstanding.

I am glad that you don't worship the Kenyan messiah. Good for you.

when there are more jobs than job seekers, the price that must be paid for labor goes up, that is good for American workers. The laws of supply and demand determine the price of all things, including human labor.

please grow up and stop the juvenile insults, you look like a fool when you resort to that.

The Globalists in both Parties threw American Citizens overboard years ago. Their numerous awful trade deals are just one aspect of their selling Citizens out.
Boy, Trump sure does have the NWO folks extremely rattled. He's really disrupting their 'Order.' Are we witnessing a Coup-attempt?

The Coming Coup to Overthrow President Trump
Sedition at the Highest Levels

By Paul Roberts

The annual budget of the military/security complex is $1,000 billion. This vast sum is drawn from US taxpayers who have many unmet needs. To justify such an enormous budget a major enemy is required. The military/security complex and the media and politicians that the complex owns have designated Russia to be that enemy. The complex and its political and media agents will not permit Trump to normalize relations with Russia.

To prevent President Trump from reducing the dangerous tensions between nuclear powers that Washington has created, the military/security complex orchestrated Russiagate, a proven hoax, but believed by many due to its endless repetition. The military/security complex orchestrated the false indictments of 12 Russians. The military/security complex orchestrated the false arrest of Maria Butina, and so on and on. The military/security complex acting through the politicians and presstitutes that it owns and controls, has turned the normal everyday responsibility of the President—one acknowledged and acted upon by every previous president—to defuse tensions that could lead to nuclear war into a high crime. President Trump is accused of treason for trying to make peace!

An unaware person might think that this is silly and laugh, but as Finian Cunningham shows, President Trump has been set-up as a treasonous enemy of America. We are currently experiencing sedition at the highest levels as the military/security complex unfolds its coup against the elected president of the United States...

Read More:

The Coming Coup - LewRockwell
Here's the proof, kids. There are people in the world who believe something just because it is on the internet.
Boy, Trump sure does have the NWO folks extremely rattled. He's really disrupting their 'Order.' Are we witnessing a Coup-attempt?

The Coming Coup to Overthrow President Trump
Sedition at the Highest Levels

By Paul Roberts

The annual budget of the military/security complex is $1,000 billion. This vast sum is drawn from US taxpayers who have many unmet needs. To justify such an enormous budget a major enemy is required. The military/security complex and the media and politicians that the complex owns have designated Russia to be that enemy. The complex and its political and media agents will not permit Trump to normalize relations with Russia.

To prevent President Trump from reducing the dangerous tensions between nuclear powers that Washington has created, the military/security complex orchestrated Russiagate, a proven hoax, but believed by many due to its endless repetition. The military/security complex orchestrated the false indictments of 12 Russians. The military/security complex orchestrated the false arrest of Maria Butina, and so on and on. The military/security complex acting through the politicians and presstitutes that it owns and controls, has turned the normal everyday responsibility of the President—one acknowledged and acted upon by every previous president—to defuse tensions that could lead to nuclear war into a high crime. President Trump is accused of treason for trying to make peace!

An unaware person might think that this is silly and laugh, but as Finian Cunningham shows, President Trump has been set-up as a treasonous enemy of America. We are currently experiencing sedition at the highest levels as the military/security complex unfolds its coup against the elected president of the United States...

Read More:

The Coming Coup - LewRockwell
Here's the proof, kids. There are people in the world who believe something just because it is on the internet.

Did you read the article?
The cabal of global elite D33P STAIT Establishment military-industrial complex have orchestrated to put plutonium in my corn flakes.

Some of you may laugh, but as the voices in my head have shown, President Trump was personally sent here by Jesus H. Christ to put a Trump casino in every major Russian metropolitan area, and the Jews will stop at nothing to prevent him.

You want to bleev it, and that is how you know it is true.
fixing the bad trade deals will make our economy even stronger. Why do you condone sending billions of US dollars to China?

Exactly what makes them "bad"? Or are you just parroting the party talking points?

Exactly how will the economy get stronger? Or are you just parroting the party talking points?

Will we have even more open positions than people to fill them? Will that make the economy stronger?

We do not send billions of dollars to China, we buy things from China. Do you get home from the grocery store and say "why did I send them all that money"?

currently there are more open jobs than job seekers, that never happened under Obama, either Bush, or Clinton. But in your small mind you want to give Obama credit for that????????????? WTF ?

Do you have a mental illness that keeps you from being able to comprehend what you read? I tell you the only thing I have ever given credit to Obama for was fucking up the healthcare system even worse and then you ask me why I give Obama credit right after I told you I did not.

So, either you have a mental deficiency or you are just a dishonest partisan hack. Please let me know which it is so that I can alter how I reply to you in the future. Thanks.

when the trade imbalance favors china by billions of dollars, we are effectively sending our money to them. At the end of any trading year China is plus billions and we are minus billions on our sales to and purchases from them. that is what makes our china trade bad for the US economy, its not really very complicated. your verbal insults notwithstanding.

I am glad that you don't worship the Kenyan messiah. Good for you.

when there are more jobs than job seekers, the price that must be paid for labor goes up, that is good for American workers. The laws of supply and demand determine the price of all things, including human labor.

please grow up and stop the juvenile insults, you look like a fool when you resort to that.

The Globalists in both Parties threw American Citizens overboard years ago. Their numerous awful trade deals are just one aspect of their selling Citizens out.

yes, and Trump is trying to fix that
when have conservatives or Trump supporters blocked roads, attacked police, destroyed public and private property, or physically attacked anyone on the left? Sorry, dude, but the violence is all coming from you leftists-------------because that's all you have left, everything else has failed.

Please remove the blinders Trumpling


I asked for examples, you posted one clip of an asshole. there are literally hundreds of clips of violence by the left. Its you that needs to remove the blinders.
fixing the bad trade deals will make our economy even stronger. Why do you condone sending billions of US dollars to China?

Exactly what makes them "bad"? Or are you just parroting the party talking points?

Exactly how will the economy get stronger? Or are you just parroting the party talking points?

Will we have even more open positions than people to fill them? Will that make the economy stronger?

We do not send billions of dollars to China, we buy things from China. Do you get home from the grocery store and say "why did I send them all that money"?

currently there are more open jobs than job seekers, that never happened under Obama, either Bush, or Clinton. But in your small mind you want to give Obama credit for that????????????? WTF ?

Do you have a mental illness that keeps you from being able to comprehend what you read? I tell you the only thing I have ever given credit to Obama for was fucking up the healthcare system even worse and then you ask me why I give Obama credit right after I told you I did not.

So, either you have a mental deficiency or you are just a dishonest partisan hack. Please let me know which it is so that I can alter how I reply to you in the future. Thanks.

when the trade imbalance favors china by billions of dollars, we are effectively sending our money to them. At the end of any trading year China is plus billions and we are minus billions on our sales to and purchases from them. that is what makes our china trade bad for the US economy, its not really very complicated. your verbal insults notwithstanding.

I am glad that you don't worship the Kenyan messiah. Good for you.

when there are more jobs than job seekers, the price that must be paid for labor goes up, that is good for American workers. The laws of supply and demand determine the price of all things, including human labor.

please grow up and stop the juvenile insults, you look like a fool when you resort to that.

The Globalists in both Parties threw American Citizens overboard years ago. Their numerous awful trade deals are just one aspect of their selling Citizens out.

yes, and Trump is trying to fix that

Yeah, he sure is upsetting their 'Order.' Hence this Coup-attempt.
Folks should pay very close attention to this.

After they get Trump, they'll come for Trump supporters next.

Who can Trump rely on? Not on his own political party. Not on his own government. Not on the print and TV media or NPR. Not on Europe. Not on the Secret Service. Not on the Pentagon. Not on the unaware American people. Trump has only the “deplorables,” and they are unorganized and will experience retribution once Trump is removed.

The Coming Coup - LewRockwell
IF they get Trump, Trump supporters will get them in ways they cannot fathom.

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