DEEP STATE WATCH: The Coming Coup...

I posted this in some other thread but seems like it belongs here too.

Putin 2 days ago: We see that there are forces in the United States that are willing to sacrifice Russia-US relations to promote their ambitions amid the domestic political strife in America. They are ready to sacrifice the interests of their businesses, which are losing multimillion-dollar contracts and the Russian market in general, as well as jobs in the United States, even though not many, but still there are jobs in place as part of cooperation with Russia. We are talking about tens of thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands, of jobs.

We have always been taught that officials working in the interests of the state, of society must think above all about and give priority to these fundamental interests. Unfortunately, there are forces in the United States that put their narrow group and party interests before national ones.

They are powerful and strong people who can shove – sorry for the mauvais ton – unbelievable and illogical stories in the face of millions of their citizens.
Meeting of ambassadors and permanent representatives of Russia

That powerful group of people [which we know as Deep State] who put their own interests above their country ARE REAL TRAITORS. In fact, they have been using the country for their own interests for years. And now Trump/Putin working together are threatening their existence.
Uh oh, Stratford! Is it possible the NYPost is going "Deep State"?
This is the exact reason the shadow tyrannical background govt wanted hillary. They knew that they could get their war on quickly. Trump is putting a damper on those plans by prolonging peace at all costs.

She was the next designated Soros/NWO Puppet. Her losing, has sent them into a deranged tailspin. They're used to getting everything they want. They're attempting to take Trump out by any means necessary.

She took bribes from them all. It was payback time for the NWO but it was.....delayed. Lol.

Trump has also received money from Russia to be Putin's lackey.
No more government checks for you?

Too young to collect Social Security are ya Smoke-ums?
If so, you'll be first in line when the time comes :)
I know it seems dismissive and stupid to these folks. But guess who is gonna cut their benefits? Preaching to the choir, I guess.

Many Teabagging Trumpkins are not even aware that SS and Medicare are government programs!


I am. They're both ponzi schemes.
And either you pay in to it or you get a check?

The govt holds it for years, collects interest on the money and then gives you a monthly pittance. That money, your money, can't be transferred to your family.
This is the exact reason the shadow tyrannical background govt wanted hillary. They knew that they could get their war on quickly. Trump is putting a damper on those plans by prolonging peace at all costs.

She was the next designated Soros/NWO Puppet. Her losing, has sent them into a deranged tailspin. They're used to getting everything they want. They're attempting to take Trump out by any means necessary.

She took bribes from them all. It was payback time for the NWO but it was.....delayed. Lol.

Trump has also received money from Russia to be Putin's lackey.
Too young to collect Social Security are ya Smoke-ums?
If so, you'll be first in line when the time comes :)
I know it seems dismissive and stupid to these folks. But guess who is gonna cut their benefits? Preaching to the choir, I guess.

Many Teabagging Trumpkins are not even aware that SS and Medicare are government programs!


I am. They're both ponzi schemes.
And either you pay in to it or you get a check?

The govt holds it for years, collects interest on the money and then gives you a monthly pittance. That money, your money, can't be transferred to your family.
God, seriously. The money is gone and spent. I pay a SS tax and Medicare tax, that pays for my fathers retirement.
This is the exact reason the shadow tyrannical background govt wanted hillary. They knew that they could get their war on quickly. Trump is putting a damper on those plans by prolonging peace at all costs.

She was the next designated Soros/NWO Puppet. Her losing, has sent them into a deranged tailspin. They're used to getting everything they want. They're attempting to take Trump out by any means necessary.

She took bribes from them all. It was payback time for the NWO but it was.....delayed. Lol.

Trump has also received money from Russia to be Putin's lackey.
I know it seems dismissive and stupid to these folks. But guess who is gonna cut their benefits? Preaching to the choir, I guess.

Many Teabagging Trumpkins are not even aware that SS and Medicare are government programs!


I am. They're both ponzi schemes.
And either you pay in to it or you get a check?

The govt holds it for years, collects interest on the money and then gives you a monthly pittance. That money, your money, can't be transferred to your family.
God, seriously. The money is gone and spent. I pay a SS tax and Medicare tax, that pays for my fathers retirement.

Yeah, seriously. Its a ponzi scheme. You should be able to opt in or out.
She was the next designated Soros/NWO Puppet. Her losing, has sent them into a deranged tailspin. They're used to getting everything they want. They're attempting to take Trump out by any means necessary.

She took bribes from them all. It was payback time for the NWO but it was.....delayed. Lol.

Trump has also received money from Russia to be Putin's lackey.
Many Teabagging Trumpkins are not even aware that SS and Medicare are government programs!


I am. They're both ponzi schemes.
And either you pay in to it or you get a check?

The govt holds it for years, collects interest on the money and then gives you a monthly pittance. That money, your money, can't be transferred to your family.
God, seriously. The money is gone and spent. I pay a SS tax and Medicare tax, that pays for my fathers retirement.

Yeah, seriously. Its a ponzi scheme. You should be able to opt in or out.
Okay. If I am good to go at the end game. Sure.
LOL! And yours? POTUS apologist. You Girls stink from high heaven.

Shouldn't you at least try to make an argument before starting with pathetic insults?

The very stable orange genius and his deplorable regime may be a bunch of twittering morons but the #resistance is even more repulsive

Actually, no I don't have to. Thank you.
"orange genius"

That is hilarious.
She took bribes from them all. It was payback time for the NWO but it was.....delayed. Lol.

Trump has also received money from Russia to be Putin's lackey.
I am. They're both ponzi schemes.
And either you pay in to it or you get a check?

The govt holds it for years, collects interest on the money and then gives you a monthly pittance. That money, your money, can't be transferred to your family.
God, seriously. The money is gone and spent. I pay a SS tax and Medicare tax, that pays for my fathers retirement.

Yeah, seriously. Its a ponzi scheme. You should be able to opt in or out.
Okay. If I am good to go at the end game. Sure.

That choice should be given to you when you start working. Opt in or out. Not at the end.
If Trump 'goes down', it won't change my life. I saw it coming. I'm fully prepared for the chaos it will cause.

And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.

Yep, it will be fun to watch them take on an Abrams Tank, F-22 Raptor, and a drone or two with their pea shooters. :)
It is laughable to think some group is so collectively intelligent that it could orchestrate such an elaborate, world-wide plan, yet bank everything on Hillary Clinton!

Or perhaps they were so collectively intelligent that they made sure both candidates were who they wanted them to be and they could not lose.
If Trump 'goes down', it won't change my life. I saw it coming. I'm fully prepared for the chaos it will cause.

And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.
Shit for brains, the military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment and vote conservative.
They don’t work for the fucking deep state, they would never go against their own citizens for a fucked up thing like the deep state....
Actually, no I don't have to. Thank you.

Ok, I thought maybe you wanted to be taken seriously
"orange genius"

That is hilarious.

Hilarious isn't exactly the right word to describe the orange regime, the comedy is yuuuge of course but at the same time it affects the 'real' world...... it's more like the Twlight Zone.... surreal is a better word I think...

If Trump 'goes down', it won't change my life. I saw it coming. I'm fully prepared for the chaos it will cause.

And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.

Yep, it will be fun to watch them take on an Abrams Tank, F-22 Raptor, and a drone or two with their pea shooters. :)
You do realize military folk vote overwhelmingly conservative… Diip skit
It is laughable to think some group is so collectively intelligent that it could orchestrate such an elaborate, world-wide plan, yet bank everything on Hillary Clinton!

Or perhaps they were so collectively intelligent that they made sure both candidates were who they wanted them to be and they could not lose.

if that was true, there would not be all of the anti-Trump rhetoric. He burst their bubble, he is calling them out and exposing their corruption. God bless him.
You do realize military folk vote overwhelmingly conservative… Diip skit

A lot of generals are part of the deep state too, they really want more $$$ for the MIC, new war toys to play with and have a real enemy like Russia again...

But if there's a coup it won't be the military that does it, they can't rely on their troops (because there are undoubtedly a lot of Trump supporters in the army) and it has to appear 'legal' so the people won't lose faith in the exception democracy

It will be the usual suspects, they did it before and they probably would like to do it again but they have to be very, very careful and not leave any traces because else it would be a rematch of the civil war

If Trump 'goes down', it won't change my life. I saw it coming. I'm fully prepared for the chaos it will cause.

And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

To think they have the balls to call leftists crazy and dangerous. I want to see them go after the military which would be most definitely the ones staging the coup. I hope it's on TV so I can watch these macho men try take down our military.
Shit for brains, the military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment and vote conservative.
They don’t work for the fucking deep state, they would never go against their own citizens for a fucked up thing like the deep state....
Don’t bet the rent on that. They will be told that whoever they are ordered to point their guns at hates baby’s, hot dogs, apple pie, Chevrolet, the flag and the constitution. They will (with a few exceptions) do as ordered. Those exceptions will meet a violent fate and will be made an example of née Bradley Manning.
Most people realize the military follows orders.
Unarmed students shot down at Kent State verify that the military doesn't even have to be threatened in order to kill civilians.
It is laughable to think some group is so collectively intelligent that it could orchestrate such an elaborate, world-wide plan, yet bank everything on Hillary Clinton!

Or perhaps they were so collectively intelligent that they made sure both candidates were who they wanted them to be and they could not lose.

if that was true, there would not be all of the anti-Trump rhetoric. He burst their bubble, he is calling them out and exposing their corruption. God bless him.

Unless that is all part of the plan to get people like you to follow him so faithfully. Remember we are talking about a group of people, if you buy into it, that are smart enough and devious enough to control power throughout the world over the course of a few hundred years, or more depending on which version of the NWO you buy into.

There is also the Trump family connection to this same "group" via his grandfather and his dealings with one J.D. Rockefeller, who we are told was one of the patriarchs of the NWO/Illuminati.

And is there a better way to further globalism than to pull back into isolationism the biggest superpower on the planet? The more the US pulls back, the more that void is filled with the rest of the world, thus actually strengthening globalism. If Trump manages to crash our economy in the name of "fair trade" that would just be a plus for these evil folks.

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