DEEP STATE WATCH: The Coming Coup...

I posted this in some other thread but seems like it belongs here too.

Putin 2 days ago: We see that there are forces in the United States that are willing to sacrifice Russia-US relations to promote their ambitions amid the domestic political strife in America. They are ready to sacrifice the interests of their businesses, which are losing multimillion-dollar contracts and the Russian market in general, as well as jobs in the United States, even though not many, but still there are jobs in place as part of cooperation with Russia. We are talking about tens of thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands, of jobs.

We have always been taught that officials working in the interests of the state, of society must think above all about and give priority to these fundamental interests. Unfortunately, there are forces in the United States that put their narrow group and party interests before national ones.

They are powerful and strong people who can shove – sorry for the mauvais ton – unbelievable and illogical stories in the face of millions of their citizens.
Meeting of ambassadors and permanent representatives of Russia

That powerful group of people [which we know as Deep State] who put their own interests above their country ARE REAL TRAITORS. In fact, they have been using the country for their own interests for years. And now Trump/Putin working together are threatening their existence.

Peace now = 'Treason.' What a mess. Very sad.
Roll your bellies to Putin. Maybe he'll enslave you last. :71:
Seeking peace with Russia, was likely the last straw for the NWO Globalist Elites. The few Presidents who've dared to buck the Deep State/CIA, were murdered and impeached. And now they're coming for Trump. Peace is bad for business. The CIA always gets its wars. And anyone who stands in their way, will pay a hefty price. I'm really praying Trump makes it. He is in grave danger.
Seeking peace with Russia, was likely the last straw for the NWO Globalist Elites. The few Presidents who've dared to buck the Deep State/CIA, were murdered and impeached. And now they're coming for Trump. Peace is bad for business. The CIA always gets its wars. And anyone who stands in their way, will pay a hefty price. I'm really praying Trump makes it. He is in grave danger.

I posted this in some other thread but seems like it belongs here too.

Putin 2 days ago: We see that there are forces in the United States that are willing to sacrifice Russia-US relations to promote their ambitions amid the domestic political strife in America. They are ready to sacrifice the interests of their businesses, which are losing multimillion-dollar contracts and the Russian market in general, as well as jobs in the United States, even though not many, but still there are jobs in place as part of cooperation with Russia. We are talking about tens of thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands, of jobs.

We have always been taught that officials working in the interests of the state, of society must think above all about and give priority to these fundamental interests. Unfortunately, there are forces in the United States that put their narrow group and party interests before national ones.

They are powerful and strong people who can shove – sorry for the mauvais ton – unbelievable and illogical stories in the face of millions of their citizens.
Meeting of ambassadors and permanent representatives of Russia

That powerful group of people [which we know as Deep State] who put their own interests above their country ARE REAL TRAITORS. In fact, they have been using the country for their own interests for years. And now Trump/Putin working together are threatening their existence.

Peace now = 'Treason.' What a mess. Very sad.
Roll your bellies to Putin. Maybe he'll enslave you last. :71:

Yeah, looks like they've brainwashed and now mind-control you. Seeking Peace = 'Treason' now. Those who dare to buck the Deep State/CIA, usually don't survive. Trump is in real danger. And it's so sad seeing so many goose stepping along in support of the Deep State/CIA evil.
The NWO BOHICA CIA RAHOWA is coming down, man. You better have your bug out bag (BOB) on hot standby, because when the D33P STAIT EMP hits, we'll all be living off MREs.

9/11 just so happened on Bush's watch while we on a glide path to budget surpluses and no war? Coincidence, right? Those dark darkies decided to hijack airplanes and crashed them into the Pentagon and WTC. Just like that - we're at war with Terror and Islam!
Maybe it's the calm before the storm. Could be. The calm before the storm. We have the world's great military people in this room, I will tell you that.
The NWO BOHICA CIA RAHOWA is coming down, man. You better have your bug out bag (BOB) on hot standby, because when the D33P STAIT EMP hits, we'll all be living off MREs.

9/11 just so happened on Bush's watch while we on a glide path to budget surpluses and no war? Coincidence, right? Those dark darkies decided to hijack airplanes and crashed them into the Pentagon and WTC. Just like that - we're at war with Terror and Islam!

Bush was a Puppet. He dutifully went along with their Agenda. Most US Presidents do. If they don't, they'll likely go the way of JFK and Nixon. JFK vehemently opposed the CIA's Permanent War Agenda. He wasn't gonna allow them their Vietnam War. That, and he was also gonna make some dramatic changes to our monetary system. That combined effort, is what got him killed. And Richard Nixon ended the Vietnam War and sought peace with China and the Soviet Union. He was later removed from office.

Any Presidents making serious Peace efforts, put themselves in grave danger. Even Reagan sought peace deals with the Soviet Union. And that obviously made some folks in the Deep State very nervous. He would later be attacked and shot. He survived, but his Peace efforts with the Soviet Union were curtailed quite a bit. The Deep State/CIA can get them in various ways. It holds so much power and control. It's why most US Presidents just do what they're told and go along. They allow the CIA/MIC absolute free reign. They wanna survive. So we'll see if Trump does. I'm praying for him.
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it is already in process

the attempt when trying to overthrow an election

by planting spies in a candidates organization

planting and making up fake dossiers

one sided supposed "news media" stacked full of lies

LoL Berzerk (a good name for you! ;-)

FACT CHECK: No, Clapper Has Not 'Admitted That There Was Spying' On Trump Campaign
No, former intel chief never said FBI spied on Trump
F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims

You lose. That entire ARGUMENT in fact. And you should FIRE your moron fact checkers for making you look stupid. Here's some facts.

1) There were at LEAST 3 FISA warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign. YES - they targeted Carter Page. But if you get the keys to DRIVE that Big Brother spy machine, you have carte blanc to spy on the entire NETWORK of contacts and associates. That's exactly what that NSA Patriot Act Spy Machine was designed for.

2) There were INSTIGATORS planted into the Trump campaign EARLY -- before any OFFICIAL investigation was really acknowledged to "dirty up" Trump associates by fraudulently telling them about "Russian dirt". This is not just INFORMANTS. This was an Intel operation to STING and ENTRAP these people for later "interrogation" by the FBI.

You lose. Your "fact-checker" got your ass whooped. Think for yourself and ADMIT -- It's 100% TRUE that the Trump Campaign was diddled with and spied on..

NOW comes the fun part. Watching the vermin get evicted...
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If you're done snarking around. Lemme explain the Deep State. It's a term of art used by America's Intel agencies themselves. And EVERY Civil Libertarian (not many left outside the ACLU and the Libertarian Party) knows the DANGERS of that massive section of govt that flies under radar, has little or NO oversight, eats big CHUNKS of the DOD budget without even being mentioned by name. MOST CONGRESS critters can't trace the funding because it's classified at levels too high for them to investigate.

The employees in this section govt are not subject to the results of elections. And neither are their missions. They CONTINUE the same programs and operations REGARDLESS of who takes electoral power.

Don't take my word for it. Bill Moyers laid it out best. And Bill Moyers never was a conspiracy guy or a tin foil hat wearer.

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |

There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol. The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections. The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power. [1]

Despite this apparent impotence, President Obama can liquidate American citizens without due processes, detain prisoners indefinitely without charge, conduct dragnet surveillance on the American people without judicial warrant and engage in unprecedented — at least since the McCarthy era — witch hunts against federal employees (the so-called “Insider Threat Program”). Within the United States, this power is characterized by massive displays of intimidating force by militarized federal, state and local law enforcement. Abroad, President Obama can start wars at will and engage in virtually any other activity whatsoever without so much as a by-your-leave from Congress, such as arranging the forced landing of a plane carrying a sovereign head of state over foreign territory. Despite the habitual cant of congressional Republicans about executive overreach by Obama, the would-be dictator, we have until recently heard very little from them about these actions — with the minor exception of comments from gadfly Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. Democrats, save a few mavericks such as Ron Wyden of Oregon, are not unduly troubled, either — even to the extent of permitting seemingly perjured congressional testimony under oath by executive branch officials on the subject of illegal surveillance.

These are not isolated instances of a contradiction; they have been so pervasive that they tend to be disregarded as background noise. During the time in 2011 when political warfare over the debt ceiling was beginning to paralyze the business of governance in Washington, the United States government somehow summoned the resources to overthrow Muammar Ghaddafi’s regime in Libya, and, when the instability created by that coup spilled over into Mali, provide overt and covert assistance to French intervention there. At a time when there was heated debate about continuing meat inspections and civilian air traffic control because of the budget crisis, our government was somehow able to commit $115 million to keeping a civil war going in Syria and to pay at least £100m to the United Kingdom’s Government Communications Headquarters to buy influence over and access to that country’s intelligence. Since 2007, two bridges carrying interstate highways have collapsed due to inadequate maintenance of infrastructure, one killing 13 people. During that same period of time, the government spent $1.7 billion constructing a building in Utah that is the size of 17 football fields. This mammoth structure is intended to allow the National Security Agency to store a yottabyte of information, the largest numerical designator computer scientists have coined. A yottabyte is equal to 500 quintillion pages of text. They need that much storage to archive every single trace of your electronic life.

The Deep State does not consist of the entire government. It is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies: the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Justice Department. I also include the Department of the Treasury because of its jurisdiction over financial flows, its enforcement of international sanctions and its organic symbiosis with Wall Street. All these agencies are coordinated by the Executive Office of the President via the National Security Council. Certain key areas of the judiciary belong to the Deep State, such as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, whose actions are mysterious even to most members of Congress. Also included are a handful of vital federal trial courts, such as the Eastern District of Virginia and the Southern District of Manhattan, where sensitive proceedings in national security cases are conducted. The final government component (and possibly last in precedence among the formal branches of government established by the Constitution) is a kind of rump Congress consisting of the congressional leadership and some (but not all) of the members of the defense and intelligence committees. The rest of Congress, normally so fractious and partisan, is mostly only intermittently aware of the Deep State and when required usually submits to a few well-chosen words from the State’s emissaries.

You morons on the left who have lost all FEAR of an omnipotent govt, laughed off Snowden. Called him a traitor. Attack whistleblowers who attack the govt you worship now. You have had your sense of self-preservation of Civil Liberties and control of your govt bred right the fuck out of you.

But what you've been arguing (badly in fact) about FISA courts and evidence from collection and archiving systems that get their rare chance to go public ---- IS the "Deep State" in action. Its behind 60% of this Russia Russia Russia thing. And you NOW HAVE Deep State star actors acting as "analysts" on your primary sources of information like CNN and MSNBC ---- arguing their asses off to avoid the cuffs and the perp walk. It's all front and center in front of your fact-checker damaged brains. And you STILL are yucking it all up as a conspiracy.

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it is already in process

the attempt when trying to overthrow an election

by planting spies in a candidates organization

planting and making up fake dossiers

one sided supposed "news media" stacked full of lies

LoL Berzerk (a good name for you! ;-)

FACT CHECK: No, Clapper Has Not 'Admitted That There Was Spying' On Trump Campaign
No, former intel chief never said FBI spied on Trump
F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims

You lose. That entire ARGUMENT in fact. And you should FIRE your moron fact checkers for making you look stupid. Here's some facts.

1) There were at LEAST 3 FISA warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign. YES - they targeted Carter Page. But if you get the keys to DRIVE that Big Brother spy machine, you have carte blanc to spy on the entire NETWORK of contacts and associates. That's exactly what that NSA Patriot Act Spy Machine was designed for.

2) There were INSTIGATORS planted into the Trump campaign EARLY -- before any OFFICIAL investigation was really acknowledged to "dirty up" Trump associates by fraudulently telling them about "Russian dirt". This is not just INFORMANTS. This was an Intel operation to STING and ENTRAP these people for later "interrogation" by the FBI.

You lose. Your "fact-checker" got your ass whooped. Think for yourself and ADMIT -- It's 100% TRUE that the Trump Campaign was diddled with and spied on..

NOW comes the fun part. Watching the vermin get evicted...

So once they are evicted...can we put to rest this comical psychosis you have about there being some sort of "deep state" running the show?

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