Defense Spending

Short sighted isolationist cowards would cut off everyone's nose to spite their own face.

The temptation is to call you a clueless drive-by neocon asslicker, but generosity spirit impels me to ask if you'd like to flesh your clueless drive-by neocon asslicking comment out a little bit, or simply admit by your silence that you are, well, a cluelss drive-by neocon asslicker.

Thanks for proving you are exactly what I thought. Why don't you take your little 'show' over to the Conspiracy Forum where you can play with the other patients?

What you thought - or think - based on the quality of thought in your original post, is probably not much of an issue to most of the people you know. Don't let it bother you; without tagalongs the nutball gaggle couldn't possibly exist.
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It is too soon to know if Corporatist Obama is as morally bankrupt as those presidents were. What we have seen is a man too weak to stop the foreign relations and military atrocities of thirty years of filthy god damned scum who preceded him.

so was it ok to defend ourselves from Hitler and Tojo?? Do you think of the Taliban and Sadam as natural friends of America??
It is too soon to know if Corporatist Obama is as morally bankrupt as those presidents were. What we have seen is a man too weak to stop the foreign relations and military atrocities of thirty years of filthy god damned scum who preceded him.

so was it ok to defend ourselves from Hitler and Tojo?? Do you think of the Taliban and Sadam as natural friends of America??

Jeez, Edmund. My teachers taught me that when Japan attacked US territoty the US went after Japan.

Maybe you can explain to the group why yer boy Junebug and his faithful companion Dunce Cheney responded to Saudi attacks on US territory by invading Iraq and Afghanistan? Then blowing it in about every way imaginable.

IKE must be spinining in his grave that a thief and a moron calling themselves Republicans spent seven years and about as much money fighting subsistence level grubbers living with intermittent power and moving arms in oxcarts as IKE spent conquering a fully mechanized army western Europe- then left office in full on disgrace with both wars in dissarray?

Help us out here, Edmund. I don't understand.
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Jeez, Edmund. My teachers taught me that when Japan attacked US territoty the US went after Japan.

mine too!!!! And????????????????????????????????????? Slow??????

Maybe you can explain to the group why yer boy Junebug and his faithful companion Dunce Cheney responded to Saudi attacks on US territory by invading Iraq and Afghanistan? Then blowing it in about every way imaginable.

too stupid!! We obviously were not going to blow up the worlds oil supply!! Slow??????

IKE must be spinining in his grave that a thief and a moron calling themselves Republicans spent seven years and about as much money as he did conquering western Europe and left office with both wars in dissarray?

dear we did not want to bomb them like we did Hitler. Simple enough??

Help us out here, Edmund. I don't understand.

and does the little child libturd understand now???? IF not please tell us what you still don't understand. You're questions take about a half second to answer. Thats how significant they are. Liberalism is all bluster and no brains at all. You are the poster child. USMB is where liberals come to die. Better go back to MSNBC where there is no debate!!
That was great, Edmund. Laugh of the week.

You need to spread that around a little bit. Some of your nutball pals are having serious problems interpreting charts...

(((uh oh)))

All that was a joke... Right?
Let's change the subject again, shall we, Edmund?"

How is that nutballs can know so much personal information about liberals and political nihilists like me, but get fooled time and again by corporatist neocon credit card enthusiasts like Reagan and Junebug, then won't admit it?

D'ye s'pose 'tis some kinda evolutionary advance?

Or maybe a third of the population suffers oxygen deprivation at birth, and nutballism in later life is the most frequent result?

Which do you believe it is?
But everyone knows that government spending does not create jobs.

Don't be absurd.

It keeps thousands of Unionized administrators busily shuffling papers, checking old ladies croches at airports, and keeping illegal immigration below 40,000,000 people.
Let's change the subject again, shall we, Edmund?"

a liberal always needs to change the subject because he always finds he lacks the IQ for the subject

but get fooled time and again by corporatist neocon credit card enthusiasts like Reagan and Junebug, then won't admit it?

who was fooled by Reagan, how fooled exactly, and what exactly won't they admit??

Do you want to change the subject again before you find out, once again, how slow you are???

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