Defining "Liberalism"

JFK Acceptance of the New York Liberal Party Nomination
September 14, 1960

What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label "Liberal?" If by "Liberal" they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer's dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of "Liberal." But if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."

Wanna take a stab at the challenge in post #9?

Don't be afraid.

I don't read your posts

Your writing style is unreadable

Stick to the truth.

I run circles around the empty Leftist poses you assume.
JFK was more liberal than Barack Obama, and at least as hated by the Right as is our current president.

The current President is a fascist.

In fact....I may just post an OP proving that.

And your support of a fascist suggests either malevolence or ineptitude.

Perhaps, both.
I think author of this thread owes the real author of this thread at least a passing acknowledgment:

Now if I missed it in the OP, I apologize in advance.

From the OP:
As Piereson writes, the retreat of liberalism from a doctrine of American affirmation left a void that would be filled by Ronald Reagan 17 years after the assassination." George F. Will: When liberals became scolds - The Washington Post

As usual, you apology is anticipated, required, and accepted.
JFK Acceptance of the New York Liberal Party Nomination
September 14, 1960

What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label "Liberal?" If by "Liberal" they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer's dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of "Liberal." But if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."

So am I, and proud of it.
I think author of this thread owes the real author of this thread at least a passing acknowledgment:

Now if I missed it in the OP, I apologize in advance.

From the OP:
As Piereson writes, the retreat of liberalism from a doctrine of American affirmation left a void that would be filled by Ronald Reagan 17 years after the assassination." George F. Will: When liberals became scolds - The Washington Post

As usual, you apology is anticipated, required, and accepted.

My link is from the NY Post. Where did you link to the NY Post article?
JFK Acceptance of the New York Liberal Party Nomination
September 14, 1960

What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label "Liberal?" If by "Liberal" they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer's dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of "Liberal." But if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."

So am I, and proud of it.

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.
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JFK was more liberal than Barack Obama, and at least as hated by the Right as is our current president.

The current President is a fascist.

In fact....I may just post an OP proving that.

And your support of a fascist suggests either malevolence or ineptitude.

Perhaps, both.

So you're going to post a thread proving that all the conservatives on USMB who call Obama a Marxist are full of shit?

That would be fascinating.
I think author of this thread owes the real author of this thread at least a passing acknowledgment:

Now if I missed it in the OP, I apologize in advance.

From the OP:
As Piereson writes, the retreat of liberalism from a doctrine of American affirmation left a void that would be filled by Ronald Reagan 17 years after the assassination." George F. Will: When liberals became scolds - The Washington Post

As usual, you apology is anticipated, required, and accepted.

My link is from the NY Post. Where did you link to the NY Post article?

Did I provide the link that was the source of everything between the quotation marks, or are you a fool?

Both 'yeses'?
OK, then, no argument.
JFK was more liberal than Barack Obama, and at least as hated by the Right as is our current president.

The current President is a fascist.

In fact....I may just post an OP proving that.

And your support of a fascist suggests either malevolence or ineptitude.

Perhaps, both.

So you're going to post a thread proving that all the conservatives on USMB who call Obama a Marxist are full of shit?

That would be fascinating.

1. I haven't been elected to speak for any conservatives other than myself.
And I do.

2. Obama is the nexus of fascist and communist.
Anticipate and fear another well-constructed OP toward that end.

3. Watch you language.
The current President is a fascist.

In fact....I may just post an OP proving that.

And your support of a fascist suggests either malevolence or ineptitude.

Perhaps, both.

So you're going to post a thread proving that all the conservatives on USMB who call Obama a Marxist are full of shit?

That would be fascinating.

1. I haven't been elected to speak for any conservatives other than myself.
And I do.


You also weren't elected to assign beliefs and positions to me. I'm a liberal; you accuse me of being a Communist.

Prove it with real life evidence. (Hint: snotty middle-aged haus-frau retorts are not evidence)
From the OP:
As Piereson writes, the retreat of liberalism from a doctrine of American affirmation left a void that would be filled by Ronald Reagan 17 years after the assassination." George F. Will: When liberals became scolds - The Washington Post

As usual, you apology is anticipated, required, and accepted.

My link is from the NY Post. Where did you link to the NY Post article?

Did I provide the link that was the source of everything between the quotation marks, or are you a fool?

Both 'yeses'?
OK, then, no argument.

I am referring to your OP as a whole, which is largely, at best, a paraphrase, at worst, plagiarism, of George Will's article last week in the NY Post.
From the OP:

"Liberalism would become the doctrine of grievance groups owed redress for cumulative inherited injuries inflicted by the nation’s tawdry history, toxic present and ominous future."

If you substitute modern day American conservatism for Liberalism in the above, you should be able to see the irony in the OP's original statement.
Rabid Rightie defines Liberals as commies.


And of course the most timely example of liberalism being Communism is the insistence by liberal politicians in Washington that American consumers not be deprived of their opportunity to shop for health insurance in an open competitive market of private sector health insurance businesses.
I have long argued the point that the modern American liberal aka leftist aka progressive aka statist aka political class is:

1. Incapable of focusing on a concept or principle.

2. Will instead focus on the messenger or find something or somebody else to criticize, accuse, ridicule, or demonize.

3. Cannot defend their own values or beliefs with anything acceptable even to themselves, and therefore must make sure the discussion is derailed or shifted to something else.

Nothing I have seen in this thread shakes my faith in my opinion about that whatsoever.

You would think there would be at least one thinking liberal out of the whole group who could take at least one statement from the OP and show how it was in error. But liberals, as we define them in America these days, don't do that do they? Nope. Attack PC. Attack conservatives. Attack Republicans. Attack any rightwing concept. But by gosh don't discuss the OP.

I have long argued the point that the modern American liberal aka leftist aka progressive aka statist aka political class
May 13, 2010
RUSH: Conservatives remember that "we, the people" are the government. ... We do not divide people by groups. We do not see groups.

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