Definition of anti-Semitism


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Anti-Semitism is a mortal sin of which anyone in the world may be guilty except Jews, and to be guilty of which requires nothing more than the accusation of such by any Jew.
Anti-Semitism is a mortal sin of which anyone in the world may be guilty except Jews, and to be guilty of which requires nothing more than the accusation of such by any Jew.

how old were you when you first reached the conclusion you describe?
Anti-antisemitism is hostility or prejudice against Jews. It is not a sin and especially a mortal sin. Reason? There is no such thing as a sin. God does not exist and everything thereby associated with or related to god as such is not valid for reference.
Jews are not the only Semites. Just sayin'.

To hate anyone because of what they ARE (and have no control over) is morally reprehensible.

In fact, "hate" is a dangerous thing, even if based on specific personal behaviors that seem to justify it.

For example, one might "hate" the Jewish state for continuing to build settlements and Jewish-only residences in territories that are expressly set aside for a Palestinian State, while claiming to be ready to negotiate the "two-state" resolution of their territorial difficulties.

But to use that as an excuse to "hate" Jews...not cool.

Ultimately I am forced to acknowledge the wisdom of the Rev. Lewis Farrakhan, who said, "Anti-Semite used to mean, 'someone who doesn't like Jews,' but now it means, 'someone that Jews don't like.'"
Jews are not the only Semites. Just sayin'.

Ultimately I am forced to acknowledge the wisdom of the Rev. Lewis Farrakhan, who said, "Anti-Semite used to mean, 'someone who doesn't like Jews,' but now it means, 'someone that Jews don't like.'"

I am fascinated by your choice of "hero" Do you know much
about Lewis Farrakhan and his 'preachings'? Are you a muslim (you need not anwer, of course)
"Hero"? Who said anything about a "hero"?

The Rev. Farrakhan said something poignant, I heard it, and I agree with it. Both he and his "religion" are garbage but that doesn't change the fact that what he said on this particular point was insightful.
"Hero"? Who said anything about a "hero"?

The Rev. Farrakhan said something poignant, I heard it, and I agree with it. Both he and his "religion" are garbage but that doesn't change the fact that what he said on this particular point was insightful.

oh----that one idiotic statement delighted you------he said
lots more-------in fact just about all of it----IDIOTIC (the wise
man you so esteem)
Anti-antisemitism is hostility or prejudice against Jews. It is not a sin and especially a mortal sin. Reason? There is no such thing as a sin. God does not exist and everything thereby associated with or related to god as such is not valid for reference.
OK, let's call it a "social no-no that can ruin your career" instead of a "sin". My definition stands.
Antisemitism involves a clear and consistent pattern of prejudice against Jews, and involves various canards attached to them involving undue power, secretiveness, manipulative qualities, and general perfidy. Ever since the creation of the one, tiny state for Jewish self-determination, this antisemitism has morphed in such a way as to attach these canards to the entire Jewish body-politic of Israel, and has been spread by the United Nations and other institutions dominated by antisemitic interests.

When I was young, antisemitism was primarily a disease of the far right, but today it is a disease primarily of the global left, spurned on by the increasing influence of Islam as it infests the west.
It's just weaponised terminology wielded against anyone (usually White) who criticises Israel, Jews and Jewish behaviour or draws attention to the disproportionate influence Israeli lobby groups hold in Washington. Anything else?
I agree with the original poster. Anti semitism is simply a catch all phrase to silence all criticism of either Jews or Israel.

The only reason why anybody would side with the Jews is that the alternative, Muslims, is worse. But that's debatable.
Anti-antisemitism is hostility or prejudice against Jews. It is not a sin and especially a mortal sin. Reason? There is no such thing as a sin. God does not exist and everything thereby associated with or related to god as such is not valid for reference.

OK, philosopher, strike "mortal sin" and insert "career-ending, really naughty no-no".

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