Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

and this confirms god? no. this only confirms human existential insecurity, and the emotional need for a greater explanation to sooth the unanswerable. That's all you have.

Since there is no example or physical evidence that any other living thing emotionally needs a greater explanation to sooth the unanswerable, it is reasonable to believe this stems from our ability to spiritually connect. You have not demonstrated otherwise, and you can't.

You keep wanting to point to these things that our spirituality causes, as the reasons for our spirituality, and you literally have to abandon scientific principles to do so.

What nonsense. Much of what was “unanswerable”, (natural phenomenon), was the cause and motivation for humans to invent various gawds. Fear and superstition was the engine that drove the invention of gawds. And yes, you literally have to abandon scientific principles to believe that Zeus is the capo of a syndicate of other gawds ruling natural events.

Thus, gawd(s), Jinn, devils, the “risen from the dead”, etc., etc., replete with flying winged men in nightgowns, fat naked babies playing harps, chariots of fire cruising through the clouds, that seas part and books predict the end of the world? All the now thoroughly discredited excuses to commit our logic and reason to be discarded in favor “because I say so”.

If what you are claiming were true, you could show us other similar examples of this in other upper primates. We find no such example. No other living thing has needed to invent something to explain the unexplained or remedy fear....EVER.... not to ANY degree, not a single solitary instance... Zippo, Zilch, NADDA! But here you are, in spite of science itself, making the claim that humans, the most advanced and intelligent species of all.... just HAD to do this, in order to explain the unexplained and comfort our fears.

Now as you can see, sweetie... I am not refuting you with "because I say so," I am stipulating some very real scientific evidence that you've failed to produce to support your claim. So stop lying to people about my position. You can either refute my argument with scientific evidence, or you can't. If you're going to continue to lie and insist upon an explanation that does not comport with science, I am going to continue to point it out.
Since there is no example or physical evidence that any other living thing emotionally needs a greater explanation to sooth the unanswerable, it is reasonable to believe this stems from our ability to spiritually connect. You have not demonstrated otherwise, and you can't.

You keep wanting to point to these things that our spirituality causes, as the reasons for our spirituality, and you literally have to abandon scientific principles to do so.

What nonsense. Much of what was “unanswerable”, (natural phenomenon), was the cause and motivation for humans to invent various gawds. Fear and superstition was the engine that drove the invention of gawds. And yes, you literally have to abandon scientific principles to believe that Zeus is the capo of a syndicate of other gawds ruling natural events.

Thus, gawd(s), Jinn, devils, the “risen from the dead”, etc., etc., replete with flying winged men in nightgowns, fat naked babies playing harps, chariots of fire cruising through the clouds, that seas part and books predict the end of the world? All the now thoroughly discredited excuses to commit our logic and reason to be discarded in favor “because I say so”.

If what you are claiming were true, you could show us other similar examples of this in other upper primates. We find no such example. No other living thing has needed to invent something to explain the unexplained or remedy fear....EVER.... not to ANY degree, not a single solitary instance... Zippo, Zilch, NADDA! But here you are, in spite of science itself, making the claim that humans, the most advanced and intelligent species of all.... just HAD to do this, in order to explain the unexplained and comfort our fears.

Now as you can see, sweetie... I am not refuting you with "because I say so," I am stipulating some very real scientific evidence that you've failed to produce to support your claim. So stop lying to people about my position. You can either refute my argument with scientific evidence, or you can't. If you're going to continue to lie and insist upon an explanation that does not comport with science, I am going to continue to point it out.

More nonsensical claims. It is the human attribute of relative intelligence that allows for the conception of abstract ideas such as supernaturalism.

It’s laughable that you demand others refute your nonsense claims with “scientific evidence” when you advance your argument with the qualifier that your claims are not open to scientific evidence.
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Since there is no example or physical evidence that any other living thing emotionally needs a greater explanation to sooth the unanswerable, it is reasonable to believe this stems from our ability to spiritually connect. You have not demonstrated otherwise, and you can't.

You keep wanting to point to these things that our spirituality causes, as the reasons for our spirituality, and you literally have to abandon scientific principles to do so.

What nonsense. Much of what was “unanswerable”, (natural phenomenon), was the cause and motivation for humans to invent various gawds. Fear and superstition was the engine that drove the invention of gawds. And yes, you literally have to abandon scientific principles to believe that Zeus is the capo of a syndicate of other gawds ruling natural events.

Thus, gawd(s), Jinn, devils, the “risen from the dead”, etc., etc., replete with flying winged men in nightgowns, fat naked babies playing harps, chariots of fire cruising through the clouds, that seas part and books predict the end of the world? All the now thoroughly discredited excuses to commit our logic and reason to be discarded in favor “because I say so”.

If what you are claiming were true, you could show us other similar examples of this in other upper primates. We find no such example. No other living thing has needed to invent something to explain the unexplained or remedy fear....EVER.... not to ANY degree, not a single solitary instance... Zippo, Zilch, NADDA! But here you are, in spite of science itself, making the claim that humans, the most advanced and intelligent species of all.... just HAD to do this, in order to explain the unexplained and comfort our fears.

Now as you can see, sweetie... I am not refuting you with "because I say so," I am stipulating some very real scientific evidence that you've failed to produce to support your claim. So stop lying to people about my position. You can either refute my argument with scientific evidence, or you can't. If you're going to continue to lie and insist upon an explanation that does not comport with science, I am going to continue to point it out.

Your fallacious premise has NEVER been established in the first place so there is nothing to refute. Until you can PROVE that your bogus "spiritual connection" actually exists and that there is a deity on the other end of it all you have is mumbo-jumbo superstition. The physical measurable meditative trance state of mind does NOT prove that there is any "spiritual connection" and it most certainly does NOT prove that there is any imaginary entity on the other end of it either. So the onus remains on YOU to provide the proof but no one is holding their breath waiting. This is your cue to do your little shuck and jive act and pretend that you did it all in the OP and that only fools who buy your snake oil are capable of recognizing it.
Okay, so now whenever someone thoroughly explains their views, that is an indication they are clueless? To bad my "walls of text" are too high for your stupid ass to climb or tear down. I guess you'll just have to sit down and play with your fellow monkey, Dorito, and pretend you are somebody. :banghead:
another one of the million false assumptions you'll make today.
I have no problem being somebody I was born that way.
you on the other hand must have a problem with not being somebody. trying to make up for not being one of the cool kids ?

No, you were born a spiritual somebody, you have succeeded in becoming a Nihilist nobody... worm food in the making. I never needed or wanted to be one of the cool kids, but then, I never lost my spiritual connection. When you have no spiritual connection, being one of the cool kids is important and meaningful. This is why you place so much stock in such things. The problem with being a cool kid is this, one day you wake up and you're not a kid or cool anymore, you are just pathetic. #wellonyourway

Humans are clearly not born "spiritual', ie:, religious.

Babies seem to be blank slates, devoid of anything but instinct (eat, defecate, sleep, that sort of thing). They also display curiosity and experiment with their environment, so they seem far more in tune with the processes of science as opposed to those of faith. If you raise a baby in a Hindu culture, it will almost certainly embrace Hinduism; if in a Christian home, Christianity. All theistic beliefs are externally brought to human beings, none of them display inherent hardwiring. If you raise a child devoid of god concepts in the middle of a remote jungle, the child will not arbitrarily and spontaneously generate theism.

People rarely chose their theistic beliefs and they rarely apply very hard standards to those beliefs. Religious belief tends to be cultural (i.e., you grew up in a social environment that preferred one belief over another), or anecdotal (you believe in certain events that for you define a specific belief, like a hindu may have examples of "reincarnation" whereas a Catholic will "see visions of Mary", etc.), or there is simply a resonance in the belief system you select.
What nonsense. Much of what was “unanswerable”, (natural phenomenon), was the cause and motivation for humans to invent various gawds. Fear and superstition was the engine that drove the invention of gawds. And yes, you literally have to abandon scientific principles to believe that Zeus is the capo of a syndicate of other gawds ruling natural events.

Thus, gawd(s), Jinn, devils, the “risen from the dead”, etc., etc., replete with flying winged men in nightgowns, fat naked babies playing harps, chariots of fire cruising through the clouds, that seas part and books predict the end of the world? All the now thoroughly discredited excuses to commit our logic and reason to be discarded in favor “because I say so”.

If what you are claiming were true, you could show us other similar examples of this in other upper primates. We find no such example. No other living thing has needed to invent something to explain the unexplained or remedy fear....EVER.... not to ANY degree, not a single solitary instance... Zippo, Zilch, NADDA! But here you are, in spite of science itself, making the claim that humans, the most advanced and intelligent species of all.... just HAD to do this, in order to explain the unexplained and comfort our fears.

Now as you can see, sweetie... I am not refuting you with "because I say so," I am stipulating some very real scientific evidence that you've failed to produce to support your claim. So stop lying to people about my position. You can either refute my argument with scientific evidence, or you can't. If you're going to continue to lie and insist upon an explanation that does not comport with science, I am going to continue to point it out.

More nonsensical claims. It is the human attribute of relative intelligence that allows for the conception of abstract ideas such as supernaturalism.

It’s laughable that you demand others refute your nonsense claims with “scientific evidence” when you advance your argument with the qualifier that your claims are not open to scientific evidence.

Nope, you've gotten it backwards, which is why you can't cite another similar example in all of nature. Spiritual connection is what gives humans the attribute of relative intelligence that allows for the conception of abstract thought regarding spiritual nature. Our fears of death and need to explain the unknown, stem FROM our attribute of spiritual connection. THIS is why it's not found anywhere else in nature, nothing else is spiritually connected.

You can laugh all you like, I never have stated that my claims are not open to scientific evidence. The very OP of this thread, includes some very fundamental scientific evidence, as does my point here in this post. Coupled with overwhelming spiritual evidence, it makes a definitive case for the existence of god. You can never realize this because you reject spiritual evidence. You continue to insist it is "supernatural" when science shows it has been a part of human nature for all of our existence. It's "supernatural" to you, because you don't believe in it.
Your fallacious premise has NEVER been established in the first place so there is nothing to refute. Until you can PROVE that your bogus "spiritual connection" actually exists and that there is a deity on the other end of it all you have is mumbo-jumbo superstition. The physical measurable meditative trance state of mind does NOT prove that there is any "spiritual connection" and it most certainly does NOT prove that there is any imaginary entity on the other end of it either. So the onus remains on YOU to provide the proof but no one is holding their breath waiting. This is your cue to do your little shuck and jive act and pretend that you did it all in the OP and that only fools who buy your snake oil are capable of recognizing it.

I did prove spiritual connection exists. There is at least 70,000 years of evidence, and billions of testimonials. I have not mentioned a deity, I don't know why you continue to insist this is part of my argument, other than your inability to be honest. I've corrected you numerous times, and you just continue to lie about this.

I even pointed out that you won't acknowledge spiritual evidence, therefore, the question can not be answered for you. All you keep doing, is proving my point, and demanding illogical evidence that is never going to exist. I've admitted that as well, I can't prove god exists to you, it's not possible to give you the evidence you need. That doesn't mean my argument is invalid, or that god doesn't really exist.
Humans are clearly not born "spiritual', ie:, religious.

Babies seem to be blank slates, devoid of anything but instinct (eat, defecate, sleep, that sort of thing). They also display curiosity and experiment with their environment, so they seem far more in tune with the processes of science as opposed to those of faith. If you raise a baby in a Hindu culture, it will almost certainly embrace Hinduism; if in a Christian home, Christianity. All theistic beliefs are externally brought to human beings, none of them display inherent hardwiring. If you raise a child devoid of god concepts in the middle of a remote jungle, the child will not arbitrarily and spontaneously generate theism.

People rarely chose their theistic beliefs and they rarely apply very hard standards to those beliefs. Religious belief tends to be cultural (i.e., you grew up in a social environment that preferred one belief over another), or anecdotal (you believe in certain events that for you define a specific belief, like a hindu may have examples of "reincarnation" whereas a Catholic will "see visions of Mary", etc.), or there is simply a resonance in the belief system you select.

Do you not see what you continue to do? You begin talking about spiritualism, but before you can get through a paragraph, you have conflated spirituality with theism or religion.

Let me ask you this, Hollie... Have you always been a Nihilist? Has this been your belief since birth?
Your fallacious premise has NEVER been established in the first place so there is nothing to refute. Until you can PROVE that your bogus "spiritual connection" actually exists and that there is a deity on the other end of it all you have is mumbo-jumbo superstition. The physical measurable meditative trance state of mind does NOT prove that there is any "spiritual connection" and it most certainly does NOT prove that there is any imaginary entity on the other end of it either. So the onus remains on YOU to provide the proof but no one is holding their breath waiting. This is your cue to do your little shuck and jive act and pretend that you did it all in the OP and that only fools who buy your snake oil are capable of recognizing it.

I did prove spiritual connection exists. There is at least 70,000 years of evidence, and billions of testimonials. I have not mentioned a deity, I don't know why you continue to insist this is part of my argument, other than your inability to be honest. I've corrected you numerous times, and you just continue to lie about this.

I even pointed out that you won't acknowledge spiritual evidence, therefore, the question can not be answered for you. All you keep doing, is proving my point, and demanding illogical evidence that is never going to exist. I've admitted that as well, I can't prove god exists to you, it's not possible to give you the evidence you need. That doesn't mean my argument is invalid, or that god doesn't really exist.

Once again you are forced to resort to name calling because you cannot prove any of your blathering nonsense. Even the term "spiritual connection" exposes your drivel. What is on the other end of this magical "connection" of yours since you are denying the existence of a deity? (The one you pretended to "prove existed" in your OP.) There can't be a "connection" if there is NOTHING to connect to on the other end. So by denying that there is a deity you are essentially invalidating your entire premise. Great job of shooting yourself in the foot again! Your inconsistent illogical babbling is ludicrous.
If what you are claiming were true, you could show us other similar examples of this in other upper primates. We find no such example. No other living thing has needed to invent something to explain the unexplained or remedy fear....EVER.... not to ANY degree, not a single solitary instance... Zippo, Zilch, NADDA! But here you are, in spite of science itself, making the claim that humans, the most advanced and intelligent species of all.... just HAD to do this, in order to explain the unexplained and comfort our fears.

Now as you can see, sweetie... I am not refuting you with "because I say so," I am stipulating some very real scientific evidence that you've failed to produce to support your claim. So stop lying to people about my position. You can either refute my argument with scientific evidence, or you can't. If you're going to continue to lie and insist upon an explanation that does not comport with science, I am going to continue to point it out.

More nonsensical claims. It is the human attribute of relative intelligence that allows for the conception of abstract ideas such as supernaturalism.

It’s laughable that you demand others refute your nonsense claims with “scientific evidence” when you advance your argument with the qualifier that your claims are not open to scientific evidence.

Nope, you've gotten it backwards, which is why you can't cite another similar example in all of nature. Spiritual connection is what gives humans the attribute of relative intelligence that allows for the conception of abstract thought regarding spiritual nature.
Ironic given that you accuse Hollie of what you are doing in the following sentences.
Our fears of death and need to explain the unknown, stem FROM our attribute of spiritual connection. THIS is why it's not found anywhere else in nature, nothing else is spiritually connected.
So under your latest insanity no other mammals have a "fear of death"? Your absurdity knows no bounds.
You can laugh all you like, I never have stated that my claims are not open to scientific evidence. The very OP of this thread, includes some very fundamental scientific evidence, as does my point here in this post.
Coupled with overwhelming spiritual evidence, it makes a definitive case for the existence of god.
A deity whose very existence you just DENIED in your other post.

Boss said:
I have not mentioned a deity, I don't know why you continue to insist this is part of my argument, other than your inability to be honest. I've corrected you numerous times, and you just continue to lie about this.

Only one doing any LYING around here is YOU as proven by your baseless claim for the existence of your deity followed by your denial that you are even mentioning your deity. Are you incapable of grasping that what you wrote in one post is directly contradicting what you wrote in another? No wonder you have zero credibility.

You can never realize this because you reject spiritual evidence. You continue to insist it is "supernatural" when science shows it has been a part of human nature for all of our existence. It's "supernatural" to you, because you don't believe in it.

So now you are alleging that a mere 70k years is equal to "all of our existence"? Interesting how you choose to ignore the scientific evidence of mankind's existence prior to the last 70k years. Doesn't that evidence count too or are you selectively ignoring it because it refutes your baseless contention?
Your fallacious premise has NEVER been established in the first place so there is nothing to refute. Until you can PROVE that your bogus "spiritual connection" actually exists and that there is a deity on the other end of it all you have is mumbo-jumbo superstition. The physical measurable meditative trance state of mind does NOT prove that there is any "spiritual connection" and it most certainly does NOT prove that there is any imaginary entity on the other end of it either. So the onus remains on YOU to provide the proof but no one is holding their breath waiting. This is your cue to do your little shuck and jive act and pretend that you did it all in the OP and that only fools who buy your snake oil are capable of recognizing it.

I did prove spiritual connection exists. There is at least 70,000 years of evidence, and billions of testimonials. I have not mentioned a deity, I don't know why you continue to insist this is part of my argument, other than your inability to be honest. I've corrected you numerous times, and you just continue to lie about this.

I even pointed out that you won't acknowledge spiritual evidence, therefore, the question can not be answered for you. All you keep doing, is proving my point, and demanding illogical evidence that is never going to exist. I've admitted that as well, I can't prove god exists to you, it's not possible to give you the evidence you need. That doesn't mean my argument is invalid, or that god doesn't really exist.

Once again you are forced to resort to name calling because you cannot prove any of your blathering nonsense. Even the term "spiritual connection" exposes your drivel. What is on the other end of this magical "connection" of yours since you are denying the existence of a deity? (The one you pretended to "prove existed" in your OP.) There can't be a "connection" if there is NOTHING to connect to on the other end. So by denying that there is a deity you are essentially invalidating your entire premise. Great job of shooting yourself in the foot again! Your inconsistent illogical babbling is ludicrous.

LOL... where did I call you a name, Dorito? There is nothing I have said that is "blathering nonsense" at all. We have 70k years of history that can't be disputed, humans spiritually connect to something. You are making the false assumption that any such connection would necessarily involve a "deity" and that isn't an argument I have made. There is nothing "magical" about the connection, humans of all walks from all kinds of cultures are able to spiritually connect, and have done so as long as humans have existed.

As for "god" mentioned in the OP, that has also been explained to you numerous times. I am using "god" as a metaphoric representation for whatever spiritual force humans are connecting with. I personally believe this is a form of energy that we can't measure with physical science at this time, and probably won't ever be able to. It is a reality outside the material world, that we have the ability to connect to, while no other living things can. This is why we are special among all living things. This is why our unique attributes are unmatched in nature and evolution can't explain them. You can call this nonsense or babbling, but even Plato and Aristotle argued there was a spiritual nature.

What you believe, is not supported by science or Darwin. I've demonstrated this, because you can't give me examples of spiritual behavior in any other living thing. The "reasons" you claim spirituality exists, are not supportable by science, and contradict Darwin. You cling to the fact that spiritual nature doesn't provide physical evidence, which is totally illogical. You refuse to accept spiritual evidence which is overwhelming, and has been around as long as humans have. I can't change your mind, I admitted that in the OP, it's not debatable. You have closed your mind and rejected your own spiritual nature, and you will reject science and everything else, to avoid acknowledging it. We can continue this discussion for another month.. a year... a decade... you are still going to reject spiritual nature, and I get that. It's why I made the point in the OP, first two paragraphs.

What's interesting, is that you spend so much time here in this thread, hurling one insult after another, ridiculing me, throwing out sarcastic ad homs and denigrations, like you get something out of that... cathartic almost. Is that what this is about to you? A need you have to reinforce your disbeliefs that is so strong, you can't help but continue with this? It's what is seems like to me. If that's the case, I think you need to really ask yourself, are you certain? Or are you just trying to convince yourself of this?
So under your latest insanity no other mammals have a "fear of death"? Your absurdity knows no bounds.

No other animal or form of life, contemplates death, worries about what happens when it dies, or has any conceptualization of death, other than universal survival instinct and preservation of life. If you can demonstrate otherwise, be my guest.
A deity whose very existence you just DENIED in your other post.

God does not automatically have to be a "deity." This seems to be where you are hung up. I am a spiritualist, I believe in spiritual nature and a spiritual energy which I refer to as "god" but which I don't believe has the qualities of any "deity" suggested by religion or theology. The "god" I believe in, doesn't have humanistic attributes, doesn't judge your actions, doesn't condemn you to hell, doesn't need you to worship it, doesn't love or hate you. I'm sorry that your brain apparently cannot comprehend such a god, but that's not my problem, is it?
So under your latest insanity no other mammals have a "fear of death"? Your absurdity knows no bounds.

No other animal or form of life, contemplates death, worries about what happens when it dies, or has any conceptualization of death, other than universal survival instinct and preservation of life. If you can demonstrate otherwise, be my guest.

What you are describing is human sentience and is a function of relative intelligence and complexity of the human brain. It has nothing to do with your gods.
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Humans are clearly not born "spiritual', ie:, religious.

Babies seem to be blank slates, devoid of anything but instinct (eat, defecate, sleep, that sort of thing). They also display curiosity and experiment with their environment, so they seem far more in tune with the processes of science as opposed to those of faith. If you raise a baby in a Hindu culture, it will almost certainly embrace Hinduism; if in a Christian home, Christianity. All theistic beliefs are externally brought to human beings, none of them display inherent hardwiring. If you raise a child devoid of god concepts in the middle of a remote jungle, the child will not arbitrarily and spontaneously generate theism.

People rarely chose their theistic beliefs and they rarely apply very hard standards to those beliefs. Religious belief tends to be cultural (i.e., you grew up in a social environment that preferred one belief over another), or anecdotal (you believe in certain events that for you define a specific belief, like a hindu may have examples of "reincarnation" whereas a Catholic will "see visions of Mary", etc.), or there is simply a resonance in the belief system you select.

Do you not see what you continue to do? You begin talking about spiritualism, but before you can get through a paragraph, you have conflated spirituality with theism or religion.

Let me ask you this, Hollie... Have you always been a Nihilist? Has this been your belief since birth?

Oh no, Boss. You've been reduced to pointless question begging argumentation.

So, Boss, is it true you that have been arrested and jailed for trading sexual favors to men on the street in exchange for vials of crack cocaine?
So under your latest insanity no other mammals have a "fear of death"? Your absurdity knows no bounds.

No other animal or form of life, contemplates death, worries about what happens when it dies, or has any conceptualization of death, other than universal survival instinct and preservation of life. If you can demonstrate otherwise, be my guest.

The above does nothing to support your claim to gods or something you call "spirituality" but can't define.
A deity whose very existence you just DENIED in your other post.

God does not automatically have to be a "deity." This seems to be where you are hung up. I am a spiritualist, I believe in spiritual nature and a spiritual energy which I refer to as "god" but which I don't believe has the qualities of any "deity" suggested by religion or theology. The "god" I believe in, doesn't have humanistic attributes, doesn't judge your actions, doesn't condemn you to hell, doesn't need you to worship it, doesn't love or hate you. I'm sorry that your brain apparently cannot comprehend such a god, but that's not my problem, is it?

The "god" you believe in, as you described "it", sounds like "nothing'ness". Why continue with the 70,000 years™, nonsense when you're describing 70,000 years™ of nothing?
A deity whose very existence you just DENIED in your other post.

God does not automatically have to be a "deity." This seems to be where you are hung up. I am a spiritualist, I believe in spiritual nature and a spiritual energy which I refer to as "god" but which I don't believe has the qualities of any "deity" suggested by religion or theology. The "god" I believe in, doesn't have humanistic attributes, doesn't judge your actions, doesn't condemn you to hell, doesn't need you to worship it, doesn't love or hate you. I'm sorry that your brain apparently cannot comprehend such a god, but that's not my problem, is it?

So living organisms are not a product of creation they just formed through natural processes ?
A deity whose very existence you just DENIED in your other post.

God does not automatically have to be a "deity." This seems to be where you are hung up. I am a spiritualist, I believe in spiritual nature and a spiritual energy which I refer to as "god" but which I don't believe has the qualities of any "deity" suggested by religion or theology. The "god" I believe in, doesn't have humanistic attributes, doesn't judge your actions, doesn't condemn you to hell, doesn't need you to worship it, doesn't love or hate you. I'm sorry that your brain apparently cannot comprehend such a god, but that's not my problem, is it?

So living organisms are not a product of creation they just formed through natural processes ?

They formed by magical processes.

The magic is described by four words: "the gawds did it".
God does not automatically have to be a "deity." This seems to be where you are hung up. I am a spiritualist, I believe in spiritual nature and a spiritual energy which I refer to as "god" but which I don't believe has the qualities of any "deity" suggested by religion or theology. The "god" I believe in, doesn't have humanistic attributes, doesn't judge your actions, doesn't condemn you to hell, doesn't need you to worship it, doesn't love or hate you. I'm sorry that your brain apparently cannot comprehend such a god, but that's not my problem, is it?

So living organisms are not a product of creation they just formed through natural processes ?

They formed by magical processes.

The magic is described by four words: "the gawds did it".

So you admit life is a miracle if there is no creator ?

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