Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

bullshit !
we'll do this one more time.
the above is a refuting of your obsession with your own education about every 100 pages in the creationist thread you bring it up ,almost always when you're getting your ass handed to you.
it was in response to one of "those" post where I said I'd been taught a larger volume and verity of science the you had.

No what we were discussing was what Molecule were the earliest organisms constructed from. Then you claimed you learned this in High school in genetics and I am saying you're ignorant of the facts. The question I asked you was life from Biochemistry at the Molecular level.

So yes you're ignorant of the facts.

THE molecules of Rna and Dna are best learned in molecular biology.
bullshit !
we'll do this one more time.
the above is a refuting of your obsession with your own education about every 100 pages in the creationist thread you bring it up ,almost always when you're getting your ass handed to you.
it was in response to one of "those" post where I said I'd been taught a larger volume and verity of science the you had.
as always your hubris read it misshapen head.
that's when you decided to test me with molecule question. the rest is you being pissed off at the fact you'd failed find fault with my answer.
this is your second attempt to rewrite the facts.
I can only conclude it's because you're wrong.

Yes you made that claim and I tested you with a question and I knew you got your answer from a google then made the claim you learned it in high school then went on to say you took a genetics class in high school and compared it to micro biology not understanding what those fields taught. I pointed it out to you the question I asked can best be answered through molecular biology which is a fact.

You really can't be this stupid can you ?
wrong I stated a fact...I never compared it to microbiology..... you did.
as always you made a false assumption "you got it from Google" ..
so again you're attempting to misrepresent the facts.
I never once contended that science and religion are incompatible. How Ironic that you talk of straw-men. I do, however, contend that young-earth fundamentalism and science are irreconcilable, however, I never mentioned that in this thread, so you would have had no way of knowing this.

Your responses indicate you think the Creationist are incompatible with science, though this narrowing to YE fundamentalists is new.

Interesting to note that, the foremost christian apologists such as William Lane Craig, considers young earth creationism to be an embarrassment to the faith. Given such a fundamental misunderstanding of my position, I am not going to respond to the rest of your fallacy-laiden response, obviously built on a straw-man of my position.

I wouldn't say that YEC is an embarrassment, but that it is askew with a correct prioritization of Biblical text as interpreted and what kind of literary form they take.

And my 'fallacy laiden response' is nothing more than mockery, pishaw.

Who was openly atheistic back then? Are you denying that people had to hide it? And, who the hell are you to judge someone from a different time for their fear social backlash?

Lol, what is the point of having a word like 'coward' if it doesn't apply to someone to afraid to either openly state his beliefs or migrate to where he could? Your view of Darwin is that he is a coward, though you retreat from just coming out and saying it plainly.

This akin to judging a jew for not coming out as a jew during the holocaust.

Bullshit. NO one was going to throw Darwin in a death camp. Your hyperbole is ridiculous and contemptuous.

It is infinitely arrogant.

So now it seems you don't grasp infinity either.

In many judeo-christian societies until recently, being an atheist was punishable by death.

Not in England during the late 1800s, bubba.

By the way, according to Boss's errant logic, this would confirm atheism is "true" since people were willing to hold a belief and risk death to do so.

No, but it would prove sincerity, another notion I suspect you have problems with.
Completely logical. The Easter Bunny is as real and extant as your Invention of "spiritual nature".

As far as you know, which I doubt is very far.
You would do well to stay quiet while you read and learn.

Well since you seem to think that one is held as seriously and with as much devotion as the other, I think I have read enough to see your discombobulation here.

The typical atheist today cannot distinguish between the Abrahamic concept of a Creator and the polytheistic notion of a 'god'. That speaks of ignorance and contempt bordering on foolishness.
Its not understanding, as this presupposes a spiritual realm exists. It is merely a belief. People also believe in Bigfoot. So what. Again, belief does not demonstrate truth. This entire thread is refuted by this face alone.

As I pointed out in the OP, "proof" is subjective, it relies on our perception of what is and isn't "evidence" of something. I have asked you to explain the phenomenon of human spirituality, and every explanation you have offered, defies science, defies Darwin, and defies logic.

You can rationally claim that Bigfoot is the product of human imaginations run wild, and since there have never been any bones found or physical evidence to support Bigfoot, we can reasonably assume you are probably correct. But if 95% of humans throughout human existence, had consistently reported some encounter with Bigfoot, and this belief in Bigfoot had been the most defining attribute in humans, we wouldn't be able to simply dismiss that as imagination.

Sure we could. 5% of the time, 95% of people will all report something that is subjective as being objective.

By definition, scientific Proof isn't subjective.

And, the 95% of people that report having a se se of spirituality don't also say that it is an objective sense.

Have you decided if you think human memory exists yet? Or are you still working on that?
As far as you know, which I doubt is very far.
You would do well to stay quiet while you read and learn.

Well since you seem to think that one is held as seriously and with as much devotion as the other, I think I have read enough to see your discombobulation here.

The typical atheist today cannot distinguish between the Abrahamic concept of a Creator and the polytheistic notion of a 'god'. That speaks of ignorance and contempt bordering on foolishness.
that's because it's a distinction without a difference..
and a case of moving the goal posts..
but the score remains lions 10 Christians 0....
As I pointed out in the OP, "proof" is subjective, it relies on our perception of what is and isn't "evidence" of something. I have asked you to explain the phenomenon of human spirituality, and every explanation you have offered, defies science, defies Darwin, and defies logic.

You can rationally claim that Bigfoot is the product of human imaginations run wild, and since there have never been any bones found or physical evidence to support Bigfoot, we can reasonably assume you are probably correct. But if 95% of humans throughout human existence, had consistently reported some encounter with Bigfoot, and this belief in Bigfoot had been the most defining attribute in humans, we wouldn't be able to simply dismiss that as imagination.

Sure we could. 5% of the time, 95% of people will all report something that is subjective as being objective.

By definition, scientific Proof isn't subjective.

And, the 95% of people that report having a se se of spirituality don't also say that it is an objective sense.

Have you decided if you think human memory exists yet? Or are you still working on that?
asked and answered. better watch it you're beginning to sound like YWC...
Sure we could. 5% of the time, 95% of people will all report something that is subjective as being objective.

By definition, scientific Proof isn't subjective.

And, the 95% of people that report having a se se of spirituality don't also say that it is an objective sense.

Have you decided if you think human memory exists yet? Or are you still working on that?
asked and answered. better watch it you're beginning to sound like YWC...

The question wasn't directed at you. Did ifitsme answer? if so, got a link?

And who the hell is YWC?
You would do well to stay quiet while you read and learn.

Well since you seem to think that one is held as seriously and with as much devotion as the other, I think I have read enough to see your discombobulation here.

The typical atheist today cannot distinguish between the Abrahamic concept of a Creator and the polytheistic notion of a 'god'. That speaks of ignorance and contempt bordering on foolishness.

that's because it's a distinction without a difference..

Bullshit, there is incredible difference. Your ignorance of what those differences are shows you to be the pretentious posteur I suspected you are, another village atheist that cant think through a wet paper sack.

and a case of moving the goal posts..
but the score remains lions 10 Christians 0....

No ones moving any goalposts and I don't give a fuck what you think the score is.

The proof is plain; you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
Well since you seem to think that one is held as seriously and with as much devotion as the other, I think I have read enough to see your discombobulation here.

The typical atheist today cannot distinguish between the Abrahamic concept of a Creator and the polytheistic notion of a 'god'. That speaks of ignorance and contempt bordering on foolishness.

that's because it's a distinction without a difference..

Bullshit, there is incredible difference. Your ignorance of what those differences are shows you to be the pretentious posteur I suspected you are, another village atheist that cant think through a wet paper sack.

and a case of moving the goal posts..
but the score remains lions 10 Christians 0....

No ones moving any goalposts and I don't give a fuck what you think the score is.

The proof is plain; you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
thanks for proving my point for me!
that's because it's a distinction without a difference..

Bullshit, there is incredible difference. Your ignorance of what those differences are shows you to be the pretentious posteur I suspected you are, another village atheist that cant think through a wet paper sack.

and a case of moving the goal posts..
but the score remains lions 10 Christians 0....

No ones moving any goalposts and I don't give a fuck what you think the score is.

The proof is plain; you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
thanks for proving my point for me!

Oh, and thank YOU for proving MY point for me!

roflmao. you really are a stupid ****.
As far as you know, which I doubt is very far.
You would do well to stay quiet while you read and learn.

Well since you seem to think that one is held as seriously and with as much devotion as the other, I think I have read enough to see your discombobulation here.
One being held as seriously as another when both are appeals to ignorance and superstition is hardly an endorsement for one or the other, particularly your gawds.

Whoops, here's where your short bus departs. All beliefs are not equally valid. People may be equally free to embrace any belief they wish to, but doing so in no way lends any validity to some beliefs over other beliefs.

There are valid beliefs which conform to the strictures of knowledge (empirical evidence, consistency, adherence to logic, repeatable results, falsifiable) and those that are assertions without benefit of any standards (i.e., theistic claims of all stripes, each devoid of any real evidence.) Notice such beliefs always are attended by one of a select few exonerations of "Well, you can't prove it ain't, or equally nonsensical “there are no physical attributes or methods to test for its existence”.

We are forced to adhere to some standard of knowledge. What constitutes "knowledge"? When any individual (in your case, a religious fundamentalist), can gainsay a model without stepping up to the plate and showing why their model is true, and show cause, and display testable evidence then they are, by definition of what we know knowledge is to be, vacuous claims. This holds true for all claims, be they of science, or philosophy, or of theism.

The typical atheist today cannot distinguish between the Abrahamic concept of a Creator and the polytheistic notion of a 'god'. That speaks of ignorance and contempt bordering on foolishness.
The “typical atheist”? You should spend some time to understand what you’re writing before assigning the title “pompous fool” to your name. On the contrary, it is you religious folks who should spend some time trying to understand your “holy texts”. It’s actually laughable that you lovely religious types have spent thousands of years splintering into various sects and subdivisions of religions, each utterly hostile and in conflict with the other.

You might be surprised to learn that the Abrahamic religion you practice (for no other reason than one of convenience), is but one of many religions, all of which suffer from the same inherent flaw: there’s nothing to support the belief except “belief”.

At least to me, that puts you squarely on the pinnacle of ignorance and (self) contempt. You should seek help for that ailment.
Bullshit, there is incredible difference. Your ignorance of what those differences are shows you to be the pretentious posteur I suspected you are, another village atheist that cant think through a wet paper sack.

No ones moving any goalposts and I don't give a fuck what you think the score is.

The proof is plain; you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
thanks for proving my point for me!

Oh, and thank YOU for proving MY point for me!

roflmao. you really are a stupid ****.

And who says that fundie zealots don't represent the stereotypical angry, self-hating personality disorder.
You would do well to stay quiet while you read and learn.

Well since you seem to think that one is held as seriously and with as much devotion as the other, I think I have read enough to see your discombobulation here.
One being held as seriously as another when both are appeals to ignorance and superstition is hardly an endorsement for one or the other, particularly your gawds.

Who the fuck is appealing to ignorance? Have you axed me what my evidence is? No, so dont give me this appeal to ignorance shit.

Whoops, here's where your short bus departs.

Fuck you.

All beliefs are not equally valid. People may be equally free to embrace any belief they wish to, but doing so in no way lends any validity to some beliefs over other beliefs.

Beliefs dont have to 'over' other beliefs to be true. Some Truths are exactly subjective.

There are valid beliefs which conform to the strictures of knowledge (empirical evidence, consistency, adherence to logic, repeatable results, falsifiable) and those that are assertions without benefit of any standards (i.e., theistic claims of all stripes, each devoid of any real evidence.)

I walked down to the lake and the water was 60 degrees Farenheit. Is that repeatable? Of course not, as any other measurement would be a different measurement at another time and place.

I was at the store when it got robbed. I saw that one of the robbers was a guy I knew from my Spanish class. Doesnt fit into any of your overly narrow and dogmatic categories of what is knowlege.

I love my wife. Prove that. Prove that it is not true either, I dont care. Most truths we live by day to day have absolutely zip, nada, nothing whatsoever to do with science or math.

Notice such beliefs always are attended by one of a select few exonerations of "Well, you can't prove it ain't, or equally nonsensical “there are no physical attributes or methods to test for its existence”.

Bullshit. Why would anyone assert such when any evidence of the existance of God is immediately capable of being redefined as not God, much as the Big Bang has now become a secularized concept of NOT being God's act of creation to you blinded fools, but because science has learned the Truth that the whole fucking universe came into existence in a split second and now that science can measure some evidence of the event, well, now it has nothing to do with God at all! lol

You live in the midst of a ecreated by God, immersed in God Himself as He transcends His Creation, and you cant see Him becasue you wont open up your fucking eyes. Everything you touch, hear, see and smell or taste is a partial manifestation of God's Will, His Imagination.

But you cant see that because you dont want to see it. lol

We are forced to adhere to some standard of knowledge. What constitutes "knowledge"? When any individual (in your case, a religious fundamentalist), can gainsay a model without stepping up to the plate and showing why their model is true, and show cause, and display testable evidence then they are, by definition of what we know knowledge is to be, vacuous claims. This holds true for all claims, be they of science, or philosophy, or of theism.

I am not going to defend what amounts to one tenth or less of the Christian world. Let the fundamentalists and other YEC defend themselves, if you want that.

The typical atheist today cannot distinguish between the Abrahamic concept of a Creator and the polytheistic notion of a 'god'. That speaks of ignorance and contempt bordering on foolishness.
The “typical atheist”? You should spend some time to understand what you’re writing before assigning the title “pompous fool” to your name.

Oh nose! I twemnble in my bootsies! lol

The dimsissal of fools is to the credit of the wise. When dumbasses cant grasp a simple distinction as the difference between a Creator that created space and time as opposed to some 'god' who is the creature of space and time, then that person is a dumbass.

On the contrary, it is you religious folks who should spend some time trying to understand your “holy texts”. It’s actually laughable that you lovely religious types have spent thousands of years splintering into various sects and subdivisions of religions, each utterly hostile and in conflict with the other.

Yeah because Marxists have never done that, or hunted each other down and murdered them or slaughtering hundreds of millions of people for not agreeing with them...oops, wait, the Stalinst atheists, Maoist atheists... ah nm. lololol

You might be surprised to learn that the Abrahamic religion you practice (for no other reason than one of convenience), is but one of many religions, all of which suffer from the same inherent flaw: there’s nothing to support the belief except “belief”.

What, there are other religions? Well whod a thunk dat?

lol, you embicile. thanks for the chuckle.

Yes, there is a huge difference between the Abrahamic faiths and the nonAbrahamic faiths. One of which is that the Abrahamic faiths cover the globe, have millions of adherents in every country, out number other types of religions in almost all countries, and all claim to have valid evidence based on historical facts and reason and all came from the relationship one man had with God a long time ago. There is no other religion like it at all in that respect.

That you dont bother to even try to learn any of this and you suppose that I am as ignorant as you are is simply insane.

You are a demonstrable ignoramus and anti-Christian bigot.

At least to me, that puts you squarely on the pinnacle of ignorance and (self) contempt. You should seek help for that ailment.

And you should pull your head out of your ass, shit-for-brains.
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Well since you seem to think that one is held as seriously and with as much devotion as the other, I think I have read enough to see your discombobulation here.
One being held as seriously as another when both are appeals to ignorance and superstition is hardly an endorsement for one or the other, particularly your gawds.

Who the fuck is appealing to ignorance? Have you axed me what my evidence is? No, so dont give me this appeal to ignorance shit.

Fuck you.

Beliefs dont have to 'over' other beliefs to be true. Some Truths are exactly subjective.

I walked down to the lake and the water was 60 degrees Farenheit. Is that repeatable? Of course not, as any other measurement would be a different measurement at another time and place.

I was at the store when it got robbed. I saw that one of the robbers was a guy I knew from my Spanish class. Doesnt fit into any of your overly narrow and dogmatic categories of what is knowlege.

I love my wife. Prove that. Provbe that it is not true either, I dont care. Most truths have absolutely zip, nada, nothing whatsoever to do with science or math.

Bullshit. Why would anyone assert such when any existance of God is immediately capable of being redefined as not God, much as the Big Bang has now become a secularized concept of not God's act of creation to youo blinded fools, but because science has learned its Truth and can measure some of it, well, now it has nothing to do with God at all! lol

You live in the midst of a univers created by God, immersed in God Himself, and you cant see Him becasue you wont open up your fucking eyes. Everything you touch, hear, see and smell or taste is a partial manifestation of God's Will, His Imagination.

But you cant see that because you dont want to see it. lol

I am not going to defend what amounts to one tenth or less of the Christian world. Let the fundamentalists and other YEC defend themselves, if you want that.

Oh nose! I twemnble in my bootsies! lol

The dimsissal of fools is to the credit of the wise. When dumbasses cant grasp a simple distinction as the difference between a Creator that created space and time as opposed to some 'god' who is the creature of space and time, then that person is a dumbss.

Yeah because Marxists have never done that, or hunted each other down and murdered them or slaughtering hundreds of millions of people for not agreeing with them...oops, wait, the Stalinst atheists, Maoist atheists... ah nm. lololol

You might be surprised to learn that the Abrahamic religion you practice (for no other reason than one of convenience), is but one of many religions, all of which suffer from the same inherent flaw: there’s nothing to support the belief except “belief”.

What there are other religions? Well whod a thunk dat?

lol, you embicile. thanks for the chuckle.

Yes, there is a huge difference between the Abrahamic faiths and the nonAbrahamic faiths. One of which is that the Abrahamic faiths copver the globe, have millions of adherents in every country, out number other types of religions in almost all countries, and all claim to have valid evidence based on historical facts and reason.

That you dont bother to even try to learn any of this and you suppose that I am as ignorant as you are is simply insane.

You are a demonstrable ignoramus and anti-Christian bigot.

At least to me, that puts you squarely on the pinnacle of ignorance and (self) contempt. You should seek help for that ailment.

Bullshit. Why would anyone assert such when any existance of God is immediately capable of being redefined as not God, much as the Big Bang has now become a secularized concept of not God's act of creation to youo blinded fools, but because science has learned its Truth and can measure some of it, well, now it has nothing to do with God at all! lol

You live in the midst of a univers created by God, immersed in God Himself, and you cant see Him becasue you wont open up your fucking eyes. Everything you touch, hear, see and smell or taste is a partial manifestation of God's Will, His Imagination.

But you cant see that because you dont want to see it. lol

Gee whiz. For a moment there I thought he might do an islam and detonate his explosive vest to "take one for the cause".

They're so cute when they're thumping their bibles.
Gee whiz. For a moment there I thought he might do an islam and detonate his explosive vest to "take one for the cause".

They're so cute when they're thumping their bibles.

oh no! I am a Christian Talibanazi!?!

Man, better go call HMS, dumb fuck.

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