Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

Gee whiz. For a moment there I thought he might do an islam and detonate his explosive vest to "take one for the cause".

They're so cute when they're thumping their bibles.

oh no! I am a Christian Talibanazi!?!

Man, better go call HMS, dumb fuck.

Here's where we are:

8.5 for rampant use of Cliches’
6.3 for promoting religiously inspired hatreds
8.9 for ensuring at least 6 grammatical/spelling errors in each post
7.8 for empty rhetoric

You're almost there, just a little more religious zeal and you'll be the best damned hater you can be!

Here, have a cookie.
Gee whiz. For a moment there I thought he might do an islam and detonate his explosive vest to "take one for the cause".

They're so cute when they're thumping their bibles.

oh no! I am a Christian Talibanazi!?!

Man, better go call HMS, dumb fuck.

Here's where we are:

8.5 for rampant use of Cliches’
6.3 for promoting religiously inspired hatreds
8.9 for ensuring at least 6 grammatical/spelling errors in each post
7.8 for empty rhetoric

You're almost there, just a little more religious zeal and you'll be the best damned hater you can be!

Here, have a cookie.

Piss off, bitch.
oh no! I am a Christian Talibanazi!?!

Man, better go call HMS, dumb fuck.

Here's where we are:

8.5 for rampant use of Cliches’
6.3 for promoting religiously inspired hatreds
8.9 for ensuring at least 6 grammatical/spelling errors in each post
7.8 for empty rhetoric

You're almost there, just a little more religious zeal and you'll be the best damned hater you can be!

Here, have a cookie.

Piss off, bitch.

I'm really impressed with the internet tough guy persona.

Really, I am.

It's quite a Crusade you're on - waving your aluminum foil sabre.
Here's where we are:

8.5 for rampant use of Cliches’
6.3 for promoting religiously inspired hatreds
8.9 for ensuring at least 6 grammatical/spelling errors in each post
7.8 for empty rhetoric

You're almost there, just a little more religious zeal and you'll be the best damned hater you can be!

Here, have a cookie.

Piss off, bitch.

I'm really impressed with the internet tough guy persona.

Really, I am.

It's quite a Crusade you're on - waving your aluminum foil sabre.


I am not being a 'tough guy' just because the act of defying your bullshit makes your panties all go into a bunch and wet your pants.

It is truly amazing to me that you and other atheistic ignoramuses claim to know so much about theism and show the most abysmal ignorance on the whole subject. One would think you would be aware enough of your ignorance to not show it off so much, yo uknow, better to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt kind of thing. But on the contrary, you fools just cant shut up! lolol

Hubris is a word that is insufficient for this; it is simply maliscious lying, really. You know you are full of shit but you just cant starting shit with people who make the mistake of taking you seriously.

Though I disagree with atheists, obviously, I have had and still have some friends that are atheists and most of them either readily admit that they really don't care about the idea or veracity of God. The rest will discuss it in a more Bertrand Russel kind of way and talk about formal logic and how there is a lack of evidence that suggests nonexistence, and they can discuss the arguments for and against shooting holes equal in each sides claims, etc.

But you bullshit artists are really a league to yourselves. You think just because you spout some bullshit you heard from your friends or some trusted source it MUST be true.

lol, Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living. You kind of demonstrate the point.
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Yes, there is a huge difference between the Abrahamic faiths and the nonAbrahamic faiths. One of which is that the Abrahamic faiths cover the globe, have millions of adherents in every country, out number other types of religions in almost all countries....
Even if that were true, it would simply be an example of Gresham's Law :

"Bad money drives out good money."

Bad religion drives out good religion.
Piss off, bitch.

I'm really impressed with the internet tough guy persona.

Really, I am.

It's quite a Crusade you're on - waving your aluminum foil sabre.


I am not being a 'tough guy' just because the act of defying your bullshit makes your panties all go into a bunch and wet your pants.

It is truly amazing to me that you and other atheistic ignoramuses claim to know so much about theism and show the most abysmal ignorance on the whole subject. One would think you would be aware enough of your ignorance to not show it off so much, yo uknow, better to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt kind of thing. But on the contrary, you fools just cant shut up! lolol

Hubris is a word that is insufficient for this; it is simply maliscious lying, really. You know you are full of shit but you just cant starting shit with people who make the mistake of taking you seriously.

Though I disagree with atheists, obviously, I have had and still have some friends that are atheists and most of them either readily admit that they really don't care about the idea or veracity of God. The rest will discuss it in a more Bertrand Russel kind of way and talk about formal logic and how there is a lack of evidence that suggests nonexistence, and they can discuss the arguments for and against shooting holes equal in each sides claims, etc.

But you bullshit artists are really a league to yourselves. You think just because you spout some bullshit you heard from your friends or some trusted source it MUST be true.

lol, Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living. You kind of demonstrate the point.

Oh my. You're angry. I understand that. So many really angry fundies become incensed when their sacred cows are marched into the glaring light of scrutiny.

Consider yourself then just typical.
Oh my. You're angry. I understand that. So many really angry fundies become incensed when their sacred cows are marched into the glaring light of scrutiny.

Consider yourself then just typical.

You don't even realize that I am not a fundamentalist, and you consider my 'sacred cows' marched into a glaring light of scrutiny?

roflmao, once again, thanks for the chuckle.

So what beliefs that I share have you scrutinized, dumbass?
Anyone here actually have, say God's droppings or DNA sample or something that might resolve this issue besides rhetoric? I pray to god that this thread ends, but it just keeps on going like the Eveready bunny.
Anyone here actually have, say God's droppings or DNA sample or something that might resolve this issue besides rhetoric? I pray to god that this thread ends, but it just keeps on going like the Eveready bunny.

That's funny, does anyone have DNA for pi, or 'e', or the Pythagorean theorem.

If you don't like the thread, why force yourself to read it?

Fly away little blue bird and don't stress yourself.

If God exists you will find out one day, and if He doesn't, you wont realize it anyway, in all likelihood.


But your post is a good example of how some people just cannot tolerate the thought of someone saying things they don't like.

I mean, you don't like this conversation, then just stay out of it. But no, you gotta come on in and make a big whine about it.

ITs kind of like all these atheists that have to go fuck with Christians whenever they get the chance (but not with Muslims, because Muslims haven't been neutered yet, but the secularists are working on it, don't you worry).

I don't believe in the Book of Mormon, but I don't go out of my way to fuck with Mormons on it; who cares? Its no skin off my nose.

But atheists just cant let it go. no, somewhere there maybe someone who is having a pleasant conversation about God; BUGLES! ALERT! ALERT! GO DERAIL THREAD! EMERGENCY!

lol, then they all jump in and act like ignoramuses when they think they are some kind of Oracle or something.

Its just too fucking bizrarro.
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Anyone here actually have, say God's droppings or DNA sample or something that might resolve this issue besides rhetoric? I pray to god that this thread ends, but it just keeps on going like the Eveready bunny.

That's funny, does anyone have DNA for pi, or 'e', or the Pythagorean theorem.

If you don't like the thread, why force yourself to read it?

Fly away little blue bird and don't stress yourself.

If God exists you will find out one day, and if He doesn't, you wont realize it anyway, in all likelihood.


But your post is a good example of how some people just cannot tolerate the thought of someone saying things they don't like.

I mean, you don't like this conversation, then just stay out of it. But no, you gotta come on in and make a big whine about it.

ITs kind of like all these atheists that have to go fuck with Christians whenever they get the chance (but not with Muslims, because Muslims haven't been neutered yet, but the secularists are working on it, don't you worry).

I don't believe in the Book of Mormon, but I don't go out of my way to fuck with Mormons on it; who cares? Its no skin off my nose.

But atheists just cant let it go. no, somewhere there maybe someone who is having a pleasant conversation about God; BUGLES! ALERT! ALERT! GO DERAIL THREAD! EMERGENCY!

lol, then they all jump in and act like ignoramuses when they think they are some kind of Oracle or something.

Its just too fucking bizrarro.

Is the "F" word approved by god? It’s in the bible somewhere another. Pi is a mathematical constant. It's just a fact. Like Old age, disease and suffering. Unlike God, who is just another myth. I shouldn’t be posting here as I am just enabling a millennium old myth. God is a myth. Like Zeus, just a sad superstition, nothing more or less. Nothing to prove or disprove.
Its not understanding, as this presupposes a spiritual realm exists. It is merely a belief. People also believe in Bigfoot. So what. Again, belief does not demonstrate truth. This entire thread is refuted by this face alone.

As I pointed out in the OP, "proof" is subjective, it relies on our perception of what is and isn't "evidence" of something. I have asked you to explain the phenomenon of human spirituality, and every explanation you have offered, defies science, defies Darwin, and defies logic.

You can rationally claim that Bigfoot is the product of human imaginations run wild, and since there have never been any bones found or physical evidence to support Bigfoot, we can reasonably assume you are probably correct. But if 95% of humans throughout human existence, had consistently reported some encounter with Bigfoot, and this belief in Bigfoot had been the most defining attribute in humans, we wouldn't be able to simply dismiss that as imagination.

Evidence is not subjective, by definition.

NO, grasshopper, you are simply WRONG! Nothing in the definition of "evidence" says it is not subjective or is objective. That is an evaluation of the evidence based on perception. What you find to be "evidence" may not be considered valid as "evidence" to me. You may consider your "evidence" strong, and I may disagree that it is even "evidence" at all.

Such is the case with spiritual evidence in this argument, you refuse to accept the spiritual evidence as evidence at all, due to your perception that spiritual nature doesn't exist. Almost EVERYTHING is "subjective" meaning, it is dependent upon our subjective minds to reason it and rationalize it. "Proof" is also subjective. It highly depends upon our perception of the strength of the "evidence." What you may think is weak evidence of something, I may believe as proof.

Here again, you are simply making unwarranted proclamations and inventing your own definitions to prove your point. This is again, intellectual dishonesty on a fundamental level. There are differing kinds of evidence, each with differing standards: anecdotal, empirical, historical... Spiritual evidence falls into the category of anecdotal evidence, which is the least trusted form of evidence, and the least acceptable in a court room as evidence.

We're not talking about physical evidence in a court of law, are we? If that is the criteria that a spiritual entity needs to provide, I have already admitted it can never do this. It's highly illogical to expect it to. Still, "evidence" is subjective, and if it were not, we wouldn't need courts of law. A prosecutor could present a judge with the non-subjective evidence, and convictions could be given with no need for a trial. The fact of the matter is, what the prosecutor may believe is "evidence" to "prove" a case, a jury may simply not agree. This is because evidence is always subjective.

In court cases, eye-witness testimony is used to corroborate empirical evidence, but alone, is not considered sufficient to justify a verdict of guilty. The same reason courts disallow eye-witness testimony to count as evidence, is the same reason human belief is not evidence. We are not reliable indicators of what is real or what reality is about. This is why the scientific method is so important, and has been successful at getting out of the way of our built-in cognitive bias, which is a topic you have completely failed to address. I have refuted every one of your points in the OP, at length. However, you simply ignore me, and continue on believing what you want. This isn't a debate. This is a monologue that you keep on repeating. You aren't interacting with anyone here.

But we're not talking about proving god physically exists in a court of law... if that were the argument, you'd win. I've never said the scientific method is not important, it is YOU who abandons the scientific method and claims there is no way to prove a spiritual existence. In fact, even when we apply what science knows about animal behaviors, and what it shows us is the history of human spiritual connection, what the evolutionist theories predict... you run like hell from that, and deny, deny, deny. You fabricate excuses and explanations which completely contradict anything science says about nature, or anything we've ever observed in nature, and you maintain that you have some kind of rational "proof" that god doesn't actually exist, when that is just not the case.

I have, at this point, pegged you as a young earth christian fundamentalist creationist. There is none more irrational than this ilk of believers.

You can peg me however you please, I have repeatedly stated, for all intents and purposes, I am an Atheist. I have no theistic beliefs which conform to any organized religion. If I am any kind of Christian, that statement alone, just condemned me to hell for eternity, for I have forsaken the God of Abraham, an unforgivable sin, according to the Bible. So why the hell would I do that, just to fool you on a message board?
Bullshit, there is incredible difference. Your ignorance of what those differences are shows you to be the pretentious posteur I suspected you are, another village atheist that cant think through a wet paper sack.

No ones moving any goalposts and I don't give a fuck what you think the score is.

The proof is plain; you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
thanks for proving my point for me!

Oh, and thank YOU for proving MY point for me!

roflmao. you really are a stupid ****.
you mean the one you comb your hair around?
no problem.
thanks for proving my point for me!

Oh, and thank YOU for proving MY point for me!

roflmao. you really are a stupid ****.

And who says that fundie zealots don't represent the stereotypical angry, self-hating personality disorder.
they do? but that's a symptom of the disorder..
notice how fast JB went from rational and reasonable to the you don't know shit rampage. when his belief was threatened...
Well since you seem to think that one is held as seriously and with as much devotion as the other, I think I have read enough to see your discombobulation here.
One being held as seriously as another when both are appeals to ignorance and superstition is hardly an endorsement for one or the other, particularly your gawds.

Who the fuck is appealing to ignorance? Have you axed me what my evidence is? No, so dont give me this appeal to ignorance shit.

Fuck you.

Beliefs dont have to 'over' other beliefs to be true. Some Truths are exactly subjective.

I walked down to the lake and the water was 60 degrees Farenheit. Is that repeatable? Of course not, as any other measurement would be a different measurement at another time and place.

I was at the store when it got robbed. I saw that one of the robbers was a guy I knew from my Spanish class. Doesnt fit into any of your overly narrow and dogmatic categories of what is knowlege.

I love my wife. Prove that. Prove that it is not true either, I dont care. Most truths we live by day to day have absolutely zip, nada, nothing whatsoever to do with science or math.

Bullshit. Why would anyone assert such when any evidence of the existance of God is immediately capable of being redefined as not God, much as the Big Bang has now become a secularized concept of NOT being God's act of creation to you blinded fools, but because science has learned the Truth that the whole fucking universe came into existence in a split second and now that science can measure some evidence of the event, well, now it has nothing to do with God at all! lol

You live in the midst of a ecreated by God, immersed in God Himself as He transcends His Creation, and you cant see Him becasue you wont open up your fucking eyes. Everything you touch, hear, see and smell or taste is a partial manifestation of God's Will, His Imagination.

But you cant see that because you dont want to see it. lol

I am not going to defend what amounts to one tenth or less of the Christian world. Let the fundamentalists and other YEC defend themselves, if you want that.

Oh nose! I twemnble in my bootsies! lol

The dimsissal of fools is to the credit of the wise. When dumbasses cant grasp a simple distinction as the difference between a Creator that created space and time as opposed to some 'god' who is the creature of space and time, then that person is a dumbass.

Yeah because Marxists have never done that, or hunted each other down and murdered them or slaughtering hundreds of millions of people for not agreeing with them...oops, wait, the Stalinst atheists, Maoist atheists... ah nm. lololol

You might be surprised to learn that the Abrahamic religion you practice (for no other reason than one of convenience), is but one of many religions, all of which suffer from the same inherent flaw: there’s nothing to support the belief except “belief”.

What, there are other religions? Well whod a thunk dat?

lol, you embicile. thanks for the chuckle.

Yes, there is a huge difference between the Abrahamic faiths and the nonAbrahamic faiths. One of which is that the Abrahamic faiths cover the globe, have millions of adherents in every country, out number other types of religions in almost all countries, and all claim to have valid evidence based on historical facts and reason and all came from the relationship one man had with God a long time ago. There is no other religion like it at all in that respect.

That you dont bother to even try to learn any of this and you suppose that I am as ignorant as you are is simply insane.

You are a demonstrable ignoramus and anti-Christian bigot.

At least to me, that puts you squarely on the pinnacle of ignorance and (self) contempt. You should seek help for that ailment.

And you should pull your head out of your ass, shit-for-brains.
axed me?
OK. I dare GOD to show up here. Right here, right now. Here and NOW. On the USMB or anywhere to show his/her undeniable existence, here and now. Bring it! Do we have to wait another couple of thousand years? Oh man. I thought that might work. People drink purple Kool-Aid and find out the same thing. They must have been really disappointed. Lies , delusions and myths aren’t far apart.
Anyone here actually have, say God's droppings or DNA sample or something that might resolve this issue besides rhetoric? I pray to god that this thread ends, but it just keeps on going like the Eveready bunny.

That's funny, does anyone have DNA for pi, or 'e', or the Pythagorean theorem.

If you don't like the thread, why force yourself to read it?

Fly away little blue bird and don't stress yourself.

If God exists you will find out one day, and if He doesn't, you wont realize it anyway, in all likelihood.


But your post is a good example of how some people just cannot tolerate the thought of someone saying things they don't like.

I mean, you don't like this conversation, then just stay out of it. But no, you gotta come on in and make a big whine about it.

ITs kind of like all these atheists that have to go fuck with Christians whenever they get the chance (but not with Muslims, because Muslims haven't been neutered yet, but the secularists are working on it, don't you worry).

I don't believe in the Book of Mormon, but I don't go out of my way to fuck with Mormons on it; who cares? Its no skin off my nose.

But atheists just cant let it go. no, somewhere there maybe someone who is having a pleasant conversation about God; BUGLES! ALERT! ALERT! GO DERAIL THREAD! EMERGENCY!

lol, then they all jump in and act like ignoramuses when they think they are some kind of Oracle or something.

Its just too fucking bizrarro.

Is the "F" word approved by god?

Of course it is, He made it.

It’s in the bible somewhere another. Pi is a mathematical constant. It's just a fact. Like Old age, disease and suffering. Unlike God, who is just another myth.

You do know what an unwarranted assertion is, right?

God is not a myth. See how that works, you fucking idiot?

I shouldn’t be posting here as I am just enabling a millennium old myth. God is a myth. Like Zeus, just a sad superstition, nothing more or less. Nothing to prove or disprove.

Your not enabling, you are acting in frustration that there is any normal people who believe in God. You so desperately want to think you are normal, but you are not, thank God.

But I have more respect for you than I have for Christian cowards who will help shove more of their own into the ovens.
OK. I dare GOD to show up here. Right here, right now. Here and NOW. On the USMB or anywhere to show his/her undeniable existence, here and now. Bring it! Do we have to wait another couple of thousand years? Oh man. I thought that might work. People drink purple Kool-Aid and find out the same thing. They must have been really disappointed. Lies , delusions and myths aren’t far apart.

Lol, I dare Chuck Norris to show himself right before me right now!

Wow, he isn't here, so Chuck Norris must not be real.

lol, you are so stupid you don't realize how stupid you really are and how ridiculous your bullshit is.

Get a brain, so you don't hurt anyone, OK? Steal it, borrow it, go dumpster diving, anything. You are a danger to yourself and anyone within arms reach, so please, get a brain.
Oh, and thank YOU for proving MY point for me!

roflmao. you really are a stupid ****.

And who says that fundie zealots don't represent the stereotypical angry, self-hating personality disorder.
they do? but that's a symptom of the disorder..
notice how fast JB went from rational and reasonable to the you don't know shit rampage. when his belief was threatened...

lol, show me where someone threatened my beliefs? Hell no one has described my beliefs as of yet, so I doubt anyone has threatened anything at all.

daws, does your mommy know you are on the computer again?

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