Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

There is no unrefutable evidence that a god exists. However, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. And, exceptional claims ought to have exceptional evidence. Neither one side nor the other can definitively prove that a god does or doesn't exist. All we have left to do is wonder about it.

For those who cannot accept spiritual nature, this is true. The definitive evidence can only be realized if you believe the spiritual evidence. Those who accept spiritual nature, find overwhelming incontrovertible evidence, they aren't the least bit in doubt and wondering.

I just want to say to all atheists who believe that the universe was created by chance and that there is no God

Since you believe in coincidence, If you want to change the color of your home yourself, I want you to buy paint and brush , and brought a chair and sit back and wait, the CHANCE will paint the house. ^ ^


Your fallacy is assuming that the universe was "created" in the first place. The universe has always existed and will always exist (per the Laws of Physics) so there is no need for any "creator" at all.

It is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE for time/space to have ALWAYS existed, else we would never have arrived at the PRESENT time.
There is no unrefutable evidence that a god exists. However, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. And, exceptional claims ought to have exceptional evidence. Neither one side nor the other can definitively prove that a god does or doesn't exist. All we have left to do is wonder about it.

For those who cannot accept spiritual nature, this is true. The definitive evidence can only be realized if you believe the spiritual evidence. Those who accept spiritual nature, find overwhelming incontrovertible evidence, they aren't the least bit in doubt and wondering.

First Cause, Ontological, and Teleological arguments require no spirituality.

The historical circumstances of Judah and the resurrection of Christ also do not have a spirituality pre-requisite.
if I was unclear too bad.
as to what program it was I've already answered that too..


Look you can't study molecular biology without a background in physics and chemistry. So no you lied the question I asked was a college level question concerning molecules. You were making crap up about what field of science you need to understand the question that was asked. High School kids today are not ready for molecular biology we can safely say when you were in school they were less prepared.

Introduction to DNA introduction to Dna

2 Major Preconceptions

Preconception 1. Study in one field proceeds without contributions from, or connections to, other fields.

This belief occurs, in part, because scientific disciplines are treated as isolated subjects in most schools. Most science educators, however, recognize the many connections among biology, chemistry, and physics, and understand the need for an integrated approach to science teaching. For example, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY is a hybrid discipline, drawing upon concepts and techniques from physics, chemistry, and biology. This hybrid nature explains in part why high school students may find the study of molecular biology challenging. They are confronted by a science that is abstract and seems far removed from classical biology. Moreover, many students are introduced to the subject at a point in their education where they have yet to take a formal course in either chemistry or physics. Without this scientific foundation, they are ill-prepared to undertake the study of life at its most funda-mental level

Technology—Information about Using Technology
you are wrong and no amount of fudging will make you right.

And you are a moron and no amount of posturing like you know anything will ever make you worth a bucket of spit.

I just want to say to all atheists who believe that the universe was created by chance and that there is no God

Since you believe in coincidence, If you want to change the color of your home yourself, I want you to buy paint and brush , and brought a chair and sit back and wait, the CHANCE will paint the house. ^ ^


Your fallacy is assuming that the universe was "created" in the first place. The universe has always existed and will always exist (per the Laws of Physics) so there is no need for any "creator" at all.

The universe didn't exist before the Big Bang. The only theory which does't theorize this, speculates the universe expands and contracts, but this also defies physics. Everything within our universe has a beginning and end, so your theory also defies logic.
What do we call this need that force us to raise our hands to the sky ask for help ? !!.


Every person feels by their own that they have a Lord, a creator and feel the need for it and if they get in trouble ,, their hands, their eyes and their hearts headed to the sky requesting relief from their Lord.

nonsense. not everybody appeals to the sky for help, not even all believers in God.

Some people hear that there is a God, don't believe and rely on themselves.

Some people hear that there is a God and try to see if he will solve their problems.

some people hear that there is a God and try to see if they can do what he requires.

The way to eternal life is to do what God commands. To disregard what God commands in scripture and incessantly ask someone in the sky to do things for you is the basis for a myriad of mental disorders.

There is no such thing as a God in the sky.

The kingdom of Heaven is within.

This demonstrates once again, what ignoramuses typical atheists are these days.

They reject the concept of some sky God that hurls lightning bolts, etc, BUT SO DO WE.

That is not the Christian concept of God and I have not heard or read anything from an atheist that shows they understand the idea at all.

And bullshit like you just posted simply reminds me that most atheists today are atheists because they are really too stupid and lazy to try to understand it, so of course they don't believe in God.

But the God they don't believe in is not the God we worship. duh

hey, if that's all true then you had better alert some of those other Christians who are gibbering incoherently about being 'taken up' into the sky literally any minute before people start thinking you all are a bunch of confused loonies.

And I agree that much of what is refuted by unbelievers about scripture is not what scripture is about.

So, what exactly is it that your 'we' believes about God?

Do you believe that Jesus is God? Do you believe in a trinity?

Define the God you worship and how you worship that God.

I just want to say to all atheists who believe that the universe was created by chance and that there is no God

Since you believe in coincidence, If you want to change the color of your home yourself, I want you to buy paint and brush , and brought a chair and sit back and wait, the CHANCE will paint the house. ^ ^


Your fallacy is assuming that the universe was "created" in the first place. The universe has always existed and will always exist (per the Laws of Physics) so there is no need for any "creator" at all.

The universe didn't exist before the Big Bang. The only theory which does't theorize this, speculates the universe expands and contracts, but this also defies physics. Everything within our universe has a beginning and end, so your theory also defies logic.

Militant secularists prefer to think of the pre-Big Bang period as material but more expansive than our own, and somehow still eternal. Hawkins poses the idea of imaginary time and circular time flow, but all this does is kick the can down the road.

An infinitely existing universe is impossible.
So you're now suggesting that all life came from more than one cell increasing the odds agains't Spontaneous generation as the naturalists explanation on how life started. Daws your intelligence is baffling.

Daws there were approximately 300 million people 2,000 years ago and it took 1,600 years for the population to double to 600 million so in 400 years we went from 600 million to the current which is 7 billion there is no way man has been on this planet for as long that has been claimed.

You can paste up any fantasy you like it does not add up with the evidence.
thanks for showcasing your total lack of basic reading comp.
you have no evidence of the Adam and eve (one breeding pair) myth.
also as all way you got your pop numbers and dates from creationist sites or willfully misinterpreted others .
a common practice for you.
either way it's a false premise..

fact: What was the population of the world in the past and when will world population reach 8 billion?

The chart above clearly illustrates how world population has changed in history. The US Census Bureau has assembled a table with estimated population from 10000 BC to 1950 according to different sources.

At the dawn of agriculture, about 8000 B.C., the population of the world was approximately 5 million. Over the 8,000-year period up to 1 A.D. it grew to 200 million (some estimate 300 million or even 600, suggesting how imprecise population estimates of early historical periods can be), with a growth rate of under 0.05% per year.

A tremendous change occurred with the industrial revolution: whereas it had taken all of human history until around 1800 for world population to reach one billion, the second billion was achieved in only 130 years (1930), the third billion in less than 30 years (1959), the fourth billion in 15 years (1974), and the fifth billion in only 13 years (1987). During the 20th century alone, the population in the world has grown from 1.65 billion to 6 billion.

Year Population
1 200 million
1000 275 million
1500 450 million
1650 500 million
1750 700 million
1804 1 billion
1850 1.2 billion
1900 1.6 billion
1927 2 billion
1950 2.55 billion
1955 2.8 billion
1960 3 billion
1965 3.3 billion
1970 3.7 billion
1975 4 billion
1980 4.5 billion
1985 4.85 billion
1987 5 billion
1990 5.3 billion
1995 5.7 billion
1999 6 billion
2000 6.1 billion
2005 6.45 billion
2010 6.8 billion
2011 7 billion
2020 7.7 billion
2025 8 billion
2030 8.3 billion
2040 8.8 billion
2045 9 billion
2050 9.2 billion

World Population Clock: 7 Billion People - Worldometers

Is this not what I said ? 2,000 years ago there were 300 million people on planet earth and it took another 1,600 years to get to 600 million.

By the way Adam and Eve are not the ones that populated the earth they were just the first parents. It was populated by three couples Noah's three son's and their wives. hehehe.

Daws with all the variables figured in that would affect the human population growth rate the growth rate went from 300 million to 7 billion in 2,000 years. They also used all the variables and the human growth rate going back some 4,500 years ago and they came up with an amazingly close number to the current population.

You are living in a fantasy world to believe that Homo Sapiens have been on this planet for let's say 200,000 years I think not the data does not support it. We would have far more humans today.
the fantasy is yours;"By the way Adam and Eve are not the ones that populated the earth they were just the first parents. It was populated by three couples Noah's three son's and their wives. hehehe." ywc.
it good you can laugh at yourself, everyone else is.
so IT WAS NOAHS SONS? (SNICKER) if that were fact then the wives would have to have been black (African) Asian, Caucasian ....just for starters...
there is no proof of a great flood or Noah you're not just wrong but outrageously so..
There is no unrefutable evidence that a god exists. However, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. And, exceptional claims ought to have exceptional evidence. Neither one side nor the other can definitively prove that a god does or doesn't exist. All we have left to do is wonder about it.
For those who cannot accept spiritual nature, this is true. The definitive evidence can only be realized if you believe the spiritual evidence. Those who accept spiritual nature, find overwhelming incontrovertible evidence, they aren't the least bit in doubt and wondering.

They should be, the credulous fools !!! · ·


Look you can't study molecular biology without a background in physics and chemistry. So no you lied the question I asked was a college level question concerning molecules. You were making crap up about what field of science you need to understand the question that was asked. High School kids today are not ready for molecular biology we can safely say when you were in school they were less prepared.

Introduction to DNA introduction to Dna

2 Major Preconceptions

Preconception 1. Study in one field proceeds without contributions from, or connections to, other fields.

This belief occurs, in part, because scientific disciplines are treated as isolated subjects in most schools. Most science educators, however, recognize the many connections among biology, chemistry, and physics, and understand the need for an integrated approach to science teaching. For example, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY is a hybrid discipline, drawing upon concepts and techniques from physics, chemistry, and biology. This hybrid nature explains in part why high school students may find the study of molecular biology challenging. They are confronted by a science that is abstract and seems far removed from classical biology. Moreover, many students are introduced to the subject at a point in their education where they have yet to take a formal course in either chemistry or physics. Without this scientific foundation, they are ill-prepared to undertake the study of life at its most funda-mental level

Technology—Information about Using Technology
you are wrong and no amount of fudging will make you right.

And you are a moron and no amount of posturing like you know anything will ever make you worth a bucket of spit.
what ever you say dear!
He thinks that irritating Christians somehow validates his existence, but really the truth is numan isn't really capable of grasping your points, so why bother?

Derideo is worth some time, but the rest are just yanking everyone's chain and back slapping their fellow heathen.

Dorito is worse, he just wants to lie his ass off as much as possible. He claims the OP has been debunked, but doesn't offer a single point of debunking. Then, he continues to maintain I am a covert Christian Fundamentalist operative, secretly trying to indoctrinate you with my dangerous Christian teachings. Of course, if I am truly a Christian who is forsaking and denying Christ, I have condemned myself to eternal damnation, but I guess Dorito thinks my fooling him is well worth that.
hey, if that's all true then you had better alert some of those other Christians who are gibbering incoherently about being 'taken up' into the sky literally any minute before people start thinking you all are a bunch of confused loonies.

1. The sky is just symbolism. It does not indicate the actual location of Heaven or God. Its just metaphor in a way, though I think it will actually happen that way, but not because it has to because God is there.

2. Most Christians simply do not have a deep grasp of their religion. What can I say? Faith doesn't require this and so most never bother.

And I agree that much of what is refuted by unbelievers about scripture is not what scripture is about.

Interesting. You sound like you are worth discussing this with. I am thinking of starting a thread in the nice discussion Care Bear forum; would you be interested in participating?

So, what exactly is it that your 'we' believes about God?

Roman Catholic... actually just catholic as I agree more with Eastern catholics that the Roman variety any more.

Do you believe that Jesus is God? Do you believe in a trinity?

Yes Jesus is a part of the Godhead. He is an eternal extension of the Father, and the Holy Ghost is the personification of their relationship. All three have their own persons, and all three are eternal.

The ancient Greeks had a philosophy called Emanationism that kind of laid the ground work for the idea of the Trinity.

Define the God you worship and how you worship that God.

God is an eternal Being who has no flow of consciousness. Every thought He has ever had He is having in the immediate 'moment'. I say moment, but as He exists outside the flow of time, all is the present to Him. When you read of God making a decision, it is something already previously decided, like the turns you know you will take on the route to work.

He is Holy and Omnipotent, but desires the free worship of mankind, so He gave us free will. At first He placed mankind in an environment of innocence but man wanted to understand morality and so became responsible for being moral.

God will eventually welcome all into Heaven and He does not reject True repentance and He does not allow any place to exist outside of His knowledge so I believe that He will bring repentant souls from Gehena to Purgatory as they truly repent.

Hell is simply the place of the dead and has a gray scale of existence but a gulf separates the punishments of Gehena from the pleasures of Paradise or the bosom of Abraham.

When Jesus died on the cross He went to Hell and opened the way for the righteous dead to go into Heaven which is the divine presence of God. When we are judged after death we meet God in a form we relate to holiness and experience a love, peace and pleasure that Paradise cannot compare to. At first the pleasures of Paradise are fulfilling, but eventually we grow inured to these pleasures and we remember what we felt in Gods presence and the contrast brings us to love Him. The separation from Him becomes a pain of longing for a lost love. This is why Paradise is now called Purgatory because there we are gently purged of all our love of everything else but God Himself. We fulfill our purpose when we are finally there. Over the eons everyone will come to repentance and stand in the presence of God worshipping Him, even the Satan himself will kneel before God in love and joy one day.

When God created time/space, there was no 'before', except for Heaven which may have existed prior to this universe; maybe from prior universes, maybe it is an eternal manifestation of Gods for those who love Him. I have no idea; one is as plausible as the other. With String Theory and trans-dimensional theory, Heaven should no longer be considered an irrational concept.

God made everything in our universe in one event. All that exists exists as it is because of how God made that initial creation. He may have tweaked some thing here and there, a miracle occasionally, but the vast majority of Gods interaction is in the form of providence and less the miraculous. God has used the processes being discovered by science to create this material universe. The book of Revelations seems to imply, from its descriptions of a wild variety of being worshipping God, that there have been or maybe are still now other universes besides this one.

That answer your question? It isn't orthodox, but it does not contradict scripture or catholic dogma either.
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He thinks that irritating Christians somehow validates his existence, but really the truth is numan isn't really capable of grasping your points, so why bother?

Derideo is worth some time, but the rest are just yanking everyone's chain and back slapping their fellow heathen.

Dorito is worse, he just wants to lie his ass off as much as possible. He claims the OP has been debunked, but doesn't offer a single point of debunking. Then, he continues to maintain I am a covert Christian Fundamentalist operative, secretly trying to indoctrinate you with my dangerous Christian teachings. Of course, if I am truly a Christian who is forsaking and denying Christ, I have condemned myself to eternal damnation, but I guess Dorito thinks my fooling him is well worth that.

You might be right. He could be projecting his own behavior as a norm and onto you as well and he may think it justified.

So far I have not had a problem with him so much.
He thinks that irritating Christians somehow validates his existence, but really the truth is numan isn't really capable of grasping your points, so why bother?

Derideo is worth some time, but the rest are just yanking everyone's chain and back slapping their fellow heathen.

Dorito is worse, he just wants to lie his ass off as much as possible. He claims the OP has been debunked, but doesn't offer a single point of debunking. Then, he continues to maintain I am a covert Christian Fundamentalist operative, secretly trying to indoctrinate you with my dangerous Christian teachings. Of course, if I am truly a Christian who is forsaking and denying Christ, I have condemned myself to eternal damnation, but I guess Dorito thinks my fooling him is well worth that.

:eusa_boohoo: Oh dear, big bad DT is beating up poor widdle Boss again. :eusa_boohoo:
"Blessed are the pure of mind for they shall see God."

this is an example of an authenticity from Antiquity interwoven within the X-Bible that is a truism for the revelation of life and a key for those proposing to reach the apex of knowledge and admittance through Remission to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting.

the stupidity of the Spiritualist, Christians etc not to define their interpretation as they have suggested of the existence of both negative and positive states within the spiritual world completely negates their ability to claim a definitive proof of God's existence.
"Blessed are the pure of mind for they shall see God."
this is an example of an authenticity from Antiquity interwoven within the X-Bible that is a truism for the revelation of life and a key for those proposing to reach the apex of knowledge and admittance through Remission to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting.

OK. No surprise here that one can find authenticity in the Bible, but what the hell is an X-Bible?

the stupidity of the Spiritualist, Christians etc not to define their interpretation as they have suggested of the existence of both negative and positive states within the spiritual world completely negates their ability to claim a definitive proof of God's existence.

Lol, have you ever read Aquinas? The existance of negative and positive spiritual states is entirely related to the individual submitting themselves to God. To the degree that they do not, it is evil, to the degree that they do, it is good. And though evil is a state, it is not a thing with substance like Good is.
if I was unclear too bad.
as to what program it was I've already answered that too..


Look you can't study molecular biology without a background in physics and chemistry. So no you lied the question I asked was a college level question concerning molecules. You were making crap up about what field of science you need to understand the question that was asked. High School kids today are not ready for molecular biology we can safely say when you were in school they were less prepared.

Introduction to DNA introduction to Dna

2 Major Preconceptions

Preconception 1. Study in one field proceeds without contributions from, or connections to, other fields.

This belief occurs, in part, because scientific disciplines are treated as isolated subjects in most schools. Most science educators, however, recognize the many connections among biology, chemistry, and physics, and understand the need for an integrated approach to science teaching. For example, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY is a hybrid discipline, drawing upon concepts and techniques from physics, chemistry, and biology. This hybrid nature explains in part why high school students may find the study of molecular biology challenging. They are confronted by a science that is abstract and seems far removed from classical biology. Moreover, many students are introduced to the subject at a point in their education where they have yet to take a formal course in either chemistry or physics. Without this scientific foundation, they are ill-prepared to undertake the study of life at its most funda-mental level

Technology—Information about Using Technology
you are wrong and no amount of fudging will make you right.

:dance: you have some nerve carrying on this charade.
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There is no unrefutable evidence that a god exists. However, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. And, exceptional claims ought to have exceptional evidence. Neither one side nor the other can definitively prove that a god does or doesn't exist. All we have left to do is wonder about it.
For those who cannot accept spiritual nature, this is true. The definitive evidence can only be realized if you believe the spiritual evidence. Those who accept spiritual nature, find overwhelming incontrovertible evidence, they aren't the least bit in doubt and wondering.

They should be, the credulous fools !!! · ·


So do you ever post anything that is not the equivalent of a jumping monkey hurling shit out of his ass?
He thinks that irritating Christians somehow validates his existence, but really the truth is numan isn't really capable of grasping your points, so why bother?

Derideo is worth some time, but the rest are just yanking everyone's chain and back slapping their fellow heathen.

Dorito is worse, he just wants to lie his ass off as much as possible. He claims the OP has been debunked, but doesn't offer a single point of debunking. Then, he continues to maintain I am a covert Christian Fundamentalist operative, secretly trying to indoctrinate you with my dangerous Christian teachings. Of course, if I am truly a Christian who is forsaking and denying Christ, I have condemned myself to eternal damnation, but I guess Dorito thinks my fooling him is well worth that.

:eusa_boohoo: Oh dear, big bad DT is beating up poor widdle Boss again. :eusa_boohoo:

Haha, is THAT what you think is happening here, Dorito? That you are "beating" me?

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