Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

Without skepticism you can't properly test the evidence.
ok then test the bible and creation science with skepticism..
a basic tenant of science is being skeptical of you own evidence. real science tests it's evidence constantly.
not one of you has ever tested your evidence with anything close to the objectivity and skepticism needed to prove your myths true.

I have, the bible has given me no reason to doubt the Things I can't prove contained in the scriptures. Because I can't prove them does not mean they didn't happen.
that's a dodge .

now answer this question! : test the bible and creation science with skepticism..
I have a little saying, (call it Mary's conundrum): There is as much proof that disproves a supreme being's existence as there is to prove it.
That being said, isn’t this debate a waste of time? IF there is a god, that is one thing. Then what religion is the true religion? And how could you tell the false ones from the true ones? Or, on the other hand, there isn’t a God and we are just wasting our time …
With all the pain and suffering in the world, either god is a real jerk or life is just random happenstance. With all the evidence given, who can tell the difference?

I've seen no evidence to disprove a spiritual being's existence. Every time I have requested it, I've been told you can't prove a negative. There also seems to be no question on part of those who accept spiritual evidence, that spiritual nature does exist, and the evidence is overwhelming. Those who do not accept spiritual evidence have successfully made the point, a physical realization of spiritual things is not happening.

This debate is indeed a colossal waste of time for those who do not accept spiritual evidence, and I can't rationalize why so many of them would waste so much time, attempting to answer it. Well, actually, I can rationalize why... they are anti-religious people, who have a somewhat personal vendetta against religion and religious believers. This is why your conundrum suddenly evolves into a question of religious philosophy, instead of remaining focused on human spirituality.

Spiritual nature created the physical universe and all life in it. This is an intelligent force, which designed and created the physical universe, including all the physical science and physics that accompany it. Humans have the capacity to acknowledge this force, and to connect with it, and this attribute has always been a part of who and what we are as humans. Religions are byproducts of this spiritual connection, along with the fears of mortality and questions of immortality. They are creations of man, in order to explain this very real spiritual connection humans are able to make with spiritual nature.
I should have said that differently. without skepticism you can't properly provide a viable explanation for the evidence.
snicker! a viable explanation? the evidence is either viable or it's not...hahahaha!

Yeah the evidence has to be interpreted and an explanation given that is part of the scientific method but of course I would have to explain that to you.
:eek: wrong! interpretation and explanation are to show where not if...
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Who was the first Homo sapien pair that produced modern day humans ? Talking serpent can only happen through one means and that can't be proven.
dodge attempt warning...
once again you makes that totally specious assumption the one pair of homo sapiens began the whole species...

Show otherwise, How did we get multiple pairs of homo sapiens to populate the earth ?

If this can happen How come living fossils show no change after many more years of existing over Homo Sapiens ? Having many more offspring and many more generations ?

It is really easy to kill the theory you hold dear clown.
only in your dreams..
1 breeding pair of most any species in not a viable breeding strategy ..
you've killed nothing, our whole species evolved not just a pair of mutated hominids...
as always you're spewing creationist shit!
I have a little saying, (call it Mary's conundrum): There is as much proof that disproves a supreme being's existence as there is to prove it.
That being said, isn’t this debate a waste of time? IF there is a god, that is one thing. Then what religion is the true religion? And how could you tell the false ones from the true ones? Or, on the other hand, there isn’t a God and we are just wasting our time …
With all the pain and suffering in the world, either god is a real jerk or life is just random happenstance. With all the evidence given, who can tell the difference?

I've seen no evidence to disprove a spiritual being's existence. Every time I have requested it, I've been told you can't prove a negative. There also seems to be no question on part of those who accept spiritual evidence, that spiritual nature does exist, and the evidence is overwhelming. Those who do not accept spiritual evidence have successfully made the point, a physical realization of spiritual things is not happening.

This debate is indeed a colossal waste of time for those who do not accept spiritual evidence, and I can't rationalize why so many of them would waste so much time, attempting to answer it. Well, actually, I can rationalize why... they are anti-religious people, who have a somewhat personal vendetta against religion and religious believers. This is why your conundrum suddenly evolves into a question of religious philosophy, instead of remaining focused on human spirituality.

Spiritual nature created the physical universe and all life in it. This is an intelligent force, which designed and created the physical universe, including all the physical science and physics that accompany it. Humans have the capacity to acknowledge this force, and to connect with it, and this attribute has always been a part of who and what we are as humans. Religions are byproducts of this spiritual connection, along with the fears of mortality and questions of immortality. They are creations of man, in order to explain this very real spiritual connection humans are able to make with spiritual nature.

I have seen evidence that disproves a spiritual being's existence. You have provided no evidence to disprove me.
I have a little saying, (call it Mary's conundrum): There is as much proof that disproves a supreme being's existence as there is to prove it.
That being said, isn’t this debate a waste of time? IF there is a god, that is one thing. Then what religion is the true religion? And how could you tell the false ones from the true ones? Or, on the other hand, there isn’t a God and we are just wasting our time …
With all the pain and suffering in the world, either god is a real jerk or life is just random happenstance. With all the evidence given, who can tell the difference?

I've seen no evidence to disprove a spiritual being's existence. Every time I have requested it, I've been told you can't prove a negative. There also seems to be no question on part of those who accept spiritual evidence, that spiritual nature does exist, and the evidence is overwhelming. Those who do not accept spiritual evidence have successfully made the point, a physical realization of spiritual things is not happening.

This debate is indeed a colossal waste of time for those who do not accept spiritual evidence, and I can't rationalize why so many of them would waste so much time, attempting to answer it. Well, actually, I can rationalize why... they are anti-religious people, who have a somewhat personal vendetta against religion and religious believers. This is why your conundrum suddenly evolves into a question of religious philosophy, instead of remaining focused on human spirituality.

Spiritual nature created the physical universe and all life in it,[because I say so- ed]. This is an intelligent force, [because I say so- ed], which designed and created the physical universe,[because I say so- ed]. including all the physical science and physics that accompany it.[because I say so- ed]. Humans have the capacity to acknowledge this force,[because I say so- ed]. and to connect with it, [because I say so- ed]. and this attribute has always been a part of who and what we are as humans.[because I say so- ed]. Religions are byproducts of this spiritual connection,[because I say so- ed]. along with the fears of mortality and questions of immortality.[because I say so- ed]. They are creations of man,[because I say so- ed]. in order to explain this very real spiritual connection humans are able to make with spiritual nature.[because I say so- ed].
We are just wasting our time here. La-Te-da. God will take care of this mess, otherwise sh*t just happens, we all know that... Religion is a beautiful dilution. Prove it…. GOD is real?. How does anyone PROVE it? I don't care anymore. Nobody has done it here with words or anything else. I would think it shouldn't be so hard. But in 2000 years, all the religions ever created by man have proven to be little more that well-meaning brainwashing drivel. If there is a god, it doesn’t matter one way or the other. God will always win, or if there isn’t a god, we are wasting our mortal time debating this.
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Daws is really working hard since he got caught in another lie in the creationists thread lol.
since I didn't lie once how could I be caught twice.
a quick check of you posts reveals you've been hard at restoring a non existent rep.

see post #2825 to see who the true lair is .
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dodge attempt warning...
once again you makes that totally specious assumption the one pair of homo sapiens began the whole species...

Show otherwise, How did we get multiple pairs of homo sapiens to populate the earth ?

If this can happen How come living fossils show no change after many more years of existing over Homo Sapiens ? Having many more offspring and many more generations ?

It is really easy to kill the theory you hold dear clown.
only in your dreams..
1 breeding pair of most any species in not a viable breeding strategy ..
you've killed nothing, our whole species evolved not just a pair of mutated hominids...
as always you're spewing creationist shit!

So you're now suggesting that all life came from more than one cell increasing the odds agains't Spontaneous generation as the naturalists explanation on how life started. Daws your intelligence is baffling.

Daws there were approximately 300 million people 2,000 years ago and it took 1,600 years for the population to double to 600 million so in 400 years we went from 600 million to the current which is 7 billion there is no way man has been on this planet for as long that has been claimed.

You can paste up any fantasy you like it does not add up with the evidence.
Show otherwise, How did we get multiple pairs of homo sapiens to populate the earth ?

If this can happen How come living fossils show no change after many more years of existing over Homo Sapiens ? Having many more offspring and many more generations ?

It is really easy to kill the theory you hold dear clown.
only in your dreams..
1 breeding pair of most any species in not a viable breeding strategy ..
you've killed nothing, our whole species evolved not just a pair of mutated hominids...
as always you're spewing creationist shit!

So you're now suggesting that all life came from more than one cell increasing the odds agains't Spontaneous generation as the naturalists explanation on how life started. Daws your intelligence is baffling.

Daws there were approximately 300 million people 2,000 years ago and it took 1,600 years for the population to double to 600 million so in 400 years we went from 600 million to the current which is 7 billion there is no way man has been on this planet for as long that has been claimed.

You can paste up any fantasy you like it does not add up with the evidence.
thanks for showcasing your total lack of basic reading comp.
you have no evidence of the Adam and eve (one breeding pair) myth.
also as all way you got your pop numbers and dates from creationist sites or willfully misinterpreted others .
a common practice for you.
either way it's a false premise..

fact: What was the population of the world in the past and when will world population reach 8 billion?

The chart above clearly illustrates how world population has changed in history. The US Census Bureau has assembled a table with estimated population from 10000 BC to 1950 according to different sources.

At the dawn of agriculture, about 8000 B.C., the population of the world was approximately 5 million. Over the 8,000-year period up to 1 A.D. it grew to 200 million (some estimate 300 million or even 600, suggesting how imprecise population estimates of early historical periods can be), with a growth rate of under 0.05% per year.

A tremendous change occurred with the industrial revolution: whereas it had taken all of human history until around 1800 for world population to reach one billion, the second billion was achieved in only 130 years (1930), the third billion in less than 30 years (1959), the fourth billion in 15 years (1974), and the fifth billion in only 13 years (1987). During the 20th century alone, the population in the world has grown from 1.65 billion to 6 billion.

Year Population
1 200 million
1000 275 million
1500 450 million
1650 500 million
1750 700 million
1804 1 billion
1850 1.2 billion
1900 1.6 billion
1927 2 billion
1950 2.55 billion
1955 2.8 billion
1960 3 billion
1965 3.3 billion
1970 3.7 billion
1975 4 billion
1980 4.5 billion
1985 4.85 billion
1987 5 billion
1990 5.3 billion
1995 5.7 billion
1999 6 billion
2000 6.1 billion
2005 6.45 billion
2010 6.8 billion
2011 7 billion
2020 7.7 billion
2025 8 billion
2030 8.3 billion
2040 8.8 billion
2045 9 billion
2050 9.2 billion

World Population Clock: 7 Billion People - Worldometers
Daws is really working hard since he got caught in another lie in the creationists thread lol.
since I didn't lie once how could I be caught twice.
a quick check of you posts reveals you've been hard at restoring a non existent rep.

see post #2825 to see who the true lair is .

if I was unclear too bad.
as to what program it was I've already answered that too..
We are just wasting our time here.

Are we?


And... Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da!

God will take care of this mess, otherwise sh*t just happens, we all know that...


Religion is a beautiful dilution.


Prove it…. GOD is real?

As the OP argues, it totally depends on whether you accept and understand spiritual nature and evidence. Real means something different than physically real, when applied to the spiritual, and this concept can only be understood if you accept spiritual reality. God is spiritually real, not physically.

How does anyone PROVE it?

By objectively evaluating the physical scientific and spiritual evidence, with an open mind.

I don't care anymore.


Nobody has done it here with words or anything else.

It's done in the OP. Nothing in the OP has been refuted with science, logic or nature.

I would think it shouldn't be so hard.

Wasn't that hard, it took 5-6 paragraphs.

But in 2000 years, all the religions ever created by man have proven to be little more that well-meaning brainwashing drivel.

I thought they were "beautiful delutions" (sic)?

If there is a god, it doesn’t matter one way or the other. God will always win, or if there isn’t a god, we are wasting our mortal time debating this.

God will win what? Why should God need to win something? If there IS a God, and we can connect to it through meditation and realize inner strength, peace, inspiration, happiness... don't you think it is good to realize that? I wouldn't call that a waste of time, but... If you have decided to close your mind to spiritual nature and refuse to accept such a thing exists, then you are correct, it is a huge waste of your mortal time debating this question, it can never be answered to your satisfaction... which begs the question, why are so many of you here still arguing?
What do we call this need that force us to raise our hands to the sky ask for help ? !!

Every person feels by their own that they have a Lord, a creator
and feel the need for it
and if they get in trouble ,, their hands, their eyes and their hearts headed to the sky requesting relief from their Lord.

I just want to say to all atheists who believe that the universe was created by chance and that there is no God

Since you believe in coincidence, If you want to change the color of your home yourself, I want you to buy paint and brush , and brought a chair and sit back and wait, the CHANCE will paint the house. ^ ^

What do we call this need that force us to raise our hands to the sky ask for help ? !!.


Every person feels by their own that they have a Lord, a creator and feel the need for it and if they get in trouble ,, their hands, their eyes and their hearts headed to the sky requesting relief from their Lord.

nonsense. not everybody appeals to the sky for help, not even all believers in God.

Some people hear that there is a God, don't believe and rely on themselves.

Some people hear that there is a God and try to see if he will solve their problems.

some people hear that there is a God and try to see if they can do what he requires.

The way to eternal life is to do what God commands. To disregard what God commands in scripture and incessantly ask someone in the sky to do things for you is the basis for a myriad of mental disorders.

There is no such thing as a God in the sky.

The kingdom of Heaven is within.

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