Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

It is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE for time/space to have ALWAYS existed, else we would never have arrived at the PRESENT time.

The concept of a cyclical universe with multiple big bangs is now gaining more and more credence amongst reputable scientists.

Our current time did begin with the big bang. However the existence of matter and energy preceded the big bang since the singularity was all matter and energy in the universe compressed into a single object.

They just don't know.

3 Theories That Might Blow Up the Big Bang |
and none even hint at at designer or creationism it when you debunk your self!
Quite the opposite. A "created" universe is improbable whereas an infinitely existing universe is both logical and fully conforms to the law of conservation of mass.

Wow.... we've actually witnessed progress! :clap2:

Before, it was ridiculous, absurd, nonsensical, and quite impossible... now it's only "improbable?" That is a major step for monkeys like Dorito. :clap2:
it's all still those things he's just adding to the list..
The universe didn't exist before the Big Bang. The only theory which does't theorize this, speculates the universe expands and contracts, but this also defies physics. Everything within our universe has a beginning and end, so your theory also defies logic.

More profound ignorance from the Boss. Needless to say you are incapable of substantiating either of those mindless allegations with hard scientific facts from reputable sources.

1. Matter cannot create matter.
Which, interestingly, applies to your gawds. It suggests a designer of your gawds which in turns suggests a super-designer, suggesting a super-super-designer, etc., etc.

Most religionists simply detour around this with the (non) intellectual weasel of "...but.... but.... but.... but my gawds have special dispensations... wait for it, here it comes:

"because I say so"!

2. Show anything in the universe you believe will never end.

The "spiritual nature", crap.

You confuse the Big Bang theory with prior non-existence. This is a tactic of religionists as it gives them a window whereby a supernatural “belch”, and their gawds have magically *poofed* all of existence into being.

The Big Bang theory refers to a cataclysmic event in which there was a major disruption in existing matter and energy. We see evidence for this in the background radiation of the universe. What we do not, and as yet cannot see, is the prior state of existence before the Big Bang.

This barrier to observation is sometimes known as Planck's Wall. Classical laws of physics...such as Conservation of Energy only came into being after Planck time...which is 10exp-43 seconds after the big bang. Before that time, due to the immense density of the universe, we have no idea what "laws" prevailed. We only know that they begat the laws of physics as we know them today.

Conclusion: Conservation of Energy did not play a part in was a by-product....
What lies behind it? A second universe budding matter and energy into our own, as once suggested by Stephen Hawking? A collapsing universe forming the cosmeg? A supernatural creator breathing existence from non-existence? We cannot know through logical or even scientific means. But that there is something beyond the wall is entirely logical.

Ironically, the argument that because we cannot see it, it does not exist, is an argument for the non-existence of any gawds.
The concept of a cyclical universe with multiple big bangs is now gaining more and more credence amongst reputable scientists.

Our current time did begin with the big bang. However the existence of matter and energy preceded the big bang since the singularity was all matter and energy in the universe compressed into a single object.

They just don't know.

3 Theories That Might Blow Up the Big Bang |
and none even hint at at designer or creationism it when you debunk your self!

Well they know the current theory is absurd they have to come up with another one lol. Didn't I tell you the Big Bang creates to many problems for naturalists.
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Quite the opposite. A "created" universe is improbable whereas an infinitely existing universe is both logical and fully conforms to the law of conservation of mass.

Wow.... we've actually witnessed progress! :clap2:

Before, it was ridiculous, absurd, nonsensical, and quite impossible... now it's only "improbable?" That is a major step for monkeys like Dorito. :clap2:
it's all still those things he's just adding to the list..

Daws ,no one really cares what you think after your attempt at covering up.
More profound ignorance from the Boss. Needless to say you are incapable of substantiating either of those mindless allegations with hard scientific facts from reputable sources.

Which, interestingly, applies to your gawds. It suggests a designer of your gawds which in turns suggests a super-designer, suggesting a super-super-designer, etc., etc.

Most religionists simply detour around this with the (non) intellectual weasel of "...but.... but.... but.... but my gawds have special dispensations... wait for it, here it comes:

"because I say so"!

2. Show anything in the universe you believe will never end.

The "spiritual nature", crap.

You confuse the Big Bang theory with prior non-existence. This is a tactic of religionists as it gives them a window whereby a supernatural “belch”, and their gawds have magically *poofed* all of existence into being.

The Big Bang theory refers to a cataclysmic event in which there was a major disruption in existing matter and energy. We see evidence for this in the background radiation of the universe. What we do not, and as yet cannot see, is the prior state of existence before the Big Bang.

This barrier to observation is sometimes known as Planck's Wall. Classical laws of physics...such as Conservation of Energy only came into being after Planck time...which is 10exp-43 seconds after the big bang. Before that time, due to the immense density of the universe, we have no idea what "laws" prevailed. We only know that they begat the laws of physics as we know them today.

Conclusion: Conservation of Energy did not play a part in was a by-product....
What lies behind it? A second universe budding matter and energy into our own, as once suggested by Stephen Hawking? A collapsing universe forming the cosmeg? A supernatural creator breathing existence from non-existence? We cannot know through logical or even scientific means. But that there is something beyond the wall is entirely logical.

Ironically, the argument that because we cannot see it, it does not exist, is an argument for the non-existence of any gawds.

plagiarism unless you are ruggedtouch lol


Ruggedtouch is offline Senior Member
Join Date:Sep 2008Posts:249

Default Re: Big Bang

Quote Originally Posted by nas007 View Post

Even now Physicists know what happened a billion seconds after the Big Bang, with knowledge about the 'soup' of partcles that were present; but Surley it was God who initiated the Big Bang.

I suspect you’re referring to planck’s wall or planck time. Classical laws of physics...such as Conservation of Energy only came into being after Planck time...which is 10exp-43 seconds after the big bang. Before that time, due to the immense density of the universe, we have no idea what "laws" prevailed. We only know that they begat the laws of physics as we know them today.

You confuse the Big Bang theory with prior non-existence. The Big Bang theory refers to a cataclysmic event in which there was a major disruption in existing matter and energy. We see evidence for this in the background radiation of the universe. What we do not, and indeed cannot see, is the prior state of existence before the Big Bang.

This barrier to observation is sometimes known as Planck's Wall. What lies behind it? A second universe budding matter and energy into our own, as once suggested by Stephen Hawking? A collapsing universe forming the cosmos? A supernatural creator breathing existence from non-existence? We cannot know through logical or even scientific means. But that there is something beyond the wall is entirely logical.

Ironically, your argument that because we cannot see it, it does not exist, is an argument for the non-existence of any god.

"The Big Bang theory refers to a cataclysmic event in which there was a major disruption in existing matter and energy."
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More profound ignorance from the Boss. Needless to say you are incapable of substantiating either of those mindless allegations with hard scientific facts from reputable sources.

Which, interestingly, applies to your gawds. It suggests a designer of your gawds which in turns suggests a super-designer, suggesting a super-super-designer, etc., etc.

Most religionists simply detour around this with the (non) intellectual weasel of "...but.... but.... but.... but my gawds have special dispensations... wait for it, here it comes:

"because I say so"!

But I have made no argument for any specific kind of god. Matter doesn't create matter, spiritual energy creates matter from elements we find across the universe. There is no special reason such a force would require creation itself. This is a strawman argument, generally thrown out by disbelievers. You see... you are now arguing that the physically non-existent spiritually entity can't be real, or it would have to at some point, been physically created. Do you see the flaw here? When we speak of something being created, we mean a physical creation of something, and spiritual energy doesn't physically exist. It doesn't require physical creation, it is just there and always has been. Even before the physical universe.

2. Show anything in the universe you believe will never end.

The "spiritual nature", crap.

You confuse the Big Bang theory with prior non-existence. This is a tactic of religionists as it gives them a window whereby a supernatural “belch”, and their gawds have magically *poofed* all of existence into being.

The Big Bang theory refers to a cataclysmic event in which there was a major disruption in existing matter and energy. We see evidence for this in the background radiation of the universe. What we do not, and as yet cannot see, is the prior state of existence before the Big Bang. (But some of us CAN!)

This barrier to observation is sometimes known as Planck's Wall. Classical laws of physics...such as Conservation of Energy only came into being (i.e. were created) after Planck time...which is 10exp-43 seconds after the big bang. Before that time, due to the immense density of the universe, we have no idea what "laws" prevailed. (Spiritual laws of spiritual nature.) We only know that they begat the laws of physics as we know them today. (or... were CREATED!)

Conclusion: Conservation of Energy did not play a part in was a by-product....
What lies behind it? (Spiritual energy) A second universe budding matter and energy into our own, as once suggested by Stephen Hawking? A collapsing universe forming the cosmeg? A supernatural creator breathing existence from non-existence? We cannot know through logical or even scientific means. But that there is something beyond the wall is entirely logical. (But... yes we can know... billions of people knew, and still do know... you don't know because you reject spiritual nature.)

Ironically, the argument that because we cannot see it, it does not exist, is an argument for the non-existence of any gawds.

Again... "Existence" or "Exists" means something completely different in spiritual and physical terms. This is the basis for why you are completely unable to rationalize the question and investigate the evidence any further. To someone who is only able to recognize the physical universe, and unable to recognize the spiritual universe, it is impossible to understand spiritual existence and how it differs from the physical. The term does not compute, it makes no logical sense to you. It never will, because spiritual existence is never going to be physical existence.
and none even hint at at designer or creationism it when you debunk your self!

Well they know the current theory is absurd they have to come up with another one lol. Didn't I tell you the Big Bang creates to many problems for naturalists.
another willful misinterpretation..guess you think might is actual you actually think dinosaurs and humans lived together.
Wow.... we've actually witnessed progress! :clap2:

Before, it was ridiculous, absurd, nonsensical, and quite impossible... now it's only "improbable?" That is a major step for monkeys like Dorito. :clap2:
it's all still those things he's just adding to the list..

Daws ,no one really cares what you think after your attempt at covering up.
that's right no cares about your attempt to uncover a non existent cover up.
you're really sounding like a jilted girlfriend..

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