Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

I won the game many moons ago. You can believe as you wish.
bullshit! you've never won anything!
looks like the legend in his own mind syndrome has flared up again.

You won't get me to respond to most of your posts but once again ignorance on display. My victory was when I decided to put faith in the creator. Follow along with a conversation before replying so you don't continue to look so foolish. :eusa_hand:
yes your ignorance is on display ...
you're not the victor of anything except this: legend in his own mind.
what you've giving yourself over to is the illusion of a creator...I could put my faith in Godzilla and have more proof of his power and existence then you have.
bullshit! you've never won anything!
looks like the legend in his own mind syndrome has flared up again.

You won't get me to respond to most of your posts but once again ignorance on display. My victory was when I decided to put faith in the creator. Follow along with a conversation before replying so you don't continue to look so foolish. :eusa_hand:
yes your ignorance is on display ...
you're not the victor of anything except this: legend in his own mind.
what you've giving yourself over to is the illusion of a creator...I could put my faith in Godzilla and have more proof of his power and existence then you have.
Why is it so easy to doubt the things you say Daws.
buulshit! everything dies ! the resurrections stories are not proof they cannot be corroborated ..

Not at the second coming.

While I agree with you about the second coming, I have an aversion to make all my play based on an event that Jesus may or may not do in my life time. Seems like its testing God or something.

I would much rather kick ass now than put it all on Jesus shoulders.
kick ass? lol!
you a bad ass for Jesus now?
You won't get me to respond to most of your posts but once again ignorance on display. My victory was when I decided to put faith in the creator. Follow along with a conversation before replying so you don't continue to look so foolish. :eusa_hand:
yes your ignorance is on display ...
you're not the victor of anything except this: legend in his own mind.
what you've giving yourself over to is the illusion of a creator...I could put my faith in Godzilla and have more proof of his power and existence then you have.
Why is it so easy to doubt the things you say Daws.
if you doubt what I say, you need to look at the shit you profess to believe.
either way you have no proof of a creator..
You've made my point for me, thanks! What you experience is a spiritual inspiration, means it was inspired by spiritual nature. That isn't spiritual nature itself. It is the product of spiritual nature, indeed. But then... everything is the product of spiritual nature.

We relate to reality through our five senses, correct? But what if humans didn't have these five senses? Would there be a reality? Would things still "exist" or not exist? What about Light? What if light did not exist? Spiritual energy and spiritual nature, created these things and bestowed all of "life" as we know it, with an array of "senses" ...we have five, that we generally recognize. Can you determine which plants to pollinate and organize efficient colonization of billions of people working together for a common objective, each knowing what is expected through telepathy? Well, other species have these "senses" that we sometimes call instinct, but it is amazing how they are able to do what they do. Can you carry 100x your body weight? I can't, that's for sure.

The point is, we have no rational IDEA of how many "senses" are available to spiritual nature. We are only capable of understanding a few. Some people have chosen to close their minds to any comprehension of "senses" outside of their limited five. There is no way to reach those people, it is impossible to do, until they open their minds.
No, what is experienced is physical stimuli. The composer then arranges the notes to stimulate an emotional response in the listener passing the spirit of the composer to the perceptive listener. The physical composer and the physical stimuli exist first.

There is no spiritual energy. Energy is physical and as such can be measured. There is no way to measure your imaginary spiritual energy.

Physical stimuli is a construct of the mind derived from nerve impulses. If one regards the mind to be spiritual, which I do, then ALL stimuli is spiritual.
Even with that questionable assumption, the physical stimuli came first and then the spirituality. So once again there is no spirituality without the existence of the physical.
No, what is experienced is physical stimuli. The composer then arranges the notes to stimulate an emotional response in the listener passing the spirit of the composer to the perceptive listener. The physical composer and the physical stimuli exist first.

There is no spiritual energy. Energy is physical and as such can be measured. There is no way to measure your imaginary spiritual energy.

Physical stimuli is a construct of the mind derived from nerve impulses. If one regards the mind to be spiritual, which I do, then ALL stimuli is spiritual.
Even with that questionable assumption, the physical stimuli came first and then the spirituality. So once again there is no spirituality without the existence of the physical.
somebody just contradicted themselves and it's not you.
edthecynic; et al,

How sure of this are we?

The universe is not orderly. The universe is chaotic. Wrong knowledge might be a priori. :eusa_shhh:

Since astronomers are not sure what they can see, what makes you think the universe is chaotic?

Current theory says that they can detect only about 4% of the matter and energy in the observable universe. Are you sure that is enough data points (energy and mass distribution) to draw your conclusion?

Most Respectfully,
edthecynic; et al,

How sure of this are we?

The universe is not orderly. The universe is chaotic. Wrong knowledge might be a priori. :eusa_shhh:

Since astronomers are not sure what they can see, what makes you think the universe is chaotic?

Current theory says that they can detect only about 4% of the matter and energy in the observable universe. Are you sure that is enough data points (energy and mass distribution) to draw your conclusion?

Most Respectfully,
I guess it depends on what you mean by "orderly." Since we can observe something in the universe colliding with something else in the universe or exploding no matter where we look, that seems quite chaotic to me. But I guess to others that might seem orderly.


When galaxies collide.
As I see it there is no concrete proof that a god lives.

I would ask, say, a Christian what he thinks of the Muslim's or Jew's beliefs on the end of days, etc. And, if that person scoffs and claims his religious point of view is correct, I'd ask on what basis his is correct and the other religious folks are wrong.

Straw man. The God of Christianity is a derivative of the God of Abraham in concept, and a variation of Allah. Jews and Muslims think that the Trinity is incompatible with their idea of God but it is not.
You won't get me to respond to most of your posts but once again ignorance on display. My victory was when I decided to put faith in the creator. Follow along with a conversation before replying so you don't continue to look so foolish. :eusa_hand:
yes your ignorance is on display ...
you're not the victor of anything except this: legend in his own mind.
what you've giving yourself over to is the illusion of a creator...I could put my faith in Godzilla and have more proof of his power and existence then you have.
Why is it so easy to doubt the things you say Daws.

Because he is a duplicitous pile of fecal matter?
edthecynic; et al,

Yes, it does.

edthecynic; et al,

How sure of this are we?

The universe is not orderly. The universe is chaotic. Wrong knowledge might be a priori. :eusa_shhh:

Since astronomers are not sure what they can see, what makes you think the universe is chaotic?

Current theory says that they can detect only about 4% of the matter and energy in the observable universe. Are you sure that is enough data points (energy and mass distribution) to draw your conclusion?

Most Respectfully,
I guess it depends on what you mean by "orderly." Since we can observe something in the universe colliding with something else in the universe or exploding no matter where we look, that seems quite chaotic to me. But I guess to others that might seem orderly.

Yes, what you observe might be actually be the natural order of things. We simply don't know.

Most Respectfully,
There is no a priori knowledge.

Sure there is.

That the universe is orderly is apriori and affirmed by the Judeo-Christian faith. Muslims do to for the most part.
The universe is not orderly. The universe is chaotic.

No, even what is apparently chaotic has underlying layers of ordered complexity.

Wrong knowledge might be a priori. :eusa_shhh:

lol, maybe wrong knowledge is....
edthecynic; et al,

Yes, it does.

edthecynic; et al,

How sure of this are we?


Since astronomers are not sure what they can see, what makes you think the universe is chaotic?

Current theory says that they can detect only about 4% of the matter and energy in the observable universe. Are you sure that is enough data points (energy and mass distribution) to draw your conclusion?

Most Respectfully,
I guess it depends on what you mean by "orderly." Since we can observe something in the universe colliding with something else in the universe or exploding no matter where we look, that seems quite chaotic to me. But I guess to others that might seem orderly.

Yes, what you observe might be actually be the natural order of things. We simply don't know.

Most Respectfully,
The natural order of chaos.
edthecynic; et al,

Yes, it does.

I guess it depends on what you mean by "orderly." Since we can observe something in the universe colliding with something else in the universe or exploding no matter where we look, that seems quite chaotic to me. But I guess to others that might seem orderly.

Yes, what you observe might be actually be the natural order of things. We simply don't know.

Most Respectfully,
The natural order of chaos.

Ah, so you do admit that there is order in chaos...nice to see you catchin up, finally, lol
edthecynic; et al,

Yes, it does.

I guess it depends on what you mean by "orderly." Since we can observe something in the universe colliding with something else in the universe or exploding no matter where we look, that seems quite chaotic to me. But I guess to others that might seem orderly.

Yes, what you observe might be actually be the natural order of things. We simply don't know.

Most Respectfully,
The natural order of chaos.

Can chaos produce order ?

Can order produce chaos ?

This can be put to the test.
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