Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

OK--I am confused--what is spiritual evidence? How do we seperate it from actual evidence of the "spirit" versus made up poopy doo?

On what page did boss define how to tell when we have actual, certifiable spiritual evidence?

When someone gets beatified by the pope. He only does it on hard evidence. He wouldn't lie to us.
Newpolitcs: No point in blaming yourself for his obstinance. No amount of sound logic or hard facts are ever going to change the mind of a "true Believer". Sometimes it is better to just move on to opponents who are more worthy of your time and attention.

You've not presented any sound logic to refute the OP. Most of what you've presented is illogical blather, while demanding the illogical as "proof" you know is impossible. Then you want to dance around with distortion, wax philosophical, and ignore the evidence presented. After that, you conclude with an arrogant flurry of insult and denigration, and proclaim yourself victorious in battle over "the believers." You're with newpolitics... this is TEAM thing with you... your team vs. the believers. Can't be objective and have an objective conversation with one of THOSE people, have to reject everything said on face, because this is for THE TEAM! **RAH RAH - SIS BOOM BAH!**

You appear to be throwing yourself a one man pity party. Probably fits right in with your "victim" mentality. Everyone is picking on the poor little "martyr".


What is it with all the childish responses and attacks on people for having different opinions ? did you corner the market on absolute truth ?
nah ywc, God was n ot proven here in this thread bud. So the delusional are those claiming it so.

So many theories that are not proven the people who believe them are delusional by your line of reasoning ?


He's claiming his theory is "proven."

That makes him delusional. God is not proven. In any realm. If he/she/it was, to fuck all with faith eh!
Give it up, NP. You suck at debating.

Coming from a thread sniper, this doesn't mean a whole heck of a lot. Stop being a cheerleader for boss and get in this debate or shut the fuck up.
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nah ywc, God was n ot proven here in this thread bud. So the delusional are those claiming it so.

So many theories that are not proven the people who believe them are delusional by your line of reasoning ?


He's claiming his theory is "proven."

That makes him delusional. God is not proven. In any realm. If he/she/it was, to fuck all with faith eh!

After witnessing some of the things I have Witnessed over the years there is no doubt spiritual beings exist. People who quickly dismiss evidence for spiritual beings are not open to the possibility and quickly comment about someone suffering from delusions or are simply nuts. I believe the OP made a solid argument for his view.
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You have no idea what philosophy, logic, or argumentation is. If you are making an argument, you are attempting use to logic, which is a concern of philosophy. So, to say your argument is not based on philosophy is an admission that you don't care about logic, and it shows.

Haha.. I have shown YOU to be the one demanding the illogical. You want physical proof of a spiritual entity. You expect physical evidence to support existence of an entity that is not physical. If spiritual things had physical properties, they would not be spiritual. There is no rational or logical reason to expect a spiritual entity to have physical properties or possess physical evidence of existence. And what does 'existence' mean, if you only believe in physical existence? How can a spiritual entity meet the criteria you demand? It's illogical.

Given your lack of response to my points, ill consider this a concession that you are not using logic, and that your entire argument is logically invalid, as I've shown over and over again through pointing out multiple logical fallacies with each argument you've presented. You don't understand logic or refuse to abide by it, so you can't or won't admit this.
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You've not presented any sound logic to refute the OP. Most of what you've presented is illogical blather, while demanding the illogical as "proof" you know is impossible. Then you want to dance around with distortion, wax philosophical, and ignore the evidence presented. After that, you conclude with an arrogant flurry of insult and denigration, and proclaim yourself victorious in battle over "the believers." You're with newpolitics... this is TEAM thing with you... your team vs. the believers. Can't be objective and have an objective conversation with one of THOSE people, have to reject everything said on face, because this is for THE TEAM! **RAH RAH - SIS BOOM BAH!**

You appear to be throwing yourself a one man pity party. Probably fits right in with your "victim" mentality. Everyone is picking on the poor little "martyr".


What is it with all the childish responses and attacks on people for having different opinions ? did you corner the market on absolute truth ?

It goes both ways ywc. Don't do the Christian victim thing.
Why do you care? You aren't debating.
Neither are you.

Do you want to actually debate me on that? Oh thats right... You're just a cheerleader. Scurry along now.
You don't debate. You just try to put words in the other person's mouth, then pick apart what they didn't say. You make erroneous statements and call them facts, and when you fail at backing them up, you claim intellectual superiority and say your opponent isn't smart enough to understand your argument. Then as you become more desperate to win, you start with the personal attacks. You wouldn't last 15 minutes in a structured debate.
Yet another thread purporting proof of the gods that is absent proof.

Who woulda' thought?
You've not presented any sound logic to refute the OP. Most of what you've presented is illogical blather, while demanding the illogical as "proof" you know is impossible. Then you want to dance around with distortion, wax philosophical, and ignore the evidence presented. After that, you conclude with an arrogant flurry of insult and denigration, and proclaim yourself victorious in battle over "the believers." You're with newpolitics... this is TEAM thing with you... your team vs. the believers. Can't be objective and have an objective conversation with one of THOSE people, have to reject everything said on face, because this is for THE TEAM! **RAH RAH - SIS BOOM BAH!**

You appear to be throwing yourself a one man pity party. Probably fits right in with your "victim" mentality. Everyone is picking on the poor little "martyr".


What is it with all the childish responses and attacks on people for having different opinions ?

Sounds like you are describing Boss.

did you corner the market on absolute truth ?

Boss has convinced himself that he has.
Neither are you.

Do you want to actually debate me on that? Oh thats right... You're just a cheerleader. Scurry along now.
You don't debate. You just try to put words in the other person's mouth, then pick apart what they didn't say. You make erroneous statements and call them facts, and when you fail at backing them up, you claim intellectual superiority and say your opponent isn't smart enough to understand your argument. Then as you become more desperate to win, you start with the personal attacks. You wouldn't last 15 minutes in a structured debate.

Neither do you. I actually do debate. I've examined and logically deconstructed each one of Boss's points, so your claims about me not-debating is just baseless shit-talking for the purpose of making someone feel bad. You are in no position to accuse someone of "not debating" given your behavior on this very thread.
Do you want to actually debate me on that? Oh thats right... You're just a cheerleader. Scurry along now.
You don't debate. You just try to put words in the other person's mouth, then pick apart what they didn't say. You make erroneous statements and call them facts, and when you fail at backing them up, you claim intellectual superiority and say your opponent isn't smart enough to understand your argument. Then as you become more desperate to win, you start with the personal attacks. You wouldn't last 15 minutes in a structured debate.

Neither do you. I actually do debate. I've examined and logically deconstructed each one of Boss's points, so your claims about me not-debating is just baseless shit-talking for the purpose of making someone feel bad. You are in no position to accuse someone of "not debating" given your behavior on this very thread.

Debating rule #1:- :trolls:
You don't debate. You just try to put words in the other person's mouth, then pick apart what they didn't say. You make erroneous statements and call them facts, and when you fail at backing them up, you claim intellectual superiority and say your opponent isn't smart enough to understand your argument. Then as you become more desperate to win, you start with the personal attacks. You wouldn't last 15 minutes in a structured debate.

Neither do you. I actually do debate. I've examined and logically deconstructed each one of Boss's points, so your claims about me not-debating is just baseless shit-talking for the purpose of making someone feel bad. You are in no position to accuse someone of "not debating" given your behavior on this very thread.

Debating rule #1:- :trolls:

Indeed. Thanks for the reminder. SJ is perhaps the biggest troll on this website.
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