Defund The Police Democrat gets everything she deserved. I LOVE KARMA!!!!

Hang on Sloopy

Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2015

First, note the very non-traditional American name. This is typical of leftists in MN politics today thanks to Obama. It does not necessarily mean that she is an anti-American shit bag. But, certainly with a name like her's she is much more likely to be an anti-American shit bag than said someone with a name like "Brian White", or "Emmy Lou America". Given her leftist, anti law and order bent, and her Muslimy name, and the fact that she is a politician in MN, I think it is pretty safe to assume that she is an anti-American shit bag.

When I was a wee young lad, if you crossed someone (or they crossed you), then it would be settled with a fight. If you did not fight as a boy, then the damage to your reputation will be irreparable. Even the reverend at church will call you a "faggot". It may not have been the perfect system. But, it was a system and it did what it was supposed to do: CONSEQUENCES.

Let me preface what I am about to say with the statement that nobody wants cops to go around murdering innocent people. But what if they are not innocent? If they are endangering the public, then I am not going to get upset if the police takes him or her out. When a person acts in disregard of laws meant to ensure civility and safety, then said act(s) in and of themselves cause that person's value to society to diminishment quite precipitously. So fuck them. Imagine a system where resisting arrest meant you get a bullet in your head and the cop that fired the shot gets an award for bravery. It may, or may not, be the best system. But it would be a system that would do what it is supposed to do: CONSEQUENCES.

When a perp, even unarmed, resists a cop's questioning and, where appropriate, arrest, then that perp is escalating the situation. What is the cop to do? Just back down and reward bad behavior? Of course not. That is utterly stupid. Real cops from the olden days would put a stop to that shit real fast by beating the unholy shit out of the asshole who seeks to resist intervention.

Let me dispel a myth on policing. Some people of both right wing politics and left wing politics believe that a citizen does not have to obey a cop who is acting illegally. This is not true. When confronted by a policeman who has apparent police authority, the citizen has a legal duty to comply. If the cop has engaged in an unlawful stop or arrest, that is something you have every right to raise ... in court at a later time with a judicial officer present. On the street during the confrontation with police, you do not have a judge present. As between you and the police, it is the police who lawfully directs the situation. When it is just you and the copy and you act like an asshole, asking "What'd I do? What'd I do? I didn't do nuffin! " and refuse to obey the cop's direction, then it is YOU who are fucking things up, acting in an uncivil manner, and needs a good ass kicking. This is exactly the situation that police batons were made for. Police get the benefit of the doubt, and they should.

See, it's not that our police in America are running around in para-military groups murdering unarmed minority people. That notion is absurd and lacks any support in fact. Police are not a danger to us. Police and society must work in conjunction with one another to make our streets safe. We all want the same thing: Peace and safety. So, why do these America-hating cesspools of dog shit want to defund the police? The underlying (or root cause, if you will) motivation is to cause mayhem and calamity in the streets of our country. It is but one more point in a multi-pronged neo-Marxist attack on our republic. The shit-head foreigner in MN got snapped into reality when she was carjacked. "Oh my!! I think we may need police after all!!!", popped into her otherwise empty head when she was getting her ass beat.

We should not have to go through our lives being influenced by such garbage people with divided loyalties. Life is too short to be fucked up by douchebags, incompetents, and bastards. Sometimes perps need beating. Sometimes they got to be put down for the greater good. But most of the time the police should spare their lives by kicking their asses up one side of the road and down the other.

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