Defund the POlice.

If you are a democrat I suspect you would disarm white men as they are the cause of all the problems in the world since Adam took a bite of the apple.

Adam was white?

Of course Adam was white. White men are the source of all the problems in our world. Study our new reviewed history being pushed by the Dems.
STATEMENT: 'The same dems that have been in charge of the police departments for generations"

RESPONSE: BULLSHIT. Have you ever worn a badge? I have for two agencies, you need to take your head out of your ass.

Let's see, what are the cities that had problems with their police lately? They are all Dem cities.
Hey, remember when that was a big thing? What happened?

I told you people that it was bullshit and that it was just meant to rile up the base. that the white libs would not actually do it. And that it would fade away until the next time they need to rile up the base.
biden will be pressured by the left to defund especially when democrats starting lootong killing rioting and burning when temps get warmer ...

First of all, anybody walking in freezing weather in a short sleeve tee shirt is suspicious. Secondly, according to his statement, he ignored the officers who likely told him to get out of the street, and he refused. From your link:

"They just treated me like I was a criminal or something," Reese said in an interview with FOX 4.

He said he was walking along the street because the area off to the side of it was covered in ice and snow.

Reese said he kept walking away because he didn’t need help.

As always with blacks, he refused to listen to the directives of a police officer, who's likely only concern was that he didn't want him getting hit by a car.
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Since it is very much a local issue perhaps you should ask your local authorities what is going on. Some cities have taken action in the right direction.

Funny. Many leftists here blamed the Floyd riots across the nation on Donald Trump. Now that confused Joe is in the White House, all of a sudden it's a local issue.
It is still going on and will continue as long as the cops keep murdering and profiling black people.

Most of the time, the only time black people get killed by cops is when they get violent. The same is true when white people get killed by them.

The media tends to give a lot of coverage to the unusual cases of nonviolent suspects getting killed by cops, and typically only when it is a black victim and a white cop. That's in order to maximize racial tension.

Police reform is a valid cause, but it has been racialized by opportunists and the media. It's not a racial issue but instead an authority one.
Fair points. I think you are right that it's more of an anti-authority one instead of a racial one. Spot on.
It is still going on and will continue as long as the cops keep murdering and profiling black people.

Police seldom "murder" black people. Statistics show that just as many whites get killed by cops as blacks.

The real problem is lack of common sense and education of our laws in this country. People on the left believe the only time a police officer is allowed to use deadly force is when they are addressed with deadly force. No state in the union has such a law. I as an armed citizen can legally use deadly force against a person I believe will bring me (or others) serious bodily harm of death.

Lack of common sense: Looking at most all of these situations, the commonality is the suspect didn't obey the commands of a police officer. The solution (at least for us on the right) is simple: If you want to stop police shooting at black people, promote they need to obey all commands of an officer. But no, that's too simple for the left. Instead, protest, riot, get more black people killed or imprisoned because the simple solution is not acceptable to the left. The left doesn't believe in pragmatism, only the right does.

All killings outside of those warranted justified are intensely investigated by several legal authorities. In most cases, it's found the police officer was justified in his actions.
The Covid relief Bill that Trumper Republicans oppose...will FUND the police you idiots
It is still going on and will continue as long as the cops keep murdering and profiling black people.

Police seldom "murder" black people. Statistics show that just as many whites get killed by cops as blacks.

The Covid relief Bill that Trumper Republicans oppose...will FUND the police you idiots
Why does it take a Covid relief bill to now fund the police ??? Yes, Republican's probably oppose such a way of doing things, because police should have never been defunded if that's what we are talking about or saying here.
The Covid relief Bill that Trumper Republicans oppose...will FUND the police you idiots
Why does it take a Covid relief bill to now fund the police ??? Yes, Republican's probably oppose such a way of doing things, because police should have never been defunded if that's what we are talking about or saying here.

Nobody was ever defunded.
LOL well Indi defunded their police department and many left. Social workers sure didn't work out so Indi is now looking to hire cops. Kinda funny how none of those council member who defunded the police went out on calls. They sent social workers who probably got the shit kicked out of them.

If I were a police officer I wouldn't work for Indi. They have no problem throwing the police under the bus. Funny how you don't like the police, till you NEED the police. LMAO

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