Defund the POlice.

Hey, remember when that was a big thing? What happened?

I told you people that it was bullshit and that it was just meant to rile up the base. that the white libs would not actually do it. And that it would fade away until the next time they need to rile up the base.
Really, like it hasn't already happened before and it turned out exactly the same..Don't color me surprised which is why more riots will occur..
It is still going on and will continue as long as the cops keep murdering and profiling black people.

Most of the time, the only time black people get killed by cops is when they get violent. The same is true when white people get killed by them.

The media tends to give a lot of coverage to the unusual cases of nonviolent suspects getting killed by cops, and typically only when it is a black victim and a white cop. That's in order to maximize racial tension.

Police reform is a valid cause, but it has been racialized by opportunists and the media. It's not a racial issue but instead an authority one.
It's an issue that has been festering for longer than we have been alive. If you don't like how the discussion has been proceeding then maybe you should realize that asking nicely was not working at all.
Turning it into a racial issue only gives the illusion that white people don't have to worry about it. It's an issue that all should be concerned with.

So, making it racial works against actually solving it. Like it or not, it is easier for the majority to dismiss the issue if people mistakenly think only black people are affected by it. People may virtue signal all they want, but self-interest is a powerful impulse.
It is an observed phenomena that conservative types don't mind getting fucked over by the authorities as long as they feel just a little more favored than black people.
Turning it into a racial issue only gives the illusion that white people don't have to worry about it. It's an issue that all should be concerned with.

So, making it racial works against actually solving it. Like it or not, it is easier for the majority to dismiss the issue if people mistakenly think only black people are affected by it. People may virtue signal all they want, but self-interest is a powerful impulse.
It is an observed phenomena that conservative types don't mind getting fucked over by the authorities as long as they feel just a little more favored than black people.
That's not limited to conservatives. Plenty of openly liberal people still don't do much to help minorities outside of virtue signaling.

This is getting far afield from my point, however. Since the narrative that BLM pushes is inaccurate, what police reform advocates should actually talk about is that all citizens are equally affected by the lack of police accountability in many situations and conditions.

Pushing a false narrative that blacks are being racially targeted by police does not help the cause.
It is still going on and will continue as long as the cops keep murdering and profiling black people.

What has Biden done about it since taking office? What has any of you guys done, since winning and taking power?
Since it is very much a local issue perhaps you should ask your local authorities what is going on. Some cities have taken action in the right direction.

Sure. The same dems that have been in charge of the police departments for generations, have "taken action" that they could have done generations ago, and you want to pretend that is why suddenly, "DEFUND" is fading away...

It was one of the various handfuls of shit that you monkeys threw at Trump, and now that the election is won, you don't need it anymore.

Till the next time.
Hey, remember when that was a big thing? What happened?

I told you people that it was bullshit and that it was just meant to rile up the base. that the white libs would not actually do it. And that it would fade away until the next time they need to rile up the base.
Biden never supported it

And yet the defund people supported him. HOw odd.

Vs Trump?

Yep. Almost as though that was what it was always about.
Hey, remember when that was a big thing? What happened?

I told you people that it was bullshit and that it was just meant to rile up the base. that the white libs would not actually do it. And that it would fade away until the next time they need to rile up the base.
Really, like it hasn't already happened before and it turned out exactly the same..Don't color me surprised which is why more riots will occur..

Will they? Or will the media stop ginning every dead black up into a cause, because ORANGE MAN GONE?
It's quite possible, but again, the media will fixate on any situation involving race in order to get views. It distorts how society actually operates on a daily basis.

If it's about race then the media should spotlight it. Do you not understand how people are mad because they get the cops called on them even for walking home from work?

"Look Marge, there is a black man in our neighborhood, call the cops".

And cops are going to have to learn that they need to leave people alone doing absolutely nothing worthy of getting arrested. Ask him to get out of the road, even though the road was likely the safest place to walk, and be on your way.

No a person does NOT have to explain themselves for simply walking home from work.
Police officers are starting to be held accountable. Their contracts which protected them are being addressed.

Use of force policies are being revised, the use of body cams and audio are being required in most agencies.
It is still going on and will continue as long as the cops keep murdering and profiling black people.

What has Biden done about it since taking office? What has any of you guys done, since winning and taking power?
Since it is very much a local issue perhaps you should ask your local authorities what is going on. Some cities have taken action in the right direction.

Sure. The same dems that have been in charge of the police departments for generations, have "taken action" that they could have done generations ago, and you want to pretend that is why suddenly, "DEFUND" is fading away...

It was one of the various handfuls of shit that you monkeys threw at Trump, and now that the election is won, you don't need it anymore.

Till the next time.

STATEMENT: 'The same dems that have been in charge of the police departments for generations"

RESPONSE: BULLSHIT. Have you ever worn a badge? I have for two agencies, you need to take your head out of your ass.
It is still going on and will continue as long as the cops keep murdering and profiling black people.

What has Biden done about it since taking office? What has any of you guys done, since winning and taking power?
Since it is very much a local issue perhaps you should ask your local authorities what is going on. Some cities have taken action in the right direction.

Sure. The same dems that have been in charge of the police departments for generations, have "taken action" that they could have done generations ago, and you want to pretend that is why suddenly, "DEFUND" is fading away...

It was one of the various handfuls of shit that you monkeys threw at Trump, and now that the election is won, you don't need it anymore.

Till the next time.

STATEMENT: 'The same dems that have been in charge of the police departments for generations"

RESPONSE: BULLSHIT. Have you ever worn a badge? I have for two agencies, you need to take your head out of your ass.

Explain how you havign been a cop in the past, means that the dem machine politicians have not been in charge of the major city police departments for generations.

ANY reforms you people pretend to want, you could have done at any time, for generations.

That you pretend that this "Wacism" is somone else's fault, is just a testimony to how insanely dishonest you people are.
It is still going on and will continue as long as the cops keep murdering and profiling black people.

Most of the time, the only time black people get killed by cops is when they get violent. The same is true when white people get killed by them.

The media tends to give a lot of coverage to the unusual cases of nonviolent suspects getting killed by cops, and typically only when it is a black victim and a white cop. That's in order to maximize racial tension.

Police reform is a valid cause, but it has been racialized by opportunists and the media. It's not a racial issue but instead an authority one.
It's an issue that has been festering for longer than we have been alive. If you don't like how the discussion has been proceeding then maybe you should realize that asking nicely was not working at all.
Turning it into a racial issue only gives the illusion that white people don't have to worry about it. It's an issue that all should be concerned with.

So, making it racial works against actually solving it. Like it or not, it is easier for the majority to dismiss the issue if people mistakenly think only black people are affected by it. People may virtue signal all they want, but self-interest is a powerful impulse.
It is an observed phenomena that conservative types don't mind getting fucked over by the authorities as long as they feel just a little more favored than black people.

"Policeman" by Paul Harvey. Well worth two minutes of your time...

For every example the media gives us about inappropriate police behavior, there are 100 others examples of heroism you never hear about.

May God bless all of our law enforcement officers, who allow us to raise our families in relatively safe communities, and who will show up and risk their lives for a complete stranger, because it is their duty.

It takes a really special person to be a law enforcement officer these days. Exceptional people who tend to have above-average intelligence, integrity, and devotion to making the world a better place for the law-abiding citizens in the communities they serve....

Officers Paul Watts and Simon Russell





Those of you who continue to serve, despite the rhetoric from the Left, are incredible people. Thank you.

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