Delusional: Biden says 'Margaret Thatcher' called him to complain about Trump

Even if Joe Bidet had a Ouija board, why on Earth would Thatcher's ghost want to contact a self-loathing-Westerner liberal, hemmorhoidal anal cyst like Bidet?

Yes, I propose his name be changed from "Biden" to "Bidet" because I associate him with the act of taking a shit. Just another self-hating-American, spewing insults against this country, while sucking enough Islam cock for that muslim semen to achieve "critical mass" in his stomach. Filthy, diseased liberal mollusk who oozes around through this world on a trail of slug slime.

When Bidet's son died of cancer (as all Bidets deserve), I wish I had a straw to drink the tears directly off the old traitor's face.

You wanna bring senility testing into the 2020 campaign? 100% fine with me.

Just make sure Oranges/Origins Donnie gets tested as well.

And not that joke of a test he took...a REAL one.

yeah, doesn't look like this got under your skin or that trump lives in your really
Candidates do say stupid things. Joe needs to consult with Trump & AOC, at least they are entertaining.
Just think how many stupid Moon Bats are planning on voting for the Creepy Senile Clown.
I have a feeling that she will end up voting for Biden.

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