Delusional Moonbat~Elizabeth Warren: I Fight Climate Change by ‘Mostly’ Flying Commercial

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

DemonRAT Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Delusional idiot from MA) said she has been “mostly” flying commercial in an effort to combat climate change but said her campaign is trying to look at “other ways” to reduce its carbon footprint.

“What specific steps have you taken in your campaign to ensure that your campaign’s environmental impact is limited as possible?” a listener asked.Host Laura Knoy pointed out that Tom Steyer (D) recently told NHPR that he is only flying commercial, adding, “there’s a huge carbon footprint of a private jet, so that’s the sacrifice he said he was willing to make. How about you?”

“So I’ve mostly been flying commercial,” Warren said, explaining that her campaign has been trying to look at “other ways” to reduce its carbon footprint.

“It’s everything from the kind of car we drive and down to, do we purchase offsets? Can we make that work s a way to try to reduce the footprint,” she said, failing to elaborate if her campaign’s proposals have come to fruition.

“One of the things that has been so interesting to me in the whole area of climate has been the good ideas that have come from lots of different campaigns. One I just want to get a pitch in here for is when Gov. Inslee was running,” she said:

He talked about the importance of regulating three industries– that by 2028 no new buildings, no new houses that have any carbon footprints– zero carbon footprint on new buildings. By 2030, all newly built cars and trucks– zero carbon footprint. And by 2035, all electric production– zero carbon footprint.

“We do those three things, we cut carbon emission in our country by 70 percent. Think about that, three things, 70 percent reduction,” she said.

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What a barking moonbat. Warren doesn't have an ice cube's chance in hell of ever winning the US presidency.

DemonRAT Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Delusional idiot from MA) said she has been “mostly” flying commercial in an effort to combat climate change but said her campaign is trying to look at “other ways” to reduce its carbon footprint.

“What specific steps have you taken in your campaign to ensure that your campaign’s environmental impact is limited as possible?” a listener asked.Host Laura Knoy pointed out that Tom Steyer (D) recently told NHPR that he is only flying commercial, adding, “there’s a huge carbon footprint of a private jet, so that’s the sacrifice he said he was willing to make. How about you?”

“So I’ve mostly been flying commercial,” Warren said, explaining that her campaign has been trying to look at “other ways” to reduce its carbon footprint.

“It’s everything from the kind of car we drive and down to, do we purchase offsets? Can we make that work s a way to try to reduce the footprint,” she said, failing to elaborate if her campaign’s proposals have come to fruition.

“One of the things that has been so interesting to me in the whole area of climate has been the good ideas that have come from lots of different campaigns. One I just want to get a pitch in here for is when Gov. Inslee was running,” she said:

He talked about the importance of regulating three industries– that by 2028 no new buildings, no new houses that have any carbon footprints– zero carbon footprint on new buildings. By 2030, all newly built cars and trucks– zero carbon footprint. And by 2035, all electric production– zero carbon footprint.

“We do those three things, we cut carbon emission in our country by 70 percent. Think about that, three things, 70 percent reduction,” she said.

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Perhaps she ought to consider riding a bicycle everywhere she needs to go.
Purchasing offsets does nothing for carbon. It just makes the person feel good as they are being taken to the bank.

DemonRAT Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Delusional idiot from MA) said she has been “mostly” flying commercial in an effort to combat climate change but said her campaign is trying to look at “other ways” to reduce its carbon footprint.

“What specific steps have you taken in your campaign to ensure that your campaign’s environmental impact is limited as possible?” a listener asked.Host Laura Knoy pointed out that Tom Steyer (D) recently told NHPR that he is only flying commercial, adding, “there’s a huge carbon footprint of a private jet, so that’s the sacrifice he said he was willing to make. How about you?”

“So I’ve mostly been flying commercial,” Warren said, explaining that her campaign has been trying to look at “other ways” to reduce its carbon footprint.

“It’s everything from the kind of car we drive and down to, do we purchase offsets? Can we make that work s a way to try to reduce the footprint,” she said, failing to elaborate if her campaign’s proposals have come to fruition.

“One of the things that has been so interesting to me in the whole area of climate has been the good ideas that have come from lots of different campaigns. One I just want to get a pitch in here for is when Gov. Inslee was running,” she said:

He talked about the importance of regulating three industries– that by 2028 no new buildings, no new houses that have any carbon footprints– zero carbon footprint on new buildings. By 2030, all newly built cars and trucks– zero carbon footprint. And by 2035, all electric production– zero carbon footprint.

“We do those three things, we cut carbon emission in our country by 70 percent. Think about that, three things, 70 percent reduction,” she said.

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So her empty seat on a plane will do what?

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