Dem 2020 Presidential platform: Ban 'assault weapons'!!!!'

The dems always whine about guns, and then nothing happens, they are banned in Chicago, how is that working?
It's not the guns, the US always had guns, and no mass shootings, what's different now?
Nut jobs with military style weapons that seems
to go right along with their insanity.... They seem to like buying them at stores or gun shows.
/——/ Virtually every weapon developed was military style. And WTF does it mean any way?
Actually hunting rifles and shotguns are plenty...
The left always seems to believe that crimminals will somehow magically decide to follow a gun ban. They will stop using guns and somehow stop selling guns.
I mean just look at how well banning drugs has worked not only did everyone stop using them but the crimminals stopped selling them.
Look at prohibition it worked so well because it was illegal.
It is always the law abiding that get hurt with these types of law.

Nothing like believing that laws will create a fantastical unicorn filled world.

There is no such thing as an assault weapon. Thait is slang used to create fear.

A gun is a gun. You can make a gun look real scary, but in the end it is just a barrel that shoots out a bullet. The rest is all just trim and crap.

The Munster Koach was just a Ford Model T. It looked badass, but it was still just a Model T. Some guns look badass but they are just a gun. Liberals and Democrats are lying sacks of shit who spread fear.

Dem 2020 Presidential platform: Ban 'assault weapons'!!!!'

gee, I wonder why ?


anti government redneck RightWingers who love presidents that kiss Ruaaian ass ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Great . You what an AR to shoot police and or military cause you are mad at the politicians . Well that’s a shit
reason to allow them.
An awful lot of fantasy there timmy.

That’s the gun nut fantasy. Play it out . When you say you need an AR to check the government, then it means you’ll be shooting cops and politicians . Just be honest and own it .
We would be safer with a ban on handguns

How you figger?

Do you really think that disarming law abiders of handguns will help?

I'm a senior citizen, right now I stand a chance with an equalizer if some young thug tries to hold me up. Disarm the law abiders, we're going to have to increase the size of the police force by 10 fold
A taser or pepper spray would work without killing someone...
Nut jobs with military style weapons......

Fuck you you sissy punk. Who are you to say what type of things collectors and enthusiasts should be able to collect.

Just because queers like you collect Liza Minnelli albums does not mean that real men don't want to collect weapons.
The dems always whine about guns, and then nothing happens, they are banned in Chicago, how is that working?
It's not the guns, the US always had guns, and no mass shootings, what's different now?
Nut jobs with military weapons that seems
to go right along with their insanity.... They seem to like buying them at stores or gun shows.
One of these days, you will add sometihng meaningful to a conversation.
Today is not that day.
Tell it to the 68 people killed in Las Vegas. The insane who are Mass killers seem to love military style weapons....
My statement stands.
When you can meaningfully address the OP - let us know. Hopefully they haven't dismantled the internet by then.
But, good of you to admit banning the manufacturer and sale of new 'assault weapons' will do noting to meet the necessities claimed by the Democrats.
Given this, why do you think the Democrats are lock-step on this policy point?
I think it's a good idea and I guess I'm not the only one.
But, you agree - it won't do anything to stop mass shootings - and thus, nothing to meet the necessities claimed by the Democrats.
Why, then do the Democrats want the ban?
I think the assault weapons should also be confiscated/bought back and if anyone is caught with one after a certain point, they get a fine that will take years to settle.
Why do you suppose exactly zero of the 20 Democrats in the recent debates suggested this?
Buy-Back they all like, confiscation would be insane LOL
Absent confiscation, how does a ban on manufacturing and selling new 'assault weapons' prevent mass shootings?
That’s the gun nut fantasy. Play it out . When you say you need an AR to check the government, then it means you’ll be shooting cops and politicians . Just be honest and own it .
Timmy, are you taking advantage of the "free needle" program? sounds like you may be abusing it.

You avoid the question . Play it out!!!!!


Fat Boy and his AR 15 are chest pounding impressing a group of other fat boys who want to play military soldier -


hovering a mile above their heads is one of these -

Blackhawk Helicoptors


waiting to fire a 3 second,15 round burst from that 50 cal widowaker and turn them into hamburger.

what do I win?
No surprise, right?
Every Dem who spoke on guns in the 2 nights of debate declared the need to ban 'assault weapon' - to save our schools, to save our kids, shopping malls, movie theaters, gay bars, etc. It's almost as if this little bit of leftist dogma is chiseled into their souls.

A question for those who agree with the candidates:
If there is, as they claim, a NEED to ban these guns, if banning these guns is, as they say, NECESSARY for the safety of whomever - what does a ban on the manufacturer and sale of new 'assault weapons' accomplish?
Have to start somewhere .
"Start"? What's next?
If the ban they want is a "start", isn't that an admission the ban itself does not provide the effect they seek?
What’s the point of assault weapons ? Other than to kill lots Of people quickly.
Oh look - a useful idiot regurgitating talking points he doesn't understand. How cute!
Which of the traditionally legal purposes for a firearm is an 'assault weapon' is not suitable for?

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