Dem 2020 Prez Contenders

Who is your top choice

  • Elizabeth Warren

  • Kamal Harris

  • Joe Biden

  • Bernie Sanders

  • Kirsten Gillibrand

  • Cory Booker

Results are only viewable after voting.
Starting at the beginning, the dems still have "super-delegates" so the dem voters can be considered 3/5 of a GOP voter. I prefer the GOP where all votes count equally.

I guess you are ignorant of the fact (gee, what a surprise) that the GOP has super delegates, too. Each state gets three of them.

That said, the dems will never coalesce enough to rally behind only one candidate, like Biden (old white guy), Bernie (socialist), Warren (another female who never ran anything and thinks she can run the US), Camela/Kirsten/Spartacus (rookies who could not run a lemonade stand, like Obama).

The dems have a rough choice in 2020 but the debates should be hilarious, all claiming to tax the rich and lavish benefits on the proletariat, free healthcare, free college, guaranteed income, and free Obamaphones again

I guess you are ignorant of the fact (gee, another surprise ) that the Federal Lifeline Assistance program preceded Obama and still exists.

They are Trumphones now.

But you go ahead and keep yourself worked up about them negroes, mm-kay?

Speaking of "free shit": US Cabinet member and wife expensed European travel under false pretenses: report

More "free shit": Scott Pruitt’s $43,000 soundproof phone booth violated spending laws, federal watchdog finds[

Superdelegate - Wikipedia
GOP superdelegates are not free to vote for whomever they want, their (3) votes go to the winner of the state primary. Not a significant diluting of GOP voters.
Democrat superdelagates comprise about 15% of the primary votes. " Democratic superdelegates are free to support any candidate for the presidential nomination. This contrasts with pledged delegates who are selected based on the party primaries and caucuses in each U.S. state, in which voters choose among candidates for the party's presidential nomination." Don't argue with the politburo's selecting of the party's nominee.

Federal Lifeline Assistance program's free "Trumpphones"?! Don't see anyone bragging about Trumpphones yet.
Bad cabinet members get bounced and pay back their largess.
Uncle Joe is my pic......for the I'd like to see him get his ass handed to him by President Trump......

oooOOOOOOooo.... will captain crazy pants come up with a huuuuge asskicking nickname for him too? :auiqs.jpg:


I was just reading Nate Silver and his staff picking contenders for the 2020 race.. Here they are (not in Order):

  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kamala Harris
  • Joe Biden
  • Bernie Sanders -
  • Kirsten Gillibrand
  • Cory Booker
Based on this, I don't see anyone that I think is a shoe-in. Here are my personal thoughts
  • Elizabeth Warren - Ultra Liberal but very experienced
  • Kamala Harris - well spoken, intelligent but a little too cagey
  • Joe Biden - leading in Iowa polls
  • Bernie Sanders - a proven contender
  • Kirsten Gillibrand - attractive and articulate - but a real BS artist like Hillary
  • Cory Booker - African American but with personal baggage
Let's hear your thoughts:
They are all clowns.
lol... you may have pence & not trump anyways...
What does that mean in your sig? "we are silent no more".....I can't think of a time when liberal women were ever silent......bitch and moan about everything and anything...never happy...never content....always on the hating witches....
but he's as tainted as president dotard
I can see it now...Trump would piss that old man off so much that Joe would say something really stupid as usual and the election would be over after the first debate.....done!
This is the only Democrat that could beat Trump at his own liberal game..

I was just reading Nate Silver and his staff picking contenders for the 2020 race.. Here they are (not in Order):

  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kamala Harris
  • Joe Biden
  • Bernie Sanders -
  • Kirsten Gillibrand
  • Cory Booker
Based on this, I don't see anyone that I think is a shoe-in. Here are my personal thoughts
  • Elizabeth Warren - Ultra Liberal but very experienced
  • Kamala Harris - well spoken, intelligent but a little too cagey
  • Joe Biden - leading in Iowa polls
  • Bernie Sanders - a proven contender
  • Kirsten Gillibrand - attractive and articulate - but a real BS artist like Hillary
  • Cory Booker - African American but with personal baggage
Let's hear your thoughts:
What is clear today is that the key to winning the Democratic nomination will be claiming to have been sexually assaulted by a Republican in high school. At this point Christine Ford is the front runner.

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