Dem 2020 Prez Contenders

Who is your top choice

  • Elizabeth Warren

  • Kamal Harris

  • Joe Biden

  • Bernie Sanders

  • Kirsten Gillibrand

  • Cory Booker

Results are only viewable after voting.
My choice is none of them. They are all losers who want to keep you kept on the plantation.
What plantation?

The Democratic plantation.

Whips and chains and that stuff?
Or just helping people who need help?

Learn real history and you will get it but like every other demcoratic moron they work real hard on conning the iditos on the blame game.

Just like most morons haven't a clue that the DEMOCRATS wanted to keep the KKK around......

DEMOTARDS get off on abortions

the list goes on and on and on.........

Even the blacks are waking up to it and man the pathetic idiots left on that plantation will help carry on another generation of idiots who will still be enslaved by Democratic idiots who enslave their populaiton live off their hard working dollar taxes and still never get wy and how they live in the ghetto .. FOOL!

Like this guy gets it and he's a former cop.
What a stellar line up of Dems for 2020.

Good Lord. Is this the best they could come up with??

Trump, if he decides to run in 2020, will eat them for breakfast.
I was just reading Nate Silver and his staff picking contenders for the 2020 race.. Here they are (not in Order):

  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kamala Harris
  • Joe Biden
  • Bernie Sanders -
  • Kirsten Gillibrand
  • Cory Booker
Based on this, I don't see anyone that I think is a shoe-in. Here are my personal thoughts
  • Elizabeth Warren - Ultra Liberal but very experienced
  • Kamala Harris - well spoken, intelligent but a little too cagey
  • Joe Biden - leading in Iowa polls
  • Bernie Sanders - a proven contender
  • Kirsten Gillibrand - attractive and articulate - but a real BS artist like Hillary
  • Cory Booker - African American but with personal baggage
Let's hear your thoughts:

Mexicrats should seek to recruit a moderate Republican such as Ben Sasse or the like to restore some normalcy. To stay relevant they’ll need to rid the Party of all the total fucking wack-jobs. The DNC has manifested a Loon hood that is off the charts batshit crazy. NOBODY decent, moral and sane can connect with the Party anymore.
Currently, Michael Avenatti might be their best....hahaha
What a stellar line up of Dems for 2020.

Good Lord. Is this the best they could come up with??

Trump, if he decides to run in 2020, will eat them for breakfast.

I’m not so sure. There are a lot of morons out there who want Bernie Sanders to ruin the country.
Still dealing with 2016 drama, Democrats vote to strip superdelegates of some of their power in 2020

The Democratic Party voted to limit the power of so-called “superdelegates” in selecting the party’s presidential nominee.

The Democratic National Committee in a meeting in Chicago on Saturday voted to approve the change, which prevents superdelegates from voting on the first ballot in a contested national convention.

Only pledged delegates — whose votes are decided by the primary or caucus results for their states or territories — will get to vote the first time around at the Democratic national convention, where the party picks its presidential nominee. Superdelegates — DNC members, elected officials, and party leaders who are unpledged and basically get to vote for whomever they want — won’t get to vote on the first ballot if the convention is contested.​

I can nigh guarantee if Hillary was running the superdelegates wouldn’t be going anywhere.
I don't recall the Repubs having super delegates, actually.

When I said free stuff, I meant I don't think promising free college, health care, medicare, childcare, $15 minimum wage for all, maternity leave for both parents for two weeks, etc is a workable platform for a working government. I do admit Trump is blowing out our budget right now, but that would be even worse.

As far as crooks in politics taking stuff - nothing new there at all. I heard Bill Clinton got something like $750,000 for one speech - in Moscow, some time close to the election.

Socialism would skyrocket the budget to impossible-to-believe proportions. So anyone who wants all this free shit these politicians are promising but is also concerned about the federal debt, get a fucking clue please, and fast.
What a stellar line up of Dems for 2020.

Good Lord. Is this the best they could come up with??

Trump, if he decides to run in 2020, will eat them for breakfast.

I’m not so sure. There are a lot of morons out there who want Bernie Sanders to ruin the country.

If he were to run I don't think he would be successful. Not against Trump if Trump decides to run in 2020.
Why is Hillary not on that list?

As I say in the original post - this list is from the Nate Silver think tank (aka fivethirtyeight) - if you don't know who they are, there were known for being "the most accurate" polling group in the country for about 10 years - and they worked directly for the NY Times. Of course, they were wrong about Hillary, who they said would win with 74% vs 24% for Trump on election night. But they were one of the most accurate pollsters for previous elections. Anyway - as far as democrats and the media goes, this is one of the most respected think tanks.

It is their list of possible and probable candidates. Hillary is notably not on it. I think that dish is done, to be honest, stick a fork in her.

Currently, Michael Avenatti might be their best....hahaha

I actually heard some talking head saying he thought Avenatti could be the Democrat's answer to Trump - bombastic, willing to say/do anything. But that was before his client (accuser #3) fell off the rails.
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dims will try to find a transgender, black/hispanic mix shemale that was the victim of sexual assaults ten different times in ten different locations by the same men on ten different occasions whose college thesis was on Karl Marx
lol... you may have pence & not trump anyways...
What does that mean in your sig? "we are silent no more".....I can't think of a time when liberal women were ever silent......bitch and moan about everything and anything...never happy...never content....always on the hating witches....

riiiight......... only a deplorable would think like that....
My choice is none of them. They are all losers who want to keep you kept on the plantation.
What plantation?

The Democratic plantation.

Whips and chains and that stuff?
Or just helping people who need help?

Learn real history and you will get it but like every other demcoratic moron they work real hard on conning the iditos on the blame game.

Just like most morons haven't a clue that the DEMOCRATS wanted to keep the KKK around......

DEMOTARDS get off on abortions

the list goes on and on and on.........

Even the blacks are waking up to it and man the pathetic idiots left on that plantation will help carry on another generation of idiots who will still be enslaved by Democratic idiots who enslave their populaiton live off their hard working dollar taxes and still never get wy and how they live in the ghetto .. FOOL!

Like this guy gets it and he's a former cop.
View attachment 220429
Learn your real history
The KKK is firmly Republican today and their platform does not differ much from the GOP

It is the Republicans fighting to maintain remnants of the confederacy even though that confederacy ran actual plantations
Trump will have a difficult time in 2020 regardless of who the Democrats run

He will not surprise anyone in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin again
He will have a hard time holding Arizona and Florida with their increased Hispanic populations
Fauxcahontas bed wetters... she's a sure shot!!!

I was just reading Nate Silver and his staff picking contenders for the 2020 race.. Here they are (not in Order):

  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kamala Harris
  • Joe Biden
  • Bernie Sanders -
  • Kirsten Gillibrand
  • Cory Booker
Based on this, I don't see anyone that I think is a shoe-in. Here are my personal thoughts
  • Elizabeth Warren - Ultra Liberal but very experienced
  • Kamala Harris - well spoken, intelligent but a little too cagey
  • Joe Biden - leading in Iowa polls
  • Bernie Sanders - a proven contender
  • Kirsten Gillibrand - attractive and articulate - but a real BS artist like Hillary
  • Cory Booker - African American but with personal baggage
Let's hear your thoughts:
Hmmm...let’s see. Warren phone?...Harris phone?...Biden phone?...Sanders phone?...Gillibrand phone?...Booker phone?

Nope, none of them have the same ring to them as the Obama phone.
My choice is none of them. They are all losers who want to keep you kept on the plantation.
What plantation?

The Democratic plantation.

Whips and chains and that stuff?
Or just helping people who need help?

Learn real history and you will get it but like every other demcoratic moron they work real hard on conning the iditos on the blame game.

Just like most morons haven't a clue that the DEMOCRATS wanted to keep the KKK around......

DEMOTARDS get off on abortions

the list goes on and on and on.........

Even the blacks are waking up to it and man the pathetic idiots left on that plantation will help carry on another generation of idiots who will still be enslaved by Democratic idiots who enslave their populaiton live off their hard working dollar taxes and still never get wy and how they live in the ghetto .. FOOL!

Like this guy gets it and he's a former cop.
View attachment 220429
Learn your real history
The KKK is firmly Republican today and their platform does not differ much from the GOP

It is the Republicans fighting to maintain remnants of the confederacy even though that confederacy ran actual plantations

No, they are fighting to prevent the Democrats from burying their racist history.
Trump will have a difficult time in 2020 regardless of who the Democrats run

He will not surprise anyone in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin again
He will have a hard time holding Arizona and Florida with their increased Hispanic populations


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