Dem candidates dropped out so far, Black Female and gay

So far it seems that the democrat base doesn't care for females or Blacks or homosexual candidates in spite of the political propaganda. Pretty and popular Kamala Harris dropped out early and Gay mayor Pete dropped out today. Warren seems more articulate than Biden but she languishes at about 7 points and the other two female democrats are at about zero.
/—-/ Their so called inclusive big tent is just lip service. And their feeble minded base falls for it every time.
Oh I've already accomplished exponentially more than Rump has, but that's nothing special -- WE ALL HAVE. That is, assuming we've all gone out and got a FUCKING JOB at some point, and/or taken on some sort of RESPONSIBILITY whether it was military service or parenting or mentoring or whatever. You know, the non-narcissistic non-elitist world where most of us live where we weren't just fucking HANDED everything for nothing. The world where we actually had to deal with the draft rather than buying fake doctor notes about frickin' "bone spurs" so we could go trawl New York sex clubs in our "personal Vietnam". The one where it never even occurs to us to print up a fake Time Magazine cover with our mug on it because our tiny little penis ego demands a constant Waah Waah feeding of HEY LOOKA ME. The one where if we fuck up or go bankrupt we admit it. The one where we deal with the actual facts of when we said "would" and where our father was actually born. The one where it also never occurs to us to make up entire fake press agents for the sole purpose of planting salacious stories in gossip rags about HEY LOOK WHAT AN ASSHOLE I AM. The one where it never occurs to us to pose for soft porn pics with our own fifteen-year-old daughter for the same purpose. The one where we don't invent "thousands and thousands on rooftops" and then jump into convulsions because some reporter wouldn't lie to back us up. You know, "Earth".

As far as what the Orange Dickhead has done for our country, you have a point there. I could never place colonial army pilots in planes or describe Nazis as "very fine people" or hide sulking in the hotel room while the rest of the heads of state ventured out in the rain to a war memorial. I couldn't pit entire swaths of the country against each other exhorting them to beat the crap out of each other, I couldn't diss and threaten the media for fear of criticism, and I DAMN sure wouldn't stoop to Tweeter because I'm too much of a chickenshit to face criticism or jokes even at the freaking White House Correspondents Dinner. I couldn't salute a North Korean general or claim that the word "would" means its own opposite just because Vladimir Fucking Putin has me shaking in my boots. And I damn sure couldn't (and when I say it, "couldn't" means "couldn't") stand there and bald-faced lie tens of thousands of times. Couldn't do that and wouldn't want to. That's a colossal human failure.
You have an extraordinarily high opinion of yourself with absolutely no justification.

What, just because I can read? It ain't some kind of exclusive thing, you could too if you put your mind to it.
Y'know, I hear Trump uses a toilet. Maybe you can show how better you are than him by crapping in your pants.

Ah, you'll have to ask healthmyths about that. He's the one who keeps tabs on which hand the POTUS uses to wipe his ass.

Pogo as his namesake is a possum...which I'm sure Pogo doesn't know the difference between a "possum" and "opossum" anymore than he
understands how a person like Obama who had Muslim affinities as a Muslim must use the "evil" left hand (even though he IS left-handed).
Pogo has a real scatological fascination as he has continued to obsess about butt wiping.
/——-/ Well, I had to look that one up:
Opossum vs. Possum: What’s the Difference? - Writing Explained
Is it possum or opossum? Well, that depends on the animal type to which you are referring. While it's not widely known, there is a difference between possum vs. opossum. Opossums are marsupials living in North America. Possums are marsupials living in Australia and its surrounding islands
Oh I've already accomplished exponentially more than Rump has, but that's nothing special -- WE ALL HAVE. That is, assuming we've all gone out and got a FUCKING JOB at some point, and/or taken on some sort of RESPONSIBILITY whether it was military service or parenting or mentoring or whatever. You know, the non-narcissistic non-elitist world where most of us live where we weren't just fucking HANDED everything for nothing. The world where we actually had to deal with the draft rather than buying fake doctor notes about frickin' "bone spurs" so we could go trawl New York sex clubs in our "personal Vietnam". The one where it never even occurs to us to print up a fake Time Magazine cover with our mug on it because our tiny little penis ego demands a constant Waah Waah feeding of HEY LOOKA ME. The one where if we fuck up or go bankrupt we admit it. The one where we deal with the actual facts of when we said "would" and where our father was actually born. The one where it also never occurs to us to make up entire fake press agents for the sole purpose of planting salacious stories in gossip rags about HEY LOOK WHAT AN ASSHOLE I AM. The one where it never occurs to us to pose for soft porn pics with our own fifteen-year-old daughter for the same purpose. The one where we don't invent "thousands and thousands on rooftops" and then jump into convulsions because some reporter wouldn't lie to back us up. You know, "Earth".

As far as what the Orange Dickhead has done for our country, you have a point there. I could never place colonial army pilots in planes or describe Nazis as "very fine people" or hide sulking in the hotel room while the rest of the heads of state ventured out in the rain to a war memorial. I couldn't pit entire swaths of the country against each other exhorting them to beat the crap out of each other, I couldn't diss and threaten the media for fear of criticism, and I DAMN sure wouldn't stoop to Tweeter because I'm too much of a chickenshit to face criticism or jokes even at the freaking White House Correspondents Dinner. I couldn't salute a North Korean general or claim that the word "would" means its own opposite just because Vladimir Fucking Putin has me shaking in my boots. And I damn sure couldn't (and when I say it, "couldn't" means "couldn't") stand there and bald-faced lie tens of thousands of times. Couldn't do that and wouldn't want to. That's a colossal human failure.
You have an extraordinarily high opinion of yourself with absolutely no justification.

What, just because I can read? It ain't some kind of exclusive thing, you could too if you put your mind to it.
Y'know, I hear Trump uses a toilet. Maybe you can show how better you are than him by crapping in your pants.

Ah, you'll have to ask healthmyths about that. He's the one who keeps tabs on which hand the POTUS uses to wipe his ass.

Pogo as his namesake is a possum...which I'm sure Pogo doesn't know the difference between a "possum" and "opossum" anymore than he
understands how a person like Obama who had Muslim affinities as a Muslim must use the "evil" left hand (even though he IS left-handed).
Pogo has a real scatological fascination as he has continued to obsess about butt wiping.

I knew you wouldn't let me down, TP. The a-hole who actually started a thread on this board about the crucial breaking news of which hand O'bama wipes his ass with.
So far it seems that the democrat base doesn't care for females or Blacks or homosexual candidates in spite of the political propaganda. Pretty and popular Kamala Harris dropped out early and Gay mayor Pete dropped out today. Warren seems more articulate than Biden but she languishes at about 7 points and the other two female democrats are at about zero.
/—-/ Their so called inclusive big tent is just lip service. And their feeble minded base falls for it every time.
View attachment 310015
And it is white liberals making this the case..."RACE" is nothing more than a weapon for them, in practice they have no need or use for color outside of tokenism
So far it seems that the democrat base doesn't care for females or Blacks or homosexual candidates in spite of the political propaganda. Pretty and popular Kamala Harris dropped out early and Gay mayor Pete dropped out today. Warren seems more articulate than Biden but she languishes at about 7 points and the other two female democrats are at about zero.
/—-/ Their so called inclusive big tent is just lip service. And their feeble minded base falls for it every time.
View attachment 310015

"Four women"?

Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar

I get "two" that have dropped out. Lush Rimjob math?
So far it seems that the democrat base doesn't care for females or Blacks or homosexual candidates in spite of the political propaganda. Pretty and popular Kamala Harris dropped out early and Gay mayor Pete dropped out today. Warren seems more articulate than Biden but she languishes at about 7 points and the other two female democrats are at about zero.
/—-/ Their so called inclusive big tent is just lip service. And their feeble minded base falls for it every time.
View attachment 310015

"Four women"?

Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar

I get "two" that have dropped out. Lush Rimjob math?
/----/ CBS counts 5women started and only 1 left, making Rush right and you wrong again - as usual.
2020 presidential campaign brings field of women
So far it seems that the democrat base doesn't care for females or Blacks or homosexual candidates in spite of the political propaganda. Pretty and popular Kamala Harris dropped out early and Gay mayor Pete dropped out today. Warren seems more articulate than Biden but she languishes at about 7 points and the other two female democrats are at about zero.
/—-/ Their so called inclusive big tent is just lip service. And their feeble minded base falls for it every time.
View attachment 310015

"Four women"?

Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar

I get "two" that have dropped out. Lush Rimjob math?
/----/ CBS counts 5women started and only 1 left, making Rush right and you wrong again - as usual.
2020 presidential campaign brings field of women

I guess not. You've got five women in that old article, of those, two are still running (I'm prolly voting for one of them today), Gillibrand never got to the primaries (the starting point), and two dropped out ----- as I already listed.

I'm not a calculus major but I'm pretty sure Two still equals Two.

Then again your source ---- if a Googly Image is to be believed ---- isn't exactly the most astute anal-yst, is he.

Last edited:
So far it seems that the democrat base doesn't care for females or Blacks or homosexual candidates in spite of the political propaganda. Pretty and popular Kamala Harris dropped out early and Gay mayor Pete dropped out today. Warren seems more articulate than Biden but she languishes at about 7 points and the other two female democrats are at about zero.

That is so much bullshit. It came down to name recognition and minority voters. Sanders has been running for over 5 years now. Biden has high name recognition. That is what it came down to.
So far it seems that the democrat base doesn't care for females or Blacks or homosexual candidates in spite of the political propaganda. Pretty and popular Kamala Harris dropped out early and Gay mayor Pete dropped out today. Warren seems more articulate than Biden but she languishes at about 7 points and the other two female democrats are at about zero.
/—-/ Their so called inclusive big tent is just lip service. And their feeble minded base falls for it every time.
View attachment 310015

"Four women"?

Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar

I get "two" that have dropped out. Lush Rimjob math?
/----/ CBS counts 5women started and only 1 left, making Rush right and you wrong again - as usual.
2020 presidential campaign brings field of women

I guess not. You've got five women in that old article, of those, two are still running (I'm prolly voting for one of them today), Gillibrand never got to the primaries (the starting point), and two dropped out ----- as I already listed.

I'm not a calculus major but I'm pretty sure Two still equals Two.
/----/ Oh stop playing stupid. Rush clearly stated you women-hating democRATs rejected 4 women. So - Four is Four. Here they are:
Amy Klobuchar
Marianne Williamson
Kamala Harris
Kirsten Gillibrand
So far it seems that the democrat base doesn't care for females or Blacks or homosexual candidates in spite of the political propaganda. Pretty and popular Kamala Harris dropped out early and Gay mayor Pete dropped out today. Warren seems more articulate than Biden but she languishes at about 7 points and the other two female democrats are at about zero.
/—-/ Their so called inclusive big tent is just lip service. And their feeble minded base falls for it every time.
View attachment 310015

"Four women"?

Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar

I get "two" that have dropped out. Lush Rimjob math?
/----/ CBS counts 5women started and only 1 left, making Rush right and you wrong again - as usual.
2020 presidential campaign brings field of women

I guess not. You've got five women in that old article, of those, two are still running (I'm prolly voting for one of them today), Gillibrand never got to the primaries (the starting point), and two dropped out ----- as I already listed.

I'm not a calculus major but I'm pretty sure Two still equals Two.

Then again your source ---- if a Googly Image is to be believed ---- isn't exactly the most astute anal-yst, is he.

/----/ Oh stop playing stupid. Rush clearly stated you women-hating democRATs rejected 4 women. So - Four is Four. Here they are:
Amy Klobuchar
Marianne Williamson
Kamala Harris
Kirsten Gillibrand

Who the fuck is "Marianne Williamson"? How many votes or delegates did she get in Iowa?

How many votes or delegates did Kamala Harris get in Iowa?

Kirsten Gillibrand?

What's that? None of them were running in Iowa, let alone the first primary in New Hamster?

Ah. Then please essplain to the class how "Democrat voters" --- or anybody else --- "rejected" three women who weren't even on the ballot.

Once you get past that you might essplain how these would necessarily be "Democrat voters" anyway. I'm not a Democrat voter and I can, and will, vote in that party's primary today, if I decide to do that rather than the Republican primary --- where I'm not a Republican voter either. Does Lush Rimjob not understand how the process works? Or does he figure his audience swallows whole without thinking?

Then you've got wags like Weatherman2020 who boasts that he's going to vote for Bernie today because Rimjob told him to, and he thinks he's undermining something. Is he a "Democrat voter"? RIMJOB HIMSELF broadcast this same strategy years ago. Now suddenly he's got amnesia?

Live by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image --- die by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image. That's mine, i wrote it myself.
/—-/ Their so called inclusive big tent is just lip service. And their feeble minded base falls for it every time.
View attachment 310015

"Four women"?

Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar

I get "two" that have dropped out. Lush Rimjob math?
/----/ CBS counts 5women started and only 1 left, making Rush right and you wrong again - as usual.
2020 presidential campaign brings field of women

I guess not. You've got five women in that old article, of those, two are still running (I'm prolly voting for one of them today), Gillibrand never got to the primaries (the starting point), and two dropped out ----- as I already listed.

I'm not a calculus major but I'm pretty sure Two still equals Two.

Then again your source ---- if a Googly Image is to be believed ---- isn't exactly the most astute anal-yst, is he.

/----/ Oh stop playing stupid. Rush clearly stated you women-hating democRATs rejected 4 women. So - Four is Four. Here they are:
Amy Klobuchar
Marianne Williamson
Kamala Harris
Kirsten Gillibrand

Who the fuck is "Marianne Williamson"? How many votes or delegates did she get in Iowa?

How many votes or delegates did Kamala Harris get in Iowa?

Kirsten Gillibrand?

What's that? None of them were running in Iowa, let alone the first primary in New Hamster?

Ah. Then please essplain to the class how "Democrat voters" --- or anybody else --- "rejected" three women who weren't even on the ballot.

Once you get past that you might essplain how these would necessarily be "Democrat voters" anyway. I'm not a Democrat voter and I can, and will, vote in that party's primary today, if I decide to do that rather than the Republican primary --- where I'm not a Republican voter either. Does Lush Rimjob not understand how the process works? Or does he figure his audience swallows whole without thinking?

Then you've got wags like Weatherman2020 who boasts that he's going to vote for Bernie today because Rimjob told him to, and he thinks he's undermining something. Is he a "Democrat voter"? RIMJOB HIMSELF broadcast this same strategy years ago. Now suddenly he's got amnesia?

Live by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image --- die by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image. That's mine, i wrote it myself.

/——/ It’s so cute when you try spin your wheels. Rush made a simple statement that was 100% factually correct and you go off the rails when I prove it. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
/—-/ Their so called inclusive big tent is just lip service. And their feeble minded base falls for it every time.
View attachment 310015

"Four women"?

Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar

I get "two" that have dropped out. Lush Rimjob math?
/----/ CBS counts 5women started and only 1 left, making Rush right and you wrong again - as usual.
2020 presidential campaign brings field of women

I guess not. You've got five women in that old article, of those, two are still running (I'm prolly voting for one of them today), Gillibrand never got to the primaries (the starting point), and two dropped out ----- as I already listed.

I'm not a calculus major but I'm pretty sure Two still equals Two.

Then again your source ---- if a Googly Image is to be believed ---- isn't exactly the most astute anal-yst, is he.

/----/ Oh stop playing stupid. Rush clearly stated you women-hating democRATs rejected 4 women. So - Four is Four. Here they are:
Amy Klobuchar
Marianne Williamson
Kamala Harris
Kirsten Gillibrand

Who the fuck is "Marianne Williamson"? How many votes or delegates did she get in Iowa?

How many votes or delegates did Kamala Harris get in Iowa?

Kirsten Gillibrand?

What's that? None of them were running in Iowa, let alone the first primary in New Hamster?

Ah. Then please essplain to the class how "Democrat voters" --- or anybody else --- "rejected" three women who weren't even on the ballot.

Once you get past that you might essplain how these would necessarily be "Democrat voters" anyway. I'm not a Democrat voter and I can, and will, vote in that party's primary today, if I decide to do that rather than the Republican primary --- where I'm not a Republican voter either. Does Lush Rimjob not understand how the process works? Or does he figure his audience swallows whole without thinking?

Then you've got wags like Weatherman2020 who boasts that he's going to vote for Bernie today because Rimjob told him to, and he thinks he's undermining something. Is he a "Democrat voter"? RIMJOB HIMSELF broadcast this same strategy years ago. Now suddenly he's got amnesia?

Live by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image --- die by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image. That's mine, i wrote it myself.

/——/ You don’t even know your own party’s candidates. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
"Four women"?

Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar

I get "two" that have dropped out. Lush Rimjob math?
/----/ CBS counts 5women started and only 1 left, making Rush right and you wrong again - as usual.
2020 presidential campaign brings field of women

I guess not. You've got five women in that old article, of those, two are still running (I'm prolly voting for one of them today), Gillibrand never got to the primaries (the starting point), and two dropped out ----- as I already listed.

I'm not a calculus major but I'm pretty sure Two still equals Two.

Then again your source ---- if a Googly Image is to be believed ---- isn't exactly the most astute anal-yst, is he.

/----/ Oh stop playing stupid. Rush clearly stated you women-hating democRATs rejected 4 women. So - Four is Four. Here they are:
Amy Klobuchar
Marianne Williamson
Kamala Harris
Kirsten Gillibrand

Who the fuck is "Marianne Williamson"? How many votes or delegates did she get in Iowa?

How many votes or delegates did Kamala Harris get in Iowa?

Kirsten Gillibrand?

What's that? None of them were running in Iowa, let alone the first primary in New Hamster?

Ah. Then please essplain to the class how "Democrat voters" --- or anybody else --- "rejected" three women who weren't even on the ballot.

Once you get past that you might essplain how these would necessarily be "Democrat voters" anyway. I'm not a Democrat voter and I can, and will, vote in that party's primary today, if I decide to do that rather than the Republican primary --- where I'm not a Republican voter either. Does Lush Rimjob not understand how the process works? Or does he figure his audience swallows whole without thinking?

Then you've got wags like Weatherman2020 who boasts that he's going to vote for Bernie today because Rimjob told him to, and he thinks he's undermining something. Is he a "Democrat voter"? RIMJOB HIMSELF broadcast this same strategy years ago. Now suddenly he's got amnesia?

Live by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image --- die by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image. That's mine, i wrote it myself.

/——/ You don’t even know your own party’s candidates. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

My "own party" doesn't have any candidates, since my "party" doesn't have a party. That's uh, kind of what "no party" means, much like "Two" equals "Two".

I know who's on my ballots though, in both primaries. Working on them right now deciding which way to go. Unfortunately I have to pick a primary to vote in and can't do both.

Meanwhile you've got no answer for the Lush Rimjob Googlyimage. So while I don't know yet who wins in today's primaries, we all know who lost this point.
"Four women"?

Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar

I get "two" that have dropped out. Lush Rimjob math?
/----/ CBS counts 5women started and only 1 left, making Rush right and you wrong again - as usual.
2020 presidential campaign brings field of women

I guess not. You've got five women in that old article, of those, two are still running (I'm prolly voting for one of them today), Gillibrand never got to the primaries (the starting point), and two dropped out ----- as I already listed.

I'm not a calculus major but I'm pretty sure Two still equals Two.

Then again your source ---- if a Googly Image is to be believed ---- isn't exactly the most astute anal-yst, is he.

/----/ Oh stop playing stupid. Rush clearly stated you women-hating democRATs rejected 4 women. So - Four is Four. Here they are:
Amy Klobuchar
Marianne Williamson
Kamala Harris
Kirsten Gillibrand

Who the fuck is "Marianne Williamson"? How many votes or delegates did she get in Iowa?

How many votes or delegates did Kamala Harris get in Iowa?

Kirsten Gillibrand?

What's that? None of them were running in Iowa, let alone the first primary in New Hamster?

Ah. Then please essplain to the class how "Democrat voters" --- or anybody else --- "rejected" three women who weren't even on the ballot.

Once you get past that you might essplain how these would necessarily be "Democrat voters" anyway. I'm not a Democrat voter and I can, and will, vote in that party's primary today, if I decide to do that rather than the Republican primary --- where I'm not a Republican voter either. Does Lush Rimjob not understand how the process works? Or does he figure his audience swallows whole without thinking?

Then you've got wags like Weatherman2020 who boasts that he's going to vote for Bernie today because Rimjob told him to, and he thinks he's undermining something. Is he a "Democrat voter"? RIMJOB HIMSELF broadcast this same strategy years ago. Now suddenly he's got amnesia?

Live by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image --- die by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image. That's mine, i wrote it myself.

/——/ You don’t even know your own party’s candidates. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

The tortured logic of the left eh.
/—-/ Their so called inclusive big tent is just lip service. And their feeble minded base falls for it every time.
View attachment 310015

"Four women"?

Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar

I get "two" that have dropped out. Lush Rimjob math?
/----/ CBS counts 5women started and only 1 left, making Rush right and you wrong again - as usual.
2020 presidential campaign brings field of women

I guess not. You've got five women in that old article, of those, two are still running (I'm prolly voting for one of them today), Gillibrand never got to the primaries (the starting point), and two dropped out ----- as I already listed.

I'm not a calculus major but I'm pretty sure Two still equals Two.

Then again your source ---- if a Googly Image is to be believed ---- isn't exactly the most astute anal-yst, is he.

/----/ Oh stop playing stupid. Rush clearly stated you women-hating democRATs rejected 4 women. So - Four is Four. Here they are:
Amy Klobuchar
Marianne Williamson
Kamala Harris
Kirsten Gillibrand

Who the fuck is "Marianne Williamson"? How many votes or delegates did she get in Iowa?

How many votes or delegates did Kamala Harris get in Iowa?

Kirsten Gillibrand?

What's that? None of them were running in Iowa, let alone the first primary in New Hamster?

Ah. Then please essplain to the class how "Democrat voters" --- or anybody else --- "rejected" three women who weren't even on the ballot.

Once you get past that you might essplain how these would necessarily be "Democrat voters" anyway. I'm not a Democrat voter and I can, and will, vote in that party's primary today, if I decide to do that rather than the Republican primary --- where I'm not a Republican voter either. Does Lush Rimjob not understand how the process works? Or does he figure his audience swallows whole without thinking?

Then you've got wags like Weatherman2020 who boasts that he's going to vote for Bernie today because Rimjob told him to, and he thinks he's undermining something. Is he a "Democrat voter"? RIMJOB HIMSELF broadcast this same strategy years ago. Now suddenly he's got amnesia?

Live by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image --- die by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image. That's mine, i wrote it myself.

What a pathetic liar you are, I said no such thing, I posted my choice a week prior to Trump saying anything.

Why do you always need to lie?
Never mind, we all know.
"Four women"?

Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar

I get "two" that have dropped out. Lush Rimjob math?
/----/ CBS counts 5women started and only 1 left, making Rush right and you wrong again - as usual.
2020 presidential campaign brings field of women

I guess not. You've got five women in that old article, of those, two are still running (I'm prolly voting for one of them today), Gillibrand never got to the primaries (the starting point), and two dropped out ----- as I already listed.

I'm not a calculus major but I'm pretty sure Two still equals Two.

Then again your source ---- if a Googly Image is to be believed ---- isn't exactly the most astute anal-yst, is he.

/----/ Oh stop playing stupid. Rush clearly stated you women-hating democRATs rejected 4 women. So - Four is Four. Here they are:
Amy Klobuchar
Marianne Williamson
Kamala Harris
Kirsten Gillibrand

Who the fuck is "Marianne Williamson"? How many votes or delegates did she get in Iowa?

How many votes or delegates did Kamala Harris get in Iowa?

Kirsten Gillibrand?

What's that? None of them were running in Iowa, let alone the first primary in New Hamster?

Ah. Then please essplain to the class how "Democrat voters" --- or anybody else --- "rejected" three women who weren't even on the ballot.

Once you get past that you might essplain how these would necessarily be "Democrat voters" anyway. I'm not a Democrat voter and I can, and will, vote in that party's primary today, if I decide to do that rather than the Republican primary --- where I'm not a Republican voter either. Does Lush Rimjob not understand how the process works? Or does he figure his audience swallows whole without thinking?

Then you've got wags like Weatherman2020 who boasts that he's going to vote for Bernie today because Rimjob told him to, and he thinks he's undermining something. Is he a "Democrat voter"? RIMJOB HIMSELF broadcast this same strategy years ago. Now suddenly he's got amnesia?

Live by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image --- die by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image. That's mine, i wrote it myself.

/——/ It’s so cute when you try spin your wheels. Rush made a simple statement that was 100% factually correct and you go off the rails when I prove it. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Nope, it ain't factually correct in the least. Your Googlyimage describes, AND I QUOTE, "Democrat voters".

The first, as in premier, initial, number one, opportunity for any voters, Democrat or otherwise, to vote AT ALL was in New Hamster, where NEITHER Marianne Williamson, NOR Kamala Harris, NOR Kirsten Gillibrand, were available for vote on the ballot. Your task was, again, to essplain to us how voters can "reject" candidates who aren't even on the ballot in the first place. You failed, because that of course is impossible.

ADD TO THAT that in New Hamster, like here in North Cackalackee, an unaffiliated voter may vote in EITHER primary, which means voters with no party ----------- which make up way more than either Democrats or Republicans ------- would be prominently among those who would be "rejecting" those phantom candidates anyway, not "Democrat voters". Statistically we would be the majority of voters in that primary (either one) because there are more of us than there are either Democrats or Republicans, inconvenient as that may be to slutmonger Limblob,

And this is just the women part. We could go on to the "78 year old former Republican". What primaries was he on the ballot for votes to be "favored" over women who weren't even on the ballot either? Where exactly are these "Democrat voters" for Bloomberg? What ballot was he on?


So Limblob is full of shit, if he said that, and we don't even have any evidence that he did. But you posted it, didn't you.
Last edited:
"Four women"?

Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar

I get "two" that have dropped out. Lush Rimjob math?
/----/ CBS counts 5women started and only 1 left, making Rush right and you wrong again - as usual.
2020 presidential campaign brings field of women

I guess not. You've got five women in that old article, of those, two are still running (I'm prolly voting for one of them today), Gillibrand never got to the primaries (the starting point), and two dropped out ----- as I already listed.

I'm not a calculus major but I'm pretty sure Two still equals Two.

Then again your source ---- if a Googly Image is to be believed ---- isn't exactly the most astute anal-yst, is he.

/----/ Oh stop playing stupid. Rush clearly stated you women-hating democRATs rejected 4 women. So - Four is Four. Here they are:
Amy Klobuchar
Marianne Williamson
Kamala Harris
Kirsten Gillibrand

Who the fuck is "Marianne Williamson"? How many votes or delegates did she get in Iowa?

How many votes or delegates did Kamala Harris get in Iowa?

Kirsten Gillibrand?

What's that? None of them were running in Iowa, let alone the first primary in New Hamster?

Ah. Then please essplain to the class how "Democrat voters" --- or anybody else --- "rejected" three women who weren't even on the ballot.

Once you get past that you might essplain how these would necessarily be "Democrat voters" anyway. I'm not a Democrat voter and I can, and will, vote in that party's primary today, if I decide to do that rather than the Republican primary --- where I'm not a Republican voter either. Does Lush Rimjob not understand how the process works? Or does he figure his audience swallows whole without thinking?

Then you've got wags like Weatherman2020 who boasts that he's going to vote for Bernie today because Rimjob told him to, and he thinks he's undermining something. Is he a "Democrat voter"? RIMJOB HIMSELF broadcast this same strategy years ago. Now suddenly he's got amnesia?

Live by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image --- die by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image. That's mine, i wrote it myself.

What a pathetic liar you are, I said no such thing, I posted my choice a week prior to Trump saying anything.

Why do you always need to lie?
Never mind, we all know.

Want me to quote you?
/----/ CBS counts 5women started and only 1 left, making Rush right and you wrong again - as usual.
2020 presidential campaign brings field of women

I guess not. You've got five women in that old article, of those, two are still running (I'm prolly voting for one of them today), Gillibrand never got to the primaries (the starting point), and two dropped out ----- as I already listed.

I'm not a calculus major but I'm pretty sure Two still equals Two.

Then again your source ---- if a Googly Image is to be believed ---- isn't exactly the most astute anal-yst, is he.

/----/ Oh stop playing stupid. Rush clearly stated you women-hating democRATs rejected 4 women. So - Four is Four. Here they are:
Amy Klobuchar
Marianne Williamson
Kamala Harris
Kirsten Gillibrand

Who the fuck is "Marianne Williamson"? How many votes or delegates did she get in Iowa?

How many votes or delegates did Kamala Harris get in Iowa?

Kirsten Gillibrand?

What's that? None of them were running in Iowa, let alone the first primary in New Hamster?

Ah. Then please essplain to the class how "Democrat voters" --- or anybody else --- "rejected" three women who weren't even on the ballot.

Once you get past that you might essplain how these would necessarily be "Democrat voters" anyway. I'm not a Democrat voter and I can, and will, vote in that party's primary today, if I decide to do that rather than the Republican primary --- where I'm not a Republican voter either. Does Lush Rimjob not understand how the process works? Or does he figure his audience swallows whole without thinking?

Then you've got wags like Weatherman2020 who boasts that he's going to vote for Bernie today because Rimjob told him to, and he thinks he's undermining something. Is he a "Democrat voter"? RIMJOB HIMSELF broadcast this same strategy years ago. Now suddenly he's got amnesia?

Live by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image --- die by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image. That's mine, i wrote it myself.

/——/ You don’t even know your own party’s candidates. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

The tortured logic of the left eh.

I'm sure it must be torture to try to refute it. And no one has.
Why don't y'all mythologists just quit lying and save that energy?
/----/ CBS counts 5women started and only 1 left, making Rush right and you wrong again - as usual.
2020 presidential campaign brings field of women

I guess not. You've got five women in that old article, of those, two are still running (I'm prolly voting for one of them today), Gillibrand never got to the primaries (the starting point), and two dropped out ----- as I already listed.

I'm not a calculus major but I'm pretty sure Two still equals Two.

Then again your source ---- if a Googly Image is to be believed ---- isn't exactly the most astute anal-yst, is he.

/----/ Oh stop playing stupid. Rush clearly stated you women-hating democRATs rejected 4 women. So - Four is Four. Here they are:
Amy Klobuchar
Marianne Williamson
Kamala Harris
Kirsten Gillibrand

Who the fuck is "Marianne Williamson"? How many votes or delegates did she get in Iowa?

How many votes or delegates did Kamala Harris get in Iowa?

Kirsten Gillibrand?

What's that? None of them were running in Iowa, let alone the first primary in New Hamster?

Ah. Then please essplain to the class how "Democrat voters" --- or anybody else --- "rejected" three women who weren't even on the ballot.

Once you get past that you might essplain how these would necessarily be "Democrat voters" anyway. I'm not a Democrat voter and I can, and will, vote in that party's primary today, if I decide to do that rather than the Republican primary --- where I'm not a Republican voter either. Does Lush Rimjob not understand how the process works? Or does he figure his audience swallows whole without thinking?

Then you've got wags like Weatherman2020 who boasts that he's going to vote for Bernie today because Rimjob told him to, and he thinks he's undermining something. Is he a "Democrat voter"? RIMJOB HIMSELF broadcast this same strategy years ago. Now suddenly he's got amnesia?

Live by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image --- die by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image. That's mine, i wrote it myself.

What a pathetic liar you are, I said no such thing, I posted my choice a week prior to Trump saying anything.

Why do you always need to lie?
Never mind, we all know.

Want me to quote you?

Give us the entire quote, I double dog dare you.
I guess not. You've got five women in that old article, of those, two are still running (I'm prolly voting for one of them today), Gillibrand never got to the primaries (the starting point), and two dropped out ----- as I already listed.

I'm not a calculus major but I'm pretty sure Two still equals Two.

Then again your source ---- if a Googly Image is to be believed ---- isn't exactly the most astute anal-yst, is he.

/----/ Oh stop playing stupid. Rush clearly stated you women-hating democRATs rejected 4 women. So - Four is Four. Here they are:
Amy Klobuchar
Marianne Williamson
Kamala Harris
Kirsten Gillibrand

Who the fuck is "Marianne Williamson"? How many votes or delegates did she get in Iowa?

How many votes or delegates did Kamala Harris get in Iowa?

Kirsten Gillibrand?

What's that? None of them were running in Iowa, let alone the first primary in New Hamster?

Ah. Then please essplain to the class how "Democrat voters" --- or anybody else --- "rejected" three women who weren't even on the ballot.

Once you get past that you might essplain how these would necessarily be "Democrat voters" anyway. I'm not a Democrat voter and I can, and will, vote in that party's primary today, if I decide to do that rather than the Republican primary --- where I'm not a Republican voter either. Does Lush Rimjob not understand how the process works? Or does he figure his audience swallows whole without thinking?

Then you've got wags like Weatherman2020 who boasts that he's going to vote for Bernie today because Rimjob told him to, and he thinks he's undermining something. Is he a "Democrat voter"? RIMJOB HIMSELF broadcast this same strategy years ago. Now suddenly he's got amnesia?

Live by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image --- die by the Lush Rimjob Googly Image. That's mine, i wrote it myself.

What a pathetic liar you are, I said no such thing, I posted my choice a week prior to Trump saying anything.

Why do you always need to lie?
Never mind, we all know.

Want me to quote you?

Give us the entire quote, I double dog dare you.

Easily done, dog.

Just under a billion dollars so Bernie is cool with it. Just like EVERY Commie leader in history, Fidel lived like Royalty while the people lived in squalor.

Which is Multi-Millionaire 3 Home Bernie’s dream.

10 Surprises About Fidel Castro's Extravagant Life

.Bernie scares the shit outta you doesn't he. :lmao:

AOC gonna be so jealous.
Commie Bernie isn't scaring the shit out of anyone but the Dimsocialist Party leaders.:21::21::21::21::21:

Stop lying. You guys are petrified of Bernie and you know it.

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Stop lying. You guys are petrified of Bernie and you know it.

Hilarious. I’m voting for Bernie Tuesday.
Guess why.

Entire quote, complete with complete nest.

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