Dem Congressman takes apart tea party whiner

The reason the NSA is spying on everyone is for this purpose. Anyone who protests government abuse becomes a target of the FBI, IRS, OSHA, EPA, FDA, ATF, the list goes on. Brownshirters with badges.

Let's see, you don't like the NSA, FBI, IRS, OSHA, EPA, FDA, ATF. You left off someone in particular. I wonder why. :blues:

Also what is very telling is who you did include;
  • OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
  • FDA - Food and Drug Administration
I have given at least partial explains for why the NSA, FBI, and ATF are on the list. I can give a more complete explanation here if you like. My guess is you probably would not like.

The rightie's masters are stupid in how obvious they are. Since the Democrats have to first get through all their zombie minions I guess the zombie minions' masters are safe, for the time being.

Lets look at getting out the vote Dem style..............

Rotten acorn conducting voter fraud across the nation, and are a get out the vote arm of UNIONS............

Tax free baby..........................Of course they are ok, because they agree with the current administration...........
:rofl: ACORN. Great, eagle eye is pulling out 2006 shit now of an org that no longer exists.


Talk about desperate.
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Lois Lerner did this under the Obama Administration.............

Her boss happened to be Obama.........................................

Timeline- IRS Official Lois Lerner Arranged The Planted Question That Set Off Whole IRS Scandal | Opinion - Conservative

and now she's in charge of the IRS for the ACA..........

But that's all about Bush too.

Obama's not her boss.

She has no contact from him nor is the office of the Presidency involved with the IRS in that capacity.
Let Me guess...the woman probably handed the Democrat his ass, and dickweeddotcom thinks he schooled a Tea Party person.
Complaint Ohio NVRA

True the Vote won this case in Ohio.............

Forcing Ohio to fix it's broken voter registration records............

Of keeping people on the rolls who are no longer eligible to vote as they've moved or have passed away.................

Trying to make elections honest.
Lois Lerner did this under the Obama Administration.............

Her boss happened to be Obama.........................................

Timeline- IRS Official Lois Lerner Arranged The Planted Question That Set Off Whole IRS Scandal | Opinion - Conservative

and now she's in charge of the IRS for the ACA..........

But that's all about Bush too.
Er, Lois Lerner is no longer with the IRS.

Hitting 'em out of the ball part today I see. :lol:

Yes she retired..........but is a central player in the whole thing............

But of course she can use the 5th Amendment when this thing goes to the courts in the law suits that are pending.
It truly amazes me how the left can take a charge of the IRS singling out Right leaning organizations into a voter fraud subject.....

By the way what was that organization in the news about? You know those guys who were against the voter ID and asked the protesters to bring an ID.......


Good lord i love politics.........
The reason the NSA is spying on everyone is for this purpose. Anyone who protests government abuse becomes a target of the FBI, IRS, OSHA, EPA, FDA, ATF, the list goes on. Brownshirters with badges.

Let's see, you don't like the NSA, FBI, IRS, OSHA, EPA, FDA, ATF. You left off someone in particular. I wonder why. :blues:

I didn't list all of the agencies that fall under the President. The DoD, the DoJ. Obama is busy replacing his generals with perfumed, politically-correct deskjockeys, and he has his ACLU lawyers in the Justice Department raising hell with just about anyone that pisses him off. The FBI has almost completely ended their anti-terrorist training program.

We are in grave danger because of this administration. He considers American conservatives to be a graver threat than Muslim terrorists.
"Based on its 2010 True the Vote voter intimidation activities and close relationship with the state Republican Party, a Texas judge called the King Street Patriots a"GOP front group" that had illegally provided in-kind donations to the state Republican Party."

So get a load of this. Engelbrecht wants to be deemed a CHARITY - and people who want to give money to True the Vote get a tax deduction.

IRS rules are clear on the line of no political engagement (as I posted above) --

So, here in this case, a person could contribute to the Republican Party -- tax freeeee!

Golden, innit?

Nonpartisan? True the Vote gave $5,000 to Republican State Leadership Committee

Amidst the media coverage and controversy, True the Vote and its leader, Catherine Engelbrecht, have been vehement on one point: True the Vote is "nonpartisan."

In a recent New York Times story, Engelbrecht insisted the group's work had no partisan political aims: “It is not about party or politics; it is about principle." In its press releases, True the Vote describes itself as a "nonpartisan election integrity organization."

The bottom of the group's donation page also claims that "True the Vote is a non-profit corporation pending 501(c)(3) determination under the Internal Revenue Code." The IRS expressly prohibits 501(c)(3) organizations from engaging in political activity.

But in August 2012, True the Vote gave money to a group with unquestionably partisan goals: the Republican State Leadership Committee.

According to the committee's IRS tax filings, on August 17, 2012, True the Vote contributed $5,000 to the RSLC. Here is a pdf of the RSLC's August IRS report; below is a screenshot of the contribution record:

The Republican State Leadership Committee is a so-called 527 political organization that describes itself this way: "The RSLC is the largest caucus of Republican state leaders and the only national organization whose mission is to elect down ballot, state-level Republican office-holders."

how can they be so brazen?
"Based on its 2010 True the Vote voter intimidation activities and close relationship with the state Republican Party, a Texas judge called the King Street Patriots a"GOP front group" that had illegally provided in-kind donations to the state Republican Party."

So get a load of this. Engelbrecht wants to be deemed a CHARITY - and people who want to give money to True the Vote get a tax deduction.

IRS rules are clear on the line of no political engagement (as I posted above) --

So, here in this case, a person could contribute to the Republican Party -- tax freeeee!

Golden, innit?

Nonpartisan? True the Vote gave $5,000 to Republican State Leadership Committee

Amidst the media coverage and controversy, True the Vote and its leader, Catherine Engelbrecht, have been vehement on one point: True the Vote is "nonpartisan."

In a recent New York Times story, Engelbrecht insisted the group's work had no partisan political aims: “It is not about party or politics; it is about principle." In its press releases, True the Vote describes itself as a "nonpartisan election integrity organization."

The bottom of the group's donation page also claims that "True the Vote is a non-profit corporation pending 501(c)(3) determination under the Internal Revenue Code." The IRS expressly prohibits 501(c)(3) organizations from engaging in political activity.

But in August 2012, True the Vote gave money to a group with unquestionably partisan goals: the Republican State Leadership Committee.

According to the committee's IRS tax filings, on August 17, 2012, True the Vote contributed $5,000 to the RSLC. Here is a pdf of the RSLC's August IRS report; below is a screenshot of the contribution record:

The Republican State Leadership Committee is a so-called 527 political organization that describes itself this way: "The RSLC is the largest caucus of Republican state leaders and the only national organization whose mission is to elect down ballot, state-level Republican office-holders."

how can they be so brazen?
I know huh?

Stupidity or they just figure the Koch brothers have their ass.

Could be either -- or both.
She paid for all of those violations and did so in less that 3 weeks.
Yet the IRS audited her many times, the FBI visited her 6 times and what is the BATF doing going in there?
Why in the hell did they try to get her on any violations on Alcohol, tobacco or firearms? The place is a machinery shop.
This was a witch hunt.
I can see why OSHA and the EPA came in and inspected her place.
But to be continual audited by the IRS and then send in the FBI not once but 6 times and then have a totally unrelated agency, the BATF come in, this is an overkill people.
If this had happened to any 501c4 lefty groups under Bush, the media and protesters would be out in the streets screaming and demanding justice be taken. The media would be reporting it 24/7.
She paid for all of those violations and did so in less that 3 weeks.
Yet the IRS audited her many times, the FBI visited her 6 times and what is the BATF doing going in there?
Why in the hell did they try to get her on any violations on Alcohol, tobacco or firearms? The place is a machinery shop.
This was a witch hunt.
I can see why OSHA and the EPA came in and inspected her place.
But to be continual audited by the IRS and then send in the FBI not once but 6 times and then have a totally unrelated agency, the BATF come in, this is an overkill people.
If this had happened to any 501c4 lefty groups under Bush, the media and protesters would be out in the streets screaming and demanding justice be taken. The media would be reporting it 24/7.
This has all been discussed in the thread.

For the newcomers who might have missed it:

Poor baby. Waaaa. OSHA visited us only once in 20 years, found serious violations, and even allowed us to negotiate down the fine.


Oh, and lookie here - the big bajingle about getting visted by the FBI?

FBI officials said Engelbrecht was not under investigation.

"Pursuant to FBI policy, it would not be appropriate to comment on the nature of routine contacts made in the course of FBI business. I would caution you from assuming there would be an investigation simply because contact is alleged. Our agents talk with hundreds of people each week in the course of our work. Often, the contact may be as simple as a phone call. We routinely and pro-actively engage the public, and more importantly, have an obligation to do so in matters of mutual interest," FBI Special Agent Shauna Dunlap wrote in a response to Local 2 Investigates.

So she wasn't investigated, she was contacted. Hmmm. Ms. Fishy Fish...what up next?

Oh the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms contacted you you say. MY! That's curious. Now why would they do that?

Let's see....hmmmm....

In addition to the FBI contacts, the Engelbrecht's business was also inspected twice by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Once in 2012 and again in 2013.

Engelbrecht said she and her husband were considering diversifying the business and in 2009 the company secured a federal license to manufacture gun parts. However, Engelbrecht said the company has not yet begun manufacturing those parts.

An ATF spokesperson told Local 2 since the business received its license in 2009, the Bureau needed to conduct an inspection within a three year period, as is routine for other similar businesses.

While prohibited from discussing the specifics of an inspection, an ATF spokesperson said the 2013 inspection was either a separate inspection or a follow-up to the first inspection because deficiencies were noted. However, the ATF said a follow-up inspection would be of an "educational, not punitive" nature.

Houston-area couple questions federal, state scrutiny | News - Home

Engelbrecht = big fat lying pile of duplicitous goo.
If this had happened to any 501c4 lefty groups under Bush

It happened. NAACP, for starters.

2. This group is applying for CHARITY status. 501c3. CHARITY.

Whole set of diff. rules that apply -- most significant, no political affiliations with candidates / political campaign, etc...
The left 501c4 groups have been doing this for many years also.

70 percent of America's Families First's 2010 expenditures went to grants to five social welfare nonprofits. Four spent money on ads supporting Democrats or criticizing Republicans, including one group that put almost half of its expenditures into political ads.

A group called Economy Forward spent $173,470 on ads in March 2010 praising Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat, according to a transcript of the ad and public filings with eight TV stations in Nevada. That's almost 99 percent of the total the group told the IRS it spent that year.

America's Families First told the IRS in late 2009 that it would spend 50 percent of its time on its website and emails, 30 percent on conferences and 20 percent on grants.

There's no sign America's Families First sponsored any conferences, however. The group's website consists of a photograph of a family holding hands and a single paragraph of text. Its tax return does not specify how much time the group spent on grants, but most of its expenditures were grants to other liberal groups.

Although America's Families First's IRS application said the group would "be funded by contributions from individuals only," tax records show much of its money came from other sources.

The group received $2 million from the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, or PhRMA, the pharmaceutical industry's main trade group, and an additional $3.15 million from the National Education Association teachers union weeks before the election. The contributions became public in late 2011, when PhRMA and the NEA disclosed them.

America's Families First's leadership includes Greg Speed, now the treasurer for Priorities USA Action, the super PAC devoted to re-electing Obama.

The Women's Voices Women Vote Action Fund, for example, told the FEC it spent $250,000 on ads calling for people to vote for a Democrat for Senate in Maine, but it told the IRS it spent nothing on politics. Asked about the disparity, an official with the nonprofit said it was an inadvertent error and the group would amend its tax return.
No action was taken for this lefty group.

Another group, CSS Action Fund, gave a grant of $175,865 to Economy Forward for "promoting health care reform." Economy Forward spent almost all of this on ads promoting Sen. Harry Reid's help for the economy; health care reform

Treasury releases 501(c)(4) regulation proposal In November, the Treasury Department issued proposed regulations to provide guidance and more definitive rules on political activity for 501(c)(4) organizations. The proposal would provide that the promotion of social welfare does not include “candidate-related political activity,” which would include communications expressly advocating for a clearly identified political candidate and communications made within 60 days of a general election, or within 30 days of a primary election, that identifies a candidate or political party, among other stipulations. Also included in the new definition of candidate-related political activity are voter registration events and “get out the vote” drives. Treasury and the IRS have requested guidance and public comment by February 27 on several elements of the proposed regulations, including on the meaning of “primarily” engaging in social welfare activities, how the standard should be measured, and whether these rules should also apply to 501(c)(5) and (c)(6) organizations - See more at: Political Activity of 501(c)(4) Organizations | Independent Sector

In the last hearing it was found out that Louis Lerner was helping to make these rules and regulation.
None of these rules apply to 501c4 that already exist.
Thus making the Democrat 501c4 to still be able to advocate for the Democrats.
It effectively stifles the new right wing 501c4 (that is if they are every able to get them).
Yes it also applies to any new lift wing groups, but they are many and I mean many left wing 501c4 that have been around for many years and they can still be able to get away with political lobbing and Democratic political ads.

They both do it and they are allowed to do it.
501c4 Rules
501(c)(4) organizations may inform the public on controversial subjects and attempt to influence legislation relevant to its program[43] and, unlike 501(c)(3) organizations, they may also participate in political campaigns and elections, as long as its primary activity is the promotion of social welfare.[44] The tax exemption for 501(c)(4) organizations applies to most of their operations, but contributions may be subject to gift tax, and income spent on political activities – generally the advocacy of a particular candidate in an election – is taxable.[45] An "action" organization generally qualifies as a 501(c)(4) organization.[46] An "action" organization is one whose activities substantially include, or are exclusively,[47] direct lobbying or grass roots lobbying related to advocacy for or against legislation or proposing, supporting, or opposing legislation that is related to its purpose.[48] A 501(c)(4) organization may directly or indirectly support or oppose a candidate for public office as long as such activities are not a substantial amount of its activities.

But now that Tea Party groups are starting up it has now become a political witch hunt of which the IRS said that they did target these groups.
He was a she, and she said that OSHA showed up without warning and started interviewing employees without management's knowledge, looking for dirt on a woman who applied for a tax-free status in another organization. One government agency after another showing up to look for violations just because she was a conservative. She never had this problem before over her 20 plus years in operation up until the last 3 years. Looks like a clear case of political harassment to me.

The dickwad (Democrat) asking the questions wouldn't allow her to answer the questions. It was total Bullshit. Every one of the issues the representative mentioned could all be corrected by PPE, Personal Protective Equipment. This is the most common form of safety involved in a work environment.

Of course it would look like harassment to you and others ruled by emotion and biases. However, others (Reasonable people) know that cause-and-effect reasoning is a valid form of rational logic, but only if the causal relationship is established.

It is very easy to find that two things vary together and assume cause-and-effect, but this only proves correlation. It may be, for example, that both are effects of a prior common cause. For example, that the Bush Administration failed in their duty to regulate and the Obama Administration follows the law.

How quaint..................

The IRS openly attacks conservative groups under 501 status and then gets inspections and audits after 20 years without having any audits or inspections and SUDDENLY it's because the Obama Administration follows the law...............

Were you dropped on your head at birth or something.

The point of my thread was that reasonable people ...
If this had happened to any 501c4 lefty groups under Bush

It happened. NAACP, for starters.

2. This group is applying for CHARITY status. 501c3. CHARITY.

Whole set of diff. rules that apply -- most significant, no political affiliations with candidates / political campaign, etc...

All NAACP Units have been designated 501(c)(4) organizations

Only the National Office is a 501(c)(3) organization

Cincinnati Black Blog: NAACP National: Cincinnati Branch is 501(c)(4)

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