Dem Leads in PA Special Election - Trump Rally a Failure

Maybe.....JUST MAYBE....Trump should have talked about Saccone a little bit more and a whole fucking lot less about himself the other night in Pitts. Trump is such an idiot.

New PA-18 poll shows edge for Conor Lamb

New PA-18 poll shows edge for Conor Lamb

A new poll from Monmouth University shows Democrat Conor Lamb with an advantage over Republican Rick Saccone in Tuesday’s special election in Pennsylvania — particularly if turnout is high.

If Democratic turnout in the state’s 18th congressional district matches the surge seen in other recent special elections, Lamb would have a six-percentage-point advantage, 51 percent to Saccone’s 45 percent, the poll estimates.

Under a low turnout model, the poll shows a slimmer lead for Lamb —49 percent to 47 percent. That’s well within the poll’s margin of error.

The newly released numbers show marked improvement for Lamb’s campaign since last month. In February, the poll’s surge model showed a three point lead for Saccone (49 percent to 46 percent), and the low turnout model gave the Republican a five point advantage (50 percent to 45 percent).

Likely voters in the district, which supported President Doanld Trump by 20 points in the 2016 election, are equally split on its views of the president, who gets a favorable job approval rating from 49 percent of those polled while 49 percent disagree.

Voters in the district are also divided over Trump’s plan to impose tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum, although a plurality — 43 percent — say the move will help the economy in Pennsylvania, compared to 36 percent who think it will hurt. But very few say that Trump’s much-touted tariff plan, which he reportedly rolled out in hopes of appealing to the district’s voters before the special election, has impacted their vote choice. Just three percent say the move made them more likely to vote for Saccone, while one percent say it made them more likely to support Lamb.

The poll was conducted by telephone from March 8 to 11, 2018, and the results are based on interviews with 372 likely voters in the district. The margin of error is +/- 5.1 percent.

Conservative that I am for the most part this is going to be a repeat of Alabama. There were 2 other GOP candidates along with Saccone they could have nominated but they went with this bozo. maybe on purpose who knows,
The Democrats are bad for our country.
The Democrat Politicians are greedy corrupt demagogues who exploit the hate and fear of the dumb left wing crackpot Democrat Voters

The last post was brought to you by a poster who has embraced the stupidication of the party of Lincoln.
Maybe.....JUST MAYBE....Trump should have talked about Saccone a little bit more and a whole fucking lot less about himself the other night in Pitts. Trump is such an idiot.

New PA-18 poll shows edge for Conor Lamb

New PA-18 poll shows edge for Conor Lamb

A new poll from Monmouth University shows Democrat Conor Lamb with an advantage over Republican Rick Saccone in Tuesday’s special election in Pennsylvania — particularly if turnout is high.

If Democratic turnout in the state’s 18th congressional district matches the surge seen in other recent special elections, Lamb would have a six-percentage-point advantage, 51 percent to Saccone’s 45 percent, the poll estimates.

Under a low turnout model, the poll shows a slimmer lead for Lamb —49 percent to 47 percent. That’s well within the poll’s margin of error.

The newly released numbers show marked improvement for Lamb’s campaign since last month. In February, the poll’s surge model showed a three point lead for Saccone (49 percent to 46 percent), and the low turnout model gave the Republican a five point advantage (50 percent to 45 percent).

Likely voters in the district, which supported President Doanld Trump by 20 points in the 2016 election, are equally split on its views of the president, who gets a favorable job approval rating from 49 percent of those polled while 49 percent disagree.

Voters in the district are also divided over Trump’s plan to impose tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum, although a plurality — 43 percent — say the move will help the economy in Pennsylvania, compared to 36 percent who think it will hurt. But very few say that Trump’s much-touted tariff plan, which he reportedly rolled out in hopes of appealing to the district’s voters before the special election, has impacted their vote choice. Just three percent say the move made them more likely to vote for Saccone, while one percent say it made them more likely to support Lamb.

The poll was conducted by telephone from March 8 to 11, 2018, and the results are based on interviews with 372 likely voters in the district. The margin of error is +/- 5.1 percent.

Despite jobs, especially manufacturing jobs surging...

ONe has to ask why.

Certainly not results. They've all been good.

Seems propaganda trumps democracy now.
And he would be 100 percent correct, as he always is.

The Democrats are bad for our country.
The Democrat Politicians are greedy corrupt demagogues who exploit the hate and fear of the dumb left wing crackpot Democrat Voters
Why is there even an election happening in Pa?
What happened to the previous his wife sick or something?

He resigned in shame! Something about being a moral Christian against abortion. But asked his mistress to get an abortion after he knocked her up!

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