Dem: Maybe terrorists who sneak into US won't attack because of our acceptance


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Well, France accepted them and it sure worked out great for them. Also worked out great for us when we allowed the 9/11 Muslims to come in. The Boston bombers were also refugees and we were kind to their families. Gee, let's keep this up since they are starting to love everyone so much.

"Carlson said of assimilating immigrants, "we do know how to do it. Europe doesn’t know how to do it. France especially doesn’t know how to do it. England not very good at it. And so, we have less of a problem. You know, those people who have snuck in, that, I don’t know if they’ve snuck in, but maybe they become Americanized, maybe the anger goes away. Maybe what they snuck in to do they’re not going to do, because we do have an acceptance of these people, as Congressman [Keith] Ellison (D-MN) said. They’re more patriotic because they’re here and they work harder.""
Any Syrian refugees accepted into the US will treat us as liberators
Any Syrian refugees accepted into the US will treat us as liberators

And there you have it folks...the denial of reality.

Yes, because the Boston bombers were so thankful. And the refugees in Paris were so thankful.

Yet, the left still thinks that playing nice will make them love us and here we go again down the same road. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time.
Name any Muslim country that would accept Christian refugees - without planning to execute them.
Virtually every country that has accepted Muslim immigrants have regretted it but still keep on accepting more for self-punishment.

Once their Muslim communities reach a certain level, as in France and Sweden, terrorist acts and criminal activity are inevitable.

Even though a lot of immigrants are receiving substantial welfare, their gratitude consists of killing, raping and other such expressions of gratitude.

Well, France accepted them and it sure worked out great for them. Also worked out great for us when we allowed the 9/11 Muslims to come in. The Boston bombers were also refugees and we were kind to their families. Gee, let's keep this up since they are starting to love everyone so much.

"Carlson said of assimilating immigrants, "we do know how to do it. Europe doesn’t know how to do it. France especially doesn’t know how to do it. England not very good at it. And so, we have less of a problem. You know, those people who have snuck in, that, I don’t know if they’ve snuck in, but maybe they become Americanized, maybe the anger goes away. Maybe what they snuck in to do they’re not going to do, because we do have an acceptance of these people, as Congressman [Keith] Ellison (D-MN) said. They’re more patriotic because they’re here and they work harder.""

It sure did and hollande just said he'll take 30,000 more. You really have to wonder if these people have been lobotomized.

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