Dem Sen. Hirono: I Told a Class of 8th Graders Their Abortion Rights Are Under Attack

You may not like her stance on abortion but there is nothing untoward in what she said and the subject of reproductive rights is perfectly acceptable in an 8th grade class.

8th graders are certainly old enough to discuss the issue and politics of abortion, but not the way she did it.
What she stated was not the truth, though. She should have been telling them how to keep from getting pregnant, rather than that others are trying to tell them when to have babies, since you feel sexual reproduction is an ok topic by a senator to 8th graders.
Here is the quote:

“I just met sixty 8th graders from a public school in Hawaii, and I told them I was coming to a rally in front of the Supreme Court. And they said, why? I said, it is because we are -- we have to fight for abortion rights, and they knew all about it. And I asked a girl in that group from 8th graders, how many of you girls think that government should be telling us women when and if we want to have babies? Not a single one of them raised their hand. And then -- (Cheering and Applause) -- boys who were there among the sixty, I said you know, it's kind of hard for a women to get pregnant without you guys. (Laughter) They got it. How many of you boys think that government should be telling girls and women when and if we're going to have babies? And not a single one of them raised their hand." (Cheering and Applause)

You may not like her stance on abortion but there is nothing untoward in what she said and the subject of reproductive rights is perfectly acceptable in an 8th grade class.
The left loves to sexualize children.
You may not like her stance on abortion but there is nothing untoward in what she said and the subject of reproductive rights is perfectly acceptable in an 8th grade class.

8th graders are certainly old enough to discuss the issue and politics of abortion, but not the way she did it.

Because she expressed an opinion? I'm sure they'll be just fine. I doubt they were a classroom full of snowflakes.
What she stated was not the truth, though. She should have been telling them how to keep from getting pregnant, rather than that others are trying to tell them when to have babies, since you feel sexual reproduction is an ok topic by a senator to 8th graders.
Here is the quote:

“I just met sixty 8th graders from a public school in Hawaii, and I told them I was coming to a rally in front of the Supreme Court. And they said, why? I said, it is because we are -- we have to fight for abortion rights, and they knew all about it. And I asked a girl in that group from 8th graders, how many of you girls think that government should be telling us women when and if we want to have babies? Not a single one of them raised their hand. And then -- (Cheering and Applause) -- boys who were there among the sixty, I said you know, it's kind of hard for a women to get pregnant without you guys. (Laughter) They got it. How many of you boys think that government should be telling girls and women when and if we're going to have babies? And not a single one of them raised their hand." (Cheering and Applause)

You may not like her stance on abortion but there is nothing untoward in what she said and the subject of reproductive rights is perfectly acceptable in an 8th grade class.
The left loves to sexualize children.

What she stated was not the truth, though. She should have been telling them how to keep from getting pregnant, rather than that others are trying to tell them when to have babies, since you feel sexual reproduction is an ok topic by a senator to 8th graders.
Here is the quote:

“I just met sixty 8th graders from a public school in Hawaii, and I told them I was coming to a rally in front of the Supreme Court. And they said, why? I said, it is because we are -- we have to fight for abortion rights, and they knew all about it. And I asked a girl in that group from 8th graders, how many of you girls think that government should be telling us women when and if we want to have babies? Not a single one of them raised their hand. And then -- (Cheering and Applause) -- boys who were there among the sixty, I said you know, it's kind of hard for a women to get pregnant without you guys. (Laughter) They got it. How many of you boys think that government should be telling girls and women when and if we're going to have babies? And not a single one of them raised their hand." (Cheering and Applause)

You may not like her stance on abortion but there is nothing untoward in what she said and the subject of reproductive rights is perfectly acceptable in an 8th grade class.
The left loves to sexualize children.

It is. I don't know why they do it.
What she stated was not the truth, though. She should have been telling them how to keep from getting pregnant, rather than that others are trying to tell them when to have babies, since you feel sexual reproduction is an ok topic by a senator to 8th graders.
Here is the quote:

“I just met sixty 8th graders from a public school in Hawaii, and I told them I was coming to a rally in front of the Supreme Court. And they said, why? I said, it is because we are -- we have to fight for abortion rights, and they knew all about it. And I asked a girl in that group from 8th graders, how many of you girls think that government should be telling us women when and if we want to have babies? Not a single one of them raised their hand. And then -- (Cheering and Applause) -- boys who were there among the sixty, I said you know, it's kind of hard for a women to get pregnant without you guys. (Laughter) They got it. How many of you boys think that government should be telling girls and women when and if we're going to have babies? And not a single one of them raised their hand." (Cheering and Applause)

You may not like her stance on abortion but there is nothing untoward in what she said and the subject of reproductive rights is perfectly acceptable in an 8th grade class.
The left loves to sexualize children.

It is. I don't know why they do it.

They don't. The fact that you equate talking to 8th graders about reproductive rights regardless of which side you're on as "sexualizing children" says a boatload about you.
If they are god given then I guess the government has no right to interfere. And who claimed Hirono has the right to dictate your reproductive rights either? You appear to not have a grasp of the topic.

Oh sugarplum I have a very firm grasp on the topic at hand... Social Security used to be the third rail of politics, but idiots like crazie mazie are trying to define killing babies as the topic de jour for 2020... Bring it on you dumb asses...

You mean cutting social security was the third rail?

"Killing" a pinto bean is not.

Most Americans agree that abortion should be legal to at least some extent so sure, it's brought.

HappyJoy you are posting in a thread about abortion... Understand? Abortion is killing babies... You linked a baby to a "pinto bean"... I am assuming you are not a bot and are human... This means at one time you think you were a "pinto bean"...

Nope, never said I was a pinto bean, you should really brush up on your reading comprehension skills.

Not a thing wrong with my reading comprehension skills, you are just stupid...
What she stated was not the truth, though. She should have been telling them how to keep from getting pregnant, rather than that others are trying to tell them when to have babies, since you feel sexual reproduction is an ok topic by a senator to 8th graders.
Here is the quote:

“I just met sixty 8th graders from a public school in Hawaii, and I told them I was coming to a rally in front of the Supreme Court. And they said, why? I said, it is because we are -- we have to fight for abortion rights, and they knew all about it. And I asked a girl in that group from 8th graders, how many of you girls think that government should be telling us women when and if we want to have babies? Not a single one of them raised their hand. And then -- (Cheering and Applause) -- boys who were there among the sixty, I said you know, it's kind of hard for a women to get pregnant without you guys. (Laughter) They got it. How many of you boys think that government should be telling girls and women when and if we're going to have babies? And not a single one of them raised their hand." (Cheering and Applause)

You may not like her stance on abortion but there is nothing untoward in what she said and the subject of reproductive rights is perfectly acceptable in an 8th grade class.
The left loves to sexualize children.

It is. I don't know why they do it.

They don't. The fact that you equate talking to 8th graders about reproductive rights regardless of which side you're on as "sexualizing children" says a boatload about you.
My goodness, that's simply not accurate.

NBC Promotes 11-Year-Old 'Drag Kid' Who Performed At Adult Gay Bar

The mainstream media are unabashedly continuing their disturbing promotion of so-called "drag kids." On Saturday, CNBC published a video tweet of Desmond Napoles — AKA "Desmond is Amazing" — an 11-year-old "drag kid" who, earlier this month, "performed" a dance number at a gay bar while collecting dollar bills from the adult men in the crowd.
Sex Education for Kindergartners

What has yet to be widely reported is that the bill supported by Obama is part of a much broader campaign by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) to implement its radical Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Kindergarten through 12th Gradein school districts across the nation. The SIECUS guidelines make clear that sex ed for kindergartners is precisely what the mainline sex education lobby wants right now, and last year the Obama campaign itself cited the SIECUS guidelines as an example of the kind of “age appropriate” sex education that Sen. Obama favors.

According to the SIECUS standards, children starting at age 5 are supposed to be taught about vaginal intercourse (p. 26), homosexual relationships (p. 29), same-sex marriage (p. 39), masturbation (pp. 51-52), unwanted pregnancies (p. 61), AIDS (p. 65), and other sexually transmitted diseases (p. 63). That’s right, all this starting at age 5. If you don’t believe me, read the SIECUS guidelines for yourself. One can support “age appropriate” sex education (as I do) without embracing SIECUS’s intrusive effort to force five-year-olds to deal with all manner of explicit topics.​

It's not conservatives who are pushing these things.
If they are god given then I guess the government has no right to interfere. And who claimed Hirono has the right to dictate your reproductive rights either? You appear to not have a grasp of the topic.

Oh sugarplum I have a very firm grasp on the topic at hand... Social Security used to be the third rail of politics, but idiots like crazie mazie are trying to define killing babies as the topic de jour for 2020... Bring it on you dumb asses...

You mean cutting social security was the third rail?

"Killing" a pinto bean is not.

Most Americans agree that abortion should be legal to at least some extent so sure, it's brought.

HappyJoy you are posting in a thread about abortion... Understand? Abortion is killing babies... You linked a baby to a "pinto bean"... I am assuming you are not a bot and are human... This means at one time you think you were a "pinto bean"...

Nope, never said I was a pinto bean, you should really brush up on your reading comprehension skills.

Not a thing wrong with my reading comprehension skills, you are just stupid...

There is everything wrong with your reading comprehension.
What she stated was not the truth, though. She should have been telling them how to keep from getting pregnant, rather than that others are trying to tell them when to have babies, since you feel sexual reproduction is an ok topic by a senator to 8th graders.
The left loves to sexualize children.

It is. I don't know why they do it.

They don't. The fact that you equate talking to 8th graders about reproductive rights regardless of which side you're on as "sexualizing children" says a boatload about you.
My goodness, that's simply not accurate.

NBC Promotes 11-Year-Old 'Drag Kid' Who Performed At Adult Gay Bar

The mainstream media are unabashedly continuing their disturbing promotion of so-called "drag kids." On Saturday, CNBC published a video tweet of Desmond Napoles — AKA "Desmond is Amazing" — an 11-year-old "drag kid" who, earlier this month, "performed" a dance number at a gay bar while collecting dollar bills from the adult men in the crowd.
Sex Education for Kindergartners

What has yet to be widely reported is that the bill supported by Obama is part of a much broader campaign by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) to implement its radical Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Kindergarten through 12th Gradein school districts across the nation. The SIECUS guidelines make clear that sex ed for kindergartners is precisely what the mainline sex education lobby wants right now, and last year the Obama campaign itself cited the SIECUS guidelines as an example of the kind of “age appropriate” sex education that Sen. Obama favors.

According to the SIECUS standards, children starting at age 5 are supposed to be taught about vaginal intercourse (p. 26), homosexual relationships (p. 29), same-sex marriage (p. 39), masturbation (pp. 51-52), unwanted pregnancies (p. 61), AIDS (p. 65), and other sexually transmitted diseases (p. 63). That’s right, all this starting at age 5. If you don’t believe me, read the SIECUS guidelines for yourself. One can support “age appropriate” sex education (as I do) without embracing SIECUS’s intrusive effort to force five-year-olds to deal with all manner of explicit topics.​

It's not conservatives who are pushing these things.

I see, you're confusing conversations about sex, sexual identity and reproductive rights as sexualizing children. Got it.

However this is a thread about abortion, it's legality and having U.S. senator talk about that to 8th graders. I wish more senators would. But you come along and get the *giggles* about it because, I don't know, maybe you'll hear someone say vagina.
The left loves to sexualize children.

It is. I don't know why they do it.

They don't. The fact that you equate talking to 8th graders about reproductive rights regardless of which side you're on as "sexualizing children" says a boatload about you.
My goodness, that's simply not accurate.

NBC Promotes 11-Year-Old 'Drag Kid' Who Performed At Adult Gay Bar

The mainstream media are unabashedly continuing their disturbing promotion of so-called "drag kids." On Saturday, CNBC published a video tweet of Desmond Napoles — AKA "Desmond is Amazing" — an 11-year-old "drag kid" who, earlier this month, "performed" a dance number at a gay bar while collecting dollar bills from the adult men in the crowd.
Sex Education for Kindergartners

What has yet to be widely reported is that the bill supported by Obama is part of a much broader campaign by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) to implement its radical Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Kindergarten through 12th Gradein school districts across the nation. The SIECUS guidelines make clear that sex ed for kindergartners is precisely what the mainline sex education lobby wants right now, and last year the Obama campaign itself cited the SIECUS guidelines as an example of the kind of “age appropriate” sex education that Sen. Obama favors.

According to the SIECUS standards, children starting at age 5 are supposed to be taught about vaginal intercourse (p. 26), homosexual relationships (p. 29), same-sex marriage (p. 39), masturbation (pp. 51-52), unwanted pregnancies (p. 61), AIDS (p. 65), and other sexually transmitted diseases (p. 63). That’s right, all this starting at age 5. If you don’t believe me, read the SIECUS guidelines for yourself. One can support “age appropriate” sex education (as I do) without embracing SIECUS’s intrusive effort to force five-year-olds to deal with all manner of explicit topics.​

It's not conservatives who are pushing these things.

I see, you're confusing conversations about sex, sexual identity and reproductive rights as sexualizing children. Got it.
Do you think 5-year-olds need to know about vaginal intercourse?

Normal people don't.
It is. I don't know why they do it.

They don't. The fact that you equate talking to 8th graders about reproductive rights regardless of which side you're on as "sexualizing children" says a boatload about you.
My goodness, that's simply not accurate.

NBC Promotes 11-Year-Old 'Drag Kid' Who Performed At Adult Gay Bar

The mainstream media are unabashedly continuing their disturbing promotion of so-called "drag kids." On Saturday, CNBC published a video tweet of Desmond Napoles — AKA "Desmond is Amazing" — an 11-year-old "drag kid" who, earlier this month, "performed" a dance number at a gay bar while collecting dollar bills from the adult men in the crowd.
Sex Education for Kindergartners

What has yet to be widely reported is that the bill supported by Obama is part of a much broader campaign by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) to implement its radical Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Kindergarten through 12th Gradein school districts across the nation. The SIECUS guidelines make clear that sex ed for kindergartners is precisely what the mainline sex education lobby wants right now, and last year the Obama campaign itself cited the SIECUS guidelines as an example of the kind of “age appropriate” sex education that Sen. Obama favors.

According to the SIECUS standards, children starting at age 5 are supposed to be taught about vaginal intercourse (p. 26), homosexual relationships (p. 29), same-sex marriage (p. 39), masturbation (pp. 51-52), unwanted pregnancies (p. 61), AIDS (p. 65), and other sexually transmitted diseases (p. 63). That’s right, all this starting at age 5. If you don’t believe me, read the SIECUS guidelines for yourself. One can support “age appropriate” sex education (as I do) without embracing SIECUS’s intrusive effort to force five-year-olds to deal with all manner of explicit topics.​

It's not conservatives who are pushing these things.

I see, you're confusing conversations about sex, sexual identity and reproductive rights as sexualizing children. Got it.
Do you think 5-year-olds need to know about vaginal intercourse?

Normal people don't.
It is. I don't know why they do it.

They don't. The fact that you equate talking to 8th graders about reproductive rights regardless of which side you're on as "sexualizing children" says a boatload about you.
My goodness, that's simply not accurate.

NBC Promotes 11-Year-Old 'Drag Kid' Who Performed At Adult Gay Bar

The mainstream media are unabashedly continuing their disturbing promotion of so-called "drag kids." On Saturday, CNBC published a video tweet of Desmond Napoles — AKA "Desmond is Amazing" — an 11-year-old "drag kid" who, earlier this month, "performed" a dance number at a gay bar while collecting dollar bills from the adult men in the crowd.
Sex Education for Kindergartners

What has yet to be widely reported is that the bill supported by Obama is part of a much broader campaign by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) to implement its radical Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Kindergarten through 12th Gradein school districts across the nation. The SIECUS guidelines make clear that sex ed for kindergartners is precisely what the mainline sex education lobby wants right now, and last year the Obama campaign itself cited the SIECUS guidelines as an example of the kind of “age appropriate” sex education that Sen. Obama favors.

According to the SIECUS standards, children starting at age 5 are supposed to be taught about vaginal intercourse (p. 26), homosexual relationships (p. 29), same-sex marriage (p. 39), masturbation (pp. 51-52), unwanted pregnancies (p. 61), AIDS (p. 65), and other sexually transmitted diseases (p. 63). That’s right, all this starting at age 5. If you don’t believe me, read the SIECUS guidelines for yourself. One can support “age appropriate” sex education (as I do) without embracing SIECUS’s intrusive effort to force five-year-olds to deal with all manner of explicit topics.​

It's not conservatives who are pushing these things.

I see, you're confusing conversations about sex, sexual identity and reproductive rights as sexualizing children. Got it.
Do you think 5-year-olds need to know about vaginal intercourse?

Normal people don't.

You have a problem with 5 years being taught how to defend themselves against sexual predators? You're literally rehashing lies from Alan "I'm a fucking liar" Keyes?

Ad on Sex Education Distorts Obama Policy

Let me know when you're ready to stop lying and actually debate.
What do you know, it's true. Conservatives don't have a sense of humor.

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