Dem senator warns Mueller: Don't release report on Trump-Russia probe close to 2018 midterm election

Lol.......I guess these Democrat lawmakers fear Mueller doesn't have anything and don't want another Hillary situation like Comey pulled on her a week right before the last election.

Dem senator warns Mueller against issuing Russia report near 2018 election

In other words - don't pull a Comey.

Sounds like this commiecrat is trying to tell the Special Counsel how to do his job, couldn't that be construed as obstruction? If there's no there, there like the adulterous punk in the FBI said, the American people deserve to know as soon as it is determined.

I guess you're referencing the 9:00 mark where he says it would be a "mistake to release it"? It sounded very soft peddled to me with the timing pretty much ambiguous. Luckily it seemed positive as far as Trump is concerned for I would imagine the Senator would love bad news on Trump coming out just ahead of the election instead of waiting afterwards.
Democrats hate free speech and our country....which is why most of their males are impotent and women are frigid. Sad and disgusting.
The LIB senator obviously hasn't been talking the Shit-head Schiff.
Shit-head has been telling anyone who will listen that Mueller "has the goods on Trump".
Hey Shit-head! Did your dog eat your 'memo' you swore would bring down Trump?

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