Democract congresswoman calls staffer a "mother......"

When I googled the story only right leaning websites are running the story, so the same people touting WND as a reputable source are the same ones who whine and moan about Huffington Post being biased.

So you think the story was completely fabricated and the statistics of her staff turnover rate are false?

Nigga you saw what I wrote, don't tap dance, if thats the case anybody can post garbage from any source and claim its true using your logic, just look at Breitbart and how he twisted that USDA woman from his site, thats why you were challenged to verify the story via other links.
How about verifying WND's story via additional links?

Not my job homey, you and your kookball friend don't like the article, feel free to refute it with your own links.......

Its your job to verify if what you posted is true, its not truthful until proven wrong you house slave. I've googled that same story and only found it on far right leaning websites, foxnews among them, thats not helping your case.

So it's only legit if it's on huffy puffy or MM........:lol:

Don't be upset the sista is such an asshole ........
The way she allegedly used it is arrogant. It is arrogant and insinuating that she is in a class above the people that work for her. It is not the word, but the attitude that I find offensive.

And yes, I would say that if a Republican was the subject of the report.


So when Bachmann called the US govt a gangter govt you were equally as indignant?

To be completely honest with you, I don't know what you are talking about. I don't much care for Bachmann and do not remember having read that she did such a thing. So, without some kind of information on this, I cannot answer your question.


And from what you have said, I would have to agree with her. Just the other day, I referred to the elite in our government as the new organized crime families. But, that would be of both parties, not one or the other.


So its ok to rudely compare the US govt to organized crime mobsters and very rude for Shelia Jackson to "ALLEGEDLY" call a staffer a motherf-----, you're not a model of consistency.
Not my job homey, you and your kookball friend don't like the article, feel free to refute it with your own links.......

Its your job to verify if what you posted is true, its not truthful until proven wrong you house slave. I've googled that same story and only found it on far right leaning websites, foxnews among them, thats not helping your case.

So it's only legit if it's on huffy puffy or MM........:lol:

Don't be upset the sista is such an asshole ........

Listen house nigga, I asked that you post additional links to verify the one from WND, which may not even be true and given the track record of right leaning sites and their propensity to fabricate[Brierbart, hello!] there is no reason for me to accept WND story as legit. If WND is legit in your eyes, so is Huffington Post to lefties.
So when Bachmann called the US govt a gangter govt you were equally as indignant?

To be completely honest with you, I don't know what you are talking about. I don't much care for Bachmann and do not remember having read that she did such a thing. So, without some kind of information on this, I cannot answer your question.


And from what you have said, I would have to agree with her. Just the other day, I referred to the elite in our government as the new organized crime families. But, that would be of both parties, not one or the other.


So its ok to rudely compare the US govt to organized crime mobsters and very rude for Shelia Jackson to "ALLEGEDLY" call a staffer a motherf-----, you're not a model of consistency.

I don't have to be a model of consistency.

If she did as reported in the article, Sheila Jackson Lee was being arrogant. I despise arrogance.

When I was pointing out the similarities of the Congress and organized crime, I was pointing out their arrogance. I was not being rude or arrogant and you have not proven that Ms. Bachmann was rude either.

I don't think I am better than anyone here, there or anywhere. I simply despise the attitude allegedly displayed by Sheila Jackson Lee.

Its your job to verify if what you posted is true, its not truthful until proven wrong you house slave. I've googled that same story and only found it on far right leaning websites, foxnews among them, thats not helping your case.

So it's only legit if it's on huffy puffy or MM........:lol:

Don't be upset the sista is such an asshole ........

Listen house nigga, I asked that you post additional links to verify the one from WND, which may not even be true and given the track record of right leaning sites and their propensity to fabricate[Brierbart, hello!] there is no reason for me to accept WND story as legit. If WND is legit in your eyes, so is Huffington Post to lefties.


You have a severe problem. Look in the mirror.
Its your job to verify if what you posted is true, its not truthful until proven wrong you house slave. I've googled that same story and only found it on far right leaning websites, foxnews among them, thats not helping your case.

So it's only legit if it's on huffy puffy or MM........:lol:

Don't be upset the sista is such an asshole ........

Listen house nigga, I asked that you post additional links to verify the one from WND, which may not even be true and given the track record of right leaning sites and their propensity to fabricate[Brierbart, hello!] there is no reason for me to accept WND story as legit. If WND is legit in your eyes, so is Huffington Post to lefties.

Here you go window licker:

Sheila Jackson Lee is the worst boss ever, former staffers tell the Daily Caller - 2011-Mar-05 - CultureMap Houston

But you'll claim that's right wing biased in 3, 2, 1 .........

P.S. No comment from her office, why doesn't she claim it's false ? .... :eusa_whistle:
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So it's only legit if it's on huffy puffy or MM........:lol:

Don't be upset the sista is such an asshole ........

Listen house nigga, I asked that you post additional links to verify the one from WND, which may not even be true and given the track record of right leaning sites and their propensity to fabricate[Brierbart, hello!] there is no reason for me to accept WND story as legit. If WND is legit in your eyes, so is Huffington Post to lefties.

Here you go window licker:

Sheila Jackson Lee is the worst boss ever, former staffers tell the Daily Caller - 2011-Mar-05 - CultureMap Houston

But you'll claim that's right wing biased in 3, 2, 1 .........

P.S. No comment from her office, why doesn't she claim it's false ? .... :eusa_whistle:

I don't doubt for a minute that she is most likely hard to deal with, there are many bosses like that, I'm talking specifically about the article that WND ran. Even in that link it was said that the one person who did confront her one on one had no more problems, if amy one is foolish enough to take being ran over as is being alleged thats their problem as well.
EDIT: The writer of the Houston article used the right leaning DailyCaller as her source and states that the rest of sources are unnamed and anonymous.
i dont refute things for wnd, just make fun of people using it.

You don't because you can't and i make fun of people like you getting their panties in a twist over it.......

well no, i dont because i dont care about the story. Sorry that i have to keep repeating this fact. Seems you dont understand this.

You've got a lot of posts in this thread for someone who doesn't care ...........
I dont know if any of you are from the Houston area, but yes, Shela Jackson Lee is well known for her crazy antics. She runs unopposed for the most part And will always have the backing of another crazy black Nazi that go's by the name of Quanell X. Aside from her odd behavior, she is known to ignore tough questions from her constituents and the press. This is why she is not on TV allot . Unless it will bring her good press or it is a friendly medium. She is also know as a woman that you do not cross. In Houston she has many nick names Queen Shela is the most common. The best sorce to find documentation of her antics woild be the Houston Chronicle. You will have to dig because her odd behavior is so common that it just does not get on the front page anymore. This chick is definitely an odd bird. And Dick Cheny told Patrick Leyhee to fuck off on the floor. No big happens all the time I bet. Shela Jackson Lee is a nut job, but not dangerous. More like a clown.
Democrat congresswoman 'calls staff mother----er'

From the article:

A U.S. congresswoman who once demanded that hurricanes be given names that sounded more "black" is now in the spotlight for allegedly being the queen of mean girls to her staff, including calling one aide a "stupid mother----er" on numerous occasions.

Former drivers say the congresswoman demanded they ignore red lights and drive vehicles on the shoulders of the road to evade traffic.

The Democrat's demanding nature was not just limited to working hours.

"In the middle of the night, people had to go get her garlic. She'll call you at two in the morning for garlic because she takes them as supplements," an ex-staffer said.

And the idiots of Houston continue to vote this despicable, dumb as a box of rocks human being into office.

I'm sure all you moonbats can perfectly justify this behavior......:eusa_whistle:

Ask me how I knew without you telling me who this was. :cool:

You knew someone who worked on that animal's staff?

She's not an animal....but what she is starts with an "A".

I knew she was representing the state of Texas (Even though she's from New York) and I also have heard of her BS for years.

She's the one that was reported to have a limo drive her to work every morning.
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Ask me how I knew without you telling me who this was. :cool:

You knew someone who worked on that animal's staff?

I knew she was representing the state of Texas (Even though she's from New York) and I also have heard of her BS for years.

She's the one that was reported to have a limo drive her to work every morning.

Yeah, most if it is just real petty "you have to listen to me" crap. She is called Queen Shela by many. She go's through allot of staffers, but most say little about why because Lee will destroy there reputations if they do. She is also a huge racist. When she gets a tough question she will whip out her phone to avoid having to answer. Outside the 18th district she is considered to have little in the way of smarts and way to much power.
You knew someone who worked on that animal's staff?

I knew she was representing the state of Texas (Even though she's from New York) and I also have heard of her BS for years.

She's the one that was reported to have a limo drive her to work every morning.

Yeah, most if it is just real petty "you have to listen to me" crap. She is called Queen Shela by many. She go's through allot of staffers, but most say little about why because Lee will destroy there reputations if they do. She is also a huge racist. When she gets a tough question she will whip out her phone to avoid having to answer. Outside the 18th district she is considered to have little in the way of smarts and way to much power.

Thanks, i wanted to hear the opinion of someone local to that area.........
Ask me how I knew without you telling me who this was. :cool:

You knew someone who worked on that animal's staff?

She's not an animal....but what she is starts with an "A".

I knew she was representing the state of Texas (Even though she's from New York) and I also have heard of her BS for years.

She's the one that was reported to have a limo drive her to work every morning.

Actually/ it starts with a "B"
Democrat congresswoman 'calls staff mother----er'

From the article:

A U.S. congresswoman who once demanded that hurricanes be given names that sounded more "black" is now in the spotlight for allegedly being the queen of mean girls to her staff, including calling one aide a "stupid mother----er" on numerous occasions.

Former drivers say the congresswoman demanded they ignore red lights and drive vehicles on the shoulders of the road to evade traffic.

The Democrat's demanding nature was not just limited to working hours.

"In the middle of the night, people had to go get her garlic. She'll call you at two in the morning for garlic because she takes them as supplements," an ex-staffer said.

And the idiots of Houston continue to vote this despicable, dumb as a box of rocks human being into office.

I'm sure all you moonbats can perfectly justify this behavior......:eusa_whistle:

Yeah, she sounds like an idiot.

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