Democracy Is A Joke.


Aug 11, 2013
What we actually have is a Plutocracy. Thomas Jefferson once spoke of the tree of liberty needing to be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. But there was something that he wasn't counting on. TV. Frank Zappa once wrote a song about it called "I'm The Slime." I would recommend that you listen to the song. But I will give you an excerpt from it.
"You will obey me while I lead you.
And eat the garbage that I feed you.
Until the day we don't need you.
Don't go for help.
No one will heed you.
Your mind it totally controlled.
It has been stuffed into my mold.
And you will do as you are told.
Until the rights to you are sold."
I myself would have change the last part. I would have said, "And you will continue to do as you are told. Even though the rights to you have been sold." When looking at the effects of TV, even Thomas Jefferson would probably despair. Also, looking at how bad some things are in other countries, I can see why some people may not want to put up a fuss. But we can and should do better. Right now, we have human caused global warming. Our country is also racing deeper into debt from free trade. There is also the effects of overpopulation to deal with. etc, etc. etc. But instead of getting answers from our leadership, we get more smoke blown up our ass. Unfortunately, most people don't really care what happens. As long as it happens to your children or grandchildren. How pathetic is that!
It's actually an oligarchy because both sides are in on it.

Plutocracy falls under oligarchy.
No. It's a Plutocracy. Because only the rich and their lap dogs are in on it.
Sorry, but the earth is warming. And Humans are the cause. There will always be fluctuations that the planet destroyers will latch on to for the purpose of maintaining the status quo. But CO2 levels are rocketing off the chart. Literally. Many millions or billions of years ago, there may have been a times when CO2 levels were higher. But that is beside the point. What is of a more pressing matter is that it is going up faster than it probably ever has before. At least I can't think of anything that could cause CO2 to rise that quickly without it being the result of a super volcano eruption or an asteroid strike. Though in those cases, we would have different, but at least equally bad problems to deal with.
dont taze me bro,
No. As I said, we don't live in a democracy. We live in a Plutocracy. But don't worry, it's even worse than that.
Democracy is a process. People end up with the government they deserve and they get there through the process of democracy.
Sorry, but the earth is warming. And Humans are the cause. There will always be fluctuations that the planet destroyers will latch on to for the purpose of maintaining the status quo. But CO2 levels are rocketing off the chart. Literally. Many millions or billions of years ago, there may have been a times when CO2 levels were higher. But that is beside the point. What is of a more pressing matter is that it is going up faster than it probably ever has before. At least I can't think of anything that could cause CO2 to rise that quickly without it being the result of a super volcano eruption or an asteroid strike. Though in those cases, we would have different, but at least equally bad problems to deal with.

Oh gawd the entire Sahara Dessert went from tropical to dry in only a few hundred years (we know by soil core samples) , the frickin thermometer was only invented 1724 and the US has only been keeping day to day records since 100 plus years.... Spare me with man made global warming you can never prove it and dont worry kid Yellow stone or an Asteroid will landi on you and kill you first.
The lazy ass are just soooo disappointed that they haven't voted for the rich to pay them to sit on their asses.

I'd like to see the wealthy go on strike. When Clinton instituted his yacht tax it was a sample. The rich just stopped buying yachts. They sailed to other ports to get their existing yachts repaired. It was enough to bring the whole industry to its knees and end the tax.

That's not good enough. I'd like for the wealthy corporate owners to just shut down. Start out with Koch Industries and Trump. Just close, let the workers go without paychecks for a few weeks. See how the pissers like it. How about WalMart. Just close the stores for awhile. Let those thousands go. Just until they start squealing like the stuck pigs they are.
lol I remember that cluster fuck of the Yaught tax all it did was hurt the middle class wood workers and such.
btw the Rich Bussiness owner guys are on strike they wont invest in any jobs/ growth as long as Obama is in office.
The lazy ass are just soooo disappointed that they haven't voted for the rich to pay them to sit on their asses.

I'd like to see the wealthy go on strike. When Clinton instituted his yacht tax it was a sample. The rich just stopped buying yachts. They sailed to other ports to get their existing yachts repaired. It was enough to bring the whole industry to its knees and end the tax.

That's not good enough. I'd like for the wealthy corporate owners to just shut down. Start out with Koch Industries and Trump. Just close, let the workers go without paychecks for a few weeks. See how the pissers like it. How about WalMart. Just close the stores for awhile. Let those thousands go. Just until they start squealing like the stuck pigs they are.

The yacht tax (1990) was Daddy Bush.
lol I remember that cluster fuck of the Yaught tax all it did was hurt the middle class wood workers and such.
btw the Rich Bussiness owner guys are on strike they wont invest in any jobs/ growth as long as Obama is in office.

The 'Rich Bussiness owner guys' want their subsidies back.

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