Democracy Is The Butcher Of Egypt


Sep 23, 2010
Anyone paying a modicum of attention knows what is happening in Egypt. American media is portraying events as a conflict between radical Islamists and the Egyptian military. That is a surface truth. Democracy is the underlying cause for the bloodshed. It is a conflict between democracy and and those who want no part of democracy. I’m for the latter.

Recall that it was democracy that put the Muslim Brotherhood in charge; hence this thread’s title.

Let me say that I love what is happening politically in Cairo. The military coup that ousted Morsi stuck it to democracy real good.

NOTE: Innocent people being killed is always a tragedy, but nobody should shed a tear for radical Islamists in Egypt anymore than they should cry when an Al-Qaeda terrorist is killed.

More importantly, democracy is always heading toward something worse; so the Muslim Brotherhood deserves some credit for speeding up the process. Morsi & Company might have gotten away with it had they done it incrementally the way Socialist sneaks in our federal government are bringing this country to a Socialist/Communist theocracy.

I get the most pleasure out of the Chicago sewer rat’s dilemma. He set the slaughter in motion when he removed Hosni Mubarak. Happily, he never saw a military coup in the cards. Now, he has to continue funding Egypt’s military while they kill his pals in the Muslim Brotherhood. Should he stop funding the military the Muslim Brotherhood might very well return to power. The sewer rat cannot want a return of the Muslim Brotherhood because it will further show that democracy always ends in brutal totalitarian government. In short: Barack Taqiyya should have taught his pals about incrementalism before he got rid of Mubarak.

Members of Congress who are calling for a halt to all aid to Egypt are calling for democracy —— AGAIN. They are either too stupid to know better, or they want democracy in Egypt no matter who benefits. In this case the beneficiaries will be radical Islamists just as it was when Mubarak was ousted.

Democracy sucks. That is historical fact. Every filthy American bum glorifying democracy is either a parasite feeding at the public trough, or they are after a spot at the trough. When they try to impose democracy in foreign lands they want nothing more than to put like-minded parasites in power.

The only alternative

America should be promoting, and funding, every movement in the world that is honestly fighting for a form of severely limited government. Right now, nobody can name one such movement. That is a testament to the success of the democracy movement.

Bottom line: No American can believe in democracy and the US Constitution at the same time. It’s either one or the other. My opposition to democracy is no surprise to anyone who reads my messages. Americans win whenever a Communist government goes down. They win just as much when democracy takes a hit anywhere in the world.

Let me close by repeating two unshakable truths.

1. No American should die fighting for democracy.

2. No American should die fighting in a foreign land so others might live, or live better.
Flanders----I actually agree with you that USA fights to CREATE DEMOCRACY
in foreign lands are ill-conceived--------HOWEVER----democracy does work in
places in which the RIGHTS OF ALL PEOPLE are the issue-----In places like
Egypt, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Tunisia, Libya, etc etc etc----
"democracy" in the minds of too many means "there are more muslims '
here so ISLAM WINS ---and everyone else loses. The system fell apart even
in Turkey
Flanders----I actually agree with you that USA fights to CREATE DEMOCRACY in foreign lands are ill-conceived--------HOWEVER----democracy does work in places in which the RIGHTS OF ALL PEOPLE are the issue-----

To irosie91: Basically, democracy looks good to anyone with no Rights. Democracy is a disaster to anyone who has Rights because democracy’s true believers will eliminate those Rights at the first opportunity.

Clearly, those who lose Rights under democracy are worse off than the poor fools who think democracy will give them Rights. Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood proved that. As I’ve said countless times over the years “democracy is always heading towards something worse.” Take notice of America’s decline from a Constitutional Republic, to a democracy, to a Socialist Theocracy.

In places like Egypt, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Tunisia, Libya, etc etc etc----"democracy" in the minds of too many means "there are more muslims ' here so ISLAM WINS ---and everyone else loses.

To irosie91: Exactly so. Now, ask yourself why Barack Taqiyya & Company instigated the Arab Spring in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen? Violence and bloodshed have increased considerably on Taqiyya’s watch, and all of it in the name of democracy. Democracy in the Middle East is a reminder of the violence that follows Communist revolutions.

The system fell apart even in Turkey

To irosie91: No surprise there:

Democracy is like a streetcar. You ride it until you arrive at your destination and then you step off. Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
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With its usual ineptitude in Foreign Affairs America has long decided that its own style of democratic governance is a "gift" that other nations must accept or face serious consequences.

The American leaders are so unworldly and naive that they still don't realize that the people of the Muslim countries reject their democracy as an unnecessary imposition on their cultural way of life. It's not hard to understand that what in fact the people want is stability, an end to poverty, food on their plates and good leadership.

Democracy is an unnecessary foreign concept which at the present stage of Middle East development it just doesn't work ...take a look at Iraq!

Democracy in fact under Islam conflicts with the religious principle that the only leadership can be under religious Sharia Law and not Law given by secular human beings.

In his dangerous zeal had Obama not been so keen to upset the stable equilibrium in the Middle East by encouraging the overthrow of stable governments including that of Mubarak, then the world would not be in the dangerous mess it is now.
I have no use for the Muslim Brotherhood, but I wish Kerry would explain how a military coup overthrowing a democratically elected government restored democracy?

[ame=]John Kerry's Egyptian Democracy - YouTube[/ame]​

I guess it’s logical to a man who betrayed his country for the good of the country.

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