Democracy: Northern WI Style

Big Fitz

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Nov 23, 2009
Bewley's Icy Reception - YouTube

For most of you who don't know, the dems got a RINO to protect public sector unions while stabbing the private sector unions in the back over a mining bill that would have brought thousands of jobs to northern WI with a new Taconite mine. The governor wanted this done, and so did the GOP legislature. Those who lived where the mine was wanted the mine, but the ecofascisti got enough support to stop it cold and kept changing the rules till Gogebic Taconite gave up and walked away saying they'd come back when a more rational legislature was elected. The libs of course accused the corporation of sour grapes because they could not 'rape the land'. Nevermind the fact that the same process is used with great success and safety in the Iron Range and Arrowhead regions of MN for decades.

You dems think you have a safe hold on private sector labor votes in WI anymore, you got another think coming. You stabbed your second biggest supporters in the back to take a shot at Walker and the GOP and placate national interests over state needs.

Hope that plays well for you come election day, but I doubt it highly.
The rest of us just have the images of the Wisconsin State House (was it a year ago March already?) fixed in our minds. If you wanted an image of what it was like in 1917 in front of the Russian Duma with the Bolshies busy storming the locked doors, just refer to those images. Remember to mentally add some snow.
The beloved spouse remarked Sunday that we have to clean up our government. At this point the cleaning's going to require more than a 55 gallon drum of Lysol. More like a dozen or so Madame DeFarges and at least 70 tundrils.
Waaaaahhhhhhh......................... Waaaahhhhhhhhhh.........................
This will work in Walker's favor. Showing that the democrat party is against jobs in this state, and are willing to try to do anything to hurt Walker.
But Jim Buchen of the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce group called it, “a missed opportunity for the folks in northern Wisconsin to have an economically-secure future.” And Senate GOP finance chair Alberta Darling said she was “amazed” to see senators raise red flags about water quality, after watching the Milwaukee area dump raw sewage into Lake Michigan for years.

Strong reactions to Gogebic Taconite's decision to pull out of planned iron mine - WTAQ News Talk 97.5FM and 1360AM

So, according to the GOP in WI, two wrongs make a right????

Maybe if the democrat party would put up a candidate worth something, they may have a chance. However, they're all a joke.

What are they going to campaign on that would make them want to vote for the democrats they've coughed up?

Unless the voters of Wisconsin have a serious attack of 'stupid', Walker will get re-elected.

Not many people want more of what Jim the boil Doyle was dishing out for his terms in office.
The answer: Recall Walker 52%, Vote against the recall 47%. The survey of likely voters was conducted March 27, and has a ±4.5% margin of error. In the previous poll from late February, the recall trailed by a margin of 43%-54%.

I love it. The difference is almost less than the margin of error.
The way in which walker took office and immediately went after public workers is what made the difference. All of this never would have happened had it been done more diplomatically since the unions had said they would contribute anyway. That wasnt good enough. He obviously knew the recall was going to happen. Everybody else knew as soon as the bill was rammed through that a recall was a for sure thing. Everyone in the state figured that would happen. You pick a fight, you generally get one. As far as the mining, for me the jury is still out. I have to read all parts of the bill and decide. I dont believe you ever give the company itself any say in the bill however. Its the people's state, not Gogebic taconite's. As long as the watersheds up here were protected I guess I leaned towards bringing the mine in. The second I see Lake superior threatened I am the first one on the scene raising havoc. It's a very thin line.
The way in which walker took office and immediately went after public workers is what made the difference. All of this never would have happened had it been done more diplomatically since the unions had said they would contribute anyway. That wasnt good enough. He obviously knew the recall was going to happen. Everybody else knew as soon as the bill was rammed through that a recall was a for sure thing. Everyone in the state figured that would happen. You pick a fight, you generally get one. As far as the mining, for me the jury is still out. I have to read all parts of the bill and decide. I dont believe you ever give the company itself any say in the bill however. Its the people's state, not Gogebic taconite's. As long as the watersheds up here were protected I guess I leaned towards bringing the mine in. The second I see Lake superior threatened I am the first one on the scene raising havoc. It's a very thin line.
The way this legislation went through, it was the National Ecofascisti Special Interest's state, not even the people's

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