Democracy: Tyranny of the Majority?

Both Senate and House have very narrow majorities.

Is that tyranny of the majority, or is it of the minority that interferes with the public will?
I doubt that anybody here can give a real time/real life example of how one political party is practicing democratic policy, more than the other?

Or, if given the opportunity, one party or the other would strive more for the ideals of a 'republic'?
True democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
Is one political party practicing that policy more than the other.

I think the only distinction in that regard is the meaningless names they have chosen.

If you indeed understand the difference between democracy and republic, can you state how either is the policy of one, over the other?
Does anybody understand even well enough to say that America's system acts more like a republic than does a parliamentary system of government.

I can think of some examples of how it would be less.

Let's consider Bush2's ability to start a war with his power!

Or let's consider Chretlien's ability to deny Canada's participation in the second Iraq war!
Is one political party practicing that policy more than the other.

I think the only distinction in that regard is the meaningless names they have chosen.

If you indeed understand the difference between democracy and republic, can you state how either is the policy of one, over the other?
Neither does. Otherwise ACA would have been repealed by now, or stuck down by the Court.
Neither does. Otherwise ACA would have been repealed by now, or stuck down by the Court.
I don't think you really know how the ACA would be more republican policy than democratic policy.

It's become apparent that no American on this board does.

Other than in the meaningless names they have chosen?
And that is exactly what democrats run on promising. They are running on overthrowing the Republic of America so they can replace it with their democracy.
Democrats have architected the invasion of 30 million illegals from foreign countries in an effort to CANCEL out the votes of Americans and RIG/STEAL elections.
Democrats have architected the invasion of 30 million illegals from foreign countries in an effort to CANCEL out the votes of Americans and RIG/STEAL elections.
Regardless of which party does it, that's republican policy.

Can you tell us why that is true or untrue? LOL
Both Senate and House have very narrow majorities.

Is that tyranny of the majority, or is it of the minority that interferes with the public will?
The progs had a slender majority the first two years with Joe and Kamala. And ran roughshod on their legislation. Clearly no major majority existed to do that. And yet they did. And we ended up with major inflation that affected a lot of people. This proved that Progressives answer to someone else, or they are inept. And are clearly parasites of government.
I shouldn't but I will.

In a democracy every citizen would have a right to choose the ACA, or choose something else.

In a republic the ACA would be government's choice that is dictated to the people by government.

That's an over-simplification but lacking anything better, it can stand until some fkn american genius offers better.
You mean, you asked your mom and she doesn't know either?
Meaning I've read enough of your horseshit to know that you have some wildly off base notions, and your own custom definitions. Also, unless I'm mistaken you're a China cheerleader, right?

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