democracy will flounder when people in different parties, regions, religions & races think of each other as ‘the other’ rather than common US citizens

You're confused and you're arguing against your own interests, only for the sake of stubbornness and a need to be disagreeable.

You support tyranny.

The bully hates the one who punches him in the nose. That's what Trump did, punched the Nazi fucks right in their nose. He made them bleed, and the people saw it. The Nazis HAVE to destroy him. If he gets away with defying the ruling Oligarchs, their grip on power slips.

The last time people stood up to the tyrants the guillotines sang and gave the elite what they richly deserved.

If the filthy vermin can't defeat Trump, then the public knows we can throw their boot off of our neck.
The point is you're a partisan dimtard.

You associate fascism with Trump, which is a totally bogus allegation on your part

And you completely ignore the REAL fascism. You're a hypocrite

Donald H is a Canuck who sticking his nose into our civil war and cheering the fascist democrat on. No doubt he loved what his scumbag PM did with the Truckers who protested mandates and wants to share totalitarianism with us,

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