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Democracy: Yes or No

More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."
/——/ “For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.”
Sorry I can’t access my famous Strawman argument meme for your idiotic statement.

"idiotic statement"? Voter suppression is overt in many red states, by closing polling places likely within Democratic communities, Reducing the days and/or hours to vote and the pretense that non citizens voted in mass to elect Democrats are all antidemocratic.
/----/ Since 1972, I always manage to vote even if it's rainy outside and I have to park three blocks away from the polling station. It's 20 minutes out of my life every two years plus any special local elections. I have no sympathy with lazy crybabies who can't seem to show up if it's the slightest bit inconvenient.
Iraqi's braved sniper fire and death threats to vote.
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."
You know less about government than AOC! First, we're a Republic, not a democracy. Second, the Executive Branch can tell Congress to pound sand. Third, the Mueller "No Collusion No Obstruction" report is available to any fucking Congressional nitwit who wants to read it in its UNREDACTED ENTIRETY!

Progressive Jihadists DO NOT get to invent an imaginary "Constitutional crisis" because Barr follows the law and cannot release grand jury testimony

Wow Frank, a post, err, a rant with more words than your usual idiot-gram (did you have too much leaded coffee?).

Pray tell, where in Sec. 2 is the power to tell the Congress to "pound sand".

Frank, your opening paragraph suggests you've never read Art. I or Art. II of the Constitution. I suggest you read Art. II - or have it read to you.

Pray tell, where in Sec. 2 is the power to tell the Congress to "pound sand".
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."
/——/ “For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.”
Sorry I can’t access my famous Strawman argument meme for your idiotic statement.

"idiotic statement"? Voter suppression is overt in many red states, by closing polling places likely within Democratic communities, Reducing the days and/or hours to vote and the pretense that non citizens voted in mass to elect Democrats are all antidemocratic.
/----/ Since 1972, I always manage to vote even if it's rainy outside and I have to park three blocks away from the polling station. It's 20 minutes out of my life every two years plus any special local elections. I have no sympathy with lazy crybabies who can't seem to show up if it's the slightest bit inconvenient.
Iraqi's braved sniper fire and death threats to vote.

You have a car, you may have been given time from work to vote, and your denial that voter suppression isn't targeted to make voting more difficult for those who don't have these luxuries, your attitude is both callous and dishonest.
"idiotic statement"? Voter suppression is overt in many red states, by closing polling places within Democratic leaning communities, Reducing the days and/or hours to vote and the pretense that non citizens voted in mass to elect Democrats are all antidemocratic and efforts to suppress the vote of likely Democratic voters.
You truly are stupid, a bigot and a biddable fool.
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."

I propose that only those with some skin in the game be allowed to vote. But that's not bought with money, it's bought by serving your country by fulfilling a mandatory period of conscription that begins upon graduation from high school. If you're not willing to serve the nation then why should you be allowed a voice in how it's run? You'd have a choice of either two years military serve of four years non military in a CCC like outfit. Everyone that's able goes to boot camp. It applies universally to everyone regardless of gender, race, Creed, social status or wealth. No service = no vote.

I like that. I would also suggest that unless you pay more in taxes than you collect in benefits you have no vote. Exclusions of course for the elderly or otherwise disabled. Military service would entitle you to voting status for life. Libs complain that some rich don’t pay anything in taxes because of “loopholes” in the tax code, so now those folks will not be voting along with the net tax receivers.

While we are dreaming- why don’t we impose a limit on elected officials net worth gain while in office. When elected your net worth can not increase by more than 50% of your annual government salary per year, and extends a year for every year in office after you leave. I am sick of these 20 plus year congress people lining their pockets with lobbyists cash and perks.

My simple fix for that is to impose single term limits for ALL elected offices with a like amount of time to expire completely out of any government involvement as a tax paying citizen. It's about time we actually tried the government of, by and for the people idea instead of of, by and for career politicians and parties for a change. I think it would go a long way toward fixing what's broken with our government. Using Trump as a gauge I'm encouraged that the concept has merit.
We'd have to adjust the length of terms for it to work well but just eliminating the possibility of being re elected would be the magic bullet.
I suppose it would also be a good idea that their annual salary would be voted on by their constituents instead of them deciding what to pay themselves might be a good idea too. That could be done when everyone sits down at the end of the year to earmark where their tax dollars are spent. If you feel that you're being represented fairly then you'd vote them a raise if not they'd get a pay cut. Just like the rest of us live or should live anyway. In my case Feinstiene and Harris would be out on the street with a tin cup and a cardboard sign.
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."
/——/ “For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.”
Sorry I can’t access my famous Strawman argument meme for your idiotic statement.

"idiotic statement"? Voter suppression is overt in many red states, by closing polling places likely within Democratic communities, Reducing the days and/or hours to vote and the pretense that non citizens voted in mass to elect Democrats are all antidemocratic.
/----/ Since 1972, I always manage to vote even if it's rainy outside and I have to park three blocks away from the polling station. It's 20 minutes out of my life every two years plus any special local elections. I have no sympathy with lazy crybabies who can't seem to show up if it's the slightest bit inconvenient.
Iraqi's braved sniper fire and death threats to vote.

You have a car, you may have been given time from work to vote, and your denial that voter suppression isn't targeted to make voting more difficult for those who don't have these luxuries, your attitude is both callous and dishonest.
/---/ "You have a car, you may have been given time from work to vote'
Well, Spanky., I have a car but walk to the polling station three blocks away. I do that because parking is horrible. And the polling station is open at 6 am and closes at 9 pm, so I vote early in the morning or after work. Anything else you think makes me special and privileged?
/---/ "You have a car, you may have been given time from work to vote'
Well, Spanky., I have a car but walk to the polling station three blocks away. I do that because parking is horrible. And the polling station is open at 6 am and closes at 9 pm, so I vote early in the morning or after work. Anything else you think makes me special and privileged?
Everyone who is legally able to vote and chooses to do so, can.
No exceptions.
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."
You know less about government than AOC! First, we're a Republic, not a democracy. Second, the Executive Branch can tell Congress to pound sand. Third, the Mueller "No Collusion No Obstruction" report is available to any fucking Congressional nitwit who wants to read it in its UNREDACTED ENTIRETY!

Progressive Jihadists DO NOT get to invent an imaginary "Constitutional crisis" because Barr follows the law and cannot release grand jury testimony

Wow Frank, a post, err, a rant with more words than your usual idiot-gram (did you have too much leaded coffee?).

Pray tell, where in Sec. 2 is the power to tell the Congress to "pound sand".

Frank, your opening paragraph suggests you've never read Art. I or Art. II of the Constitution. I suggest you read Art. II - or have it read to you.

Pray tell, where in Sec. 2 is the power to tell the Congress to "pound sand".

Look, it sucks that Hillary lost AND the coup Failed. Soros was literally one election away from truly fundamentally transforming (ending) America as we know it. You would have had 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS. Floridan and Texas would each have had several million Illegals and Jihadists relocated there...ahh, man, it just sucks that she lost AND the coup Failed.

The democrat Leadership knows what comes next, Trump and Barr have to dot the i's and cross the t's but they WILL show that Obama, Comey, et. al. turned the full weight of the US Intelligence agencies against their "enemy" the opposition Presidential Candidate.It's outright fucking FASCISM.

And you just go along with it.

Last edited:
The democrat Leadership knows what comes next, Trump and Barr have to dot the i's and cross the t's but they WILL show that Obama, Comey, et. al. truned the full weight of the US Intelligence agencies against their "enemy" the opposition Presidential Candidate.It's outright fucking FASCISM.
And you just go along with it.
Hyper-partisan bigotry.
Voter suppression is overt in many red states, by closing polling places within Democratic leaning communities, Reducing the days and/or hours to vote and the pretense that non citizens voted in mass to elect Democrats are all antidemocratic and efforts to suppress the vote of likely Democratic voters.
If you ever had a single shred of credibility, you just destroyed it. And if your handlers gave you this message to post (highly likely), you need new handlers. You've been demoted below redshirt.
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."
/——/ “For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.”
Sorry I can’t access my famous Strawman argument meme for your idiotic statement.

"idiotic statement"? Voter suppression is overt in many red states, by closing polling places likely within Democratic communities, Reducing the days and/or hours to vote and the pretense that non citizens voted in mass to elect Democrats are all antidemocratic.
/----/ Since 1972, I always manage to vote even if it's rainy outside and I have to park three blocks away from the polling station. It's 20 minutes out of my life every two years plus any special local elections. I have no sympathy with lazy crybabies who can't seem to show up if it's the slightest bit inconvenient.
Iraqi's braved sniper fire and death threats to vote.

You have a car, you may have been given time from work to vote, and your denial that voter suppression isn't targeted to make voting more difficult for those who don't have these luxuries, your attitude is both callous and dishonest.
/---/ "You have a car, you may have been given time from work to vote'
Well, Spanky., I have a car but walk to the polling station three blocks away. I do that because parking is horrible. And the polling station is open at 6 am and closes at 9 pm, so I vote early in the morning or after work. Anything else you think makes me special and privileged?

It's not all about you.
Voter suppression is overt in many red states, by closing polling places within Democratic leaning communities, Reducing the days and/or hours to vote and the pretense that non citizens voted in mass to elect Democrats are all antidemocratic and efforts to suppress the vote of likely Democratic voters.

If you ever had a single shred of credibility, you just destroyed it. And if your handlers gave you this message to post (highly likely), you need new handlers. You've been demoted below redshirt.

It seems you are out of touch with reality. Stop listening to Limbaugh, Hannity and others who promulgate propaganda, BIG LIES and their constant use of
The goal of socialism is communism.

-- Vladimir Lenin

But you've claimed before he doesn't know anything about Communism, so there's that.
Communism has always been put in by violent revolution and it sucks. Lenin was nuts. So was Marx. all wrong. Look at page 1 of this thread. socialists parted from communism in 1923 and then finally in 1951. Every country that has A communist party and democracy has a socialist party that is totally different. Republicans are totally brainwashed clueless. The Cold War is over the Communists lost.
You can vote yourself into socialism -- but you have to shoot your way out.

Unless, of course, the socialists in charge have disarmed you. SEE Venezuela.
Bulshit. See every successful modern country.
I have. The successful ones have mixed systems. The ones with pure socialism are utter failures.

Unless, of course, you think people eating their pets is a sign of success.
America has made sure they can't even sell their oil anymore and you don't know about that LOL they still hate us so much they continue supporting Maduro. Great job!
Yes, they support Maduro, the man responsible for making them resort to eating their pets despite him forcing citizens to work the farms at gunpoint.
No American I've ever heard of is for Marxist dictatorship owning all property and Industry. You're out of your mind. Socialism is not communism 4 60 years now. You are fear-mongers to the point of brainlessness dangerous idiocy LOL. Bernie and I are talking up fairness instead of inequality and give away to the rich, super duper.
The goal of socialism is communism.

-- Vladimir Lenin

According to their web page, the Democratic Socialists of America "believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically". I don't think either should be run democratically. Both society and the economy should be run collaboratively and voluntarily. There's no reason to resort to force.
Since when did democratically mean violence, brainwashed functional morons? Democratically is the definition of collaboratively and voluntarily. Idiocy

Rhodesia ... South Africa got destroyed because of making a more wide democracy
South Africa is a heck of a lot better place that ever was, unless you think racist suffering is great.... Kind of a unique place. The colonists should probably go home. But give em time...
They're not colonists. They were born there. Idiot.
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."

Another "I Hate America" thread from another America-Hating dim.


You truly are stupid, a bigot and a biddable fool. That off my chest, how did you come to the conclusion, ["Democracy: Yes or No?"] is a sign I hate America?

(One more Dumb Trumpanzee ^^^ whose head is clearly buried in the sand)
You really love the smell of your own farts, don't you?
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."
/——/ “For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.”
Sorry I can’t access my famous Strawman argument meme for your idiotic statement.

"idiotic statement"? Voter suppression is overt in many red states, by closing polling places likely within Democratic communities, Reducing the days and/or hours to vote and the pretense that non citizens voted in mass to elect Democrats are all antidemocratic.
/----/ Since 1972, I always manage to vote even if it's rainy outside and I have to park three blocks away from the polling station. It's 20 minutes out of my life every two years plus any special local elections. I have no sympathy with lazy crybabies who can't seem to show up if it's the slightest bit inconvenient.
Iraqi's braved sniper fire and death threats to vote.

You have a car, you may have been given time from work to vote, and your denial that voter suppression isn't targeted to make voting more difficult for those who don't have these luxuries, your attitude is both callous and dishonest.
Yeah, you tell him! Every Democrat knows blacks are too dumb to vote without Democrats holding their hands!
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."
You know less about government than AOC! First, we're a Republic, not a democracy. Second, the Executive Branch can tell Congress to pound sand. Third, the Mueller "No Collusion No Obstruction" report is available to any fucking Congressional nitwit who wants to read it in its UNREDACTED ENTIRETY!

Progressive Jihadists DO NOT get to invent an imaginary "Constitutional crisis" because Barr follows the law and cannot release grand jury testimony

Wow Frank, a post, err, a rant with more words than your usual idiot-gram (did you have too much leaded coffee?).

Pray tell, where in Sec. 2 is the power to tell the Congress to "pound sand".

Frank, your opening paragraph suggests you've never read Art. I or Art. II of the Constitution. I suggest you read Art. II - or have it read to you.

Pray tell, where in Sec. 2 is the power to tell the Congress to "pound sand".

Look, it sucks that Hillary lost AND the coup Failed. Soros was literally one election away from truly fundamentally transforming (ending) America as we know it. You would have had 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS. Floridan and Texas would each have had several million Illegals and Jihadists relocated there...ahh, man, it just sucks that she lost AND the coup Failed.

The democrat Leadership knows what comes next, Trump and Barr have to dot the i's and cross the t's but they WILL show that Obama, Comey, et. al. turned the full weight of the US Intelligence agencies against their "enemy" the opposition Presidential Candidate.It's outright fucking FASCISM.

And you just go along with it.

He thinks he'll be given a seat on the Politburo.
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."

Another "I Hate America" thread from another America-Hating dim.


You truly are stupid, a bigot and a biddable fool. That off my chest, how did you come to the conclusion, ["Democracy: Yes or No?"] is a sign I hate America?

(One more Dumb Trumpanzee ^^^ whose head is clearly buried in the sand)

You really love the smell of your own farts, don't you?

Are you still suffering from your failure to complete the third grade?
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."

Another "I Hate America" thread from another America-Hating dim.


You truly are stupid, a bigot and a biddable fool. That off my chest, how did you come to the conclusion, ["Democracy: Yes or No?"] is a sign I hate America?

(One more Dumb Trumpanzee ^^^ whose head is clearly buried in the sand)

You really love the smell of your own farts, don't you?

Are you still suffering from your failure to complete the third grade?
Are you still suffering from your failure to not comprehend what a pompous buffoon you are?

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