Democrap fraud


May 14, 2011
Now the news has leaked out the USDA hid the rise in food stamps in the August data until days after Obamination won the election, despite the requirement to release it last month.

Earlier in the campaign the Department of Labor released bogus unemployment data by not including this tiny state called California from the data... to fool the voters that the unemployment rate got better.

The election results in Philly where 59 voting areas ended up with 0 votes for Romney....even Saddam would've been impressed with that kind of voter fraud.

The endless lies about Fast & Furious and Libya are other examples of Democraps and their media openly lying to the American public.

So how the fuck do you liberals continue to defend this shit? Are you fucked up in the head either from gene defect or are you some evil person?
And they stuffed the ballot boxes in Cleveland, Philly, Miami, Denver, and a few other Dem Vote Fraud Manufacturing Facilities in swing states

Saddam Hussein is the Dem Patron Saint of Voting
I knew the right wing trash couldn't last without putting on their tinfoil hats and crying "conspiracy!" Like a bunch of whiny pussies :lmao:

Did Obama win a single state that requires voters to present a photo ID card?
Democraps know with no voter ID requirement illegals and criminals can vote, along with other Americans voting a couple times here and there.

Throw in the criminal actions in places like Philly where they don't even count Romney votes, then you see how an idiot with a low approval rating, high unemployment, criminals in his Admin, etc can squeak out an election.

There are evil people behind the scenes directing this mess and some Obamination voters wouldn't vote for him if they realized the scum they are jumped in bed with....I'm talking the stupid white people that think Obamination is some nice black man that needs our help and those black people that only like voting for the black man to get back for slavery, despite Obamination being 180 degrees compared to their beliefs and morals.

Did Obama win a single state that requires voters to present a photo ID card?
Now the news has leaked out the USDA hid the rise in food stamps in the August data until days after Obamination won the election, despite the requirement to release it last month.
There was no requirement to release it last month. The SNAP participation is not a Principle Federal Economic Indicator (which have hard release dates). Perhaps it was an intentional delay...the SNAP release doesn't come from a statistical agency but from a policy department, so it could have been political...I can't find anything at USDA explaining the delay.

Earlier in the campaign the Department of Labor released bogus unemployment data by not including this tiny state called California from the data... to fool the voters that the unemployment rate got better.
Absolutely untrue. First, the (false claim) was about Unemployment Insurance Claims; data which is not used in calculating the UE rate.
Second, California denies its data was missing and Business Insider, cited as the source of the rumor, denies it in its Initial Story and in a follow up report
So the claim of missing California was false, and even if true, would have had no effect on the UE rate.

The election results in Philly where 59 voting areas ended up with 0 votes for Romney....even Saddam would've been impressed with that kind of voter fraud.
Philadelphia County went 557,024 for Obama and 91,840 for Romney. A brief glance at the ward and division results did show some places with 1 or 2 votes for Romney, but that's out of say 400- 500 voters in that division. Not really unusual in parts of Philly.

Seriously, there's enough problems with this administration that making up shit and using false claims only obscures the real problems. If 2 out of 3 claims you make of wrong-doing are demonstrably false or are fringe-conspiracy, no one will listen to the 1 thing you're saying that's demonstably true. They'll just lump it all to your obvious bias and rumor-mongering.
Did Obama win a single state that requires voters to present a photo ID card?

He ran the table 19,000-0 in places where Dems illegally kicked out Republican poll watchers.

The Party of Tammany Hall and the Daley Machine went national

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