Democraps are totally non-credible on voter ID

The democraps complain that requiring a person to show legit ID before voting is an unfair burden on the poor, yet these same people need IDs to collect government welfare and benefits, so this is a total lie.

It is clear that there is significant voter fraud being perpetrated by the verminous filth aka the national democraptic party, and their position on showing an ID for that most fundamental reason, to vote, is being fought by them so aggressively. The sooner the dem party is utterly destroyed, the better for the american public.

The Photo ID Myth | RedState

Mississippi NAACP leader sent to prison for 10 counts of voter fraud
though my State requires none, and I am just fine with it, and feel safe that my vote is not being diluted by people voting illegally....I am fine with other States requiring some form of ID to prove you are the person registered to vote, and yes, a utility bill with Social security card or something like that would be fine, because all citizens can provide something like that....

What Dems are against is this requirement for a mandatory government issued PHOTO ID, that requires our citizens to get something they have gone their entire lives, without ever needing. That is putting a burden or an extra hurdle to jump in order to vote, on the elderly, the disabled, the poor, college students, and anyone who does not drive a car....

While making it easy peasy to vote, for those of us who do drive....

And in addition to this, impersonation voting fraud at the voting place, is near nil, and not worth the extra burden to stop something that hardly ever happens because the risk of getting caught at the voting place is high an ID at the polling place really solves none of the voter fraud that we know can take place.

When citizens register to vote, the State or County voter registrar offices should vet the registrant, for eligibility...citizenship, minimum age, not a felon etc.....BEFORE they approve the applicant and put their names on the voter rolls! And for goodness sake, when the State issues a Death Certificate for a citizen that dies, this information should be forwarded to the County/State voter registrars office to remove those dead, from the voter rolls....their names should not even be on the voter roll.
There's a simple solution that Republicans are dead-set against: a Federal, National I.D. card, issued to everyone, just like a Social Security number.

Tell me why they oppose it?
Oppose it?

When has it come up in Congress?
There's a simple solution that Republicans are dead-set against: a Federal, National I.D. card, issued to everyone, just like a Social Security number.

Tell me why they oppose it?
Oppose it?

When has it come up in Congress?
The Real ID act, in 2005.

The republican congress passed it, a republican president signed it into law.

People who live in states that didn't adopt the defacto national ID -like Minnesota- are now in danger of their citizens being unable to board domestic airliner flights.
There's a fallacy that no ID needs to be shown to register and vote . That's not true .

God, I just LOVE it when another retard comes along and insists we need Voter ID to stop voter fraud, and then as evidence of that need, he posts an example of voter fraud which cannot be stopped by Voter ID.

After years and years and years of you tards doing this, it never gets old. :lol:

Every couple of weeks, they must summon all you tards and make the one who draws the short straw make an ass of himself over Voter ID.
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As the tard who started this topic was kind of enough to demonstrate, Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur.
The democraps complain that requiring a person to show legit ID before voting is an unfair burden on the poor, yet these same people need IDs to collect government welfare and benefits, so this is a total lie.

It is clear that there is significant voter fraud being perpetrated by the verminous filth aka the national democraptic party, and their position on showing an ID for that most fundamental reason, to vote, is being fought by them so aggressively. The sooner the dem party is utterly destroyed, the better for the american public.

The Photo ID Myth | RedState

Mississippi NAACP leader sent to prison for 10 counts of voter fraud

Most Democrats do not object to the voter providing an ID at the Poll. Our objection is three fold:
  • Red states closing polling places
  • Red states reducing voting days and hours
  • Red states not making voter registration easy, and providing the proper ID freely
The effort by the Republicans to suppress the vote is obvious, only liars and fools believe trump's bullshit.
I will support voter ID when 99% of Americans have an acceptable ID
They do oppose it, and always have.

If this program you're referencing is so great why hasn't it been a nation-wide success in registering all Americans to vote?

The fuck they opposed it. Who was in charge of the congress and White House in 2005?

You best get your facts straight, pal.

H.R.418 - 109th Congress (2005-2006): REAL ID Act of 2005
You didn't even read it, did you?

It's about asylum seekers and mandating the sharing of drivers licences across agencies, and increasing security.

Title II: Improved Security for Driver's Licenses and Personal Identification Cards

You're kind of a dumbass.
That is entirely irrelevant to the fact that the Real ID is a defacto fucking national ID, which both republicans and democrats passed in 2005.

Fucking partisan hack ignoramus.
You posted the bill. It doesn't create a national ID. You're delusional.
There's a simple solution that Republicans are dead-set against: a Federal, National I.D. card, issued to everyone, just like a Social Security number.

Tell me why they oppose it?
Oppose it?

When has it come up in Congress?
The Real ID act, in 2005.

The republican congress passed it, a republican president signed it into law.

People who live in states that didn't adopt the defacto national ID -like Minnesota- are now in danger of their citizens being unable to board domestic airliner flights.
The Bush Administration realized that creating national standards was critical to shoring up the whole system. With the REAL ID Act of 2005, they instituted a de facto national identity system by mandating that records be centralized and state-issued IDs be brought up to a common standard. When the legislation was ultimately implemented, it was done with virtually no public debate or input from important stakeholders (like the state governments who now have to deal with the new requirements). How these programs are implemented sometimes matter more than how they are designed - unhappy state legislatures are still dragging their feet to meet the requirements over seven years later.

We Don't Need A National ID Card
They do oppose it, and always have.

If this program you're referencing is so great why hasn't it been a nation-wide success in registering all Americans to vote?

The fuck they opposed it. Who was in charge of the congress and White House in 2005?

You best get your facts straight, pal.

H.R.418 - 109th Congress (2005-2006): REAL ID Act of 2005
You didn't even read it, did you?

It's about asylum seekers and mandating the sharing of drivers licences across agencies, and increasing security.

Title II: Improved Security for Driver's Licenses and Personal Identification Cards

You're kind of a dumbass.
That is entirely irrelevant to the fact that the Real ID is a defacto fucking national ID, which both republicans and democrats passed in 2005.

Fucking partisan hack ignoramus.
You posted the bill. It doesn't create a national ID. You're delusional.
The REAL ID Act of 2005 was passed by the GOP Congress and signed by the GOP President. It sets national standards for ID. For all intents and purposes, it is a national ID.

Some states have still failed to bring their driver's licenses and other forms of ID up to the federal standards, and the citizens of those states are in jeopardy of being denied entry into federal facilities and onto aircraft.

I've commented on the REAL ID Act many times on this forum. It is another means by which our federal government can control our movements.

"Papers! Papers, please!"
It only sought to bring existing IDs up to a uniform standard. That's a far cry from a Federally issued, national ID card. Just like your Social Security card. One per citizen.

I'll bet big bucks it was also an unfunded mandate - Republicans love those! It's a sure-fire way to see it not get implemented nationwide, then limp to it's death as another example of why government doesn't work.
It only sought to bring existing IDs up to a uniform standard. That's a far cry from a Federally issued, national ID card. Just like your Social Security card. One per citizen.

I'll bet big bucks it was also an unfunded mandate - Republicans love those! It's a sure-fire way to see it not get implemented nationwide, then limp to it's death as another example of why government doesn't work.

A "uniform standard" as determined by whom? By the feds, you fucking imbecile!

Issued by the states, under stringent federal mandates. But it's still a state ID. PFFFFFT!

Goddammit, are progs dumb as fucking stumps!
You may have missed the part about birth certificates - no matter WHEN they were issued.
Can you get on an airliner with a birth certificate?
Airlines are private businesses. You don't have a right to fly on an airplane.
I have a right to contract with the private airline, without the government interfering in that transaction by demanding that I show their ID card.

Do you even spend a moment thinking about this shit, or are you just a stream-of-consiousness statist thrall?
As the tard who started this topic was kind of enough to demonstrate, Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur.
Mostly because the fraud comes in the counting of the votes, not the casting of them.
We flew to Jamaica in 2005 with just those.

Ok, things have changed since then, it seems, a passport is now required to the Caribbean also. But within the Us, here is what they say if you forgot your I'd-
Forgot Your ID?
In the event you arrive at the airport without valid identification, because it is lost or at home, you may still be allowed to fly. The TSA officer may ask you to complete a form to include your name and current address, and may ask additional questions to confirm your identity. If your identity is confirmed, you will be allowed to enter the screening checkpoint. You may be subject to additional screening.
The TSA Blog: TSA Travel Tips Tuesday – Can You Fly Without an ID?

Certified copy, yes, along with photo I'd.
You may have missed the part about birth certificates - no matter WHEN they were issued.
Can you get on an airliner with a birth certificate?
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