Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’

Who was prosecuted? Where? Link?

Denying well-known history now?

Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And jc, yes, we know Martha was charged. Again, that's the point, that one can be charged for doing illegal things to enrich yourself.

Thanks. It doesn't say they were prosecuted.

Again, that's the point, that one can be charged for doing illegal things to enrich yourself.

She wasn't charged for doing illegal things to enrich herself.
Both cases are complicated, and as you're clearly not willing to discuss things honesty, I'll stop wasting my time with you.

Good luck convincing the law of your cause. Try to remember that judges have little patience with weasel acts.
Kind of the point, jc. You can't specifically point to a Martha Stewart victim. You can't specifically point to an Exxon victim. But they both did illegal things. In Exxon's case, racketeering via fraud.

Now, one can argue that the laws defining racketeering are overly broad, but RICO reform is another topic.
no the point is that Martha Stewart illegally sold stock she profited from based on private documents. that is the crime.

Now we're all still waiting on the crime that Exxon supposedly committed. racketeering isn't the supposed crime.

She was not charged with nor convicted of insider trading.

SEC Charges Martha Stewart, Broker Peter Bacanovic with Illegal Insider Trading
"SEC Charges Martha Stewart, Broker Peter Bacanovic with Illegal Insider Trading"

ImClone stock trading case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and U.S. Attorney probe of trading in the shares of ImClone Systems resulted in a widely publicized criminal case, which resulted in prison terms for media celebrity Martha Stewart, ImClone chief executive officer Samuel D. Waksal and Stewart's broker at Merrill Lynch, Peter Bacanovic.

The Charges
Against Martha Stewart:

False Statements guilty
False Statements guilty
Conspiracy guilty
Obstruction of Justice guilty

Against Peter Bacanovic:

False statements guilty
Making and using false documents not guilty
Conspiracy guilty
Perjury guilty
Obstruction of justice guilty

The conviction is a big win for the government, which had been accused by defense lawyers of overreaching in its attempt to prosecute a celebrity. Ms. Stewart's attorneys have long complained that Ms. Stewart was charged because of who she is, not what she did. They pointed out that Ms. Stewart wasn't charged criminally with an underlying crime, such as criminal insider trading. Instead, she was charged with lying about the reasons for her sale.

Martha Stewart Is Found Guilty of All Charges
Both cases are complicated, and as you're clearly not willing to discuss things honesty, I'll stop wasting my time with you.

Good luck convincing the law of your cause. Try to remember that judges have little patience with weasel acts.

Thanks for running away without showing Exxon committed a crime.
The smoking industry lied to people for decades that cigarettes weren't bad for you, and they finally were proven to be lying for profit and they paid the price.

Same thing here. Only this time human lives are being lost and many more will die so the execs at the oil companies need to be prosecuted.

Sorry Denier Cult members, you can only deny reality for so long. Your time is near an end.
The smoking industry lied to people for decades that cigarettes weren't bad for you, and they finally were proven to be lying for profit and they paid the price.

Same thing here. Only this time human lives are being lost and many more will die so the execs at the oil companies need to be prosecuted.

Sorry Denier Cult members, you can only deny reality for so long. Your time is near an end.
so curious, why were they obligated to tell the buyers they may be harmful. Is there a statute somewhere that claims they owed that to purchasers of their product? People still smoke today and there is a big ass warning label declaring harm, and yet folks suck that shit in packs at a day. Even folks who can't afford to buy them. Kids can't wait to get their tiny fingers on them. So again, what statute mandated they market death along with the product?
The smoking industry lied to people for decades that cigarettes weren't bad for you, and they finally were proven to be lying for profit and they paid the price.

Same thing here. Only this time human lives are being lost and many more will die so the execs at the oil companies need to be prosecuted.

Sorry Denier Cult members, you can only deny reality for so long. Your time is near an end.
so curious, why were they obligated to tell the buyers they may be harmful. Is there a statute somewhere that claims they owed that to purchasers of their product? People still smoke today and there is a big ass warning label declaring harm, and yet folks suck that shit in packs at a day. Even folks who can't afford to buy them. Kids can't wait to get their tiny fingers on them. So again, what statute mandated they market death along with the product?

Can a pharmaceutical company market something and say its good for you when it does harm and sometimes kills you? They do it all the time and then they are sued up the ass and fined up the colon by the government and they have to stop selling their crap.

The oil companies are engaged in intentional lying about Global Warming because it will cut into their profits. Their actions are causing death and sickness and they WILL pay the price for this. The clock is ticking.
The smoking industry lied to people for decades that cigarettes weren't bad for you, and they finally were proven to be lying for profit and they paid the price.

Same thing here. Only this time human lives are being lost and many more will die so the execs at the oil companies need to be prosecuted.

Sorry Denier Cult members, you can only deny reality for so long. Your time is near an end.
so curious, why were they obligated to tell the buyers they may be harmful. Is there a statute somewhere that claims they owed that to purchasers of their product? People still smoke today and there is a big ass warning label declaring harm, and yet folks suck that shit in packs at a day. Even folks who can't afford to buy them. Kids can't wait to get their tiny fingers on them. So again, what statute mandated they market death along with the product?

Can a pharmaceutical company market something and say its good for you when it does harm and sometimes kills you? They do it all the time and then they are sued up the ass and fined up the colon by the government and they have to stop selling their crap.

The oil companies are engaged in intentional lying about Global Warming because it will cut into their profits. Their actions are causing death and sickness and they WILL pay the price for this. The clock is ticking.
what is it the oil companies are intentionally lying about? that has been the question in here.
The smoking industry lied to people for decades that cigarettes weren't bad for you, and they finally were proven to be lying for profit and they paid the price.

Same thing here. Only this time human lives are being lost and many more will die so the execs at the oil companies need to be prosecuted.

Sorry Denier Cult members, you can only deny reality for so long. Your time is near an end.

Same thing here.

What did they lie about? What crime was committed?

Only this time human lives are being lost

Which lives were lost because of what crime?

Your time is near an end.

Our time for what? Near an end, why?
The denial of Global Warming and its affects. People in business lie, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little. Then they get caught and pay for their lies usually with large fines or settlements and sometimes with jail time.

The crimes being committed by the lying of the energy industry rise to the level of crimes against humanity.

What I don't get is they could be investing in technology that would capture most of the CO2 that results from burning their product, or investing in alternative energy sources and weening the population off of their product.

Their only action is to lie about the reality so they don't have to spend a dime. The day to pay for this greed is coming, as it does for all the scumbags of the human race that prey on the other humans for profit.
The denial of Global Warming and its affects. People in business lie, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little. Then they get caught and pay for their lies usually with large fines or settlements and sometimes with jail time.

The crimes being committed by the lying of the energy industry rise to the level of crimes against humanity.

What I don't get is they could be investing in technology that would capture most of the CO2 that results from burning their product, or investing in alternative energy sources and weening the population off of their product.

Their only action is to lie about the reality so they don't have to spend a dime. The day to pay for this greed is coming, as it does for all the scumbags of the human race that prey on the other humans for profit.

The denial of Global Warming and its affects.

Is that a crime? Can you post the law that applies?

The crimes being committed by the lying of the energy industry rise to the level of crimes against humanity.

duh.....this stuff is only going to happen where there is a large constituency of far left assholes. Because they can.

Shit will all end up in the courts for years and years and years......... :up:
The fix is in on both sides of the aisle.........sorry.........that's the way it is!! The banks own all the markets now and the GOP and the DUMS are in bed with the banks. Bush....Obama....Trump........Clinton.........who the hell ever. And nobody is going to fuck with it either. Because that's the way it is...........:bye1:

f'ing duh
Bring it on you envirowackos... discovery is going to be real interesting.. Hope they have their scientists in their paid for pockets.

These AG's are doing the Commie shuffle and they are going to get smashed in court..
Amazing. Exxon says in their own documents that they lied, and the kooks are still actually trying to deny Exxon lied.

For legal purposes, it doesn't even matter whether global warming is real. Exxon, as shown by their own documents, thought it was real, and then deliberately lied about it. Intent is what matters. That's what gets the denier kooks here off the hook; most of them are so stupid, they think they're telling the truth.

It's the same things that got Martha Stewart. She didn't actually engage in stock fraud, but her own words revealed that she thought she was engaging in fraud, hence it was a crime.
We can only hope. They will probably find some old, obscure law still on the books to make it stick, unfortunately. Or the harassment alone will bring them financial grief in some way.
Any legal action they take against people for their beliefs will back fire on them and cost them their jobs.

Racketeer, Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). Worked for the tobacco industry lying about cancer. It'll work just fine for Exxon/Mobil lying about AGW.
Bring it on you envirowackos... discovery is going to be real interesting.. Hope they have their scientists in their paid for pockets.

Who's you're side bringing? Willie Soon? Mainstream science has all of fucking mainstream science and AR1-5. You dimwits are the carney freak show.

These AG's are doing the Commie shuffle and they are going to get smashed in court..

Just like RJ Reynolds, Phillip Morris, Brown & Williamson and Lorillard (>$206 billion over 25 years)? Like Kitzmiller v Dover School Board (ID ripped out in public for all to see)? This'll be fun.

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