Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’

Exxon, in their own documents, said they knew global warming was real. And then they deliberately lied about it, to increase their own profits. That's racketeering, and it's illegal.

Prove Exxon has anything to do with global warming, Jim Jones. Oh yeah, you can't. Guess this discussion is already over.
Exxon and all of us that use their product have everything to do with global warming. The discussion has just began, and will be driven by events like the recent floods in the southeast and Texas, the forest fires in the West, and the rapid swings in the mid-west and northeast between near record cold and heat.
We can only hope. They will probably find some old, obscure law still on the books to make it stick, unfortunately. Or the harassment alone will bring them financial grief in some way.
Any legal action they take against people for their beliefs will back fire on them and cost them their jobs.

Racketeer, Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). Worked for the tobacco industry lying about cancer. It'll work just fine for Exxon/Mobil lying about AGW.

Racketeer, Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

All you need is an underlying criminal act. So what was it?

RICO predicate offenses[edit]
Under the law, the meaning of racketeering activity is set out at 18 U.S.C. § 1961. As currently amended it includes:

Pattern of racketeering activity requires at least two acts of racketeering activity, one of which occurred after the effective date of this chapter and the last of which occurred within ten years (excluding any period of imprisonment) after the commission of a prior act of racketeering activity. The U.S. Supreme Court has instructed federal courts to follow the continuity-plus-relationship test in order to determine whether the facts of a specific case give rise to an established pattern. Predicate acts are related if they "have the same or similar purposes, results, participants, victims, or methods of commission, or otherwise are interrelated by distinguishing characteristics and are not isolated events." (H.J. Inc. v. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co.) Continuity is both a closed and open ended concept, referring to either a closed period of conduct, or to past conduct that by its nature projects into the future with a threat of repetition.

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Exxon, in their own documents, said they knew global warming was real. And then they deliberately lied about it, to increase their own profits. That's racketeering, and it's illegal.

Prove Exxon has anything to do with global warming, Jim Jones. Oh yeah, you can't. Guess this discussion is already over.
Exxon and all of us that use their product have everything to do with global warming. The discussion has just began, and will be driven by events like the recent floods in the southeast and Texas, the forest fires in the West, and the rapid swings in the mid-west and northeast between near record cold and heat.

and will be driven by events like the recent floods in the southeast and Texas, the forest fires in the West, and the rapid swings in the mid-west and northeast between near record cold and heat.

Yeah, because those things clearly never happened before Exxon. Durr.
It's not their production of fuels. That was certainly innocently begun. It was their conscious choice to lie to and deceive the public.
It's not their production of fuels. That was certainly innocently begun. It was their conscious choice to lie to and deceive the public.

If only they had told the truth, we'd all be driving windmill powered cars today. Cars that fly.

It's rather trivial. Fossil fuel burning causes global warming. Nobody disputes that. And Exxon is in the fossil fuel business. Hence, Exxon is linked to global warming.

Got any actual observed, measured evidence to support that claim to point out an actual observed and measured and quantified human fingerprint in the climate? Of course, you can't but I am anxiously awaiting your excuse for not having any actual evidence to support your claim.
Both cases are complicated, and as you're clearly not willing to discuss things honesty, I'll stop wasting my time with you.

Good luck convincing the law of your cause. Try to remember that judges have little patience with weasel acts.

So what you are saying is that you can't actually say what exxon supposedly did that was just believe that they did something like you believe that CO2 causes global warming. Got it.
lovely, SAY you believe or you be facing a HUGE FINE. thankfully it's only Seventeen states most of them BLUE. pay up suckers and say goodbye to jobs for your states

Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers
The Inquisition is back.
Mark Tapson

A group of 15 state attorneys general (California, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Virginia, Vermont, and Washington State) and the attorneys general of the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands are calling themselves “AGs United for Clean Power.” All but one are Democrats, the lone exception being an independent, the AG for the Virgin Islands.

At a press conference on March 29, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said “The bottom line is simple: Climate change is real,” and he and the coalition will pursue "to the fullest extent of the law” any companies committing fraud by “lying” about it.
As The Daily Signal notes,

all of it here:
Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’
Is that like the inquisition against Hillary Clinton?
The denial of Global Warming and its affects. People in business lie, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little. Then they get caught and pay for their lies usually with large fines or settlements and sometimes with jail time.

Got any actual observed, measured, and quantified evidence that CO2 causes warming? Thought not. Know why? Because it doesn't exist....There isn't the first bit of observed, measured evidence to support even the most basic tenet of the AGW hypothesis...crick already proved as much.
We can only hope. They will probably find some old, obscure law still on the books to make it stick, unfortunately. Or the harassment alone will bring them financial grief in some way.
Any legal action they take against people for their beliefs will back fire on them and cost them their jobs.

Racketeer, Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). Worked for the tobacco industry lying about cancer. It'll work just fine for Exxon/Mobil lying about AGW.

The only people lying about AGW are the people claiming that AGW exists....The thing about the law and courts is that you must provide proof to support your you actually believe that there is proof of AGW beyond a reasonable doubt when no actual observed, measured, quantified evidence exists to support the claim that it is real?
lovely, SAY you believe or you be facing a HUGE FINE. thankfully it's only Seventeen states most of them BLUE. pay up suckers and say goodbye to jobs for your states

Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers
The Inquisition is back.
Mark Tapson

A group of 15 state attorneys general (California, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Virginia, Vermont, and Washington State) and the attorneys general of the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands are calling themselves “AGs United for Clean Power.” All but one are Democrats, the lone exception being an independent, the AG for the Virgin Islands.

At a press conference on March 29, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said “The bottom line is simple: Climate change is real,” and he and the coalition will pursue "to the fullest extent of the law” any companies committing fraud by “lying” about it.
As The Daily Signal notes,

all of it here:
Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’
Is that like the inquisition against Hillary Clinton?

Hillary is actually a criminal...
It is so comical. Denier Cultists devolve every single thread into 'show me this' blah blah.

10,000 PH.D's and 195 nations confirm Global Warming. The entire human race against you.

Hmm, who could possibly be right. There is no argument. You are like the handful of people that don't believe we actually landed on the moon. "Where's the proof". They use the same lame bullshit.
Amazing. Exxon says in their own documents that they lied, and the kooks are still actually trying to deny Exxon lied.

For legal purposes, it doesn't even matter whether global warming is real. Exxon, as shown by their own documents, thought it was real, and then deliberately lied about it. Intent is what matters. That's what gets the denier kooks here off the hook; most of them are so stupid, they think they're telling the truth.

It's the same things that got Martha Stewart. She didn't actually engage in stock fraud, but her own words revealed that she thought she was engaging in fraud, hence it was a crime.
what is it they lied about? I'm sorry, I didn't quite see that mentioned.
It is so comical. Denier Cultists devolve every single thread into 'show me this' blah blah.

10,000 PH.D's and 195 nations confirm Global Warming. The entire human race against you.

Hmm, who could possibly be right. There is no argument. You are like the handful of people that don't believe we actually landed on the moon. "Where's the proof". They use the same lame bullshit.
Bring it on you envirowackos... discovery is going to be real interesting.. Hope they have their scientists in their paid for pockets.

Who's you're side bringing? Willie Soon? Mainstream science has all of fucking mainstream science and AR1-5. You dimwits are the carney freak show.

These AG's are doing the Commie shuffle and they are going to get smashed in court..

Just like RJ Reynolds, Phillip Morris, Brown & Williamson and Lorillard (>$206 billion over 25 years)? Like Kitzmiller v Dover School Board (ID ripped out in public for all to see)? This'll be fun.
so dude, you still haven't posted exactly what it is exxon did.
lovely, SAY you believe or you be facing a HUGE FINE. thankfully it's only Seventeen states most of them BLUE. pay up suckers and say goodbye to jobs for your states

Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers
The Inquisition is back.
Mark Tapson

A group of 15 state attorneys general (California, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Virginia, Vermont, and Washington State) and the attorneys general of the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands are calling themselves “AGs United for Clean Power.” All but one are Democrats, the lone exception being an independent, the AG for the Virgin Islands.

At a press conference on March 29, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said “The bottom line is simple: Climate change is real,” and he and the coalition will pursue "to the fullest extent of the law” any companies committing fraud by “lying” about it.
As The Daily Signal notes,

all of it here:
Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’
Is that like the inquisition against Hillary Clinton?
well we know her crimes. That is all public, illegal email server, FACT, killed four americans in Benghazi, FACT.

Ok, your turn, now post up what exxon did that was illegal.
Bring it on you envirowackos... discovery is going to be real interesting.. Hope they have their scientists in their paid for pockets.

Who's you're side bringing? Willie Soon? Mainstream science has all of fucking mainstream science and AR1-5. You dimwits are the carney freak show.

These AG's are doing the Commie shuffle and they are going to get smashed in court..

Just like RJ Reynolds, Phillip Morris, Brown & Williamson and Lorillard (>$206 billion over 25 years)? Like Kitzmiller v Dover School Board (ID ripped out in public for all to see)? This'll be fun.

Your consensus science is nothing but HEARSAY. Hearsay evidence is not admissible in any court... Its going to be fun having you all bring out all of your scientific evidence, math, methods and have them out for all to see.. Its not going to end well for you..
Hearsay? What a fucking maroon. You have no education, do you. 2-year degree in criminology?

Do you actually believe you're line of crap? I always thought you were a little smarter than that. It doesn't actually take much to realize mainstream science has a wee edge on the 11 whack jobs you've been pushing.
It is so comical. Denier Cultists devolve every single thread into 'show me this' blah blah.

Such is the nature of can either show a thing to be true or you can not...clearly you can not.

10,000 PH.D's and 195 nations confirm Global Warming. The entire human race against you.

Confirmed? Confirm is one of those words that actually has a meaning....confirmed is defined as to establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of; corroborate; verify...So us skeptics are asking for you to show us the actual observed, measured, quantified confirmation that AGW exists....if 10,000 phD's have confirmed AGW, there surely must be some observed, measured, quantified proof....where is it? You can't produce it..none of your warmer wacko buds can produce it. Do you think those 10,000 phD's are keeping it secret? Where is the evidence by which they confirmed the existence of AGW? Either you can produce it or you can't...if you can't, then to prove that you are a thinking person, you should be asking why you can't show it.

Hmm, who could possibly be right. There is no argument. You are like the handful of people that don't believe we actually landed on the moon. "Where's the proof". They use the same lame bullshit.

Hmmmm...why, if there are 10,000 phD's confirming the existence of AGW, can you not provide even one bit of observed, measured, quantified proof that it exists? That being the fact of the matter, there clearly is an argument....simply claiming that X number of somebody says that a thing is true is the lamest of all arguments. A couple of years ago, you could have found the better part of a million medical doctors who would have confirmed that stomach ulcers were caused by stress...there was no proof of the claim, but they would have still confirmed it...alas, however, they were science and the consensus so often are.
Hearsay? What a fucking maroon. You have no education, do you. 2-year degree in criminology?

Do you actually believe you're line of crap? I always thought you were a little smarter than that. It doesn't actually take much to realize mainstream science has a wee edge on the 11 whack jobs you've been pushing.

And still not the first shred of actual observed, measured, quantified, eye witness evidence that could prove the existence of AGW beyond a shadow of a doubt....not the first f'ing shred.

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