Democrat brags:By 2024 Dems will win Texas, Arizona & Florida. A big blue wall of 78 electoral votes

Two Mexican allies of the democrats were just caught with enough drugs to kill everyone in New York and New Jersey. So, they might be right.
President Trump is the last Republican president, unless we do something about it!

Julián Castro on Twitter

Texas is a Minority-Majority and Democrats still have a hard time...

So who knows but I doubt they ( Democrats ) realize Texas is not a State for West Coast Liberals...

Many West Coast Liberals have moved to Texas
Combined with an increasing minority base, it is turning Texas more blue
Its urban areas are already blue

Yep. They made California into a Third World Shithole they don't want to live in, and now move to a nice state, one inhabited and run by republicans and thus quite nice.

And immediately start turning it into the type of place they just ran from.

What happens when you liberals destroy the last of the nice republican places and then have no where else to run?
Ever been to California or just read about it on Conservative propaganda blogs?

Standard lib tactic.

Claim that someone can only discuss something they have PERSONALLY experienced or observed.

Of course, in a minute or two, in another thread, RW will have no problem spouting off about topics he has no personal knowledge of, without a hint of irony.

Your absurd tactic is dismisses as the moronic garbage it is.

If you have a point to make, that challenges my point about the "West Coast liberals" that you pointed out are moving from the West Coast, to Texas,

then stop fucking around and make it.

Or admit that you can't and that my point is correct.

If you can't do either of them, save your bullshit games for someone that is not on to them.

My point stands,

Yep. They made California into a Third World Shithole they don't want to live in, and now move to a nice state, one inhabited and run by republicans and thus quite nice.

And immediately start turning it into the type of place they just ran from.

What happens when you liberals destroy the last of the nice republican places and then have no where else to run?
President Trump is the last Republican president, unless we do something about it!

Julián Castro on Twitter

Texas is a Minority-Majority and Democrats still have a hard time...

So who knows but I doubt they ( Democrats ) realize Texas is not a State for West Coast Liberals...

Many West Coast Liberals have moved to Texas
Combined with an increasing minority base, it is turning Texas more blue
Its urban areas are already blue

Yep. They made California into a Third World Shithole they don't want to live in, and now move to a nice state, one inhabited and run by republicans and thus quite nice.

And immediately start turning it into the type of place they just ran from.

What happens when you liberals destroy the last of the nice republican places and then have no where else to run?
Ever been to California or just read about it on Conservative propaganda blogs?

Standard lib tactic.

Claim that someone can only discuss something they have PERSONALLY experienced or observed.

Of course, in a minute or two, in another thread, RW will have no problem spouting off about topics he has no personal knowledge of, without a hint of irony.

Your absurd tactic is dismisses as the moronic garbage it is.

If you have a point to make, that challenges my point about the "West Coast liberals" that you pointed out are moving from the West Coast, to Texas,

then stop fucking around and make it.

Or admit that you can't and that my point is correct.

If you can't do either of them, save your bullshit games for someone that is not on to them.

My point stands,

Yep. They made California into a Third World Shithole they don't want to live in, and now move to a nice state, one inhabited and run by republicans and thus quite nice.

And immediately start turning it into the type of place they just ran from.

What happens when you liberals destroy the last of the nice republican places and then have no where else to run?

2018 will be an interesting election year.....a precursor to 2020

Arizona will be interesting. Trump took Arizona by 3% so it could easily go blue
Looks like Arizona may have two open Senate seats if McCain retires or dies. If Republicans run candidates like Sheriff Joe or Kelli Ward....Dems could take both (think Roy Moore)

I can't see Ted Cruz losing in Texas. But he won by 13% in 2012 and O'Rourke may cut that margin in half (Trump won by 9%)
Still a long time before Texas will turn blue. But it is in play

Importing Third World Voters is working for you dems. Great plan.

Soon, your dream of permanently marginalizing whites will be a reality.

Do you still think they will just lie down and take it?

Rhetorical question. I know you don't.

But you still want it, even though you know it will tear this nation apart.

All voters are US citizens
By definition, not third world

They might have legal US citizens ship, but their culture, beliefs, society, heart and this is what you love about them, THEIR POLITICS, are still the same Third World Politics,

that lead them to want socialism, such as you push,

and to fall for the race baiting and marxist class warfare crap you people love.

You know that, that is why you want more of them.

THus my point is valid.

So much so that you are afraid to address it.

Importing Third World Voters is working for you dems. Great plan.

Soon, your dream of permanently marginalizing whites will be a reality.

Do you still think they will just lie down and take it?

Rhetorical question. I know you don't.

But you still want it, even though you know it will tear this nation apart.
That sounds like the stupid Moon Bats claiming they were going to take Texas, Florida, Georgia and both the Carolinas in 2016.

Moon Bats hardly ever get anything right.

They are resisting immigration because without importing more welfare queens for shithole countries they do not have a future voting base.
Republicans are damned if they do, damned if they don't with the growing Hispanic vote

Restrict Hispanic immigration and deport Dreamers and there will be fewer Hispanics to eventually vote Democratic

You also piss off current Hispanics who will now, never vote Republican

You're making the mistake of thinking legal immigrants want illegals to compete with.
2018 will be an interesting election year.....a precursor to 2020

Arizona will be interesting. Trump took Arizona by 3% so it could easily go blue
Looks like Arizona may have two open Senate seats if McCain retires or dies. If Republicans run candidates like Sheriff Joe or Kelli Ward....Dems could take both (think Roy Moore)

I can't see Ted Cruz losing in Texas. But he won by 13% in 2012 and O'Rourke may cut that margin in half (Trump won by 9%)
Still a long time before Texas will turn blue. But it is in play

Importing Third World Voters is working for you dems. Great plan.

Soon, your dream of permanently marginalizing whites will be a reality.

Do you still think they will just lie down and take it?

Rhetorical question. I know you don't.

But you still want it, even though you know it will tear this nation apart.

All voters are US citizens
By definition, not third world

They might have legal US citizens ship, but their culture, beliefs, society, heart and this is what you love about them, THEIR POLITICS, are still the same Third World Politics,

that lead them to want socialism, such as you push,

and to fall for the race baiting and marxist class warfare crap you people love.

You know that, that is why you want more of them.

THus my point is valid.

So much so that you are afraid to address it.

Importing Third World Voters is working for you dems. Great plan.

Soon, your dream of permanently marginalizing whites will be a reality.

Do you still think they will just lie down and take it?

Rhetorical question. I know you don't.

But you still want it, even though you know it will tear this nation apart.

Republicans are damned if they do, damned if they don't with the growing Hispanic vote

Restrict Hispanic immigration and deport Dreamers and there will be fewer Hispanics to eventually vote Democratic

You also piss off current Hispanics who will now, never vote Republican

You're making the mistake of thinking legal immigrants want illegals to compete with.

I think they want a level of respect that they don't get from Republicans
Republicans are damned if they do, damned if they don't with the growing Hispanic vote

Restrict Hispanic immigration and deport Dreamers and there will be fewer Hispanics to eventually vote Democratic

You also piss off current Hispanics who will now, never vote Republican

You're making the mistake of thinking legal immigrants want illegals to compete with.

I think they want a level of respect that they don't get from Republicans

They'll vote with their wallets.
This country's demographics are changing, fairly rapidly.

Meanwhile, conservatives are doing nothing but showing anger, denial and contempt.

That's one mysterious strategy they've got there.
Republicans are damned if they do, damned if they don't with the growing Hispanic vote

Restrict Hispanic immigration and deport Dreamers and there will be fewer Hispanics to eventually vote Democratic

You also piss off current Hispanics who will now, never vote Republican

You're making the mistake of thinking legal immigrants want illegals to compete with.

I think they want a level of respect that they don't get from Republicans

They'll vote with their wallets.

They do

That is why two thirds of Hispanics will not vote Republican
President Trump is the last Republican president, unless we do something about it!

Julián Castro on Twitter

Texas is a Minority-Majority and Democrats still have a hard time...

So who knows but I doubt they ( Democrats ) realize Texas is not a State for West Coast Liberals...

Many West Coast Liberals have moved to Texas
Combined with an increasing minority base, it is turning Texas more blue
Its urban areas are already blue

There hasn't been a Conservative mayor in Houston since 1982.
And the suburbs are consistently red as are the rural areas.
Nothing has changed.
This country's demographics are changing, fairly rapidly.

Meanwhile, conservatives are doing nothing but showing anger, denial and contempt.

That's one mysterious strategy they've got there.

There is nothing we can do about it.

We've tried just about every type of policy to break the demographic voting patterns and have met with nothing but, at best, mitigated failure.

Do you think that if Trump's polices continue to benefits blacks economically, as we have seen happening,

that it will matter for the Black VOte?
Republicans are damned if they do, damned if they don't with the growing Hispanic vote

Restrict Hispanic immigration and deport Dreamers and there will be fewer Hispanics to eventually vote Democratic

You also piss off current Hispanics who will now, never vote Republican

You're making the mistake of thinking legal immigrants want illegals to compete with.

I think they want a level of respect that they don't get from Republicans

They'll vote with their wallets.

They do

That is why two thirds of Hispanics will not vote Republican

None of the educated legal immigrants or second gen immigrants I know vote dem.
Do you think that if Trump's polices continue to benefits blacks economically, as we have seen happening, that it will matter for the Black VOte?
I doubt it. The Democrats have won the PR battle for minorities, and the GOP has declined to participate.

That's their choice, of course, but they have to know what's coming.
Republicans are damned if they do, damned if they don't with the growing Hispanic vote

Restrict Hispanic immigration and deport Dreamers and there will be fewer Hispanics to eventually vote Democratic

You also piss off current Hispanics who will now, never vote Republican

You're making the mistake of thinking legal immigrants want illegals to compete with.

I think they want a level of respect that they don't get from Republicans

They'll vote with their wallets.

They do

That is why two thirds of Hispanics will not vote Republican

It is because of your constant race baiting.

Demagoguery gets results. That is why you do it.

It is a good plan.

As long as you don't mind spreading fear and hate among your fellow citizens, destroying any sense of national unity and turning people against one another.

Which, you obviously don't. Mind that is.

SO, Good for you.

Bad for the nation.
Do you think that if Trump's polices continue to benefits blacks economically, as we have seen happening, that it will matter for the Black VOte?
I doubt it. The Democrats have won the PR battle for minorities, and the GOP has declined to participate.

That's their choice, of course, but they have to know what's coming.

You don't remember McCain being in favor of Amnesty?

Who do you think that was an Appeal to?

How did that work out for him?
Do you think that if Trump's polices continue to benefits blacks economically, as we have seen happening, that it will matter for the Black VOte?
I doubt it. The Democrats have won the PR battle for minorities, and the GOP has declined to participate.

That's their choice, of course, but they have to know what's coming.

You don't remember McCain being in favor of Amnesty?

Who do you think that was an Appeal to?

How did that work out for him?
That's all fine. But there's a lot more to it than that.

Many minorities don't vote Dem because they like Democrats. They do so because they don't like Republicans.

And it's not just the media. Minorities are not blind.
The Dems bought Hillary 3 million "popular" illegal votes last election.

An Illegal immigrant woman who lives nearby (and cannot even say "hello" in English) proudly showed me a picture of an illegitimate child just born by her illegal immigrant daughter who doesn't work....but gets welfare and housing plus medical care at US taxpayer expense.

With a big grin on her face she PROUDLY pointed at the child and said "Gringo"

True story.
President Trump is the last Republican president, unless we do something about it!

Julián Castro on Twitter

Texas is a Minority-Majority and Democrats still have a hard time...

So who knows but I doubt they ( Democrats ) realize Texas is not a State for West Coast Liberals...

Many West Coast Liberals have moved to Texas
Combined with an increasing minority base, it is turning Texas more blue
Its urban areas are already blue

There hasn't been a Conservative mayor in Houston since 1982.
And the suburbs are consistently red as are the rural areas.
Nothing has changed.

Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio
All blue

The suburbs are the new battlegrounds
Texas is not as solidly red as it was when Bush was President

The Hispanic population is approaching 50%
Have to see how that impacts Texas

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