Democrat Cheating Begins: Pennsylvania Democrat Officials Mailed Out 240,000 Ballots to Unverified Voters! …UPDATE: Now at 255,000 Unverified Voters!

Read your own biased link. It says that election officials testified in September that IDs need to be verified when ballots are counted… not when they are sent to registered voters.

Seems you’re late to the dance. Sept would have been the time to make your case.


This process is fundamentally insecure.
Trump was Borders, Language and Culture. That was real. And inclusion to those who would assimilate into that.
He made up the border crisis at a time when border crossings were are a 40 year low to gin up more hatred for his campaign in 2016.
These are votes from the voter rolls. These are eligible voters who have not voted or have moved or are dead.
Democrats are nothing but a band of criminals. They have no ethics or moral values.

They have to be eliminated/removed from society
There is no legitimate place for them in the USA.
Trump has NO culture.
Hillary is an Uncle Tom. A useless person who has lived off of everyone in her life. Obama the same and Biden who is in a league by himself. American culture is we all assimilate to improve us all. Diversity has ended that for a percentage.
He made up the border crisis at a time when border crossings were are a 40 year low to gin up more hatred for his campaign in 2016.
The immigrants coming in are voting Progs. We have elections with more Prog and only the Electoral College kept the evil from fast passing the whole system. It will probably happen. But there will be no caravans heading to anywhere else on this planet.
After what you just said about the border? You lose.
Border crossings were at a 40 year low when your Golden God Boy descended the escalator. Hatred is what bonds the fascist of Trumpybears Neo-GOP together. He and his compliant media over at 'Faux-n-Frauds' tee'd up that hatred for his followers to take a swing at with their best driver.
What was he asking then? And why did he call him at all, that alone is interfering he should not having been doing.

How the hell do you FIND VOTES? When everything has been counted and RECOUNTED and canvassed and certified as accurate ALREADY?

PLEASE, spare us your nonsensical excuses for Crooked Donald! Seriously!
why do you care? you'll reject anything we say right? it's pointless to discuss trump with TDSers.

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