Democrat Congressman Jamaal Bowman Caught ILLEGALLY Pulling Fire Alarm at Capitol Ahead of Continuing Resolution Vote

More explanation, what way did pulling a fire alarm in an office building try to overturn the current government?

Obstruction of congress is a felony. Did you know people went to jail for that crime?
You cannot arrest a Congressman if the House and Senate are in session. That would prevent him from participating.
1. A Congress member is exempted from arrest while attending a session of the body to which the member belongs, excluding an arrest for treason, breach of the peace, or a felony

1. A Congress member is exempted from arrest while attending a session of the body to which the member belongs, excluding an arrest for treason, breach of the peace, or a felony

Let me know when he is arrested for any of those crimes.
C’mon’ Jamal. What are you, 12 years old?

It’s clear the Dems/ Marxists want to sabotage efforts by the Republicans to hold the tax and spend Dems accountable, but this really should be an offense that gets this loser arrested.

He's an insurrectionist undermining our republic process. Obstructing our political process.

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