democrat-controlled media focus on Trump to avoid facing this administration's failures (Ingraham)


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

There's a lot to be distracted from: destruction of the economy, corruption in foreign countries (Ukraine needs help from the US because the US "president" and/or his son allegedly made $$ off that country corruptly)

So it's the same old Go-to: Hey, let's focus on [who else?] TRUMP

But the focused a lot on Trump before 2016, didn't they?
Ingraham is the best commentator on cable news IMO

Hannity is up there with her. Watters is good also

Its not just the lib media

Libs on this forum are giddy with joy to the exclusion of everything else
All of America looks at this: their joy in doing evil

And we will vote accordingly

Those pervs' minds are so darkened, they can't even see the logic of what it means to get people to vote for them (other than through lying their asses off). I guess it's possible they're going to steal it again?

if we let them, I guess we deserve it

They're so easily amused.

I could be wrong but I've seen things happen that make me think God is intervening quite a bit.

I thought it was funny how the left went (more nuts than usual) when Trump had the chance to get a justice on SCOTUS, after Gorsuch.

The left had fought like crazy to get Bork out of the nomination process, and succeeded, only to have Kennedy put on the Court, but he then retired!

Hello, Kavanaugh!

yay, Trump!

I could give other examples of how their devious plans often backfire
I could be wrong but I've seen things happen that make me think God is intervening quite a bit.

I thought it was funny how the left went (more nuts than usual) when Trump had the chance to get a justice on SCOTUS, after Gorsuch.

The left had fought like crazy to get Bork out of the nomination process, and succeeded, only to have Kennedy put on the Court, but he then retired!

Hello, Kavanaugh!

yay, Trump!

I could give other examples of how their devious plans often backfire

I agree with you.

Look at the timing of all this theater.


I agree with you.

Look at the timing of all this theater.

There was another interesting story about how God may be helping us, but I can't remember it. There are probably hundreds, if not thousands. Sometimes you get weary just seeing all the times when it doesn't exactly look like He is paying attention (much less helping)

maybe I am a pessimist... no maybe to it ... sigh

There was another interesting story about how God may be helping us, but I can't remember it. There are probably hundreds, if not thousands. Sometimes you get weary just seeing all the times when it doesn't exactly look like He is paying attention (much less helping)

maybe I am a pessimist... no maybe to it ... sigh


I see a huge positive in the last two years in that a LOT more people have now seen the true nature of the left, and I personally had to see it to believe that the father of lies is very real. And everything extrapolates from there. How many more are there like me?

Distraction is only part of it. Alvin Fagg is going to be a leftist folk hero now for going after Trump (forgetting disregarding the fact that the charges are bogus, illegitimate, and illegal). He did it for fame and his financial future. The left does not care if Trump is actually convicted. All they need is the indictment as a talking point, a drawn out court proceeding to legitimate their fake narrative and to reinvigorate and capitalize the leftist sleaze news and propaganda media. When Fagg loses they will blame the judge, systemic racism, or some other stupid shit. This is all theater.
Distraction is only part of it. Alvin Fagg is going to be a leftist folk hero now for going after Trump (forgetting disregarding the fact that the charges are bogus, illegitimate, and illegal). He did it for fame and his financial future. The left does not care if Trump is actually convicted. All they need is the indictment as a talking point, a drawn out court proceeding to legitimate their fake narrative and to reinvigorate and capitalize the leftist sleaze news and propaganda media. When Fagg loses they will blame the judge, systemic racism, or some other stupid shit. This is all theater.

Lots of leftist losers have a pathological need to be seen as heroes, without ever putting out the effort it takes to do anything heroic.

I mean, they see the men who dress up as women and molest children as COURAGEOUS!


I see a huge positive in the last two years in that a LOT more people have now seen the true nature of the left, and I personally had to see it to believe that the father of lies is very real. And everything extrapolates from there. How many more are there like me?

Were you ever a dim?

In my very young years I "liked" Carter, but i can't say I knew much about him, certainly didn't foresee him ditching the pro life message/cause! :mad:

I've accumulated far too much information to ever even think of voting for a RINO much less a dimrat. You can probably say the same?

Anyway, we should all collect stories that seem to indicate God is helping us big time... which maybe He is and we just can't absorb it all.... I mean, I wish I could watch news and read books all day long but I can't...

Distraction is only part of it. Alvin Fagg is going to be a leftist folk hero now for going after Trump (forgetting disregarding the fact that the charges are bogus, illegitimate, and illegal). He did it for fame and his financial future. The left does not care if Trump is actually convicted. All they need is the indictment as a talking point, a drawn out court proceeding to legitimate their fake narrative and to reinvigorate and capitalize the leftist sleaze news and propaganda media. When Fagg loses they will blame the judge, systemic racism, or some other stupid shit. This is all theater.
and on top of all that, Fagg lets actual, VIOLENT criminals out of jail, some don't have to give bond at all....

But non-violent "offenders" like Trump are worse, dontcha know, than child molesters and car thieves
You guys got a link to all this stuff you're saying or maybe it's stuff you heard at the gin mill maybe?
Were you ever a dim?

In my very young years I "liked" Carter, but i can't say I knew much about him, certainly didn't foresee him ditching the pro life message/cause! :mad:

I've accumulated far too much information to ever even think of voting for a RINO much less a dimrat. You can probably say the same?

Anyway, we should all collect stories that seem to indicate God is helping us big time... which maybe He is and we just can't absorb it all.... I mean, I wish I could watch news and read books all day long but I can't...


Yes, I was a liberal democrat until I was awakened in about 2006, thank God.

You guys got a link to all this stuff you're saying or maybe it's stuff you heard at the gin mill maybe?
A CNN sock is

a sock that is full of holes

and the odor is horrific

and the message on the outside says:


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