Democrat Event Cancelled because of LOW ticket sales

It's not slander at all. Go to the US Communist Party website and read their agendas. Then compare them to the Democrat agendas. You'll see very few differences.
Why don't you post them, the Communist agenda and the Democrat agenda.
It's easy to turn it around if they weren't so stubborn. All they have to do is put in Trump's polices. The problem is when Dementia got in, he reversed all of Trump's policies. Put them back in place and we would have a rebound.
What were Trump's policies?
Why don't you post them, the Communist agenda and the Democrat agenda.

This is just some of them, but once on the site, you can find out more depending on what agenda you're interested in.

What were Trump's policies?

Pro-energy whereas Dementia is anti-energy, stay in Mexico policy which made people wanting to make an asylum claim to wait in Mexico for their court date instead of allowing them into the country to fill out an application, then they disappear never to be seen again. In fact Trump changed the asylum application process to apply at the US embassy in your own country. Plus, if you were offered asylum by any other country on the way to the US and you refused it, that was automatic disqualification for US asylum. Trump told the Mexican government they will lose all US aid if they didn't stop people crossing their country to get to ours. Mexico sent their military to their other borders to do just that. It was why you didn't see caravans of immigrants coming here like you do today.

Trump refused to sign the pork bill before he left office. That's the same bill Dementia signed that paid people more to stay home than work. That of course led to the labor shortage thus the supply chain shortage. When employers have to compete against government and their competitors for labor, the only possible way to do that is increase their offers. They make up those losses by increasing the price of their products or services. When you pay more for goods and services, that's the definition of inflation. Then add in doubling the cost of our fuel. Transportation companies have to charge more for deliveries. What were your heat bills this like last winter? Now imagine what it costs a company to have an industry that holds about 150 employees.

So you add up much higher pay for employees, much higher utility costs to operate your business, higher transportation costs to get your material to make your product, much higher transportation costs to ship your goods to the warehouses, out of control government spending, and now you're looking at the highest inflation rate in 40 years.

These are just a few of the main points that are causing problems that never would have happened under Trump. Putin would have never invaded Ukraine under Trump because he was way to unpredictable. When Russia seen how we left Afghanistan with our tail between our legs, he knew it was perfect timing to invade Ukraine because we would do nothing about it.

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