Democrat Focus Group Doesnt Care About Impeachment

With all due respect, Jack...who on the Democratic side has been talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Democratic leadership is focused on impeachment and have been for quite some time even though it's a loser and always has been. The voters are smart enough to grasp that fact...Democratic leaders don't seem to be!

Then you might not have been paying attention to the fact that the Democrat House members could walk and chew gum at the same time...however, in true obstructionist form, those bills are sitting on Mitch's desk. Link included just for information. I don't give a rat's patootie if people don't like the source.
House Democrats have passed nearly 400 bills. Trump and Republicans are ignoring them.

You can cross reference those on the above link list with what has actually been brought to the Senate and then sent on to be signed by You-Know-who.
Bills and Resolutions --

With all due respect AGAIN, Jack...I didn't ask who on the Democratic side has been passing bills...the House has been pumping out pipe dream legislation for the past three years...what I asked was who on that side of the aisle is talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff aren't! They're so all in on trying to impeach Trump that they spend most of their time trying to figure out some way to make that happen...which is itself a pipe dream because the GOP controlled Senate isn't going to impeach a Republican President on the nonsense that they'd TRIED to impeach him on! This "diversion" is self inflicted. It isn't the GOP that's got your leaders running in circles chasing their tails...that's the far left wing of the Democratic Party which has become the proverbial "tail wagging the dog"!

You're too focused on impeachment. It's got the bullhorn right now. Look at any of the Democratic candidates for President and you'll have your answer about who's talking about issues. And I'm sorry, the legislation put forth by House Democrats DOES speak to them addressing issues. The Republican controlled Senate's inaction on these bills speaks even louder.

Impeachment is about holding the President accountable for his abuse of power. I can guarantee you if this were a Democrat as President, we'd be in exactly the same situation...and you'd even have my support for removal if this was the level of evidence provided. No one is under any illusion that the Senate will vote to remove Trump. But if this kind of behavior is allowed to stand, you may as well tear up the rule book..because there won't be any rules.

You mean if Barack Obama abused his power you'd call for his impeachment? Like if he used the IRS against his political opposition? Or if he used the FBI to spy on his political opposition? Those kinds of abuse of power? The kind that Richard Nixon could have only DREAMED of but never came close to achieving?

To be quite blunt, Jack...I think you're full of shit! You looked the other way when Barack Obama was abusing his power but now it's suddenly become a matter of "national crisis" because Donald Trump asked someone to look into the Biden family's sleazy dealings?

Spare me your breathless hysteria about someone tearing up the rules! You don't even seem to understand what it is that Barack Obama DID when he was in power. It was a hell of a lot more insidious than anything Trump has done and you were perfectly OK with it!
Nixon only THOUGHT of doing what Obama actually did, and they pretend his administration was scandal free
Nixon actually approached the Commissioner of the IRS and tried to get him to use the IRS against people on his enemies list and the Commissioner refused. THAT was the final straw and what sent GOP leaders to the White House to tell Nixon that if he didn't resign that he would be impeached!

Obama actually got his minions in the IRS to use the IRS against conservative groups and didn't even get a slap on the wrist for it! Neither did the people like Lerner that were involved in it.
The Dems here are REALLY out of touch with their own party! Impeachment wasn't even mentioned for an hour and 20 minutes! And these are DEMOCRATS!

CNN's Axelrod says impeachment didn't come up until 80 minutes into focus group

The article doesn't specify what was discussed at the focus group and I didn't see his interview so I'll have to take a stab and guess healthcare, the environment, wages, and taxes...subjects that Republicans have no interest in discussing or doing anything about...unless it's cutting taxes again for their wealthy donors. Hence the large number of House passed bills sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk. Democrats on the other hand will engage in more of these kitchen table discussion issues right up until November. That's pretty in-touch. :)

Fear not, Trump won't be removed from office...but it's not as cut and dry as it was 24 hours ago
"Moscow Mitch" :21:

I'm old enough to remember Ted Kennedy's trip to RUSSIA to undermine Reagan and the country.

We are witnessing the same old scam Dems always use. They try to rewrite the history of slavery and wipe away their own shameful past. Now they want to paint Republicans as the party working with communist governments. They somehow ignore Hillary and the Democrats collusion with RUSSIA

And we are witnessing Trump supporters and now Republicans actually creating their own history (fake news, conspiracy theories, distractions). The only colluding was done by members of the Trump campaign. But you just keep pushing those fake distractions...maybe something will stick...then Barr and Durham can have at it...but don't hold your breath.

The only colluding was done by members of the Trump campaign.

$35 MILLION and 2 years of investigating by Mueller and his dozens of henchmen says you are a lying sack.
Another stupid fuck who thinks it was the Democrats that assigned Mueller to investigate Trump & the Russians,

You God damn stupid fucks don't know it was a man the Trump appointed that hired Mueller. His was Trump's DoJ that started the investigation.

You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.
The Dems here are REALLY out of touch with their own party! Impeachment wasn't even mentioned for an hour and 20 minutes! And these are DEMOCRATS!

CNN's Axelrod says impeachment didn't come up until 80 minutes into focus group

The article doesn't specify what was discussed at the focus group and I didn't see his interview so I'll have to take a stab and guess healthcare, the environment, wages, and taxes...subjects that Republicans have no interest in discussing or doing anything about...unless it's cutting taxes again for their wealthy donors. Hence the large number of House passed bills sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk. Democrats on the other hand will engage in more of these kitchen table discussion issues right up until November. That's pretty in-touch. :)

Fear not, Trump won't be removed from office...but it's not as cut and dry as it was 24 hours ago

With all due respect, Jack...who on the Democratic side has been talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Democratic leadership is focused on impeachment and have been for quite some time even though it's a loser and always has been. The voters are smart enough to grasp that fact...Democratic leaders don't seem to be!

Then you might not have been paying attention to the fact that the Democrat House members could walk and chew gum at the same time...however, in true obstructionist form, those bills are sitting on Mitch's desk. Link included just for information. I don't give a rat's patootie if people don't like the source.
House Democrats have passed nearly 400 bills. Trump and Republicans are ignoring them.

You can cross reference those on the above link list with what has actually been brought to the Senate and then sent on to be signed by You-Know-who.
Bills and Resolutions --

With all due respect AGAIN, Jack...I didn't ask who on the Democratic side has been passing bills...the House has been pumping out pipe dream legislation for the past three years...what I asked was who on that side of the aisle is talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff aren't! They're so all in on trying to impeach Trump that they spend most of their time trying to figure out some way to make that happen...which is itself a pipe dream because the GOP controlled Senate isn't going to impeach a Republican President on the nonsense that they'd TRIED to impeach him on! This "diversion" is self inflicted. It isn't the GOP that's got your leaders running in circles chasing their tails...that's the far left wing of the Democratic Party which has become the proverbial "tail wagging the dog"!
300 bills have passed darlin.
Look them up please
The Dems here are REALLY out of touch with their own party! Impeachment wasn't even mentioned for an hour and 20 minutes! And these are DEMOCRATS!

CNN's Axelrod says impeachment didn't come up until 80 minutes into focus group

The article doesn't specify what was discussed at the focus group and I didn't see his interview so I'll have to take a stab and guess healthcare, the environment, wages, and taxes...subjects that Republicans have no interest in discussing or doing anything about...unless it's cutting taxes again for their wealthy donors. Hence the large number of House passed bills sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk. Democrats on the other hand will engage in more of these kitchen table discussion issues right up until November. That's pretty in-touch. :)

Fear not, Trump won't be removed from office...but it's not as cut and dry as it was 24 hours ago
"Moscow Mitch" :21:

I'm old enough to remember Ted Kennedy's trip to RUSSIA to undermine Reagan and the country.

We are witnessing the same old scam Dems always use. They try to rewrite the history of slavery and wipe away their own shameful past. Now they want to paint Republicans as the party working with communist governments. They somehow ignore Hillary and the Democrats collusion with RUSSIA

And we are witnessing Trump supporters and now Republicans actually creating their own history (fake news, conspiracy theories, distractions). The only colluding was done by members of the Trump campaign. But you just keep pushing those fake distractions...maybe something will stick...then Barr and Durham can have at it...but don't hold your breath.

The only colluding was done by members of the Trump campaign.

$35 MILLION and 2 years of investigating by Mueller and his dozens of henchmen says you are a lying sack.
Another stupid fuck who thinks it was the Democrats that assigned Mueller to investigate Trump & the Russians,

You God damn stupid fucks don't know it was a man the Trump appointed that hired Mueller. His was Trump's DoJ that started the investigation.

You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.
Old white fart knees news watchers.
Then you might not have been paying attention to the fact that the Democrat House members could walk and chew gum at the same time...however, in true obstructionist form, those bills are sitting on Mitch's desk. Link included just for information. I don't give a rat's patootie if people don't like the source.
House Democrats have passed nearly 400 bills. Trump and Republicans are ignoring them.

You can cross reference those on the above link list with what has actually been brought to the Senate and then sent on to be signed by You-Know-who.
Bills and Resolutions --

With all due respect AGAIN, Jack...I didn't ask who on the Democratic side has been passing bills...the House has been pumping out pipe dream legislation for the past three years...what I asked was who on that side of the aisle is talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff aren't! They're so all in on trying to impeach Trump that they spend most of their time trying to figure out some way to make that happen...which is itself a pipe dream because the GOP controlled Senate isn't going to impeach a Republican President on the nonsense that they'd TRIED to impeach him on! This "diversion" is self inflicted. It isn't the GOP that's got your leaders running in circles chasing their tails...that's the far left wing of the Democratic Party which has become the proverbial "tail wagging the dog"!

You're too focused on impeachment. It's got the bullhorn right now. Look at any of the Democratic candidates for President and you'll have your answer about who's talking about issues. And I'm sorry, the legislation put forth by House Democrats DOES speak to them addressing issues. The Republican controlled Senate's inaction on these bills speaks even louder.

Impeachment is about holding the President accountable for his abuse of power. I can guarantee you if this were a Democrat as President, we'd be in exactly the same situation...and you'd even have my support for removal if this was the level of evidence provided. No one is under any illusion that the Senate will vote to remove Trump. But if this kind of behavior is allowed to stand, you may as well tear up the rule book..because there won't be any rules.

You mean if Barack Obama abused his power you'd call for his impeachment? Like if he used the IRS against his political opposition? Or if he used the FBI to spy on his political opposition? Those kinds of abuse of power? The kind that Richard Nixon could have only DREAMED of but never came close to achieving?

To be quite blunt, Jack...I think you're full of shit! You looked the other way when Barack Obama was abusing his power but now it's suddenly become a matter of "national crisis" because Donald Trump asked someone to look into the Biden family's sleazy dealings?

Spare me your breathless hysteria about someone tearing up the rules! You don't even seem to understand what it is that Barack Obama DID when he was in power. It was a hell of a lot more insidious than anything Trump has done and you were perfectly OK with it!
Nixon only THOUGHT of doing what Obama actually did, and they pretend his administration was scandal free
Nixon actually approached the Commissioner of the IRS and tried to get him to use the IRS against people on his enemies list and the Commissioner refused. THAT was the final straw and what sent GOP leaders to the White House to tell Nixon that if he didn't resign that he would be impeached!

Obama actually got his minions in the IRS to use the IRS against conservative groups and didn't even get a slap on the wrist for it! Neither did the people like Lerner that were involved in it.
More lies. just because your orange hero lies every day does not mean you can get away with your lying.

It was one regional office & they targeted both sides.

You stupid fucks applied for a non profit status for groups whose main purpose could not be political & included "tea Party" in their names. They got set aside for further scrutiny.
Then you might not have been paying attention to the fact that the Democrat House members could walk and chew gum at the same time...however, in true obstructionist form, those bills are sitting on Mitch's desk. Link included just for information. I don't give a rat's patootie if people don't like the source.
House Democrats have passed nearly 400 bills. Trump and Republicans are ignoring them.

You can cross reference those on the above link list with what has actually been brought to the Senate and then sent on to be signed by You-Know-who.
Bills and Resolutions --

With all due respect AGAIN, Jack...I didn't ask who on the Democratic side has been passing bills...the House has been pumping out pipe dream legislation for the past three years...what I asked was who on that side of the aisle is talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff aren't! They're so all in on trying to impeach Trump that they spend most of their time trying to figure out some way to make that happen...which is itself a pipe dream because the GOP controlled Senate isn't going to impeach a Republican President on the nonsense that they'd TRIED to impeach him on! This "diversion" is self inflicted. It isn't the GOP that's got your leaders running in circles chasing their tails...that's the far left wing of the Democratic Party which has become the proverbial "tail wagging the dog"!

You're too focused on impeachment. It's got the bullhorn right now. Look at any of the Democratic candidates for President and you'll have your answer about who's talking about issues. And I'm sorry, the legislation put forth by House Democrats DOES speak to them addressing issues. The Republican controlled Senate's inaction on these bills speaks even louder.

Impeachment is about holding the President accountable for his abuse of power. I can guarantee you if this were a Democrat as President, we'd be in exactly the same situation...and you'd even have my support for removal if this was the level of evidence provided. No one is under any illusion that the Senate will vote to remove Trump. But if this kind of behavior is allowed to stand, you may as well tear up the rule book..because there won't be any rules.

You mean if Barack Obama abused his power you'd call for his impeachment? Like if he used the IRS against his political opposition? Or if he used the FBI to spy on his political opposition? Those kinds of abuse of power? The kind that Richard Nixon could have only DREAMED of but never came close to achieving?

To be quite blunt, Jack...I think you're full of shit! You looked the other way when Barack Obama was abusing his power but now it's suddenly become a matter of "national crisis" because Donald Trump asked someone to look into the Biden family's sleazy dealings?

Spare me your breathless hysteria about someone tearing up the rules! You don't even seem to understand what it is that Barack Obama DID when he was in power. It was a hell of a lot more insidious than anything Trump has done and you were perfectly OK with it!
Nixon only THOUGHT of doing what Obama actually did, and they pretend his administration was scandal free
Nixon actually approached the Commissioner of the IRS and tried to get him to use the IRS against people on his enemies list and the Commissioner refused. THAT was the final straw and what sent GOP leaders to the White House to tell Nixon that if he didn't resign that he would be impeached!

Obama actually got his minions in the IRS to use the IRS against conservative groups and didn't even get a slap on the wrist for it! Neither did the people like Lerner that were involved in it.

More left wing groups were banned than right wing
Unbelievable ignorance.
With all due respect, Jack...who on the Democratic side has been talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Democratic leadership is focused on impeachment and have been for quite some time even though it's a loser and always has been. The voters are smart enough to grasp that fact...Democratic leaders don't seem to be!

Then you might not have been paying attention to the fact that the Democrat House members could walk and chew gum at the same time...however, in true obstructionist form, those bills are sitting on Mitch's desk. Link included just for information. I don't give a rat's patootie if people don't like the source.
House Democrats have passed nearly 400 bills. Trump and Republicans are ignoring them.

You can cross reference those on the above link list with what has actually been brought to the Senate and then sent on to be signed by You-Know-who.
Bills and Resolutions --

With all due respect AGAIN, Jack...I didn't ask who on the Democratic side has been passing bills...the House has been pumping out pipe dream legislation for the past three years...what I asked was who on that side of the aisle is talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff aren't! They're so all in on trying to impeach Trump that they spend most of their time trying to figure out some way to make that happen...which is itself a pipe dream because the GOP controlled Senate isn't going to impeach a Republican President on the nonsense that they'd TRIED to impeach him on! This "diversion" is self inflicted. It isn't the GOP that's got your leaders running in circles chasing their tails...that's the far left wing of the Democratic Party which has become the proverbial "tail wagging the dog"!

You're too focused on impeachment. It's got the bullhorn right now. Look at any of the Democratic candidates for President and you'll have your answer about who's talking about issues. And I'm sorry, the legislation put forth by House Democrats DOES speak to them addressing issues. The Republican controlled Senate's inaction on these bills speaks even louder.

Impeachment is about holding the President accountable for his abuse of power. I can guarantee you if this were a Democrat as President, we'd be in exactly the same situation...and you'd even have my support for removal if this was the level of evidence provided. No one is under any illusion that the Senate will vote to remove Trump. But if this kind of behavior is allowed to stand, you may as well tear up the rule book..because there won't be any rules.

You mean if Barack Obama abused his power you'd call for his impeachment? Like if he used the IRS against his political opposition? Or if he used the FBI to spy on his political opposition? Those kinds of abuse of power? The kind that Richard Nixon could have only DREAMED of but never came close to achieving?

To be quite blunt, Jack...I think you're full of shit! You looked the other way when Barack Obama was abusing his power but now it's suddenly become a matter of "national crisis" because Donald Trump asked someone to look into the Biden family's sleazy dealings?

Spare me your breathless hysteria about someone tearing up the rules! You don't even seem to understand what it is that Barack Obama DID when he was in power. It was a hell of a lot more insidious than anything Trump has done and you were perfectly OK with it!
Nixon only THOUGHT of doing what Obama actually did, and they pretend his administration was scandal free

Republicans had 6 years in Congress to investigate Obama. Are you saying they were too inept?
Why are Trumpettes this fucking stupid?

Well, if they weren't that fucking stupid, they would not be Trumpettes?
The Dems here are REALLY out of touch with their own party! Impeachment wasn't even mentioned for an hour and 20 minutes! And these are DEMOCRATS!

CNN's Axelrod says impeachment didn't come up until 80 minutes into focus group

The article doesn't specify what was discussed at the focus group and I didn't see his interview so I'll have to take a stab and guess healthcare, the environment, wages, and taxes...subjects that Republicans have no interest in discussing or doing anything about...unless it's cutting taxes again for their wealthy donors. Hence the large number of House passed bills sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk. Democrats on the other hand will engage in more of these kitchen table discussion issues right up until November. That's pretty in-touch. :)

Fear not, Trump won't be removed from office...but it's not as cut and dry as it was 24 hours ago
"Moscow Mitch" :21:

I'm old enough to remember Ted Kennedy's trip to RUSSIA to undermine Reagan and the country.

We are witnessing the same old scam Dems always use. They try to rewrite the history of slavery and wipe away their own shameful past. Now they want to paint Republicans as the party working with communist governments. They somehow ignore Hillary and the Democrats collusion with RUSSIA

And we are witnessing Trump supporters and now Republicans actually creating their own history (fake news, conspiracy theories, distractions). The only colluding was done by members of the Trump campaign. But you just keep pushing those fake distractions...maybe something will stick...then Barr and Durham can have at it...but don't hold your breath.

The only colluding was done by members of the Trump campaign.

$35 MILLION and 2 years of investigating by Mueller and his dozens of henchmen says you are a lying sack.
Another stupid fuck who thinks it was the Democrats that assigned Mueller to investigate Trump & the Russians,

You God damn stupid fucks don't know it was a man the Trump appointed that hired Mueller. His was Trump's DoJ that started the investigation.

You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.
Hope you feel better after November.
The article doesn't specify what was discussed at the focus group and I didn't see his interview so I'll have to take a stab and guess healthcare, the environment, wages, and taxes...subjects that Republicans have no interest in discussing or doing anything about...unless it's cutting taxes again for their wealthy donors. Hence the large number of House passed bills sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk. Democrats on the other hand will engage in more of these kitchen table discussion issues right up until November. That's pretty in-touch. :)

Fear not, Trump won't be removed from office...but it's not as cut and dry as it was 24 hours ago
"Moscow Mitch" :21:

I'm old enough to remember Ted Kennedy's trip to RUSSIA to undermine Reagan and the country.

We are witnessing the same old scam Dems always use. They try to rewrite the history of slavery and wipe away their own shameful past. Now they want to paint Republicans as the party working with communist governments. They somehow ignore Hillary and the Democrats collusion with RUSSIA

And we are witnessing Trump supporters and now Republicans actually creating their own history (fake news, conspiracy theories, distractions). The only colluding was done by members of the Trump campaign. But you just keep pushing those fake distractions...maybe something will stick...then Barr and Durham can have at it...but don't hold your breath.

The only colluding was done by members of the Trump campaign.

$35 MILLION and 2 years of investigating by Mueller and his dozens of henchmen says you are a lying sack.
Another stupid fuck who thinks it was the Democrats that assigned Mueller to investigate Trump & the Russians,

You God damn stupid fucks don't know it was a man the Trump appointed that hired Mueller. His was Trump's DoJ that started the investigation.

You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.
Hope you feel better after November.

Like 2016?
Archie bunkers are dying out.
Love the Fox News claims, 3/4 of their viewers are over 66 and white as the driven snow
The Dems here are REALLY out of touch with their own party! Impeachment wasn't even mentioned for an hour and 20 minutes! And these are DEMOCRATS!

CNN's Axelrod says impeachment didn't come up until 80 minutes into focus group

The article doesn't specify what was discussed at the focus group and I didn't see his interview so I'll have to take a stab and guess healthcare, the environment, wages, and taxes...subjects that Republicans have no interest in discussing or doing anything about...unless it's cutting taxes again for their wealthy donors. Hence the large number of House passed bills sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk. Democrats on the other hand will engage in more of these kitchen table discussion issues right up until November. That's pretty in-touch. :)

Fear not, Trump won't be removed from office...but it's not as cut and dry as it was 24 hours ago

With all due respect, Jack...who on the Democratic side has been talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Democratic leadership is focused on impeachment and have been for quite some time even though it's a loser and always has been. The voters are smart enough to grasp that fact...Democratic leaders don't seem to be!

Then you might not have been paying attention to the fact that the Democrat House members could walk and chew gum at the same time...however, in true obstructionist form, those bills are sitting on Mitch's desk. Link included just for information. I don't give a rat's patootie if people don't like the source.
House Democrats have passed nearly 400 bills. Trump and Republicans are ignoring them.

You can cross reference those on the above link list with what has actually been brought to the Senate and then sent on to be signed by You-Know-who.
Bills and Resolutions --

With all due respect AGAIN, Jack...I didn't ask who on the Democratic side has been passing bills...the House has been pumping out pipe dream legislation for the past three years...what I asked was who on that side of the aisle is talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff aren't! They're so all in on trying to impeach Trump that they spend most of their time trying to figure out some way to make that happen...which is itself a pipe dream because the GOP controlled Senate isn't going to impeach a Republican President on the nonsense that they'd TRIED to impeach him on! This "diversion" is self inflicted. It isn't the GOP that's got your leaders running in circles chasing their tails...that's the far left wing of the Democratic Party which has become the proverbial "tail wagging the dog"!
300 bills have passed darlin.
Look them up please

300 have passed and the majority of them had ZERO chance of being passed in the Senate! It's what happens when your political agenda is driven by the extreme! The House passes a bill calling for the resumption of the Paris Accords and they really thought the Senate was going to go "Heck yes...let's pass THAT!" When you don't control the Senate you need to have leadership that grasps what CAN be passed. In the House you have Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler. They were trying to appease the far left and so you end up with 300 bills being passed that never SHOULD have been passed because there is zero chance of the GOP led Senate giving in to their liberal agenda!
"Moscow Mitch" :21:

I'm old enough to remember Ted Kennedy's trip to RUSSIA to undermine Reagan and the country.

We are witnessing the same old scam Dems always use. They try to rewrite the history of slavery and wipe away their own shameful past. Now they want to paint Republicans as the party working with communist governments. They somehow ignore Hillary and the Democrats collusion with RUSSIA

And we are witnessing Trump supporters and now Republicans actually creating their own history (fake news, conspiracy theories, distractions). The only colluding was done by members of the Trump campaign. But you just keep pushing those fake distractions...maybe something will stick...then Barr and Durham can have at it...but don't hold your breath.

The only colluding was done by members of the Trump campaign.

$35 MILLION and 2 years of investigating by Mueller and his dozens of henchmen says you are a lying sack.
Another stupid fuck who thinks it was the Democrats that assigned Mueller to investigate Trump & the Russians,

You God damn stupid fucks don't know it was a man the Trump appointed that hired Mueller. His was Trump's DoJ that started the investigation.

You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.
Hope you feel better after November.

Like 2016?
Archie bunkers are dying out.
Love the Fox News claims, 3/4 of their viewers are over 66 and white as the driven snow
Hope you live to see the America you and Obama tried to transform. Your children will curse you.

And explain the white racism comment
The article doesn't specify what was discussed at the focus group and I didn't see his interview so I'll have to take a stab and guess healthcare, the environment, wages, and taxes...subjects that Republicans have no interest in discussing or doing anything about...unless it's cutting taxes again for their wealthy donors. Hence the large number of House passed bills sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk. Democrats on the other hand will engage in more of these kitchen table discussion issues right up until November. That's pretty in-touch. :)

Fear not, Trump won't be removed from office...but it's not as cut and dry as it was 24 hours ago

With all due respect, Jack...who on the Democratic side has been talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Democratic leadership is focused on impeachment and have been for quite some time even though it's a loser and always has been. The voters are smart enough to grasp that fact...Democratic leaders don't seem to be!

Then you might not have been paying attention to the fact that the Democrat House members could walk and chew gum at the same time...however, in true obstructionist form, those bills are sitting on Mitch's desk. Link included just for information. I don't give a rat's patootie if people don't like the source.
House Democrats have passed nearly 400 bills. Trump and Republicans are ignoring them.

You can cross reference those on the above link list with what has actually been brought to the Senate and then sent on to be signed by You-Know-who.
Bills and Resolutions --

With all due respect AGAIN, Jack...I didn't ask who on the Democratic side has been passing bills...the House has been pumping out pipe dream legislation for the past three years...what I asked was who on that side of the aisle is talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff aren't! They're so all in on trying to impeach Trump that they spend most of their time trying to figure out some way to make that happen...which is itself a pipe dream because the GOP controlled Senate isn't going to impeach a Republican President on the nonsense that they'd TRIED to impeach him on! This "diversion" is self inflicted. It isn't the GOP that's got your leaders running in circles chasing their tails...that's the far left wing of the Democratic Party which has become the proverbial "tail wagging the dog"!

You're too focused on impeachment. It's got the bullhorn right now. Look at any of the Democratic candidates for President and you'll have your answer about who's talking about issues. And I'm sorry, the legislation put forth by House Democrats DOES speak to them addressing issues. The Republican controlled Senate's inaction on these bills speaks even louder.

Impeachment is about holding the President accountable for his abuse of power. I can guarantee you if this were a Democrat as President, we'd be in exactly the same situation...and you'd even have my support for removal if this was the level of evidence provided. No one is under any illusion that the Senate will vote to remove Trump. But if this kind of behavior is allowed to stand, you may as well tear up the rule book..because there won't be any rules.

You mean if Barack Obama abused his power you'd call for his impeachment? Like if he used the IRS against his political opposition? Or if he used the FBI to spy on his political opposition? Those kinds of abuse of power? The kind that Richard Nixon could have only DREAMED of but never came close to achieving?

To be quite blunt, Jack...I think you're full of shit! You looked the other way when Barack Obama was abusing his power but now it's suddenly become a matter of "national crisis" because Donald Trump asked someone to look into the Biden family's sleazy dealings?

Spare me your breathless hysteria about someone tearing up the rules! You don't even seem to understand what it is that Barack Obama DID when he was in power. It was a hell of a lot more insidious than anything Trump has done and you were perfectly OK with it!

Well, that's because there's no evidence that President Obama abused his power during his 8 years in office. The IRS investigated both conservative and progressive groups that were applying for non-prof status. Just another right-wing conspiracy theory that alt-right nuts tried to staple to Obama. And yes, it is an issue when the President of the United States asks a foreign leader/power to investigate or even announce an investigation into his chief political rival. Now that's abuse of power. All you have are a bunch of alt-right conspiracy theories regarding Obama/Hillary that keep surfacing when you want to make false equivalencies.
With all due respect AGAIN, Jack...I didn't ask who on the Democratic side has been passing bills...the House has been pumping out pipe dream legislation for the past three years...what I asked was who on that side of the aisle is talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff aren't! They're so all in on trying to impeach Trump that they spend most of their time trying to figure out some way to make that happen...which is itself a pipe dream because the GOP controlled Senate isn't going to impeach a Republican President on the nonsense that they'd TRIED to impeach him on! This "diversion" is self inflicted. It isn't the GOP that's got your leaders running in circles chasing their tails...that's the far left wing of the Democratic Party which has become the proverbial "tail wagging the dog"!

You're too focused on impeachment. It's got the bullhorn right now. Look at any of the Democratic candidates for President and you'll have your answer about who's talking about issues. And I'm sorry, the legislation put forth by House Democrats DOES speak to them addressing issues. The Republican controlled Senate's inaction on these bills speaks even louder.

Impeachment is about holding the President accountable for his abuse of power. I can guarantee you if this were a Democrat as President, we'd be in exactly the same situation...and you'd even have my support for removal if this was the level of evidence provided. No one is under any illusion that the Senate will vote to remove Trump. But if this kind of behavior is allowed to stand, you may as well tear up the rule book..because there won't be any rules.

You mean if Barack Obama abused his power you'd call for his impeachment? Like if he used the IRS against his political opposition? Or if he used the FBI to spy on his political opposition? Those kinds of abuse of power? The kind that Richard Nixon could have only DREAMED of but never came close to achieving?

To be quite blunt, Jack...I think you're full of shit! You looked the other way when Barack Obama was abusing his power but now it's suddenly become a matter of "national crisis" because Donald Trump asked someone to look into the Biden family's sleazy dealings?

Spare me your breathless hysteria about someone tearing up the rules! You don't even seem to understand what it is that Barack Obama DID when he was in power. It was a hell of a lot more insidious than anything Trump has done and you were perfectly OK with it!
Nixon only THOUGHT of doing what Obama actually did, and they pretend his administration was scandal free
Nixon actually approached the Commissioner of the IRS and tried to get him to use the IRS against people on his enemies list and the Commissioner refused. THAT was the final straw and what sent GOP leaders to the White House to tell Nixon that if he didn't resign that he would be impeached!

Obama actually got his minions in the IRS to use the IRS against conservative groups and didn't even get a slap on the wrist for it! Neither did the people like Lerner that were involved in it.

More left wing groups were banned than right wing
Unbelievable ignorance.

Wow...what's unbelievable is that anyone believes THAT crap! You think Lerner took the 5th because things were on the up and up at her department? They targeted conservative groups far more than liberal groups and denied them tax free status for far longer than liberal groups! I'm amazed that anyone is even attempting to claim more left wing groups were denied tax free status than conservative ones were.
With all due respect, Jack...who on the Democratic side has been talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Democratic leadership is focused on impeachment and have been for quite some time even though it's a loser and always has been. The voters are smart enough to grasp that fact...Democratic leaders don't seem to be!

Then you might not have been paying attention to the fact that the Democrat House members could walk and chew gum at the same time...however, in true obstructionist form, those bills are sitting on Mitch's desk. Link included just for information. I don't give a rat's patootie if people don't like the source.
House Democrats have passed nearly 400 bills. Trump and Republicans are ignoring them.

You can cross reference those on the above link list with what has actually been brought to the Senate and then sent on to be signed by You-Know-who.
Bills and Resolutions --

With all due respect AGAIN, Jack...I didn't ask who on the Democratic side has been passing bills...the House has been pumping out pipe dream legislation for the past three years...what I asked was who on that side of the aisle is talking about healthcare, the environment, wages and taxes? Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff aren't! They're so all in on trying to impeach Trump that they spend most of their time trying to figure out some way to make that happen...which is itself a pipe dream because the GOP controlled Senate isn't going to impeach a Republican President on the nonsense that they'd TRIED to impeach him on! This "diversion" is self inflicted. It isn't the GOP that's got your leaders running in circles chasing their tails...that's the far left wing of the Democratic Party which has become the proverbial "tail wagging the dog"!

You're too focused on impeachment. It's got the bullhorn right now. Look at any of the Democratic candidates for President and you'll have your answer about who's talking about issues. And I'm sorry, the legislation put forth by House Democrats DOES speak to them addressing issues. The Republican controlled Senate's inaction on these bills speaks even louder.

Impeachment is about holding the President accountable for his abuse of power. I can guarantee you if this were a Democrat as President, we'd be in exactly the same situation...and you'd even have my support for removal if this was the level of evidence provided. No one is under any illusion that the Senate will vote to remove Trump. But if this kind of behavior is allowed to stand, you may as well tear up the rule book..because there won't be any rules.

You mean if Barack Obama abused his power you'd call for his impeachment? Like if he used the IRS against his political opposition? Or if he used the FBI to spy on his political opposition? Those kinds of abuse of power? The kind that Richard Nixon could have only DREAMED of but never came close to achieving?

To be quite blunt, Jack...I think you're full of shit! You looked the other way when Barack Obama was abusing his power but now it's suddenly become a matter of "national crisis" because Donald Trump asked someone to look into the Biden family's sleazy dealings?

Spare me your breathless hysteria about someone tearing up the rules! You don't even seem to understand what it is that Barack Obama DID when he was in power. It was a hell of a lot more insidious than anything Trump has done and you were perfectly OK with it!

Well, that's because there's no evidence that President Obama abused his power during his 8 years in office. The IRS investigated both conservative and progressive groups that were applying for non-prof status. Just another right-wing conspiracy theory that alt-right nuts tried to staple to Obama. And yes, it is an issue when the President of the United States asks a foreign leader/power to investigate or even announce an investigation into his chief political rival. Now that's abuse of power. All you have are a bunch of alt-right conspiracy theories regarding Obama/Hillary that keep surfacing when you want to make false equivalencies.

Kindly explain why the IRS paid damages to conservative groups in the lawsuit that was brought against them for the conduct of Lerner's office? Kindly explain why Lerner took the 5th! Kindly explain why Lerner is still fighting to keep her deposition in that lawsuit sealed! Conspiracy theory? That's a crock! Liberals in the IRS worked with the Obama White House to hamstring the political opposition. That was what the Inspector General's report made quite clear.
What's even MORE disgusting is when those liberals in the IRS were exposed...they responded by destroying subpoenaed materials. The IRS Commissioner appointed by Barack Obama led a cover up. Koskinen is one of the biggest liars ever to head that organization!
The first whispers of Trump "colluding" with Russia originated in...Russia

no surprise there, my friends

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