Democrat Governor to Pardon 45000 Criminals

Nope. He was my client. I knew him quite well, through both the Los Angeles and Orange County trials. He didn't drink. He really didn't use pot. It was just good for luring boys. And he was very very VERY gay. I saw him executed.

Cool story.
In the blink of an eye the liberal governor of Oregon pardons 45000 criminals.

---Outgoing Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) announced Monday thats she’s issuing tens of thousands of pardons for marijuana convictions in the state. The pardons will affect about 45,000 people,---

What an idiot. They think they are doing good but watch the crime rate soar and then they will wonder why.
That's what you are going to get. I doubt you will like it, but, there you go.

Actually I do like it. I think it is wrong to put people in jail for crimes they were not convicted of. I am just silly that way.

Oh no. And I don't hate everyone. Just democrats.

As I said, anyone not like you. How dare someone have views different than yours, they must be hated at all cost for daring such a thing
Actually I do like it. I think it is wrong to put people in jail for crimes they were not convicted of. I am just silly that way.

As I said, anyone not like you. How dare someone have views different than yours, they must be hated at all cost for daring such a thing
Democrats deserve it.
Nope. He was my client. I knew him quite well, through both the Los Angeles and Orange County trials. He didn't drink. He really didn't use pot. It was just good for luring boys. And he was very very VERY gay. I saw him executed.
Please tell me you aren’t a lawyer
What an idiot. They think they are doing good but watch the crime rate soar and then they will wonder why.
California periodically has criminal dumps with a mass release. All it means is the police had to rearrest. In Oregon, the police have been whittled down. The criminals won't be rearrested.

I hope the people are up to what will be required of them.
Very sad, attempting to state that the only crime they committed was having a joint.

These people broke probation or payroll. Call it a petty crime no longer on the books but when a criminal is given a second chance with parole, it is a serious offence, breaking parole regardless of the new crime committed
This applies to people 21 or older in the slam or out with a record for being in possession of 1 oz. or less of marijuana, something that is now legal in Oregon. While it is not lost on me, that she waited until after the election to announce, it is a good thing. If it is not against the law, you should not longer have it on your record as a criminal offense. End of story.
As an adjunct to my post # 2, I would add, that the vast number of these are people not presently locked up, but people that have long since been out, so fears of some crime wave in Oregon from this decision is foolish.

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